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Bjorn's TaleBefore You AdoptCat ChoresPlaytime With Your KittyPuzzles

Bjorn's Tale -- Before You Bring Your New Kitty Home

Are you thinking about adopting a cat? I made up some questions for you:

    (1) Have you cat proofed your house? I just love my best friend's bed. It is soft and cozy. When my best friend's ready to fall asleep, all my fur on her bedspread makes her nose tickle! I also love counters, there are so many delights up there, I especially like when food is left out. My fur makes a welcome addition to any mealtime! Things that go crash in the night are lots of fun. I cannot reach things like that anymore because my best friend put things like that out of my reach. I need lots of room to play, so your kitty should have room to live in as well as you. One day, I want my own room!
   (2) Have you got ID tags made? Mine has my name, my best friend's name and our phone number. Because I am an extra special cat, my second tag says that I am an indoor cat and am therefore not allowed outside.
    (3) Have you purchased a collar? My outdoor friends need break away collars so if their collars get snagged, the collar will break. This way they can get away from things like bushes and trees. This also goes from my friend next door -- she loves to wiggle and sometimes her collar gets snagged under the couch. Now, my house mate is a peculiar fellow, he loses his collar on a monthly basis. A few months ago, our best friend got him a collar that has a clasp that will not open and he has not lost a collar since -- what a good boy! Bells are for kitties that are hunters. Usually birds fly away when they hear a bell, unless your kitty's fur muffles bells. Novelty collars are for best friends that want to pamper their kitty by having the kitty's name on the collar or a specific design around their kitty's neck.
    (4) Where do you think your putting that litter box? Litter box placement is very important. It has to be accessible and your kitty has to be able to escape from it if someone bugs him or her while s/he is reading a magazine. One box per house level is a good idea.
    (5) What is that stuff in the litter box? Litter types vary and you should know that not all litter was created equal. Scented or unscented; clumping sand is for ease (never using clumping with a kitten); sawdust is for cheapskates who have access to woodworking shops; corn cob are for those best friends with allergies to dust; ground clay for weekly overhaul changes (careful: your kitty may not want that, it is better to scoop daily) and sometimes just plain shredded newspaper or newspaper pellets will do the job, so shop around for the right litter for your kitty.
    (6) When your kitty is hungry or thirsty, where is s/he going to find a bowl? Counters are for families that have babies and the floor for is for everyone else. Never put a kitty's bowl near its food, no one likes to eat and poop in the same place.
    (7) When is your kitty's bowl going to be out? Counter placed should not be out all the time because you need room to make supper. Floors are "leave and forget it" places.
    (8) What type of bowl do you want for your kitty? Plastic bowls are for dishwashing ease, but wet food leaves a smell after a while if they aren't properly cleaned. Ceramic for easier cleaning, but kitty could break it accidentally, so get a sturdy one with a good solid base.
    (9) What type of food is your kitty going to eat? It should nutritionally complete with lots of necessary daily vitamins.
    (10) What did your kitty have to eat before you got him or her? Can s/he eat that again? No kitty likes when his or her food is changed fast, always slowly change food over a week or two.
    (11) Does s/he prefer wet or dry food? Dry is more manageable, but wet food makes sure your kitty gets its necessary water.
    (12) How fast can your kitty eat wet food? You should ask yourself this because food does go to waste. If this happens, then this may mean that your kitty should eat dry food.
    (13) Where's your kitty's water bowl? Always make sure your new companion has fresh water to drink at all times.
    (14) Where will your new kitty sleep? I have my own bed, kitty size! It is a box lined with a well loved blanket. I like having my own place, it makes me feel secure. When I was a baby, my best friend put a watch under my bed so I heard a sound like my mother's heartbeat.
    (15) Where is your kitty's scratching post going to go? Even if you kitty is declawed (ouch!), your kitty will still need a place to mark out his or her territory. Scratching posts are made so best friends can deter kitties from using the back of the couch for marking.
    (16) What is your kitty going to play with? Kitties need exercise. Please see "Playtime" for ideas from some of my favourite toys.
    (17) Can you afford a kitty? You need money for startup things like a litter box, bowls and about five toys.  Then think about food, litter and the annual veterinary appointment.
    (18) Have you thought though cat ownership? A good cat owner never lets their cat go outside unless its on a leash or harness and gets their cat spayed or neutered. Please check "Chores" for more information on a daily regime.
    (19) Who is your veterinarian? Always ask around to get a feel for the reputation of your veterinarian. Ask your neighbours for the name of their vets.
    (20) Who is your cat sitter? Make sure you have someone to look after your kitty if you go on vacation. If not, make sure you have a sturdy cat carrying case for traveling, even if you just go to the vet.
    (21) Where is the nearest 24 hour cat hospital? You should know for in case of emergencies, keep this number on the fridge.
    (22) Is the newest addition to your household for you or your child? Always get a cat for you because you will end up looking after it no matter what your child says at the Humane Society.
    (23) Have you been allergy tested? Sometimes you don't know until kitty fur is everywhere. If  you do have allergies and still want a cat, hardwood floors and washing bedding is key.
    (24) The most important question is saved to last: What are you going to name your kitty? For suggestions go here and type "popular cat names" into the box. The most popular kitty name ever is "Kitty", who would have known?!

WSL's Alcove