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Last Update:
7/12/03 (click the date to access our Rapid Index feature.)

Welcome to HGML!


We are a league dedicated to creating and then playing with our own cards on Apprentice and Magic Workstation. If you are interested in joining, please e-mail me at We operate by submitting cards when we need cards for each set.

Once we have a card pool to choose from for each set, we will assign ColorMages to choose cards for each color from the card pool submitted by the other members. The ColorMages will change with each set. Also, each ColorMage will be allowed to include in each set a certain small number of cards of their color to leave their mark. Any tweaking is done by Inner Circle, which includes the members of HGML who hold positions.

Please e-mail me if you have any questions, and inform your friends of HGML if they may be interested!

Draco, HGML Archmage

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This Magic:the Gathering Ring site
is owned by HGML.

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