Terror-Alert.com ***** Victims of Drunk Drivers and Those Who Care
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Victims of Drunk Drivers

My name is Theresa. On Dec.3, 1997 my 39 yr. old husband and I were hit head on by a drunk driver. My husband, Mike, father of our 3 sons & father of another daughter and son was crushed and killed. His dead body trapped inside the car for over 2 hours. I was critically injured and not expected to live. My injuries included severed intestines in four (4) different places, three (3)broken ribs, a laceration of the left arm & elbow down to the bone, permanent damage to the left eye, cuts and bruises throughout my body, a severe concussion, a coma for 2 1/2 days, brain injury, severe depression from grief and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) since all memories of that night flooded back to me. The drunk driver that killed Mike was only sentenced to 6 months in Jail, a $1,000.00 fine, restitution in the amount of Mike's funeral and 5 years Intensive Probation. He is currently out of Jail after serving his 6 months. He walks around basically a free man while my husband lies in his grave forever. The establishment that catered to his drunken binge that night is still doing business as usual. Providing the alcohol then sitting idly by while drunken patrons stumble to their cars and attempt to drive home safely. Perhaps with your help, together, we can put a stop to this insanity sentencing. Please contact you Legislative Representatives and tell them you do not approve of the leniency shown toward drunk driving killers. Tell them the acts they commit are no accident that they conciously decide to go out, get drunk and drive a dangerous weapon (a vehicle). Tell them in making this decision they completely strip you of your right to be safe on the roads. Demand that they enact laws requiring that any drunk driver who kills another person while driving drunk be charged with First or Second Degree Murder and sentenced like any other murderer. Thank you for visiting my web site at Angelfire. Please sign my Guest Book. Please post a message about your thoughts or opinions on the Blog or share your own story there for others to see. Look around and see what you think. Feel free to E-Mail me. Please come back and visit again real soon I'm always enhancing this site with new additions. Thank You Very Much!

You know my husband and I spent alot of time in our lives teaching our children the difference between right and wrong. We taught them that everyone should respect their fellow man. We taught them that every single human life out here was precious and worth everything. Now our children look at the judicial system in this country and wonder how the courts could place so little value on their own father's life. "I do not have one logical reason to give to them".

This site is dedicated to the memory of my hubby

Michael H. Hall

5-21-58 to 12-3-97

This was the last photo ever taken of Mike alive. It was taken by him at Linville Falls, NC on a timer camera a couple months before he was killed. We had hiked (UP) uphill to the top of the trail where you could see the entire view. It was unusually hot that day and we got sunburned. Mike almost had to carry me up the last leg of the trail. I was exhausted, he was raring to go!

There are so many worthwhile causes in this world. Please visit my Causes page to see just a few that I support. You can view these worthwhile causes by either clicking on the link at the bottom of my page or by clicking on the banner above. Don't forget to click on the banners for each cause to show your support for their efforts. Thank You!


The rest of the wonderful awards this site has been honored to receive can be viewed by either clicking on the Awards Link at the bottom of this page or clicking on the beautiful award my son gave me. Please don't forget to click on each award to visit the Site of each person or group that presented these beautiful gifts to this site.

I am so honored and moved by the above "The Heart Award" that was presented by my son Nikolas that I was moved to tears. It is by far the most special to me of all the awards here. He got on my computer and e-mailed this award to me and included a note that said that he wanted to present me with this award for a very touching site with a lot of love. He also said my site is very well built and organized. He told me after I opened it that he feels I'm doing a good job of getting a very important message out. He appreciates what I'm doing in memory of his dad. I am one of the most blessed people on the face of this earth to have children as caring, compassionate and wonderful as mine are.

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    My husband wore the POW/MIA Bracelet of M/Sgt.Edward Dodge until the day he died. He wore this with the trust and belief that one day he would get the opportunity to give this gift to M/Sgt.Dodge upon his safe return home, finally, and thank him for all he gave. He never got the chance to see that day come to pass. Mike's sons Nikolas & Bryan now carry on their daddy's hope and hold dearly the POW/MIA bracelet that bears the name of M/Sgt.Dodge whom they pray that one day they will finally get the opportunity to give this gift to. Please click on the "All gave some. Some gave all." link below to visit the page they've done to honor M/Sgt.Dodge and pray with them for his safe return home. Thank You!

Crash Photo's Why Am I Alive? Aftermath

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