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Adopt a Gymnast

This is the gymnast adoption center. Below are the gymnasts that I have that you can put on your website. I've decided that E-mailing me and then taking a gymnast is a pain, so I just decided to put the codes here. No difference, right? Well all I'm telling you to do (or NOT do) is don't change the codes. Also, keep in mind that these are samples of what the gymnasts look like in size. You can change them to be however big you'd like them to be. Because they have a white square around them, they would look best with a white background. Finally, if the gymnasts don't come up right away, you can right click on the picture, and then click "show picture."

1. Adopt Me at Flippin' Fun!

2. Adopt Me at Flippin' Fun!

3. Adopt Me at Flippin' Fun!

4. Adopt Me at Flippin' Fun!

Thank you so much, Frances Meyer, Inc.!

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