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Sweet Angel

The sweetest thing
I ever did meet
Was a Sweet Angel
Who swept me off my feet.

She took me to heaven
Where the sun always shines
I'll always be with her
Until the end of time.

She is like magic
From all the rest
She is my Sweet Angel
The one I love best.

She picked me up
And showed me the way
She said she would never leave me
Not for even a day
I wouldn't have it any other way.

She is my sweet Angel
Who took me from Hell
Brought me to Heaven
Why, I can't tell.

My love for Sweet Angel
Is deeper than the sea
She does have real magic
Only for me.

As we fly in time
I'll have magic with me
Even when I'm away
My Angel's with me.

If it was not for Sweet Angel
I would still be in Hell
There must have been magic
In the wishing well.

Now that I found a Sweet Angel
From Heaven above
I won't have to worry
About Heaven or Hell.


My Sweet Angel


Other pages made with KentKent's writings:

Missing You

My Love For You

So Much Beauty

Still Thinking Of You

Sweet Angel

The Wall of Love

When I Hold You

When I Met You

Please feel free to visit my other sites and those
of some very dear friends.
BestestFriend's Links Page

I would love to hear from you. Email me and let me know what you think of my sites.
(And please let me know which site you are visiting. Thank you.)

To contact KentKent about his writings, you can email him at

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