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Led Zeppelin Studio and Live Recordings Update

News: 2/8/01 updated 1971 and 1972. Many more updates coming with the next 2 weeks!

Introduction: In 1997 the Final Edition of Luis Rey's "Led Zeppelin Live An Illustrated Exploration of Underground Tapes" was published. The book was released to the public at Zep Fest 97. I was lucky enough to be there and get my copy autographed. The book is an invaluable resource to both novice and advanced Led Zeppelin tape collectors. The book contains track listings, date, venue, and performance quality information for all known tapes that were circulating at the time of the books release. If you collect Led Zeppelin recordings, you must have this book. To find out how to purchase this book go to The Hot Wacks Press.
In his book, Luis Rey acknowledges that as soon it was published new tapes would be uncovered. He was right! My goals for this web site are to inform Led Zeppelin fans of newly discovered tapes and correct any mistakes found in Rey's "Final Edition". I don't want to present myself as the ultimate authority on Led Zeppelin tapes. There are many people who have been collecting much longer and have much better collections than mine. Hopefully with their assistance, I will be able to make this site accurate and informative. Click on the year and enjoy!


Led Zeppelin Radio-plays Zep, related, and Live cuts 24/7 (choose the Led Zeppelin Radio Option)