Mistress of Magic:  Jenna

Physical Appearance:  Beautiful. She's been compared to a marble statue, and her red-gold hair probably helps the look along.  She's eager to emphasize this.

Health:  Good enough to climb the billion or so steps of the Tower of Palanthas on a nightly basis.

Personality:  More mischievous than Crysania, but just as cold.  She will believe that she's your guardian unless you outrank her in some very obvious way.  She'll take great pleasure in mocking you if you have stupid things such as "ideals".

Intelligence:  Probably brilliant due to passing her Test at a young age, and not afraid to rub it in.

Finances:  Uh...independantly wealthy? Well...she's got the nice store in the good part of Palanthas, the inheratance from Daddy, Dalamar if she's really in a pinch, and not to forget the artifacts in the store, the jewelry, the clothing...

Housework:  she keeps her own house neatly enough for elven royalty. However, I doubt that she'd see any reason to keep something clean for you.

Motherhood:  with someone like Caramon (or even palin), tolerable.  However, with the sorts of men she hangs out with, we're really hoping that her birth control is better than Kitara's.

Sex:  She won't admit to anything, but likely very kinky and willing to try anything.

Chances:  She's a little involved with Dalamar at the moment,   so unless you're divine or could help her break through the glass ceiling...

Outcome:  ...and if you really are, couldn't you find someone better than Jenna?

Three Moons (Come on, Jenna Fans)
Ivory Tower (Come on, Mara Fans!!!)
Aren't there any other Jenna fans?