The AftermathThe Grief ContinuesThe following photos were taken more than a year after the fatal crash that took Mike away from us. I hope they will help people to understand that the effects of a tragedy like ours do not simply go away when your loved one is buried. Our pain and grief are still a very prominent part of our everyday lives. Mike's funeral was planned by my children, Mike's parents, his only brother and a close family friend. Due to the severity of my own injuries I was unable to take part in any of the planning for his funeral. I was only able to attend the funeral by ambulance with paramedics present at all times. Unfortunatly, due to the sedation and pain medication most of his funeral was a blur to me. I planned this Memorial Service as my gift to him, as a way of saying goodbye to him and to celebrate the life he had lived. |
"God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept Those Things I Can Not Change. Courage To Change Those Things I Can. And Wisdom To Know The Difference."
Mike's Grave Mike's Grave
Mom & Nikolas Set Up For The Memorial Boy Scouts Nikolas Hall & Daniel Ligon Prepare To Present The Flags
Bryan Hall Presents A Floral Flag Bryan Hall Presents A Floral Flag, Nikolas Hall Presents The American Flag & Daniel Ligon Presents The Troop Flag
Bryan Hall Places A Floral Flag On His Daddy's Grave Nikolas Hall Places The American Flag On His Daddy's Grave While Evan, Theresa, Nathan and Mr. Poe Stand By Watching
Karen Gray Reminesceses About Mike Scouts Daniel Ligon, Evan Lloyd, Mr. Poe, Nathan Payne, Mr. Lloyd & Nikolas Hall Salute The Placement Of The Flags As
Theresa Hall Stands Watching Lorraine Eldred Reminesces About Mike Pop (Alton Wall) Reminesces About Mike Bryan Hall Shares Some Memories Of His Dad Theresa Hall Shares Some Memories of Mike Pop Recites A
Poem He Wrote In Memory
Of Mike Nikolas Hall
Shares His Memories Of His
Dad Evan Lloyd Plays Taps For Mike Lorraine Sings With Deep Emotion Theresa Looks On
While Scout Leaders Mr. Poe & Mr.
Lloyd and Scouts Bryan Nikolas &
Nathan Payne Give A Salute During The Star
Spangled Banner The
Scouts Salute Theresa Is
Comforted By Her Brother Tommy Following The Memorial Service While Michael
Gray Talks To Them
Evan Lloyd Sounds The Call To Flags |
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