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Founder - Jazzfan

Archmage - Draco (Retired: Zazdor)

Set Coordinator - Planeswlk

Ministrant/Storyline - Viper2 [Paulwayner] (Retired: Rand, the most Sednezerd)

GameMaster -

Programmer/Webmaster - Planeswlk (Retired: Genespawn)

Inner Circle - Draco, Planeswlk, Viper2, Laopooh, IlGreven, Shadowlord, Angelgorge. Advisors: Zazdor, Rand

Bastion Colormages :

W - KingwoodchuckII

U - IlGreven

B - MrFranswa

R - Draco

G - Rand, the most Sednezer'd

Shadows Colormages :

W/U - IlGreven

B/R - Melknar

G/Art/Land - Draco

Maelstrom Colormages :

W: CrOsiSnUrZa489

U: Draco

B: canadianbacon62186

R: acarg52

G: DMBFan512

Gold: nogadamra

Isolation Colormages :

W: CrOsiSnUrZa489

U: mathemagical_rage

B: Shadowlord

R: Angelgorge

G: iamfreakingout

Downfall Colormages :

White - K-Orc

Blue - Acarg

Black - Draco

Red - Azgartan

Green - Shadowlord

Allied Gold - Arbiter

Opposed Gold - Dementia Warrior

Open positions:



Members :)