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MX Realm
MX Realm
Welcome to MX Realm
MX Realm
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(Please click above to vote)

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- Motocross Madness 2

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How To Guides
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Updates ?- by Banshee2502 - 7/3/2001 9:46 AM
Well, i think i may get I have been updating, i added the FMX, Games, and Archives sections. We got a new affiliate, MX Elite. I redesigned the forums so check them out.

Need new Host- by Banshee2502 - 6/24/2001 10:00 AM
Ugh.. Angelfire keeps deleting my pages. Im looking for a new server now. I may be getting a domain soon, hopefully. I am almost done, i just gotta do the kawasaki bikes, and suzuki bikes/quads.

Getting there - by Banshee2502 - 6/20/2001 7:25 AM
I added a few more banners to the link to us section. Still no affiliates, email me if ya wanna. I need advertisers. I updated the news ticker, and fishished a few more pages. im about 50% done. I also changed the color scheme of the nav bars.

Keeps going.. - by Banshee2502 - 6/18/2001 7:25 AM
I have the Yamaha stuff done, Honda is about half finished. I hopefully will be done soon, its taking forever. Like i said, if ya know html and wanna help, email me. Ive also chnaged the layout a little bit.

That many? - by Banshee2502 - 6/16/2001 12:38 PM
Hey.. ive got most of the quads section up. I have all the Manufacturer's pages up, but have to get the specs for each bike up. I should be done by July, its about 100 pages i have to do.. While your waiting, sign up on the message boards.

Sorry - by Banshee2502 - 6/13/2001 5:03 PM
Hey. I havent gotten a chance to work on the site really. Ive planned out my tiem and should be done within 2 weeks. Thanks for being patient. While ur waiting, sign up on the message boards, and email me if u have a classified that u want to sell. Thanks.

Working Hard - by Banshee2502 - 6/10/2001 9:03 AM
Hey. I working hard to get all of the links operational. Like i said, give me a week or two, since it is like 30 pages. I will do my best to get them up. In case you havent read the sidebar, the new site is going to include many things, such as stats for all quads and all dirtbikes, as well as messageboards, classifieds, racing tips, and more. ~*~

Starting it - by Banshee2502 - 6/09/2001 3:16 PM
Hey. I started the site today. I will be working hard to get all of the links and pages up. Please be patient. I am in desperate need of help for this site so plz email me if you know html.

© MX Realm and Banshee3502 2001-2002. All rights reserved.
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Please tell your
freinds and other
riders about the
boards. If you
haven't signed up
yet, please do.

Cannondale has
announced the
debut of thier
new quad,"Cannibal"
It is less
expensive than it's
bigger brother
the FX400


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