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   A Work with Saturn


The Work of Saturn
By Anonymous

(From The Rosi-Crucian Secrets)

Very many have written of Saturn or Lead, but none that I know of have written fully thereof in any particular treatise. Therefore I do not only here set down what I have gathered from them most briefly and truly, but also those things which I have found and proved by my own experience, which I have annexed to them that the work may be absolute and complete.

Of which, as they say, Mary the prophetess, the sister of Moses, in her Books of the Work of Saturn is said to write: Make your water running like the water of the two Zaibeth 265 and fix it upon the Heart of Saturn. And in another place: Marry the Gum with the true Matrimonial Gum and you shall make it like running water; of which process of Mary, George Ripley hath these verses:

Maria mira sonat
Quae nobis talia donat
Gummis cum binis
Fugitivem fugit in imis
Horis in trinis
Tria vinclet fortia finis
Filia plutonis
Confortia jungit Amoris

The Heart of Saturn, you shall find why is his body white and clear; the work is briefly thus described. That a water be made out of the body of Saturn like the water Zaibeth, and that water fixed upon the Heart of Saturn. The direction for drawing out the water of Zaibeth and the way of making the Heart of Saturn is hereafter at large declared, with reduction of the body of Saturn into his Heart or Salt.

Note the power of Saturn and his Angel upon earth, Cambiel, Hanael, Cancer, Tristitia, and Lead thus prepared for Medicines and Telesmas. You see here the wonderful power of God, how he rules heaven and earth by ten names, ten Sephiroth, ten orders of blessed Souls, ten Angels in their ten Spheres, seven Angels that carry their power to seven planets and the earth; and here we teach you knowledge of the seven metals and the miraculous Medicines of the Rosie Crucians.

Having thus described the work, I now come to the explanation and say that the calcination of the body is two-fold, for the calcination thereof in the shorter work for extracting the Heart of Saturn is done on any wise by Aqua Fortis..The Rosi-crucian

Take eight or ten ounces of Lead in filings and dissolve it in Aqua Fortis in double proportion and justified with Salt Armoniack in an earthen vessel with a narrow neck and set in ashes till it be totally dissolved; and there will remain a white matter in the bottom like grains of white Salt, which is a figure of perfect solution.

Then pour your matter that is dissolved in the water into a body and set thereon a limbeck and in Balneo, draw away the corrosive water till there remain a dry substance in the bottom, and so you have the body converted white by calcination with corrosive water out of which the Heart of Saturn is to be drawn.

The way to wash away and purge the corrosive water from the body. Pour warm water upon the substance in the limbeck and pour it often off till it have no sharpness at all upon the tongue and then the body is prepared for drawing out the Salt.

When your matter is well dried, dissolve it again in distilled Vinegar and distil the Vinegar twice or thrice from it and in the bottom you shall have a lucid, clear and white, shining Salt, which is called the Heart of Saturn.

Now I come to the practice of the other greater work, that the verity of the Medicine may be found, of which many have made mention in their books, as Raimundus, who called it the Vegetable, Mineral and Animal Medicine. Geber saith there groweth a Saturnian Herb on the top of a hill or mountain, whose blood, if it be extracted, cureth all infirmities.

Ripley writ a whole book called his Practical Compendium, of the practice of the Vegetable Medicine, teaching the manner and form of operation; but because he neither set down the solution plainly nor perfectly, he hath been the cause of much error and hath not only deceived me, but all those that followed him, until after a long time I found a way to dissolve Saturn, so that it could never after by distillation be turned into Lead again, which is the choicest and greatest secret of the Vegetable Medicine.

But let us hear the words of Mary the prophetess and Ripley taken from her: The Radix of our Matter is a clear and white body, which putrefieth not but congealeth Mercury or Quicksilver with its odour, makes its water like the running water of the two Zabieth (or Zubech) and fix[eth] it upon the fixed Heart of Saturn. Which words do most aptly agree with the properties of Lead, for if anyone be shot or wounded with a bullet and the bullet remain in the body, it will never putrefy.

And also if Quicksilver be hanged in a pot over the fume of molten Lead, so as the fumes of the Lead touch the Quicksilver, it will congeal it.

Thus far of the preparation of Lead. We now come to its denomination. They bid us fix the water [of] Zabieth upon the fixed body of the Heart of Saturn. Now for the exposition of the body for the name of Saturn. Ripley called it Adrop, of which that is made which the Masters call Sericon , the water of Sericon they call their Menstruum. The two Zabrieths joined together in one water are the two Mercuries, that is to say white and red, contained in one Menstruum, that is to say of the water and oil of the fixed body or Heart of Saturn.

Isaacus also writ a treatise of Lead. He worketh chiefly according to the doctrine of Mary the prophetess and laboureth much to fix the earth of Saturn and after to dissolve the body in distilled Vinegar, that by the addition of corroding the sharp things his red oil may be distilled, which he called the Water of Paradise, that he may imbibe his fixed earth therewith: which way is much shorter than Ripley's, but the rubification and fixation of the earth is long and uncertain; wherefore I have both forsaken Isaacus and Ripley in making the earth, instead of which I have given the fixed Heart of Saturn.

But that the body may be prepared according to this Table and after my intention and the desire of Ripley, we both will that the pil or Water of Paradise be drawn out of the Gum of Sericon (whose father is Adrop). Sericon is made of red Lead; therefore it is first necessary to show the way of making Minium of Lead.

Take the description as followeth and therewith the composition of the Gum of Sericon.

Take ten or twelve pounds of Lead and melt it in a great iron vessel as plumbers use to do; and when it is molten, stir it still with an iron spatula till the Lead be turned to powder, which powder will be of a green colour. When you see it thus, take it from the fire and let it get cool and grind that powder upon a marble till it be impalpable, moistening the powder with a little common Vinegar till it be like thick honey, which put into a broad earthen vessel and set it on a trevet over a lent fire to vapour away the Vinegar and dry the powder and it will be of a yellow colour. Grind it again and do as before, till the powder be so red as red Lead, which is called Adrop. And thus is Saturn calcined into red Lead or Minium.

Take a pound of red Lead and dissolve it in a gallon of Vinegar and stir it with a stick three or four times in a day. Then take your earthen vessel and set it in Balneo twenty-four hours then let it cool and filter the liquor three times; and when it is clear put it in a bottom [and distil away the Vinegar when] the Gum of Sericon will remain like thick honey; which set apart and dissolve now more Lead as before for more Gum till you have ten or twelve pound thereof.

Now give careful attention, for we now come to the point and period of Ripley's error; for if you put four pounds of this Sericon to distil in a limbeck, and from thence would draw a Menstruum as Ripley teacheth, perhaps you would have scarce one ounce of this oil, and some part of a black earth will remain in the bottom and most of the Gum melted again into Lead, by which you may know that the Sericon is not well dissolved, nor as yet sufficiently prepared that a Chaos may be made thereof fit for distillation because it is not yet well dissolved.

Therefore in Isaacus there is found a way, resolving this Gum with distilled Vinegar acuated with calcined Tartar and Salt Armoniack; wherefore, saith he, if thou be wise resolve the Gum. But I like not this acuation of the Vinegar as I may call it. I rather choose to resolve the Sericon in Raymund's Calcination Water, which is a compound water of Vegetable Mercury, or fire natural, with the fire against nature, as Ripley testifieth; and it is more verified by Raymund in his books of Mercury, where he teacheth how to dissolve bodies with his Calcinative Water.

I will reveal unto you this water, which is almost unknown. Note, therefore, that the Vegetable Mercury is the Spirit of Wine (instead of which we may sometimes use distilled Vinegar) and that the Fire against Nature is a corrosive water made of Vitriol and Saltpeter.

Therefore take which you will, either Spirit of Wine rectified (or Aqua Vitae) or distilled Vinegar four pounds and two pounds of corrosive water and mix them together.

In this water thus compounded, resolve half a pound of Gum of Sericon in a circulatory and set it in Balneo four or five days, and the Gum will be totally dissolved into the form of water or oil of a duskish red colour.

Then distil away the water in Balneo and there will remain an oil in the bottom which is the Chaos out of which you may draw a Menstruum containing two elements, and this is the true resolution of the Gum of Sericon. In this water you may resolve so much Gum as you please by reiteration.

Take two pound of this Chathodical substance and prepare it for distillation in naked fire or sand, and lift up the clear red oil, wherein both the Spirit and Soul secretly lie hid, which Isaacus calleth the Water of Paradise, which, when you have [it], you may rejoice, for you have gone through all the gross work and come to the philosophic work.

Therefore proceed to conjunction and join the white Heart of Saturn with the red oil as it is found in the Rosary, candida succinto jacet uxor nupta marits, that is to say the red Mercury to the Salt if you proceed to the red work.

Therefore take four ounces of the Salt or Heart of Saturn and as much of the red oil or Water of Paradise, and seal them up in a philosophers' egg; and so soon as they shall feel the heat of the Balneum, the Salt will dissolve and be made one with the oil so as you shall not know which was the Salt nor which was the oil.

Set your glass in Balneo and there let it stand in an equal degree of fire till all your matter be turned white and stick to the sides of the glass and shine like fishes eyes and then it is white Sulphur of Nature. But if you proceed to the red work, then divide your white Sulphur into equal parts, reserving one part for the white work, and go on with the other part, and in a new glass, well sealed up, set it in ashes till it is turned into a red colour.

When your Sulphur is thus converted, imbibe it again with equal weight of its Soul, dissolving and congealing till it remain in an oil and it will congeal no more, but remain fixed and flowing.

This then is to be fermented with the fourth part of the Oil of Gold. We have set down already before of the augmentation in quantity and quality, therefore it is not necessary to repeat it here. We will now return to the white Sulphur before reserved, that we may set down the manner of the white work.

When you have your red oil or Soul, if you desire to make the white Elixir, set part of the said oil in a glass in Balneo to digest. Then take it out and put it into a body and in a lent fire distil away the Spirit or white Mercury, which you must try and know whether it arise pure without water or not, as you do when you try the spirit of wine. For if it burn all up it is well; if it do not, rectify it so often till it be without any waterings at all; then have you rectified your Spirit, wherewith dissolve your white Sulphur till it remain fixed and flowing as you did before in the red work. Then ferment it and augment it with the fourth part of the oil of the white Luminary or Luna, as you did the red, and it will be the white Elixir, converting imperfect bodies into perfect Silver.

Ripley divided the scope of this work into four operations, whereof the first is the dissolution of the body; the second the extraction of the Menstruum and the separation of the elements; the third is not necessary in our work, because we cast away the earth after every distillation, instead of which we use our Salt or Heart of Saturn; the fourth is that there be a conjunction of our Salt as is before described.

Here Followeth The Accurtation Of The Work Of Saturn

The way of extracting Quicksilver out of Saturn found in Isaacus, of which I know how to make a special accurtation with his Water of Paradise, which I gathered partly from the aforesaid writer and others. Ripley made his accurtation with Quicksilver precipitated with Gold and imbibition with corrosive water, which I like not, because the Elixir so made will be the greatest poison, as himself confesseth that it were better for a man to eat the eyes of a Basilisk than taste that Elixir.

But because I desire to set down this accurtation of Lead alone with his elements, that no strange body may be added to our Elixir, and also that it may be made a Medicine for all uses, I have found out the way of making [it] alone with the Mercury of Saturn and his own proper Tincture; for I make a body of one thing, which is a Spirit, and make that Medicine with its own proper Spirit. Read all the philosophers and you shall never find a word of this process, nor none of the ancients will teach how to make the Mercury of Saturn.

Of the Medicine, Elixir, Fermentation, Imbibition, Precipitation,

Quicksilver, Saturn, Lead, The Toad

Sir Christopher Heydon saith in a manuscript of his; Levi enim arte norunt Alchemistae Mercurium currentem conficere ex plumbo. The Alchemists know how by an easy art to make current Mercury out of Lead. But what art that was no author of the ancients hath showed unto us. Quaevite, quaevite, saith the first alchemist (so Paracelsus was pleased to say in imitation of him) et invenietis, pulsate et operietur vobis. I tried many experiments, although they were repugnant to doctrine and philosophy; I almost despaired of that art; yet because nothing is difficult to the industrious, by often knocking at last I found it apart, by which means I attained to the art of such a felicity, that is to say of making Quicksilver of Lead. This art revealed is a great secret. The instruments necessary in this work are 274 a furnace, a crucible and a pair of tongs. Let the furnace be filled with coals, whereunto put fire, and when the coals are well burnt, so that they give a clear flame and fire, take your crucible, well annealed so that it break not with the sudden heat, and put therein three ounces of filed Lead, having twelve ounces of Mercury sublimate well ground, and Salt Armoniack six ounces, mixed together, which put upon the filings of Lead in the crucible, and when the fire is strong and glowing hot, take your tongs and presently take up your crucible and put it into the hole in the top of the furnace till you hear a great noise and buzzing; then so soon as you can (lest the Quicksilver fly away with the Spirits) take away the crucible with the matter therein and set it in an earthen dish filled with ashes to cool; and when it is cold, strike the lower part of the crucible so that the matter of the Lead may fall into an earthen dish, and you shall find your Lead converted into Quicksilver. Take of this Quicksilver so much as you please and put it to precipitate in a round glass, well luted; and set it in ashes to the top of the glass. Yet let us stay here a little while [that] the understanding may be more enlightened.

Therefore understand that the intention of this work is to fix the Spirit, which may sooner be done with the Spirit of a fixed body, which before was homogeneal with the body, and which of its own nature desireth to join again with its body. Therefore Nature requireth that she may be helped by art in this work, to which the artist consenting, he administereth thereto the pure and desired metal, which it delighteth to adhere unto, which metal is Gold, which is thus prepared that it be sooner parted by the Quicksilver and stick thereunto.

Take as much pure Gold as you please and dissolve it in Aqua Regis mixed with equal part of Acetum acerrimum or Lac Virginis. Then set it to digest the space of a day; then put your dissolution into an alembick and set it in Balneo. So distil away the water as dry as you can and do thus three times and the third time distil it in ashes that the Salt Armoniack may sublime. Then put distilled Vinegar upon the matter remaining, and after it hath stood three days in Balneo, distil the Vinegar away in ashes that all the substance of the Salt Armoniack may sublime, and do thus three times, always putting in new Vinegar, until the oil of the dissolved Gold remain in the bottom. Then take of your Quicksilver three times so much as your Gold and pour it upon the solution of the Gold that they may mix together and be united. Then put your Quicksilver with the solution in a round glass, stopped only with a piece of cotton, and with a stick put it down every day as it doth ascend; and keep your glass in ashes for a month till your Quicksilver be turned into a red precipitate. Then again dissolve it in new distilled Vinegar till the whole substance of the Quicksilver be dissolved and the Vinegar be coloured into a golden colour; then distil away the Vinegar in ashes and again precipitate the Quicksilver, which is in the bottom of a gold colour, into a red and fixed body, and so have you the Mercury precipitate of Saturn.

It remaineth now that the body be imbibed with its Soul, that thus being from a Spirit reduced into a body [it] may agin imbibe its Soul that it may be dissolved herewith. Therefore put it into a glass and add thereto equal proportion of its Soul or Water of Paradise, and shut your glass well the space of five days till the body be dissolved with the Soul.

Then dry it in ashes till it penetrate and flow; and when it is dried, try it upon a hot iron plate if it be fixed and melt, if not, imbibe it again with half the weight of its water and do so till you make it fusible and piercing by imbibing and drying. And when it will melt in the fire and penetrate, it is then the Medicine and fit for fermentation. And after the fermentation it will be the Elixir.

Then it is to be augmented and projected as is before declared, and thus the work of Saturn is accurtated, of which George Ripley saith: Adrop is the father of the Medicine, Sericon his brother, Lympha his sister, the earth its mother.

But if you desire to know all the secret of Saturn or Lead, I will set you down one process out of Paracelsus: When you have well prepared the Heart of Saturn, saith he, take two or three ounces of that Heart and grind it small with double [the] weight of Saltpeter and put it in a subliming glass with a head well luted to sublime, increasing the fire by little and little as long as anything will ascend or sublime. Thus far Paracelsus. Now if you would find this true, Ripley will tell you what you shall do in these words.

When by the violence of the fire in the distillation of the Gum of the Sericon, a certain white matter shall ascend sticking to the head of the limbeck, like ice, keep the matter, which hath the property of Sulphur, not burning, and is fit matter for receiving form. You shall give it form after this manner by rectifying it in ashes; and when it is red Sulphur, give it of its Soul until it pierce and flow, the ferment it.

Here I have delivered unto you all the ways and manners of Saturn which are found in any of the philosophers' books. To the end, therefore, that the work may be completed with a demonstration of this word Plumbum Philosophorum as appears in the Practical Compendium of Ripley, I say that the philosophers' Lead is not taken for Antimony but for Adrop, being converted into the Gum of Sericon.

The influence of Jupiter and his Angel upon Hismael, Advachiel, Aquisitio, Letitia and Tin, by art and nature fitted for man's use. Jupiter followeth Saturn's steps, for he is the offspring of Saturn and naturally born from him.

presentat Stannum sub quo aliquando Mercurius Sublimatus et Sal Ammoniarum
intelligitur. Cineritius ille probus justus Jupiter influentiam suam habet in
terrestrem Jovem, qui post preparationem suam, se claro serio suavi cum sale
Sulphureque lunari ostentat, et mortalibus virtutes suas presentat. Habet quoque
specialem suam influentiam bonus ille Jupiter in Jecur, sanat propterea illud,
omnesque affectus qui inde oriuntur.


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