Signature...Solo piano selections
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Topic: Steven C

Fifteen beautifully composed original songs that showcase the unique solo piano stylings of Steven C. Recorded in a magical and inspirational place . . . his home. "Signature" demonstrates a rainbow of sound colors that his 9-foot Bosendorfer Grand piano creates. Celebrated composer and pianist extraordinaire Steven C Anderson fills his busy life with the gift of music. Through his artistry and passion he delivers his heartfelt music in a way that is both enjoyable and accessible to an ever-growing fan base. Steven’s talent has been enjoyed worldwide, via numerous recordings, live performances and has graced the airwaves of NBC’s The Today Show, QVC, PBS, Oprah, Music Choice, and the Discovery Channel. As an established and respected recording artist, Steven Anderson has impressively sold well over 2 million records throughout his beloved canon of music, which includes the popular CD Chasing Grace (American Gramaphone) and a best selling series of natured themed CD's with the acclaimed NorthSound Label.
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