Now Playing: Heart of Matter
Topic: Michael O'Connell
Expanding Sky Music
MICHAEL O'CONNELL's music can be seen as a collection of paradoxical elements at times, blending the meditative with the dynamic, ambient with the starkly present. Other times one can be eased into the flow: mood enhancing elements fusing haunting melodies with provocative sound that suddenly invoke a still, timeless moment.
Here the music has as its creative vision the intention to calm or minds, energize our creative spirit, fire our imaginations, and hopefully bring a halt (at least temporarily) to the busyness (business) of our lives, creating a gap, a space where real life, love, and hope can effortlessly flow out of us.
So, sit back, relax, and be with the music...currently being featured on international NEWAGE Radio program: 'nuages' series.