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By Conrad David Brillantes

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Leo Fender:  The Genius Who Helped Create Many Music Legends

Fullerton , CA , December 14, 2017  ― The world occasionally produces one of those rare thinkers whose name becomes iconic. Thomas Edison lit up the world; Albert Einstein profoundly altered the study of physics; Walt Disney reimagined entertainment; and Leo Fender invented the electric guitar. Fender grew up in Fullerton , California , where his interest in electronics lead him to open his own radio repair shop in 1938. It wasn't long before musicians and band leaders turned to him for help in repairing their equipment. And the rest, as they say, is history. Fender's revolutionary guitar, the Fender Stratocaster, has been the preference of world-renowned musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, David Gilmour, Eric Clapton, George Harrison and Jeff Beck — to name a few. While his name is synonymous with fist-pumping rock and roll sound, in reality, Fender was a shy, unassuming inventor who was nearly deaf and had one glass eye. In 1946 he founded Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company — the launch pad for his most iconic designs — and later on, G&L Musical Instruments.  And now, his wife Phyllis Fender gives readers a memory-filled look into the wonderful world of this quiet genius in the book, Leo Fender: The Quiet Giant Heard Around the World. The book was co-written by Randall Bell, Ph.D., who grew up in Fender's neighborhood and whose father was the head of the R&D department at Fender's company. Fender's game-changing contributions to the music world have been widely recognized. He was presented with the Country Music Association Pioneer Award in 1981; was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Rock Walk of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. His accomplishments were also acknowledged with a Technical Grammy Award in 2009. Fender died in 1991. Today, Fender is a household name. But the quirky, shy inventor never lived large or flaunted his fame. He lived in a mobile home, even after selling his company for $300 million (in today's dollars). His daily routines and obsessions made him truly fascinating, and thanks to his enduring instruments, Fender's legacy forever lives on. Author Phyllis Fender volunteers at the Fullerton Museum where she shares with visitors stories about her life with Leo. She also serves as the Honorary Chairman of G&L. Twenty-two years ago, two different doctors told Phyllis that she had six months to live. Today, both of those doctors are dead, and she is here to finally tell this remarkable story. LEO FENDER: The Quiet Giant Heard Around the World Leadership Institute Press  Released: November 2017  ISBN-10: 0996793143  ISBN-13: 978-0996793148  Available at: SHEET:   Q & As available on request.  Keith Richards, The Rolling Stones: "When other companies made electric guitars, that is all they did.  Leo had the whole concept in mind.  He made an amplifier to match. It is, after all electric. This left the other guys with half an egg. So simple, so complete whether you prefer a stratocaster or a telecaster. If you used a Fender amp, you had the whole deal. Sturdy, reliable and beautifully made, they remain the standard that others strived to reach, let alone the BASS!!" Rob Schilling, Host of WINA's The Schilling Show: "As a longtime guitar player and the owner of many vintage Fender instruments and amplifiers, I was delighted to learn more about the man behind the legendary company. One of the "friendliest" signatures in the world comes to life in this amazing behind-the-scenes glimpse into the life of Leo Fender." Eric Dahl, Maverick Magazine: "Few names in the world of guitars are more recognized than Fender. If Leo had stopped after creating the Telecaster he would still hold a secure place in guitar history. Not only is he in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but Fender also received a Grammy Award, Cliffie Stone Pioneer Award and an ACM award ... . Phyllis and Randall are both obviously proud of the legacy that Leo left behind. This book reads more like a personal journal with family photos interspersed between touching moments. Leo Fender – The Quiet Giant Heard Around the World isn't a guitar book but if you're a fan of the man that invented them it is a must read!" Matt Gibney, The Stratosphere: "A must read for any person who has ever plugged into an amplifier or dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur. We get a unique view under the hood of the selfless utilitarian genius who worked tirelessly around the clock up until his final days to perfect the craft. Phyllis Fender takes us behind the scenes of the man who worked famously behind the scenes for 1 reason alone - to serve the musician. A true underdog story." Vaughn Skow, Vintage Guitar Magazine: "This short yet captivating book is required reading for any true Fender affectionado. While much has been written about the work of Clarence Leonidas "Leo" Fender, precious little has been written about Leo Fender the man. This book is a game changer."  12.23.17

Experience Life At The Coldest And Most Isolated Place On Earth

New York , NY , December 19, 2017  ― Imagine, for a moment, spending one year at the bottom of the world, in 100-below-zero temperatures. One couple chose to not only imagine it, but to also live it, and they've written a riveting account of their unforgettable experiences. In One Day, One Night: Portraits of the South Pole, scientist John Bird along with writer and composer Jennifer McCallum take readers along on a journey like no other, as they fly to the middle of Antarctica and live under the dome for a year with 50 other researchers at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. The book's title is a nod to the six-month-long "day" of 24-hour sunlight and the six-month-long "night" of perpetual darkness. The nonfiction narrative provides a candid, first-hand account of the challenges the couple faced as they tried to adapt — both physically and emotionally — to a year of isolation in the unforgiving environment. One Day, One Night also immerses readers in the station's incredible microcosm of scientific discovery, where researchers study not only the mysteries of climate change that lie frozen beneath them but also the astrophysics of the heavens above through the famous South Pole Telescopes. The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is where world-class science happens against a backdrop of spectacular natural phenomena and where the extreme conditions prove that the human body's ability to adapt is nothing short of miraculous. Author Jennifer McCallum holds an M.A. in music composition and has composed chamber and choral works. While living at the South Pole, she wrote an article for The Globe and Mail titled "Poetry at the South Pole," and she also wrote a feature-length cover story for Musicworks, a magazine circulated among the Canadian and American experimental music scene. Musicworks also distributed a sound recording of her chamber work, "Continuus Line," which describes barren landscapes.  As an atmospheric scientist, author John Bird spent several winters at a remote observatory near the North Pole studying the ozone hole, prior to his posting at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. He holds a Ph.D. in space science and has taught at several universities, including Imperial College in London . He climbed the Matterhorn and Denali mountains, and broke the world altitude record for hang gliding by descending from a helium balloon at 35,000 feet. He has trained with NASA astronauts both underwater and in zero-g aircraft to develop experiments. He has published over 70 magazine articles and peer-reviewed scientific papers. He is the author of The Upper Atmosphere, published by NASA. One Day, One Night: Portraits of the South Pole was awarded Honorable Mention from the New York Book Festival and was a finalist in the New Generation Indie Book Awards. For more information, please visit One Day, One Night: Portraits of the South Pole, CreateSpace  ISBN-10: 1539947300   ISBN-13: 978-1539947301 Available on    TIP SHEET:  Q & As available on request. Howard Golden, Former Chief Publications Officer at NASA Headquarters: "A riveting account of the challenges, the adventure, the wonder of life at the South Pole Station." Marta Tandori, Readers' Favorite: "One Day, One Night is a no-holds-barred recounting of one couple's adventure living and working in some of the most extreme conditions known to mankind, in one of the most desolate places on planet Earth. ... What is particularly noteworthy about this book is the candor with which both authors tell their stories. ... Once at the South Pole, survival takes on paramount importance – and not just from the harsh elements. ... One Day, One Night gives its readers multifaceted portraits of the South Pole; the natural, the human, the divine. As the authors themselves state, it is a 'place of contrasts of experiences, contrasts of emotions. The South Pole presented the opportunity to live on the limits of our natural habitat; on the limits of our emotion resources; on the limits of how we define ourselves, of how we define others.' The perfect read for adventure junkies and those eager to read about the road less traveled. Review from This is a terrific account. It describes the stress of operating remotely for months, without support from outside, while accommodating or suppressing niggling conflicts. Science conducted there is explained with clarity. The colourful personalities of the "polies" are beautifully painted. Even the minor details of day to day living are interesting. The accounts are told from the points of view of the two authors who are candid about their reactions and frustrations. This is a worthwhile read for its own sake, and for anyone interested in the social dynamics of people living in tight quarters. 12.23.17

Court hears "Easter Bunny" foster home closure case Wednesday December 20

HAMILTON, ON: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms ( will be at Ontario Superior Court this Wednesday, December 20, for the hearing of Derek and Frances Baars' court application against the Hamilton Children's Aid Society (CAS). The court application was launched in April 2017.  CAS violated the Charter rights of the Baars by closing down their foster home, because the couple refused to tell the girls in their care that the Easter Bunny is a real entity. Justice Centre staff lawyer Marty Moore will argue this case at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday December 20 in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, at 45 Main Street East , in Hamilton . This hearing is open to the public.  For media inquiries please contact: Justice Centre president John Carpay: 403-619-8014 or Derek Baars: 519- 448-1763 or  CASE BACKGROUND In 2015, as explained in their filed Factum, Derek and Frances Baars completed thorough training on foster parenting.  CAS completed a "homestudy", which included numerous interviews and home visits over a period of several months. The Baars welcomed two sisters, ages three and four, into their home in December 2015.  The sisters were temporarily separated from their biological parents, with the goal of returning them to live with their parents again in the future.  A weekly journal was passed back and forth between the Baars and the biological parents, who made various requests that the Baars carried out. The Baars are devout Christians and had informed CAS that they do not celebrate Halloween.  CAS said this was not a problem: someone else could take the girls trick-or-treating if the biological parents requested this.  CAS had also noted in its Homestudy Report that the Baars "do not endorse Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny as they do not wish to lie to children." "From the beginning, it was our delight to have the girls with us.  We loved them from the moment that they came to us," states Frances Baars in an affidavit filed in the court application against CAS.  The Baars regularly took the girls to a park near their home, attended and hosted playdates with other girls of similar age, played educational games, and painted with them.  CAS's Support Worker Tracey Lindsay visited the Baars and the girls, and acknowledged that they looked well cared for in all respects.  However, Ms. Lindsay informed the Baars that it was part of their duty as foster parents to teach the girls about the Easter Bunny, because she considered it part of Canadian culture.  The Baars informed Ms. Lindsay that they intended to hide chocolate eggs and have the girls find them at Easter, and play other games.  The Baars planned not to speak to the girls about the Easter Bunny at all. In late February 2016, Ms. Lindsay informed the Baars that the girls would be taken away, and their foster home permanently closed, if the Baars refused to inform the girls proactively that the Easter Bunny is a real entity.  Ms. Lindsay's demand was known to CAS, and was supported by her superiors.  All this despite the fact that the girls' biological parents had never expressed a desire for the girls to be told that the Easter Bunny is real. The Baars offered to let the girls stay with another foster family over the Easter period.  Ms. Lindsay refused.  On March 3, 2016 , Ms. Lindsay told the Baars that their foster home would be shut down, and the girls would be taken away the next morning.  The Baars requested a transition period of more than 24 hours, believing that a sudden change would be unwise and inappropriate for the girls.  Ms. Lindsay refused.  As Frances Baars explains it in her affidavitWe had poured our lives into taking care of the girls.  To have them suddenly ripped away from us was deeply painful. ... It was the days after they left that the house felt empty without them. I lacked desire to do anything. As remains of their belongings kept popping up—we had so little time to pack the girls' belongings that we weren't able to collect everything—it finally struck me that they weren't coming back. Several weeks later the girls' worker stopped by to pick up their remaining belongings, including the scrapbooks I had made for the girls, which I had purposely held on to so I could finish the scrapbooks before sending them on. The scrapbooks were my final way of showing our love and care, and to provide them with reminders of all the good times we had together. A picture of the girls is still on our fridge, so we can remember the happy times we shared. The Baars asked Ms. Lindsay if they could keep their foster home open just for infants, or for families that do not celebrate the cultural practices of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.  Ms. Lindsay refused. As recently as January of 2017, the Hamilton Children's Aid Society has continued to struggle with a severe shortage of foster parents in Hamilton . "Many people of conscience or faith may object to being forced to proactively promote a belief they consider false," explained Justice Centre president John Carpay.  "Prohibiting such people from serving as foster parents is a clear violation of Canada 's fundamentalCharter freedom of conscience and religion." For media inquiries please contact:  Justice Centre president John Carpay: 403-619-8014 or  Derek Baars: 519-448-1763 or 12.23.17


Fearless! — A Jersey Girl's Bold Memoir On The Journey To Reach Her Dream Through Exotic Dancing

Special to The Montreal Tribune - New York, NY, October 25, 2017 ― A Jersey girl with a dream, Kerri Walker spent a year in Europe after graduating from college and fell in love with the Rhône-Alpes region in France. Determined to earn enough to one day return to the region for good, she set her sights on landing a job with a much higher income. After a series of traditional jobs fell short of her expectations, Walker turned to exotic dancing, and along the way she learned valuable lessons that she now shares in Fearless! An Exotic Dancer's Guide to Personal and Professional Success. Part memoir, part how-to, Fearless! follows Walker 's journey as a dancer from the shore town clubs of New Jersey to some of the busiest establishments in New York City . She offers straightforward advice about the work itself and the people who inhabit the world of exotic dancing, from managers and bouncers, to other dancers and customers. Walker 's approach is raw, candid and, most importantly, helpful for anyone considering a career in this lucrative but challenging industry. Available at all online outlets  Fearless! An Exotic Dancer's Guide to Personal and Professional Success  Released: August 2017 ISBN-10: 1548794899
ISBN-13: 978-1548794897 TIP SHEET:  Excerpts from five-star reviews on "Well written book that gives an insider's view of exotic dancing, with plenty of tips on how to not get caught up in the lurid side of this profession." "This book is a modern day Gatsby. Kerri has captured the essence of
New York City in the two thousand teens. Despite the title, this book is about so much more than just stripping. Seedy strip clubs as a vehicle for exploring the human condition-- I love it!" 10.28.17

On the Couch series by Alma Bond

 Barbra Streisand: On the Couch, Shares Deep Insight Into One Of America 's Most Beloved Icons

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Carlisle , PA , October 25, 2017  - The widely popular On the Couch series by Alma Bond, Ph.D. has given us an opportunity to discover the lives of Marilyn Monroe, Hillary Clinton, and Jackie O through the eyes of renowned New York psychoanalyst, Dr. Darcy Dale. The fictionalized biographies provided a unique and revealing perspective of their lives. Now, readers are invited to learn about screen and recording icon Barbra Streisand. In Barbra Streisand: On the Couch, Bond captures the details found in other biographies dedicated to the life of Barbra in a way that provides deep insight into her personality and character. Dr. Darcy Dale―renowned, pioneering New York City psychiatrist whose expertise has been sought by such larger-than-life women as Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, and Hillary Clinton―is confronted by Barbra, dismayed after thirty years of minimally successful therapy. Over the course of a year, Dr. Dale conducts an intimate psychoanalysis, breaking through ego defense mechanisms, and repressions to go deep into the heart and mind of one of America 's last remaining superstars. Barbra's many dimensions come alive as we hear her story in her own words. She fluctuates between self-inflation and insecurity. She cracks wise. She becomes angry. She weeps. For better or worse, Dr. Dale sees Barbra in all of her raw, most human, aspects, giving readers unprecedented access to her pain and joy. Barbra is funny, a bit abrasive, but very intelligent. Bond provides interesting insights into what Barbra could have been thinking during pinnacle times in her life, and her state of mind from a psychoanalyst's point of view. While this book is technically fiction, the facts themselves are all true. Only the thoughts and feelings attributed to Barbra are fictitious, along with the story of her "analysis." Dr. Bond's extensive research into the life of Barbra Streisand, along with her professional knowledge of psychology and her beautiful style of writing, give fans of Barbra's work and her persona fresh insight into a complicated woman - making this biography an enthralling and entertaining read! "It's easy to want to get to know the essential Barbra and want to hear her story," says Dr. Bond. "After reading pretty much everything ever written on Barbra, and then having written a book in which my alter ego, also a psychoanalyst, carries on numerous fictionalized sessions with her over the space of a year, I think I have a very good idea what and how Barbra thinks. To say that Barbra Streisand is an amazing woman is an understatement." Alma H. Bond received her Ph.D. from Columbia University , and became a highly successful psychoanalyst in private practice for 37 years in New York City . She "retired" to become a full-time writer. She has written 23 books and her popular On the Couch series has received excellent reviews. Jackie O: On the Couch, the first in the Couch series, received a Pinnacle Book Achievement Award.  Bond also wrote the play, "Maria," about the life of Maria Callas. The play was produced off-off Broadway, toured the South, and was produced in London . For more information, please visit:
Barbra Streisand: On the Couch By Alma H. Bond, Ph.D. Publisher: Bancroft Press;
October 1, 2017 ISBN-10: 1610882113  ISBN-13: 978-1610882118  10.28.17

Are You In Command Of A Social Networking Army?

Los Angeles, CA, October 19, 2017 ― A pretty face, a singer looking to be discovered, or perhaps simply tantalizing photos and videos of scantily-clad bodies – everything intended to add millions of followers on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. These are the commanders of today's social networking armies. Since the day "General Kardashian" exposed her rear flank, women and men have been baring their talents in an effort to stimulate a legion of followers, likes, and views. The question posed by retailers and other businesses is whether these large armies can be harnessed to sell their goods and services. To find out, a number of companies are joining forces to sponsor the first annual "Social Networking Army General contest" or SNAG. To qualify to be a contestant, a social networker must have at least 25,000 followers or likes. Both non-celebrity men and women are eligible, with the Sweet Sixteen being announced in November. Each finalist will then be assigned a "Competition Week" (Monday through Sunday) to encourage, convince, and motivate their army of followers to purchase a $4.99 eBook (title to be announced) that is being circled by several Hollywood producers. That's potentially good news for social networkers seeking to launch their acting careers as the Grand Prize is a role in a movie/TV series (or one entering pre-production). Contestants can also create a 1 to 3 minute book trailer video to showcase their talents in front of and behind the camera – with the top vote getters earning additional prizes. Allen Foster, a writer with Entertainment Options, one of the SNAG sponsors, says the idea to hold a social networking contest stemmed from a recent marketing symposium. "The challenge of figuring out how to best utilize the phenomenon of social media to market goods and services has been around since MYSPACE was the place to be. Public relation firms, wholesalers and retailers have taken notice of non-celebrity social networkers who have accumulated large armies of followers. I've interviewed quite a few social networkers who are looking to launch their careers in acting, singing or modeling by building huge armies of followers, and that can work. Determining whether to hire a social networker to market a company's products or services requires knowing on average the number of followers it takes to convert a 'Buy Message' into an actual sale. SNAG was organized by a group of retailers and public relations firms to collect data in order to develop an algorithm related businesses can use to get a handle on this." To attract the top amateur networkers, SNAG's sponsors have arranged commissions and bonuses that could earn participants tens of thousands to high six figure dollars, depending upon the sway these "Generals" have over their armies. Not bad for a week's work of posting on social media! Sponsors are still being added, all receiving live links on the website where the public will vote on book trailer videos created by the contestants. Sponsors will also receive access to the accumulated data in exchange for contributing promos and packages for the sixteen finalists. To learn more or to enter the contest, go to 10.20.17

Love Is the Power: Moving Humanity from Fear to Love By Robert O. Williams

Inspiring True Story Captures the Vivid Memories and Near-Death Experiences of Inventor and Former Beach Boys Musician. A  Powerful Journey Toward the Realization of Love and His Invention of the Heart+ App Helping Humanity Move from Fear to Love. "Is it possible that love is the foundation of all life, and that science is now proving what the mystics and saints from nearly every spiritual tradition have been saying for thousands of years? Robert Williams' amazing book not only asks important questions about the evolution of humanity, but he gives answers that shouldn't surprise anyone - that Love is indeed the only power in the universe. And what happens when a small percentage of people on the planet activate that power and extend it into the world? The answer is simple, and it's in this book." - James Twyman , NY Times Bestselling Author and Peace Troubadour. Los Angeles , CA , October 17, 2017  — What happens when we live all emotions, thoughts and body feelings as love as opposed to just searching for love? We are free to give to others without need or fear. That love is the power and pure heart consciousness. In Love Is the Power, Robert O. Williams leads readers into the intimate journey of his life through the vivid memories of his unique childhood, an inspiring account of his talent and perseverance as a saxophone player, his introduction to Transcendental Meditation (TM), his magical time performing and recording with The Beach Boys, and the extraordinary journey through multiple near-death experiences and visits with other dimensions which culminated in three decades of research and invention of Quantum Code Technology™ and the One08 Heart+ App. The One08 Heart+ App significantly reduces stress by more than 30% and opens the heart chakra, helping move humanity from fear to love. Peace Troubadour James Twyman is the ambassador of the One08 Heart+ App. Williams said, "The fact that we were able to develop a proven technology to strengthen our physical hearts as well as serve in the awakening of our spiritual hearts is, for me, an indication that we truly can raise consciousness through technology." Readers will be transfixed as they learn of Williams' numerous near-death and out-of-body experiences, which showed him the answer to the purpose of humanity: to realize love. Love Is the Power is not about the search for love, romantic or otherwise; rather, it is about being love. At a young age, Williams had the ability to see auras and the capacity for clairvoyance. He tuned into the natural world the way not many others have. In Love is the Power, he shares a valuable message, simple yet necessarily vast to its core. The unfolding of his story is stirring and uplifting in its ability to relate to the reader in a way that finds beauty, depth and insight in even what seems the most trivial, or the most challenging life experiences. The natural world was Williams' muse as a young child, connecting with nature spirits and a close spirit friend. With the onset of adolescence came the vanishing of these beings, resulting in Williams' anger, frustration and serious and mysterious physical ailments. Music became an unexpected replacement, as playing the saxophone was now an obsession. While in college he was deeply touched by a photo of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that would forever change the course of his life.  He decided to attend Maharishi International University in Iowa . Williams' extraordinary talent playing the saxophone eventually landed him his dream job of touring with The Beach Boys. Williams' search for spirituality reached a pivotal moment when he learned that despite years of dedication to the saxophone, a physical disability would prevent him from playing the instrument he loved for extended periods of time. It was his search for the rekindling of the spirituality of his childhood and his love of music, the "carrier waves of pure heart love," that led him to discover TM. This discovery was crucial to the events that would happen next: nearly dying multiple times, clear vision and communication with his guru, revelations of sacred geometry, and travels through the dimensions. Uncovering the ultimate Law—Love, Devotion, Surrender—is icing on the cake. Williams' tenacity and wisdom of the scientific relation between the physical and metaphysical worlds resulted in QCT™ to move humanity from fear to love—making the world a better place.  About Robert O. Williams: Robert is considered one of the world's foremost experts in subtle energy engineering and technology. Robert is an inventor, musician and educator. He lectures at leading universities and is the inventor and developer of Quantum Code Technology™. In addition to teaching music at the university level, Robert recorded and performed with such artists as The Beach Boys, Paul Horn and Charles Lloyd.  He has worked with prominent scientists including Dr. William Tiller (Stanford), Dr. Beverly Rubik ( Berkeley ), Dr. Rustum Roy ( Penn State ) and Dr. Stuart Krassner (UC Irvine). About One08:  One08 is an innovative global technology company with a mission to improve the lives of all human beings worldwide by developing and bringing to market scientifically based life-changing mobile apps and clean technology products that improve the health, performance and lifestyles of its customers.  Future offerings from One08 will include additional mobile apps, and patented clean technology products with Quantum Code Technology™ to positively affect global resources necessary for healthy living. 10.18.17

Boutique Publisher Celebrates Vibrant Bahamian Culture

Washington, D.C., October 17, 2017 ― The rich history and vibrant culture of the Bahamas are understood and appreciated by the precious few who've lived it. But that may soon change. Author, journalist and motivational speaker Wendy Coakley-Thompson, of Bahamian ancestry herself, launched Duho Books in September to bring the underrepresented authors and stories of the
Bahamas to the world stage. The name Duho is a nod to the Bahamas ' pre-European past, when chiefs (called caciques) were elevated on wooden ceremonial seats, or duhos. Today, Coakley-Thompson hopes that Duho Books will result in the elevation of the Bahamian experience to a higher level of awareness through the promotion of Bahamian authors and the distribution of their written words. As a boutique, independent publisher, Duho plans to publish 12, carefully selected books annually. To coincide with its September launch, Duho released three titles:

•    The 15th anniversary edition of Back to Life, by Wendy Coakley-Thompson, is an interracial love story between a black woman and an Italian-American man set against the backdrop of the charged political climate during New York City's mayoral race between David Dinkins, an African-American Democrat, and Rudolph Giuliani, a law-and-order Republican. 

•    My Name is Karma, the debut novel by Bahamian psychologist N. A. Cash, introduces readers to Karma, a young woman who struggles with the power and complexities of her supernatural gifts as she journeys on a voyage of self-discovery. Cash's training as a psychologist powerfully informs her ability as a writer to expose the inner life of her characters.

•    The Lights of Home, the debut title from Marin Frederique, is an enticing romance novel filtered through the prism of the beauty of the
Bahamas that explores the many forms of love and its power to heal, restore and transform the body, mind and soul.

These titles — and future ones from Duho Books — reflect Coakley-Thompson's vision to offer a space for Bahamian authors to create, thrive and prosper while capturing and celebrating the vibrant culture, history and people of the Bahamas. Duho Books founder Wendy Coakley-Thompson is the author of Writing While Black, Triptych, Back to Life (2004 Romantic Times Award nominee), and What You Won't Do For Love (optioned for cable television). An experienced journalist and blogger based in the
Washington , D.C. , area, she has written for as the D.C. Publishing Industry Examiner and has penned articles for Postscript'd, the Grio and Washington Independent Review of Books. She also serves up commentary in her Writing While Blog. She has co-hosted the radio show The Book Squad and earned an Associated Press/Chesapeake Award for her work as a commentator for Metro Connection on WAMU, a Washington , D.C. , National Public Radio affiliate. N.A. Cash, Bahamian author and Miss Earth Bahamas 2005, channels supernatural suspense through fiction. Cash, a self-described extraverted introverted psychologist, spins tales that merge her own vivid imagination with narratives inspired by her decades-long analysis of mysterious internal worlds of individuals encountered through her practice. Author Marin Frederique writes fiction that explores the many forms of love and its power to heal, restore and transform the body, mind and soul. This exploration is filtered through the prism of the beauty of the Bahamas and highlights the interwoven contributions of the many ethnicities that produce the bold tapestry of Bahamian life and culture. Fluent in Spanish, Frederique is particularly fascinated by the ways in which the proximity of her ancestral home to the southern United States and Cuba influences the lives of Bahamians, resulting in interesting relationships and compelling geopolitics. For more information about Duho books and the authors, please visit: Back to Life (15th Anniversary Edition) Duho Books Release date: September 23, 2017 ISBN-10: 0999077406  ISBN-13: 978-0999077405  My Name is Karma Duho Books Release date: September 22, 2017 ISBN-10: 0999077430  ISBN-13: 978-0999077436 The Lights of Home Duho Books Release date: September 22, 2017 ISBN-10: 0999077465  ISBN-13: 978-0999077467 TIP SHEET: Q & As available on request. Excerpts from Back to Life reviews: Romantic Times: "Coakley-Thompson enters the literary world with a bang."  Booklist: "... combines reality and fiction in an intriguing and powerful story."  Black Issues Book Review: "Wendy Coakley-Thompson inventively adds another dimension that uncovers the stupidity and strength of racism." 10.18.17

Police Officers Everywhere Can Benefit From Humane Policing Techniques

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Broomfield , CO , October 13, 2017  ― Can "humane policing" succeed in a society rife with conflict and mistrust? Former deputy Darron Spencer knows from personal experience that the answer is a resounding yes. Spencer addresses this intensifying crisis and shares his techniques for neutralizing negative perceptions in his new book, Humane Policing: How Perspectives Can Influence Our Performance. Drawing on his experience as a marine, corrections officer and sheriff's deputy, Spencer reveals his unique approach through real instances of how he implemented "humane policing" and why it worked. The book also exposes the nuances of police work and shows how self-control and understanding can mitigate potentially dangerous situations, with examples of how those upholding the law could alter their interactions with those suspected of breaking it. Written for law enforcement professionals as well as the general public, Humane Policing explores the changes that law enforcement needs to make, chronicles the experiences that shaped Spencer's personal perspective, and offers life-changing tools to help officers everywhere better serve their communities. Author Darron Spencer worked in a patrol division for just 20 months before a debilitating condition ended his career. As a deputy, Spencer oversaw more than 250 cases that resulted in 40 felony and 74 misdemeanor arrests. He assisted in four death investigations and booked in more than 150 pieces of evidence. He was awarded Deputy of the Year and received the Ribbon of Merit. He achieved tremendous success gaining cooperation from individuals, suspects and even career criminals while investigating cases. When Spencer's police work was cut short, he sought a new avenue to public service. Now he travels the country to meet with local police departments and share his approach to policing. His goal is to improve the relationships between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve and ultimately the public image of law enforcement officers on a national scale.  For more information on Spencer and his approach to humane policing, please go to: or visit: to see a recent article on humane policing. Humane Policing: How Perspectives Can Influence Our Performance, Inspire On Purpose Publishing, Paperback release date: October 2, 2017 , ISBN-10: 1941782426    ISBN-13: 978-1941782422   Available at and other online bookstores.   TIP SHEET:  Q & As available on request. Senator John Cooke, Senate District 13, former three-term sheriff of Weld County , Colorado : "It was my pleasure not only to hire Darron but also to work with him. During his 20 months under my supervision, I was thoroughly impressed with his style and approach to law enforcement. He treated everyone humanely, with respect and fairness, and his approach led to unprecedented cooperation from career criminals. This in turn led to over 40 felony arrests and the filing of numerous misdemeanor charges. Darron is now reaching out to agencies around the country to share his talents and unique style of law enforcement so that other officers and deputies can learn how he gains cooperation rather than forces compliance in order to solve major cases." Terie Rinne, Retired, Weld County Sheriff's Office: "It was a refreshing pleasure to work with Darron. As a detective, I could always count on him to be complete and thorough in his duties and tasks. He was eager to learn and willing to work hard. He often, if not always, went above and beyond expectations. He has a lot to offer law enforcement even as his promising career was cut short due to illness. He never forgot that we deal with humans, often at their worst, but still human beings. He treated people with warmth and friendliness. There is a time to be abrupt and take forceful command, verbal or physical, but this is unnecessary as a general rule. Most often, people responded well to Darron's style of policing. Using compassion, understanding and empathy is beneficial in dealing with people, even suspects. If a police officer is angry and bitter in his dealings with people, he takes that poisonous attitude home to his personal life, too. It's fortunate that Darron is sharing his perspective. I hope law enforcement views it as the gift that it is." In a new interview with CMRubinWorld, Peter Robinson, President and CEO of USCIB, says "the guiding principle for government should be to protect and enable/retrain the worker, not protect the job." Robinson believes that fears over jobsolescence are over-hyped, noting "...there is an established track record...of new technologies creating at least as many new jobs as they displace. Usually these new jobs demand higher skills and provide higher pay." When asked by C. M. Rubin what the biggest obstacle to employability is, Robinson states that "educational institutions won't be able to keep pace with new skills demands." He adds that schools should prioritize the arts and humanities in order to create "T-shaped individuals capable of adapting and going where the demand lies." The CEO of USCIB explains, "middle-class employees without higher education beyond high school need more established paths to long-term employment." Robinson calls for increased "partnerships among employers, policy makers, and educational institutions" because "no one sector of society can address this alone." Peter M. Robinson has been the CEO and President of the United States Council for International Business (USCIB) since 2005. Established in 1945, USCIB builds awareness among business executives, educators and policy makers related to issues in employment, workforce training and skills management. In his position as co-chair of the B20 Employment and Education Task Force, Robinson has provided significant input to G20 leaders on training for jobs of the future. He also serves on the board of the International Organization of Employers. Read the full article here. CMRubinWorld launched in 2010 to explore what kind of education would prepare students to succeed in a rapidly changing globalized world. Its award-winning series, The Global Search for Education, is a highly regarded trailblazer in the renaissance of 21st century education, and occupies a widely respected place in the pulse of key issues facing every nation and the collective future of all children. It connects today's top thought leaders with a diverse global audience of parents, students and educators. Its highly readable platform allows for discourse concerning our highest ideals and the sustainable solutions we must engineer to achieve them. C. M. Rubin has produced over 500 interviews and articles discussing an extensive array of topics under a singular vision: when it comes to the world of children, there is always more work to be done. For more information on CMRubinWorld, Follow @CMRubinWorld on Twitter, Contact Information, David Wine, CMRubinWorld David(at)cmrubinworld(dot)com 10.13.17

A Free Public Conference on the topic:

It's Time to speak about Free Public Transportation - By Guest Speaker - Professor & author Jason Prince

Special to The Montreal Tribune - planner, has two decades of experience in local economic development, pedestrian-oriented planning, and non-profit - housing development. He will speak about his new book: "Free Public Transportation, And Why We Don't Pay to Ride Elevators." The book provides a groundbreaking outline of the history, efforts and prospects of contemporary free public transportation programs and shows how similar initiatives could provide the backbone of an equitable and ecological Montréal. Prince,  argues: "We don't pay for elevators, do we? And rightly so. The very idea is preposterous. Yet the public transit system plays the same role in the city, only sideways, »" So, who should pay?Join us for an exciting evening of information and discussion and bring your friends too. A period of questions and discussion will follow his talk. Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 . Place:  Concordia University , School of Community & Public Affairs, 2149 McKay St .  basement (between Sherbrooke & De Maisonneuve) Blvd.) metro Guy-Concordia Time: 7.00 p.m. sharp N. B. We usually meet second Wednesday of each month, to tackle a different political issue, at Concordia University , same time, same place. For further information, please call the founder & coordinator of the group, Nadia Alexan, at tel. (514) 846-0644, or e-mail:  (sponsored by the Concordia's Student Association) 10.05.17

 Make Smarter Choices Armed With The Facts In Weed, Inc:

The Truth About THC, The Pot Lobby, And The Commercial Marijuana Industry

Aurora , CO , October 2, 2017  — Do you think you have a good grasp of the issues surrounding marijuana use? Think again. Recovering drug addict and alcoholic Ben Cort discusses marijuana use – both pro-legalization and anti-legalization – in Weed, Inc.: The Truth About THC, the Pot Lobby, and the Commercial Marijuana Industry (HCI – ISBN 0757319882 – September 2017 – $15.95). In this truthful and eye-opening book, Cort is not concerned with telling you which side to pick or which side he is on; he's more concerned with giving people the correct information they need in order to be knowledgeable about marijuana use. His is the voice – often the dissenting one-- that needs to be heard. Weed, Inc. challenges popular opinions about marijuana since cannabis today is an entirely different product than what it used to be. Cort not only defines THC and marijuana in its current state, but also the many confusing terms surrounding it. Cort questions the notion that industrialization is the key to safe, regulated products. He even discusses how the legalization in Colorado is less about the legalization of marijuana and more about the industrialization of it likening it to the reincarnation of big tobacco. There is more access to a substance that few know enough about. This can lead to increased addiction and an unregulated industry that will continue to grow – just like big tobacco. With industrialization comes political agendas, overpaid lobbyists, big marketing budgets, and not far behind, monopolies on manufacturing and distribution. Small farmers will feel the pinch as prices soar with the domination of corporate America under the guise of good old capitalism. Misinformation about marijuana and the effects of it is the main problem most people have with understanding this complex issue. This pivotal book will take you into the real world of legalized weed and open your eyes to topics such as: Environmental concerns (water, fertilizers, power, etc.), Medical concerns, Social justice, The lobby (what businesses stand to gain by this new industry), Law enforcement, Organized crime, FDA involvement, and much more. Cort believes the stronger the information, the more people and the government will make smart choices and decisions regarding marijuana. About the Author: Ben Cort spent a decade inside the drug and alcohol addiction treatment field and is now a consultant to the industry. Ben joined the drug policy conversation at the national level in 2012. He was part of the 'No on 64' campaign, and following the amendment's passage—which changed the Colorado constitution to allow for a statewide drug policy for cannabis—he was appointed to the Board of Directors of Project SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) as well as NALGAP (the National Association of Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender Treatment Providers). Ben is currently consulting with the NFL and his passion about the intersection of recovery and public policy makes him a frequent guest in the media. Weed, Inc.: The Truth About THC, the Pot Lobby, and the Commercial Marijuana Industry  HCI Books September 2017 - $15.95 ISBN 0757319882  For more information on Ben Cort or his new book, please contact me at (800) 851-9100 ex. 9212 or 10.03.17

An American Cage

For Three Escaped Convicts, The Prison Break Was Only The Beginning

"Endings for each of the individual characters are rock-solid and indelible. A tale of convicts on the run that convincingly examines their psychological states." - Kirkus Reviews  Beverly Hills , CA , September 25, 2017  ― Danny Marsh was an average, suburban 20-something until one bad decision landed him in a maximum-security prison. Desperate to regain his freedom, Danny and two fellow inmates hatch a remarkable escape plan, but nothing could have prepared Danny for what awaited him beyond the prison walls. Ted Galdi's An American Cage is a fast-paced psychological thriller that hits the ground running. The story follows the trio as they pull off their daring escape and begin a journey across Texas to find freedom in Mexico . They each have their skeletons in the closet, and it isn't long before a female hitchhiker — hiding from her own demons — joins the group and further complicates their plans. Things go south sooner than any of them could have anticipated, and one member of the group proves more dangerous than the journey itself. Suddenly, much more than Danny's freedom is at stake. His life and the lives of those closest to him hang in the balance. Danny might have escaped from prison, but can he ever really escape the consequences of his actions?  An American Cage is the second book from author Ted Galdi. His first novel, 2014's Elixir, received a Reader Views Reviewers Choice Award and a silver medal in the Readers' Favorite Book Awards. Galdi is a graduate of Duke University and lives in Los Angeles . He has been featured by ABC and FOX television, iHeartRadio and many other media outlets. For more information, please visit or An American Cage , Precipice Books  Release date: October 16, 2017 TIP SHEET: Q & As available on request. Excerpts from 5-star reviews on Goodreads: "An American Cage, the sophomore release by Ted Galdi, sizzles off the page in the Texas heat. You will be caught immediately in the most theatrical prison escape yet conceived or attempted. Don't discount Danny Marsh and Monty Montgomery, both 20-somethings to Phil Zorn's 40-something. The first two are young and strapping men, neither of whom landed in prison for something heinous — perhaps more on the error of judgment side — rather than terribly criminal. Phil, as he adamantly proclaims, was framed. But he has the smarts. Extreme smarts. . . . The author has an amazing way of creating sympathy for Danny and Monty — these two guys just shouldn't be here. Along the way to El Paso , they've picked up a young female hitchhiker and the situation turns even more desperate. We get to know each of the men and the girl, and it doesn't look like there is any good way out of this. . . . " "Ted Galdi's narrative spilled off the pages with flair. I sat riveted from page one. Just the way I like it. As the dramatic scenes unfolded, I was privy to a Machiavellian escape plan, when set in motion, actually seemed plausible. Essentially, I felt the anxiety of a daring prison break. Now that's a change of pace! The storyline hustled along, culminating with an exciting ending that I never saw coming. . . . " . . . "An American Cage by Ted Galdi is a riveting tome about a jailbreak replete with many twists and turns experienced by the culprits. There are continuous obstacles in their path. One such obstacle is Lt. John Ramos. If he can apprehend the criminals, his police department would get national recognition. . . . The character development of the principals made me 'cheer' as well as 'jeer.' Galdi's sophomore novel was an excellent read that I highly recommend." 10.03.17


A Jersey Girl's Bold Memoir On The Journey To Reach Her Dream Through Exotic Dancing

Special to The Montreal Tribune - New York, NY, September 20, 2017 ― A Jersey girl with a dream, Kerri Walker spent a year in Europe after graduating from college and fell in love with the Rhône-Alpes region in France. Determined to earn enough to one day return to the region for good, she set her sights on landing a job with a much higher income.After a series of traditional jobs fell short of her expectations, Walker turned to exotic dancing, and along the way she learned valuable lessons that she now shares in Fearless! An Exotic Dancer's Guide to Personal and Professional Success. Part memoir, part how-to, Fearless! follows Walker 's journey as a dancer from the shore town clubs of New Jersey to some of the busiest establishments in New York City . She offers straightforward advice about the work itself and the people who inhabit the world of exotic dancing, from managers and bouncers, to other dancers and customers. Walker 's approach is raw, candid and, most importantly, helpful for anyone considering a career in this lucrative but challenging industry. Available at all online outlets  Fearless! An Exotic Dancer's Guide to Personal and Professional Success  Released: August 2017 ISBN-10: 1548794899  ISBN-13: 978-1548794897    TIP SHEET: Excerpts from five-star reviews on "Well written book that gives an insider's view of exotic dancing, with plenty of tips on how to not get caught up in the lurid side of this profession." "This book is a modern day Gatsby. Kerri has captured the essence of New York City in the two thousand teens. Despite the title, this book is about so much more than just stripping. Seedy strip clubs as a vehicle for exploring the human condition-- I love it!" 9.21.17

Fitness Frauds—Book Reveals Shocking Truths About Health And Wellness Industry

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Dallas, Texas, September 21, 2017 ― The multi-billion-dollar fitness industry is about to be turned on its head. "With the fitness industry, the unnatural has become the natural. And the very industry built on real health and longevity has sold out to syringes full of shortcuts and synthetic successes," says fitness expert and international keynote speaker Bobby Whisnand. His latest book, Fitness Frauds: Exposing the Truth About Drugs, Lies, and Flex Appeal, pulls no punches when it comes to calling out the incompetence, deception and dishonesty that he witnesses every day in his own industry. Whisnand dissects poor techniques taught by inept fitness instructors that literally cost folks an arm and a leg. He takes aim at the ease with which fitness certifications are earned; reveals the ugly truth about the rampant use of steroids and other "fitness" drugs; pulls back the curtains on misleading fitness-related advertisements; decodes cryptic food labels; and rattles the very foundation upon which supplement-selling pyramid schemes are built. Everyone involved in the fitness industry, whether they're trainers themselves, occasional exercisers or hard-core gym rats, will discover important takeaways within the pages of Fitness Frauds that can help them make better-informed decisions about health and wellness, and, ultimately, effect changes across an industry that is grossly out of shape. No stone is left unturned in this revealing journey through the fitness world, and no secret is safe. Fitness expert, international keynote speaker and author Bobby Whisnand began his career in fitness in 1990. He holds a B.S. degree in psychology with a minor in biology from Midwestern State University , has earned multiple fitness certifications and has completed two, year-long physical therapy internships. He has designed fitness programs for more than 7,000 patients with chronic conditions, as well as teaching them to exercise safely and effectively. Additionally, he has given more than 500 presentations on heart health, exercise, stress management, nutrition, corporate wellness and motivation, and has spoken on behalf of the Dallas American Heart Association at more than 60 events.  Whisnand is also the author of It's All Heart; A Body To Die For: The Painful Truth About Exercise; 12 Rounds: A Day To Day Guide To A Better Life; and 12 Rounds Exercise Program.  For more information, please visit Fitness Frauds: Exposing the Truth About Drugs, Lies, and Flex Appeal Release Date: January 2018 9.21.17

Love Is the Power

Moving Humanity from Fear to Love By Robert O. Williams

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Inspiring True Story Captures the Vivid Memories and Near-Death Experiences of Inventor and Former Beach Boys Musician  A  Powerful Journey Toward the Realization of Love and His Invention of the Heart+ App Helping Humanity Move from Fear to Love "Is it possible that love is the foundation of all life, and that science is now proving what the mystics and saints from nearly every spiritual tradition have been saying for thousands of years? Robert Williams' amazing book not only asks important questions about the evolution of humanity, but he gives answers that shouldn't surprise anyone - that Love is indeed the only power in the universe. And what happens when a small percentage of people on the planet activate that power and extend it into the world? The answer is simple, and it's in this book." - James Twyman, NY Times Bestselling Author and Peace Troubadour Los Angeles, CA, September 11, 2017 — What happens when we live all emotions, thoughts and body feelings as love as opposed to just searching for love? We are free to give to others without need or fear. That love is the power and pure heart consciousness. In Love Is the Power, Robert O. Williams leads readers into the intimate journey of his life through the vivid memories of his unique childhood, an inspiring account of his talent and perseverance as a saxophone player, his introduction to Transcendental Meditation (TM), his magical time performing and recording with The Beach Boys, and the extraordinary journey through multiple near-death experiences and visits with other dimensions which culminated in three decades of research and invention of Quantum Code Technology™ and the One08 Heart+ App. The One08 Heart+ App significantly reduces stress by more than 30% and opens the heart chakra, helping move humanity from fear to love. Peace Troubadour James Twyman is the ambassador of the One08 Heart+ App. Williams said, "The fact that we were able to develop a proven technology to strengthen our physical hearts as well as serve in the awakening of our spiritual hearts is, for me, an indication that we truly can raise consciousness through technology."  Readers will be transfixed as they learn of Williams' numerous near-death and out-of-body experiences, which showed him the answer to the purpose of humanity: to realize love. Love Is the Power is not about the search for love, romantic or otherwise; rather, it is about being love.  At a young age, Williams had the ability to see auras and the capacity for clairvoyance. He tuned into the natural world the way not many others have. In Love is the Power, he shares a valuable message, simple yet necessarily vast to its core. The unfolding of his story is stirring and uplifting in its ability to relate to the reader in a way that finds beauty, depth and insight in even what seems the most trivial, or the most challenging life experiences.  The natural world was Williams' muse as a young child, connecting with nature spirits and a close spirit friend. With the onset of adolescence came the vanishing of these beings, resulting in Williams' anger, frustration and serious and mysterious physical ailments. Music became an unexpected replacement, as playing the saxophone was now an obsession. While in college he was deeply touched by a photo of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that would forever change the course of his life.  He decided to attend Maharishi International University in Iowa .  Williams' extraordinary talent playing the saxophone eventually landed him his dream job of touring with The Beach Boys. Williams' search for spirituality reached a pivotal moment when he learned that despite years of dedication to the saxophone, a physical disability would prevent him from playing the instrument he loved for extended periods of time. It was his search for the rekindling of the spirituality of his childhood and his love of music, the "carrier waves of pure heart love," that led him to discover TM. This discovery was crucial to the events that would happen next: nearly dying multiple times, clear vision and communication with his guru, revelations of sacred geometry, and travels through the dimensions. Uncovering the ultimate Law—Love, Devotion, Surrender—is icing on the cake. Williams' tenacity and wisdom of the scientific relation between the physical and metaphysical worlds resulted in QCT™ to move humanity from fear to love—making the world a better place.  About Robert O. Williams:  Robert is considered one of the world's foremost experts in subtle energy engineering and technology. Robert is an inventor, musician and educator. He lectures at leading universities and is the inventor and developer of Quantum Code Technology™. In addition to teaching music at the university level, Robert recorded and performed with such artists as The Beach Boys, Paul Horn and Charles Lloyd.  He has worked with prominent scientists including Dr. William Tiller (Stanford), Dr. Beverly Rubik ( Berkeley ), Dr. Rustum Roy ( Penn State ) and Dr. Stuart Krassner (UC Irvine). About One08:  One08 is an innovative global technology company with a mission to improve the lives of all human beings worldwide by developing and bringing to market scientifically based life-changing mobile apps and clean technology products that improve the health, performance and lifestyles of its customers.  Future offerings from One08 will include additional mobile apps, and patented clean technology products with Quantum Code Technology™ to positively affect global resources necessary for healthy living. 9.14.17

An American Cage

For Three Escaped Convicts, The Prison Break Was Only The Beginning

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Beverly Hills , CA , September 11, 2017  ― Danny Marsh was an average, suburban 20-something until one bad decision landed him in a maximum-security prison. Desperate to regain his freedom, Danny and two fellow inmates hatch a remarkable escape plan, but nothing could have prepared Danny for what awaited him beyond the prison walls. Ted Galdi's An American Cage is a fast-paced psychological thriller that hits the ground running. The story follows the trio as they pull off their daring escape and begin a journey across Texas to find freedom in Mexico . They each have their skeletons in the closet, and it isn't long before a female hitchhiker — hiding from her own demons — joins the group and further complicates their plans. Things go south sooner than any of them could have anticipated, and one member of the group proves more dangerous than the journey itself. Suddenly, much more than Danny's freedom is at stake. His life and the lives of those closest to him hang in the balance. Danny might have escaped from prison, but can he ever really escape the consequences of his actions?  An American Cage is the second book from author Ted Galdi. His first novel, 2014's Elixir, received a Reader Views Reviewers Choice Award and a silver medal in the Readers' Favorite Book Awards. Galdi is a graduate of Duke University and lives in Los Angeles . He has been featured by ABC and FOX television, iHeartRadio and many other media outlets. For more information, please visit or An American Cage  Precipice Books  Release date: October 16, 2017   TIP SHEET: Q & As available on request.  Excerpts from 5-star reviews on Goodreads: "An American Cage, the sophomore release by Ted Galdi, sizzles off the page in the Texas heat. You will be caught immediately in the most theatrical prison escape yet conceived or attempted. Don't discount Danny Marsh and Monty Montgomery, both 20-somethings to Phil Zorn's 40-something. The first two are young and strapping men, neither of whom landed in prison for something heinous — perhaps more on the error of judgment side — rather than terribly criminal. Phil, as he adamantly proclaims, was framed. But he has the smarts. Extreme smarts. . . . The author has an amazing way of creating sympathy for Danny and Monty — these two guys just shouldn't be here. Along the way to El Paso , they've picked up a young female hitchhiker and the situation turns even more desperate. We get to know each of the men and the girl, and it doesn't look like there is any good way out of this. . . . " "Ted Galdi's narrative spilled off the pages with flair. I sat riveted from page one. Just the way I like it. As the dramatic scenes unfolded, I was privy to a Machiavellian escape plan, when set in motion, actually seemed plausible. Essentially, I felt the anxiety of a daring prison break. Now that's a change of pace! The storyline hustled along, culminating with an exciting ending that I never saw coming. . . . " . . . "An American Cage by Ted Galdi is a riveting tome about a jailbreak replete with many twists and turns experienced by the culprits. There are continuous obstacles in their path. One such obstacle is Lt. John Ramos. If he can apprehend the criminals, his police department would get national recognition. . . . The character development of the principals made me 'cheer' as well as 'jeer.' Galdi's sophomore novel was an excellent read that I highly recommend." 9.14.17

Humane Policing: Book Aims To Transform Perceptions, Improve Relationships, Save Lives

Broomfield , CO , September 8, 2017  ― A growing divide exists in America between its citizens and the police officers who've sworn to protect them. Bridging that gap is paramount if officers are to be effective within their communities. Former deputy Darron Spencer addresses this intensifying crisis and shares his techniques for neutralizing negative perceptions in his new e-book, Humane Policing: How Perspectives Can Influence Our Performance. Drawing on his experience as a marine, corrections officer and sheriff's deputy, Spencer reveals his unique approach through real instances of how he implemented "humane policing" and why it worked. The book also exposes the nuances of police work and shows how self-control and understanding can mitigate potentially dangerous situations, with examples of how those upholding the law could alter their interactions with those suspected of breaking it. Written for law enforcement professionals as well as the general public, Humane Policing explores the changes that law enforcement needs to make, chronicles the experiences that shaped Spencer's personal perspective, and offers life-changing tools to help officers everywhere better serve their communities. Author Darron Spencer worked in a patrol division for just 20 months before a debilitating condition ended his career. As a deputy, Spencer oversaw more than 250 cases that resulted in 40 felony and 74 misdemeanor arrests. He assisted in four death investigations and booked in more than 150 pieces of evidence. He was awarded Deputy of the Year and received the Ribbon of Merit. He achieved tremendous success gaining cooperation from individuals, suspects and even career criminals while investigating cases. When Spencer's police work was cut short, he sought a new avenue to public service. Now he travels the country to meet with local police departments and share his approach to policing. His goal is to improve the relationships between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve and ultimately the public image of law enforcement officers on a national scale.  For more information on Spencer and his approach to humane policing, please go to: or visit: to see a recent article on humane policing.  Humane Policing: How Perspectives Can Influence Our Performance  Inspire On Purpose Publishing  Presale Date of printed book: September 5th; Available October 2017 Available at and other online bookstores  TIP SHEET:  Q & As available on request. Senator John Cooke, Senate District 13, former three-term sheriff of Weld County , Colorado : "It was my pleasure not only to hire Darron but also to work with him. During his 20 months under my supervision, I was thoroughly impressed with his style and approach to law enforcement. He treated everyone humanely, with respect and fairness, and his approach led to unprecedented cooperation from career criminals. This in turn led to over 40 felony arrests and the filing of numerous misdemeanor charges. Darron is now reaching out to agencies around the country to share his talents and unique style of law enforcement so that other officers and deputies can learn how he gains cooperation rather than forces compliance in order to solve major cases." Terie Rinne, Retired, Weld County Sheriff's Office: "It was a refreshing pleasure to work with Darron. As a detective, I could always count on him to be complete and thorough in his duties and tasks. He was eager to learn and willing to work hard. He often, if not always, went above and beyond expectations. He has a lot to offer law enforcement even as his promising career was cut short due to illness. He never forgot that we deal with humans, often at their worst, but still human beings. He treated people with warmth and friendliness. There is a time to be abrupt and take forceful command, verbal or physical, but this is unnecessary as a general rule. Most often, people responded well to Darron's style of policing. Using compassion, understanding and empathy is beneficial in dealing with people, even suspects. If a police officer is angry and bitter in his dealings with people, he takes that poisonous attitude home to his personal life, too. It's fortunate that Darron is sharing his perspective. I hope law enforcement views it as the gift that it is." 9.09.17

  Make Smarter Choices Armed With The Facts In Weed, Inc:

The Truth About THC, The Pot Lobby, And The Commercial Marijuana Industry

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Aurora , CO , August 28, 2017  — Do you think you have a good grasp of the issues surrounding marijuana use? Think again. Recovering drug addict and alcoholic Ben Cort discusses marijuana use – both pro-legalization and anti-legalization – in Weed, Inc.: The Truth About THC, the Pot Lobby, and the Commercial Marijuana Industry (HCI – ISBN 0757319882 – September 2017 – $15.95). In this truthful and eye-opening book, Cort is not concerned with telling you which side to pick or which side he is on; he's more concerned with giving people the correct information they need in order to be knowledgeable about marijuana use. His is the voice – often the dissenting one-- that needs to be heard. Weed, Inc. challenges popular opinions about marijuana since cannabis today is an entirely different product than what it used to be. Cort not only defines THC and marijuana in its current state, but also the many confusing terms surrounding it. Cort questions the notion that industrialization is the key to safe, regulated products. He even discusses how the legalization in Colorado is less about the legalization of marijuana and more about the industrialization of it likening it to the reincarnation of big tobacco. There is more access to a substance that few know enough about. This can lead to increased addiction and an unregulated industry that will continue to grow – just like big tobacco. With industrialization comes political agendas, overpaid lobbyists, big marketing budgets, and not far behind, monopolies on manufacturing and distribution. Small farmers will feel the pinch as prices soar with the domination of corporate America under the guise of good old capitalism. Misinformation about marijuana and the effects of it is the main problem most people have with understanding this complex issue. This pivotal book will take you into the real world of legalized weed and open your eyes to topics such as: Environmental concerns (water, fertilizers, power, etc.), Medical concerns, Social justice, The lobby (what businesses stand to gain by this new industry), Law enforcement, Organized crime, FDA involvement, and much more. Cort believes the stronger the information, the more people and the government will make smart choices and decisions regarding marijuana. About the Author: Ben Cort spent a decade inside the drug and alcohol addiction treatment field and is now a consultant to the industry. Ben joined the drug policy conversation at the national level in 2012. He was part of the 'No on 64' campaign, and following the amendment's passage—which changed the Colorado constitution to allow for a statewide drug policy for cannabis—he was appointed to the Board of Directors of Project SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) as well as NALGAP (the National Association of Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender Treatment Providers). Ben is currently consulting with the NFL and his passion about the intersection of recovery and public policy makes him a frequent guest in the media. Weed, Inc.: The Truth About THC, the Pot Lobby, and the Commercial Marijuana Industry  HCI Books, September 2017 - $15.95  ISBN 0757319882  For more information on Ben Cort or his new book, please contact me at (800) 851-9100 ex. 9212 or 9.01.17

Education: Spending has gone up as number of students has gone down

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Montreal , Wednesday, August 30, 2017  – Over the past ten years, public spending on education has jumped while the number of students in school was falling, and academic results have barely improved, shows an Economic Note published today by the MEI. From 2006-2007 to 2015-2016, spending increased by 14% adjusted for inflation, while the number of students fell by 6.5%. Real spending per student therefore grew from $10,791 to $13,162, an increase of 22% in ten years. "That's a lot of money," says Germain Belzile, Senior Associate Researcher at the MEI and co-author of the publication. "If spending per student had remained stable, total government spending would have been $2.3 billion lower in 2015-2016." Where did most of this money go? Into teacher salaries, and into the government's employee pension plan payments, the latter having jumped by nearly 50% over this same period, again adjusted for inflation. Another factor having contributed to the increased spending is the rapid growth in the proportion of students with social maladjustments, learning disabilities, or handicaps, which gives schools access to additional funding. The reduction in the student-teacher ratio, from 14.4 to 13.2, has also had a considerable impact. "This is the equivalent of increasing the number of teachers by nearly 10%, without adding a single student," adds Germain Belzile. Moreover, this increased spending seems to have had little effect on the academic results of students. The rate of graduation and qualification went up slightly in the province (by 7 percentage points), but these numbers need to be put in context. "A non-negligible portion of the improved graduation rate is related to the creation of new diplomas, whose value has been called into question by some observers," points out Alexandre Moreau, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI and co-author of the publication. "It seems clear that parents and taxpayers more generally are paying more but getting less and less for their money," says Michel Kelly-Gagnon, President and CEO of the MEI. "It's time to re-examine the way we do things, reducing bureaucracy, increasing competition, and giving parents greater freedom of choice. We need to make sure that each new dollar spent on education contributes to improving the performance of the educational system, and the future prospects of our children, which is not at all what is happening now," concludes Mr. Kelly-Gagnon. The Economic Note entitled "Education in Quebec: Where Does the Money Go?" was prepared by Germain Belzile, Senior Associate Researcher at the MEI, and Alexandre Moreau, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI. This publication is available on our website. The Montreal Economic Institute is an independent, non-partisan, not-for-profit research and educational organization. Through its studies and its conferences, the MEI stimulates debate on public policies in Quebec and across Canada by proposing wealth-creating reforms based on market mechanisms. Interview requests: Karl-Javid Lalonde-Dhanji, Analyst and Coordinator, Current Affairs, MEI / Tel.: 514-273-0969 ext. 2224 / Cell: 514-824-8948 / Email: 9.01.17

Powerful Memoir Proves True Friendship Knows No Age

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Dallas , TX , August 23, 2017  ― At 40-something, Judy Gaman seemed to have it all: a rewarding career as a writer and radio host, a loving family and a bright future. But like many other Generation Xers, Judy had become a workaholic — the very thing she had resented about her own parents. And yet, Judy felt powerless to alter her trajectory until a small miracle in the form of centenarian Lucille Fleming entered Judy's life. Life and Lucille is a touching, inspirational story of friendship that leaves no emotional stone unturned. Judy met Lucille while researching a book about living to 100, and the two women — separated in age by five decades — forged a bond that transcended the lifetime between them. Together, they enjoyed life experiences, amazing journeys, and uncovered many truths about the human existence that transcend age, place and time. When they first met, Lucille shared with Judy the one secret that is required for a happy and healthy life. It wasn't until Lucille's sudden and tragic death that Judy fully understood the true meaning of that advice. Judy Gaman is an award-winning author and speaker. Some of her books include Age to Perfection: How to Thrive to 100, Happy, Healthy and Wise; and Stay Young: 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health. A graduate of the prestigious George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and the School of Professional Studies , Judy is also an award-winning speaker and co-hosts the nationally syndicated Staying Young radio show with Drs. Mark Anderson and Walter Gaman of Executive Medicine of Texas. For more about Judy, please visit Love, Life and Lucille Projected release date: December 2017 to January 2018 8.25.17

The Painting and the Piano: An Improbable Story of Survival and Love

Special to The Montreal Tribune - By John Lipscomb and Adrianne Lugo Ocean Ridge, FL, August 9, 2017 − When a baby is born addicted to heroin because of an addicted mother and is transferred to a loving foster home, then bounced back via a highly publicized court case to the unfit birth parents, any sense of normalcy seems unlikely for the child. Likewise, when a young privileged boy grows up with a high society, full blown alcoholic mother whose disease kills her at 42, his chances of a normal life are slim as well. Sometimes the past doesn't always stay in the past. In The Painting and the Piano: An Improbable Story of Survival and Love (HCI Books – $15.95), John Lipscomb and Adrianne Lugo tell the story of how the demons of their respective biological mothers tore their young lives apart. Despite their contrasting upbringings, they share tragic childhoods that damaged each of them to the cores of their psyches and emotional well-being and resulted in addiction. It all started going downhill for Adrianne when her addict birth parents started a long court battle in an effort to get her back. For John, it was when his parents divorced and he started living with his alcoholic mother. John and Adrianne had to endure the painful toll that alcohol, drugs, and a negligent court system wreaked on them, and were in the depths of despair and slowly dying of addiction. Instead of falling to darkness, John and Adrianne reached for the light and began their respective journeys of healing, which led to a serendipitous meeting, falling in love and building a shared life with the goal of helping others in need. Told as a tandem narrative with chapters alternating between Adrianne and John, readers embark on a journey through their unforgettable story of pain, loss, and the undying human quest for happiness. About The Authors: John Lipscomb and Adrianne Lugo have each celebrated over a decade of sobriety. Both are fully immersed in the
South Florida recovery community and John has been on the board of several men's recovery homes. John has brought AA program meetings into prison and, with Catholic Church Ministries, worked with men and women in maximum security prison including those on death row. Adrianne worked for a recovery home company, sponsors women in AA, and both authors blog about recovery. Adrianne also worked with prisoners on death row and has been interviewed about recovering from opiate addiction. She was born addicted to heroin and was put into foster care as an infant. At the age of nine, her biological parents started a year-long court battle to get her back that made national news. Today, she works to help the public understand the foster care system and its future. Available wherever books are sold, or to order directly from the publisher, contact: or (800) 441-5569. The Painting and the Piano, An Improbable Story of Survival and Love  John Lipscomb and Adrianne Lugo  ISBN: 0757319920 – $15.95 – September 2017  8.09.17


Book Sheds Light On How Exotic Dancers Can Build Professional Success Without Sacrificing Personal Needs

Special to The Montreal Tribune - New York, NY, July 28, 2017 ― A Jersey girl with a dream, Kerri Walker spent a year in Europe after graduating from college and fell in love with the Rhône-Alpes region in France. Determined to earn enough to one day return to the region for good, she set her sights on landing a job with a much higher income. After a series of traditional jobs fell short of her expectations,
Walker turned to exotic dancing, and along the way she learned valuable lessons that she now shares in Fearless! An Exotic Dancer's Guide to Personal and Professional Success. Part memoir, part how-to, Fearless! follows Walker 's journey as a dancer from the shore town clubs of New Jersey to some of the busiest establishments in New York City . She offers straightforward advice about the work itself and the people who inhabit the world of exotic dancing, from managers and bouncers, to other dancers and customers. Walker 's approach is raw, candid and, most importantly, helpful for anyone considering a career in this lucrative but challenging industry. Fearless! An Exotic Dancer's Guide to Personal and Professional Success  Release date: August 1, 2017   7.29.17  

Two New Books Expose The Shocking Truth Behind UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Roswell And Zero-Point-Energy

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Washington, DC, July 25, 2017 ― Seventy years after the cover-up of three interstellar craft downed over Roswell Army Air Force Base in New Mexico, two new books and a documentary reveal the shocking truth about covert programs and why the UFO subject remains taboo... even up to the President and Congress! "It's not about whether these interstellar craft are real," states Dr. Steven M. Greer, considered by many to be the world's foremost authority on the subject. The author of Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret (book), and the executive producer of a new documentary by the same name, has collected testimonials from hundreds of eyewitnesses in the military, Intel agencies, the FAA, NASA, and private defense contractors that expose 70 years of lies. "This is about USAPs ," Dr. Greer explains. "Unacknowledged Special Access Projects operating illegally outside of Presidential or Congressional oversight, covertly funded over decades by trillions of our tax dollars. What really keeps the subject taboo and outside of the mainstream media are the energy technologies we acquired from these downed vessels – specifically zero-point-energy which would replace fossil fuels. We're talking about a free, clean energy source that would end hunger and poverty, reverse Climate Change, and create millions of new jobs." As the editor of Unacknowledged, New York Times best-selling author Steve Alten was given access to these testimonials and used the information to pen his just-released fictional thriller, Undisclosed,  in an attempt to disseminate the truth to the public in digestible bites. "Jimmy Kimmel had President Clinton and President Obama on his talk show and asked both men about UFOs, ETs, and Area 51. They both smiled and poked fun at the subject.
But Dr. Greer, the expert who submitted briefings to both administrations as well as members of congress, the CIA Director and the Joint Chiefs, will probably never be allowed on Kimmel or any major talk show to discuss this – not because Jimmy Kimmel wouldn't love to interview him, but because the Intel Agencies refuse to allow it on mainstream media." Dr. Greer adds, "Unacknowledged was either the #1 documentary or close to #1 on itunes nearly every week since its release, and it's never mentioned. I flew out to Los Angeles and did a two-hour interview with an entertainment reporter at Breitbart News, only to have the Intel Agency that determines what's allowed to be published cancel it." Steve Alten agrees. "There's information in both Unacknowledged and Undisclosed that pulls back the curtain on seventy years of lies, including testimonials from people who have worked in black ops subterranean bases which hold ARVs (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) capable of interstellar travel. Many of these witnesses who held above-top secret clearances would not allow Dr. Greer to publish this information until after they passed on, out of fear. Who could blame them?" Just how untouchable is the UFO-ET subject? "I spoke to people very close to Alex Jones," Dr. Greer said. "I was told the subject was 'too controversial to touch.' This from the guy who claimed the Sandy Hook shooting was fake!" Please watch the trailer at: Available at all online outlets  Undisclosed By Steve Alten Publisher: A and M Publishing LLC  June 2017 ISBN-10: 1943957053 ISBN-13: 978-1943957057 7.27.17

Humane Policing

Expert Tips To Help Bring Police Officers And Their Communities Together

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Broomfield, CO,
July 11, 2017  ― A growing divide exists in America between its citizens and the police officers who've sworn to protect them. Bridging that gap is paramount if officers are to be effective within their communities. Former deputy Darron Spencer addresses this intensifying crisis and shares his techniques for neutralizing negative perceptions in his new e-book, Humane Policing: How Perspectives Can Influence Our Performance. Drawing on his experience as a marine, corrections officer and sheriff's deputy, Spencer reveals his unique approach through real instances of how he implemented "humane policing" and why it worked. The book also exposes the nuances of police work and shows how self-control and understanding can mitigate potentially dangerous situations, with examples of how those upholding the law could alter their interactions with those suspected of breaking it. Written for law enforcement professionals as well as the general public, Humane Policing explores the changes that law enforcement needs to make, chronicles the experiences that shaped Spencer's personal perspective, and offers life-changing tools to help officers everywhere better serve their communities. Author Darron Spencer worked in a patrol division for just 20 months before a debilitating condition ended his career. As a deputy, Spencer oversaw more than 250 cases that resulted in 40 felony and 74 misdemeanor arrests. He assisted in four death investigations and booked in more than 150 pieces of evidence. He was awarded Deputy of the Year and received the Ribbon of Merit. He achieved tremendous success gaining cooperation from individuals, suspects and even career criminals while investigating cases. When Spencer's police work was cut short, he sought a new avenue to public service. Now he travels the country to meet with local police departments and share his approach to policing. His goal is to improve the relationships between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve and ultimately the public image of law enforcement officers on a national scale. For more information on Spencer and his approach to humane policing, please visit  Humane Policing: How Perspectives Can Influence Our Performance. Inspire On Purpose Publishing  Release date: March 2017 Available at and other online bookstores
Q & As available on request.  Senator John Cooke, Senate District 13, former three-term sheriff of
Weld County , Colorado : "It was my pleasure not only to hire Darron but also to work with him. During his 20 months under my supervision, I was thoroughly impressed with his style and approach to law enforcement. He treated everyone humanely, with respect and fairness, and his approach led to unprecedented cooperation from career criminals. This in turn led to over 40 felony arrests and the filing of numerous misdemeanor charges. Darron is now reaching out to agencies around the country to share his talents and unique style of law enforcement so that other officers and deputies can learn how he gains cooperation rather than forces compliance in order to solve major cases." Terie Rinne, Retired, Weld County Sheriff's Office: "It was a refreshing pleasure to work with Darron. As a detective, I could always count on him to be complete and thorough in his duties and tasks. He was eager to learn and willing to work hard. He often, if not always, went above and beyond expectations. He has a lot to offer law enforcement even as his promising career was cut short due to illness. He never forgot that we deal with humans, often at their worst, but still human beings. He treated people with warmth and friendliness. There is a time to be abrupt and take forceful command, verbal or physical, but this is unnecessary as a general rule. Most often, people responded well to Darron's style of policing. Using compassion, understanding and empathy is beneficial in dealing with people, even suspects. If a police officer is angry and bitter in his dealings with people, he takes that poisonous attitude home to his personal life, too. It's fortunate that Darron is sharing his perspective. I hope law enforcement views it as the gift that it is." 7.13.17

Two New Books Expose

The Shocking Truth Behind UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Roswell And Zero-Point-Energy

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Washington, DC, July 11, 2017 ― Seventy years after the cover-up of three interstellar craft downed over Roswell Army Air Force Base in New Mexico, two new books and a documentary reveal the shocking truth about covert programs and why the UFO subject remains taboo... even up to the President and Congress! "It's not about whether these interstellar craft are real," states Dr. Steven M. Greer, considered by many to be the world's foremost authority on the subject. The author of Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret (book), and the executive producer of a new documentary by the same name, has collected testimonials from hundreds of eyewitnesses in the military, Intel agencies, the FAA, NASA, and private defense contractors that expose 70 years of lies. "This is about USAPs ," Dr. Greer explains. "Unacknowledged Special Access Projects operating illegally outside of Presidential or Congressional oversight, covertly funded over decades by trillions of our tax dollars. What really keeps the subject taboo and outside of the mainstream media are the energy technologies we acquired from these downed vessels – specifically zero-point-energy which would replace fossil fuels. We're talking about a free, clean energy source that would end hunger and poverty, reverse Climate Change, and create millions of new jobs." As the editor of Unacknowledged, New York Times best-selling author Steve Alten was given access to these testimonials and used the information to pen his just-released fictional thriller, Undisclosed,  in an attempt to disseminate the truth to the public in digestible bites. "Jimmy Kimmel had President Clinton and President Obama on his talk show and asked both men about UFOs, ETs, and Area 51. They both smiled and poked fun at the subject.
But Dr. Greer, the expert who submitted briefings to both administrations as well as members of congress, the CIA Director and the Joint Chiefs, will probably never be allowed on Kimmel or any major talk show to discuss this – not because Jimmy Kimmel wouldn't love to interview him, but because the Intel Agencies refuse to allow it on mainstream media." Dr. Greer adds, "Unacknowledged was either the #1 documentary or close to #1 on itunes nearly every week since its release, and it's never mentioned. I flew out to Los Angeles and did a two-hour interview with an entertainment reporter at Breitbart News, only to have the Intel Agency that determines what's allowed to be published cancel it." Steve Alten agrees. "There's information in both Unacknowledged and Undisclosed that pulls back the curtain on seventy years of lies, including testimonials from people who have worked in black ops subterranean bases which hold ARVs (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) capable of interstellar travel. Many of these witnesses who held above-top secret clearances would not allow Dr. Greer to publish this information until after they passed on, out of fear. Who could blame them?" Just how untouchable is the UFO-ET subject?  "I spoke to people very close to Alex Jones," Dr. Greer said. "I was told the subject was 'too controversial to touch.' This from the guy who claimed the Sandy Hook shooting was fake!" Please watch the trailer at:   Available at all online outlets  Undisclosed By Steve Alten Publisher: A and M Publishing LLC  June 2017 ISBN-10: 1943957053  ISBN-13: 978-1943957057 7.13.17

The Oath — The Desire For Revenge Never Dies

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Pleasant Hill, CA, July 5, 2017 ― A lifetime ago, two young naval aviators took an oath to "defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Both were shot down over
North Vietnam and endured years of brutal torture in the same prisoner-of-war camp. Now, one is a San Francisco homicide inspector, with his allegiance firmly anchored in the law. The other remains steadfastly allegiant to the oath and is systematically eliminating Americans who had visited North Vietnam to aid the enemy's cause — Americans he views as domestic enemies. The lives of these two former POWs are about to intersect again, and the consequences will be explosive. In The Oath, author Dennis Koller creates a gripping, stay-up-all-night mystery-thriller that expertly intertwines the compelling stories of two former POWs with a modern-day murder investigation. The book opens with the cold-blooded murder of a famous San Francisco newspaper columnist. Homicide Inspector Tom McGuire is called to investigate a scene that's unlike any he's seen before. The victim was shot in the head — execution style — and her arms were bound behind her, the rope knotted tightly from shoulder to wrist. Awash in an eerie chill of recognition, McGuire is transported back in time to the infamous Hanoi Hilton where as a POW he endured rope torture many times, his arms tied in exactly the same fashion. The medical examiner — already on the scene — explains that the victim was shot and killed before she was tied up. The killer, it seems, is leaving a calling card that only a select and unfortunate few would recognize. As the killer's identity slowly comes into focus, McGuire is forced to face his own demons and reluctantly pursue a brother-in-arms. Will McGuire remain allegiant to the law or to the oath he shares with the killer? Born and raised in San Francisco , author Dennis Koller was the Executive Director of the SS Jeremiah O'Brien, a World War II Liberty ship berthed at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco . In 2013, Koller figuratively "jumped ship" to write his first mystery-thriller, Kissed By The Snow, about a secret FBI drug taskforce that devises a plan to finally win America 's war on drugs. The book placed fourth in the Ink & Insights national writing contest. He is also the author of The Custer Conspiracy, published in October 2016, which was named a 2017 Distinguished Favorite in the thriller category by Independent Press Award. The Oath, released in May 2016, won the 2016 Bay Area Independent Publishers Association Book Award for Best Fiction and the 2017 Independent Press Award for Military Fiction. Koller is a member of the Naval Order of the United States , the Navy League of the United States , the Military Writers Society of America, the California Writers Club, the Independent Book Publishers Association, the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association and is on the Board of Directors of the nonprofit Bethlehem Shipyard Museum . Koller holds an undergraduate degree in philosophy and a graduate degree in business administration, both from Saint Mary's College of California . He lives with his wife in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Oath, Pen Books, ISBN-10: 0692656731, ISBN-13: 978-0692656730  Available at and all book stores upon request.  Autographed copies are available at  TIP SHEET: Q & As available on request. The Irish Herald Book Review: "Dennis Koller's mystery-thriller debut is a strong one. The novel has it all: intrigue, politics, murder and romance. Combined with characters and dialogue that are ultimately believable, The Oath is a real page-turner."  Military Writers Society of America Review: "An intriguing plot and artful writing make Dennis Koller's The Oath an entertaining read. Readers will appreciate the author's ability to bring a scene and its characters to life with just enough detail to make it all pop, without becoming bogged down in over-descriptive narratives. Adventure and thriller fans' appetite for a rush will be well satiated with the twists and turns throughout this book. Koller displays an innate understanding of the plight of Vietnam POWs as well as the intricacies of police work. He weaves these experiences together to create a plausible and compelling picture of the immense struggles attached to both. That the homicide investigator survived the same prison camp as the killer he now seeks creates a clear conflict — as he must choose between his allegiance to the law and the oath he and the killer once took. The tension builds as readers are drawn into both Tom McGuire's character and the man he reluctantly hunts. The Oath's suspense pulls its readers through each page with a force of its own." Mike Billington, author and Army veteran who spent two tours in Vietnam (awarded Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Combat Infantryman's Badge): "A dying former POW, four dead women, a world-weary homicide cop and the Vietnam War are expertly woven together in a masterful piece of storytelling that will leave you guessing right until the last few pages of The Oath. This is an excellent book with just the right amount of social commentary woven into its pages to make it not just another murder mystery." Capt. Kris Carlock, USN (retired): "This is the book today's sailors, soldiers, marines and airmen want to take on their long deployments for those short moments they can get away and unload their minds on an entertaining novel. It's a good read that might be hard to put down when you have to go on watch or patrol, but in the end, after the twisty-turny story and after the good guys and the bad guys duke it out, there's the great military lesson. The oath that we all took to 'support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic' is repeated over and over in this novel, reminding us, and perhaps all of society, of our military's responsibility and why we are such a great country. Great book!" 7.07.17

The Tools That Teach

How To Thrive And Not Dive In Life Are Found In Me We Do Be: The Four Cornerstones of Success

Laguna Beach , CA , June 26, 2017  ― Why do some people dive, some survive and others thrive? The answer, Randall Bell, Ph.D., reveals, is surprisingly simple: choices.  Bell , a socio-economist and the CEO of Landmark Research Group, has developed an easy-to-follow formula for authentic growth and success based upon 25 years of behavioral research. In his book, Me We Do Be: The Four Cornerstones of Success, Bell masterfully interweaves stories from his consulting work on high-profile cases—including Chernobyl, the World Trade Center, and O.J. Simpson—with findings from behavioral studies and his own survey of 5,000 people to reveal the daily habits that can make or break both personal and professional growth and success.  In Me We Do Be, Bell explains that all behaviors can be organized into four cornerstones: • Me is quality thinking that builds wisdom. • We habits form quality relationships.  • Do actions build productivity. • Be designs the future. There is no one-size-fits-all definition of success. For some, it's making money. For others it's having a loving family, winning a competition, completing a degree or beating cancer. The power of Me We Do Be is that it connects all the dots and creates a fresh perspective for moving forward, allowing readers to define what success means to them as individuals, while sharing the foundational elements that apply to everyone. Previously, the author led a national practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the world's largest consulting firm. He has consulted on hundreds of cases, including the Flight 93 Crash Site, the BP Oil Spill, Hurricane Katrina and the nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll. Often a guest of the media, Bell has been profiled in The Wall Street Journal, People magazine, The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer, 20/20, Entertainment Tonight and by newscasters on every major television network. For more information on Randall Bell and his motivational book, please visit the website: Me We Do Be: The Four Cornerstones of Success, Leadership Institute Press, Release date: February, 2017  ISBN-10: 0996793119 ISBN-13: 978-0996793117  Available online and at fine bookstores everywhere TIP SHEET: Q & As available on request. Robert G. Allen, New York Times Best-Selling Author of Creating Wealth: "A fascinating blend of personal anecdotes from Dr. Bell's vast professional experience interspersed with powerful quotes, insights and a timeless list of valuable habits designed to improve any life. There are many golden nuggets in here." Jeffrey W. Hayzlett, New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Mirror Test: "Some think that complex problems require complex solutions. This is not always true. The four cornerstones of Me We Do Be are a simple, effective way to ignite passion in any life or business!"  Donald T. Phillips, Best-Selling Author of Lincoln on Leadership: "From the homeless to the billionaires, Me We Do Be helps us all understand the true meaning of success and how to attain it in our own lives. This book is creative, beautifully written and based on solid scientific and personal research. Pick up a copy. It's a winner." Steve Alten, New York Times Best-Selling Author: "Eye-opening ... Randall Bell's Me We Do Be is as inspiring as Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich." Dr. Piero Ferrucci, Best-Selling Author of The Power of Kindness: "Our life is made up mostly of our habits. Therefore, we'd better choose them mindfully and cultivate them wisely. In this brilliant book Randall Bell picks for us the (demonstrably) most beneficial habits in all domains of life—from inner to social to environmental to financial. I couldn't put the book down." Bob Proctor, Best-Selling Author of You Were Born Rich: "Me We Do Be shows how the little things we do can have a dramatic impact on our quality of life; it's that one small adjustment that can make the difference between winning and losing. Read, learn and act on the great information provided in this book." William R. Forstchen, New York Times Best-Selling Author: "... The opening of his book automatically captured my attention with the promise of drawing links between many of the seminal events that have shaken our nation in recent years and thus offer the potential of providing some answers as to 'Why?' which he does with consummate skill. This is a work we should all take a look at, both in terms of our personal lives and, in a broader sense, the potentially dangerous trajectory our nation is on as well and how to change that course." Stephen M. R. Covey, New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Speed of Trust: "... Based on the four cornerstones of Me We Do Be, Bell brilliantly reveals how cultivating the right 'habits' can not only enrich and improve your life and give you peace of mind, but doing so can save you from the destructiveness, dissatisfaction and danger of a life floundering to and fro¬¬—like a ship without a rudder. Backed by research and highly practical, this book is tremendously relevant today!" 6.26.17

UFO Sighting Spurs Best-Selling Author To Pen Tell-All Thriller

Palm Beach, FL, June 2, 2017 ― On Saturday December 14, 2013 at approximately 11:10 PM, NY Times best-selling author Steve Alten and his wife, Kim, were returning home from dinner and a movie. As they drove through their neighborhood, they noticed something bizarre moving toward them in the night sky – pale amber lights like nothing they had ever seen. Says Alten: "There were eight to twelve of them flying in staggered pairs, approaching from the south less than a thousand feet (estimated) above Route 441/State Road 7 in Palm Beach County. They were far too silent and smooth to be helicopters and they were definitely not planes. As they came closer and passed almost directly overhead we could see the outline of a... well, their saucer-shaped vessels. By this time I had parked the car and Kim and I just stood and watched them, the two of us incredulous as they moved north through a cloudless night sky... until, pair by pair, they simply faded into the ether. Let me be clear here, they didn't move out of range or shut off their lights or disappear into a cloud bank, they slipped out of existence. Neither one of us had ever seen a UFO before. Far from being scared, we felt exhilarated, like we had just been treated to something very special." Three days later, the couple drove to
Miami Beach and had dinner with Dr. Steven M. Greer and his wife Emily – the first time the four had ever met. Considered by many to be the world's foremost authority on UFOs and Extraterrestrials, Dr. Greer has prepared briefs for two sitting presidents, members of congress, the Head of the Joint Chiefs, and many world leaders. He also leads CE-5 expeditions – Human-instigated ET encounters which use group meditation and remote viewing techniques to vector in the Interstellars. Steve Alten had contacted Dr. Greer after watching his 2001 Disclosure Project, a media event now viewed by hundreds of millions of people on YouTube that featured twenty eyewitnesses in the military, Intelligence community, FAA, and private defense sector who testified UFOs are not only real, but that there has been a major cover-up regarding free energy technologies, reverse-engineered from downed interstellar craft that could end global warming, poverty and famine, and change the world – only the fossil fuel industry and military industrial complex refuses to acknowledge their existence. Alten had emailed Dr. Greer seeking permission to use excerpts of these testimonials in one of his novels. A year after the book was published he received an invitation to meet the Greers in Miami for dinner. Of course, the first thing the Altens spoke about was their UFO experience three nights earlier. Dr. Greer explained that these close encounters happen to many of the people he is going to meet for the first time; the ETs are "checking you out to make sure your motives are pure." Greer discovered that advanced species communicate through consciousness; it was during meditation that he learned how to initiate his own close encounters. The meeting in December led to a three-pronged game plan designed to alert the masses to these zero-point-energy technologies, along with details about a False Flag event set up by the military industrial complex intended to make it look like we're being attacked by "evil aliens." 'Unacknowledged' (the documentary) was released by The Orchard, a division of Sony on April 24, 2017 . Unacknowledged (the book, edited by Steve Alten) was released by A&M Publishers on April 25, 2017 . Undisclosed (a new thriller by Steve Alten) will be released on June 6, 2017 . The story is about Adam Shariak, a veteran of the Iraq war, who is appointed Under Secretary of Defense in 2017 in order to penetrate a secret government, purposely black-shelving a clean, abundant energy system, reverse-engineered from downed UFOs. Both books and the movie name names, sites of secret black ops funded underground holding real UFOs and Alien Reproduction Vehicles, and details how a secret group, known as Majik, "murdered former CIA Director William Colby days before he was supposed to turn over a zero-point energy device and millions of dollars in seed money to Dr. Greer." Watch the trailer at:   Available at all online outlets  Undisclosed By Steve Alten Publisher: A and M Publishing LLC  June 2017 ISBN-10: 1943957053 ISBN-13: 978-1943957057

The Custer Conspiracy — Has The Truth Been Buried Since 1876?

Pleasant Hill , CA , May 30, 2017  ― On June 25, 1876 , an overconfident Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer was killed, along with five companies of the Seventh Cavalry who rode with him, at the Battle of the Little Bighorn – or was he?  In The Custer Conspiracy, author Dennis Koller immerses readers in a thrilling tale of murder and intrigue where the facts surrounding Custer's Last Stand were never really the facts at all. And when modern-day history professor Matt Conroy uncovers a deeply buried secret about the ill-fated Custer, he calls an old friend, San Francisco Homicide Inspector Tom McGuire, for advice. The two agree to meet at the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument to investigate Conroy's discovery, but what McGuire finds is Conroy lying near the memorial obelisk on Last Stand Hill – dead. The third novel in Koller's Tom McGuire mystery-thriller series, The Custer Conspiracy follows McGuire as he spirals through a hidden world of political deceit and treachery to find his friend's killer and uncover a truth that could rewrite the history books. Unfortunately for McGuire, one of the most secretive and dangerous organizations in the world stands in his way and will stop at nothing to make sure its 140-year-old secret remains hidden. Will Inspector McGuire uncover the truth? Or will he die trying? Born and raised in San Francisco , author Dennis Koller was the Executive Director of the SS Jeremiah O'Brien, a World War II Liberty ship berthed at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco . In 2013, Koller left his job, figuratively "jumping ship" to write his first Tom McGuire novel. The mystery-thriller, Kissed By The Snow, about a secret FBI drug taskforce that devises a plan to finally win America 's war on drugs, placed fourth in the Ink & Insights national writing contest. He is also the author of The Oath, a political mystery-thriller that expertly weaves together the stories of a former POW, four dead women, Inspector Tom McGuire and the Vietnam War. The Oath won the 2016 Bay Area Independent Publishers Association Book Award for Best Fiction and the 2017 Independent Press Award for Military Fiction. The Custer Conspiracy, published in September 2016, was named a 2017 Distinguished Favorite in the thriller category by Independent Press Award. Koller is a member of the Naval Order of the United States , the Navy League of the United States , the Military Writers Society of America, the California Writers Club, the Independent Book Publishers Association, the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association and is on the Board of Directors of the nonprofit Bethlehem Shipyard Museum . Koller holds an undergraduate degree in philosophy and a graduate degree in business administration, both from Saint Mary's College of California . He lives with his wife in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Custer Conspiracy, Pen Books  Release date: September 2016   ISBN-10: 0998080802  ISBN-13: 978-0998080802 Available at and all book stores upon request. Autographed copies are available at 5.31.17

Become Your Own Boss

Learn From The Strategies And Principles Of A Winner In Unemployable!

Houston , TX , May 15, 2017  – If your job leaves you dissatisfied, maybe it's time you lose it. This may be the best time in history to start your own business. Best-selling author David Thomas Roberts, Renegade Capitalist™ and serial entrepreneur since age twenty-one, has created a guide for those who are no longer content to have someone else dictating their daily commute, their income, schedules and vacations. What does it really take for someone to jump off the employment treadmill and participate in the free enterprise system, unencumbered by traditionally accepted myths? Roberts lays out business strategies and principles in his book Unemployable! How to Be Successfully Unemployed Your Entire Life ( Defiance Press and Publishing, LLC). Always challenging the status quo, Roberts has built a lifetime of success in defiance of accepted business norms which has led him to be dubbed the "Renegade Capitalist™."  In college, Roberts became discouraged because no one was teaching him what he wanted to understand: how to become an entrepreneur. He then dropped out and within a year opened a multimillion-dollar air freight business with his brother. The downturn in the oil industry caught Roberts by surprise and eventually the business failed. Roberts took many valuable lessons from this experience. Undaunted, Roberts launched another business which he later successfully sold.  Roberts has built numerous successful businesses; he is the founder and CEO of Teligistics, a leading multimillion-dollar telecom technology management firm started with $1,000 on a folding card table in a closet. Now, acknowledging the need for more opportunities, classes and degree paths for aspiring entrepreneurs, Roberts has advised major universities and MBA programs on the creation of degree paths and curriculum for entrepreneurial studies. Roberts has two best-selling political thrillers to his credit, Patriots of Treason (2012) and A State of Treason (2014). Inspired by his four children, he recognized the need for an unconventional business book to share his expertise. Roberts will soon release his fourth book, a continuation of the political thriller series, and is working on several more business books digging deeper into the principles of Unemployable! Roberts lives with his wife of thirty-four years near Houston , Texas . He has four grown children and two grandchildren. For more information, please visit and  Unemployable! How to Be Successfully Unemployed Your Entire Life  Defiance Press and Publishing, LLC  By David Thomas Roberts  Available at fine bookstores everywhere and online  ISBN: 9780996259040 5.17.17

Author Q&As available on request. Reviews: Kirkus Reviews: "....Roberts makes a strong case that some people are 'unemployable' because, like him, they are better served founding their own companies and working for themselves. In engaging short chapters that include both personal anecdotes and a smattering of advice, Roberts covers....a worthwhile, fundamental introduction to key business topics...."  Randy Council, COO and Co-Founder of Teligistics Inc.: "Unemployable! is a great read, a real-life success story based on the fundamentals of success lost in our parental and educational systems. It should be a MANDATORY read for all high school seniors and their parents."  Robert E. Marling, Jr., Chairman and CEO, Woodforest Financial Group, Inc.: "Enjoyable to read, filled with compelling facts, and powerfully to the point, Unemployable! is a must read for anyone preparing to take that leap into the world of 'unknowns' that we call 'entrepreneurship.''
Randal Miller, President, New Summit Advisors: "...boldly honest. He is not afraid to speak the truth about the challenges he has faced as an entrepreneur for over 30 years. No filler, no fluff, reading Unemployable! is like having a successful mentor available at your fingertips.''
Amazon readers say:  Jeff Davidson, author and speaker, Breathing Space Institute: "A long term veteran of entrepreneurship himself, Thomas explains why now is one of the greatest times possible for you to be in your own business and he offers action steps for you to succeed....His description of 'renegade capitalism' is priceless, and if you think that you can be a renegade capitalist yourself, this is the book for you." Susan Keefe: "I agree with everything that the author David Thomas Roberts has written. This book is absolutely packed with good advice. If you have the thirst to be your own boss then this is the book for you! It is practical, informative, down to earth and yet at the same time so inspirational." Daisy S.: "...a very insightful and realistic book. If one is considering going into business for oneself, this book I believe would be worth  leading....encouraging, helpful and more realistic than others I read in the past." Pam G.: " enjoyable read from start to finish....I really enjoyed this book on a personal level. He nailed my character traits and the joys and challenges that I've found with running my own business....his enthusiasm and energy come across in his writing....I plan to give this book to my 16-year-old son, as he is searching for what he wants to do as a career, and doesn't see himself sitting in a cubicle from 9 a.m.-5 p.m."  Amazon Customer: "Impressive and educational!...if you've ever had the mindset to become an entrepreneur, this book helps in the transition from, 'I wish I could,' to 'wow, maybe I can too.' 5.17.17

Idols Of History: Start Building Here Today For More Civil Discourse In The Future

Phoenix, AZ, March 15, 2017 ― Yet another benefit of a classical education is the development of skills making it easier to participate in civil political discourse. Educator and author Jason Goetz is developing a unique and thoughtful series about European history, to engage young people in a living study of history with relevance to the issues of the 21st century. Idols of History: High Renaissance Italy is the acclaimed first volume of the series, each with a foreword from a leading academic executive. Ideas shape men, and men make history. Built on this premise, the Idols of History series explores history through the lens of the Great Books. These volumes explore both primary and secondary source classics about each era from the Italian High Renaissance to the Cold War. The perfect resource for high school history classrooms, these books will change the world by creating sharper minds and broadening civics education in the West. One example of how Goetz makes a thematic study of history accessible is his ability to draw a parallel between the two-party
U.S. political system and the dynamic interplay between the revived ideas of Plato and Lucretius as they filtered into northern Italy in the early-to-mid 1400s. With this parallel in mind, Goetz provides a combination of easily readable prose and serious scholarship. This slender 225-page volume introduces students to Lorenzo Valla's Donation of Constantine, Poggio'sFacetiae, Pico della Mirandola's Oration on the Dignity of Man, Luca Pacioli's Rules for Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Machiavelli's The Prince and Discourses on Livy, Castiglione's Book of the Courtier, and Cellini'sAutobiography as primary source classics, and it looks at Durant's The Renaissance, Burckhardt's Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, Gibbon's Decline and Fall, and Macaulay's essay on Machiavelli as secondary source classics. Jason R. Goetz is a young, charismatic award-winning author and educator focusing on reconstructing classical education in the modern world. He is the winner of Readers Favorite (2011) and Nonfiction Authors Association (2016) Bronze Awards. He has worked with and received recognition from actors and actresses, university and corporation executives, heads of high schools, and law school deans.
For more information on Jason Goetz, please visit the website: Idols of History: High Renaissance Italy
Available in print and  ebook at Amazon: ISBN:  978-1539750543 5.17.17

Q&As available on request.

Andrew S. Rosen Chairman and CEO, Kaplan, Inc.; Author, Rebooting for the New Talent Economy:  "Jason...has a serious ambition: he intends to write a series of volumes exploring the interplay between great ideas as expressed in the entire 'Great Books' canon and the events of modern European history.... Goetz paints a detailed and fresh picture of the great figures of the Italian Renaissance....In a tight, readable volume, he articulates the central ideas that emerged from the era, and how the men and women of the period seized these ideas to achieve specific goals. Sometimes those goals were wonderful; frequently they were cruel; almost always they were self-interested.
"...Every high school history classroom would benefit from this book, as it will engage students in an era that shaped our own society. They will see some of the roots from which our current conceptions of commerce, science and philosophy emerged – but they will also see how societies have long been threatened by the hubris, short-sightedness and self-aggrandizement of politicians and leaders. Jason brings a contemporary perspective to issues that have been analyzed and discussed for centuries; the modern reader can't help but reflect on how our society often seems to re-live past mistakes." Stephen H. Balch, Director, Texas Tech Institute for the Study of Western Civilization: " you turn these pages, you will neither have to endure politically correct fretting about the West's guilty forebears, nor morally relative equivocation about their non-Western adversaries—just history, and its evenhanded interpretation, all designed for mature adults....wise and eloquent....Mr. Goetz will be with you along every step of your way, expertly weaving you through narrative paths, focusing your sights on key landmarks, and rendering his own verdicts on the follies, iniquities and, where merited, the virtues and nobility, of the exceptional personages—heroes and villains alike—whom you'll see at history's work." Dr. Daniel Scoggin, Founder, Great Hearts Academies: "Jason is a deep thinker—a philosopher who sees the parts for the whole—and he models the analysis we seek to inculcate in the graduates from our public schools....He does so in a minimum of pages, emphasizing economy of words and of space—a skill that is too often under appreciated or altogether unrecognized. "...Jason then adds color to the factual narrative by bringing in the Great Books. In an age where few students in public or private schools are asked to read nonfiction, let alone nonfiction classics, this is where the real value of Jason's work lies. He brings together the central idea of justice underneath the plot of history, as an adept classical teacher surely should. "...Balanced and even-keeled, Jason takes his readers on an important excursion into one of the most turbulent and troublesome—but ultimately fruitful—periods of which there is record.  He does so with the deliberate intent to draw comparisons with our own turbulent age, and to show how the past can be used to help guide us as a society through the present and into the future."  John Hillis, Vice President of International and
Independent Schools , BASIS.ed: "Jason Goetz is a passionate historian .... Students would greatly benefit from this narrative-driven text which is always exciting and never dry. At school I always wanted a history book to be a page-turner, like Walter Scott's Ivanhoe or The Heart of Midlothian. If that's the type of history book you want, then try this for size. It will enlighten you but not lecture you. Once you're done with it try some of his other titles. You won't be disappointed. Mr. Goetz, and his books, should be seen as essential reading." From Readers' Favorite: "Idols of History: High Renaissance Italy by Jason Goetz is a fascinating look at a small but important piece of the history of Europe and thus the world. [It] is the type of book I found for myself as a young high school student browsing my school library shelves, looking for knowledge and opinions about history that would fill in the huge gaps that my formal public education left....Idols of History is written in a scholarly yet approachable voice that young people will enjoy and, I believe, find very engaging. It has just enough wit and insight into the lives and motivations of historical personages to keep a young mind reading." 5.17.17  

An Electric Legacy—Leo Fender: The Quiet Giant Heard Around the World

Fullerton, CA, May 12, 2017 ― The world occasionally produces one of those rare thinkers whose name becomes iconic. Thomas Edison lit up the world; Albert Einstein profoundly altered the study of physics; Walt Disney reimagined entertainment, and Leo Fender invented the electric guitar. Fender grew up in
Fullerton , California , where his interest in electronics lead him to open his own radio repair shop in 1938. It wasn't long before musicians and band leaders turned to him for help in repairing their equipment. And the rest, as they say, is history. Fender's revolutionary guitar, the Fender Stratocaster, has been the preference of world-renowned musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, David Gilmour, Eric Clapton, George Harrison and Jeff Beck—to name a few. While his name is synonymous with fist-pumping rock and roll sound, in reality, Fender was a shy, unassuming inventor who was nearly deaf and had one glass eye. In 1946 he founded Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company—the launch pad for his most iconic designs—and later on, G&L Musical Instruments.  And now, his wife Phyllis Fender gives readers a memory-filled look into the wonderful world of this quiet genius in the book, Leo Fender: The Quiet Giant Heard Around the World. The book was co-written by Randall Bell, Ph.D., who grew up in Fender's neighborhood and whose father was the head of the R&D department at Fender's company. Fender's game-changing contributions to the music world have been widely recognized. He was presented with the Country Music Association Pioneer Award in 1981; was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Rock Walk of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. His accomplishments were also acknowledged with a Technical Grammy Award in 2009. Fender died in 1991. Today, Fender is a household name. But the quirky, shy inventor never lived large or flaunted his fame. He lived in a mobile home, even after selling his company for $300 million (in today's dollars). His daily routines and obsessions made him truly fascinating, and thanks to his enduring instruments, Fender's legacy forever lives on. Author Phyllis Fender volunteers at the Fullerton Museum where she shares with visitors stories about her life with Leo. She also serves as the Honorary Chairman of G&L. Twenty-two years ago, two different doctors told Phyllis that she had six months to live. Today, both of those doctors are dead, and she is here to finally tell this remarkable story. LEO FENDER: The Quiet Giant Heard Around the World   Leadership Institute Press   Release date: November 1, 2017    ISBN-10: 0996793143  ISBN-13: 978-0996793148  Now available for preorder: 5.13.17

An Electric Legacy—Leo Fender: The Quiet Giant Heard Around the World

Fullerton, CA, May 12, 2017 ― The world occasionally produces one of those rare thinkers whose name becomes iconic.
Thomas Edison lit up the world; Albert Einstein profoundly altered the study of physics; Walt Disney reimagined entertainment, and Leo Fender invented the electric guitar. Fender grew up in
Fullerton , California , where his interest in electronics lead him to open his own radio repair shop in 1938. It wasn't long before musicians and band leaders turned to him for help in repairing their equipment. And the rest, as they say, is history. Fender's revolutionary guitar, the Fender Stratocaster, has been the preference of world-renowned musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, David Gilmour, Eric Clapton, George Harrison and Jeff Beck—to name a few. While his name is synonymous with fist-pumping rock and roll sound, in reality, Fender was a shy, unassuming inventor who was nearly deaf and had one glass eye. In 1946 he founded Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company—the launch pad for his most iconic designs—and later on, G&L Musical Instruments. And now, his wife Phyllis Fender gives readers a memory-filled look into the wonderful world of this quiet genius in the book, Leo Fender: The Quiet Giant Heard Around the World. The book was co-written by Randall Bell, Ph.D., who grew up in Fender's neighborhood and whose father was the head of the R&D department at Fender's company. Fender's game-changing contributions to the music world have been widely recognized. He was presented with the Country Music Association Pioneer Award in 1981; was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Rock Walk of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. His accomplishments were also acknowledged with a Technical Grammy Award in 2009. Fender died in 1991. Today, Fender is a household name. But the quirky, shy inventor never lived large or flaunted his fame. He lived in a mobile home, even after selling his company for $300 million (in today's dollars). His daily routines and obsessions made him truly fascinating, and thanks to his enduring instruments, Fender's legacy forever lives on. Author Phyllis Fender volunteers at the Fullerton Museum where she shares with visitors stories about her life with Leo. She also serves as the Honorary Chairman of G&L. Twenty-two years ago, two different doctors told Phyllis that she had six months to live. Today, both of those doctors are dead, and she is here to finally tell this remarkable story. LEO FENDER: The Quiet Giant Heard Around the World  Leadership Institute Press  Release date: November 1, 2017    ISBN-10: 0996793143 ISBN-13: 978-0996793148 Now available for preorder: 5.13.17

Christian Plays Performed Across The Country

Special to The
Montreal Tribune - Sparta , TN , May 8, 2017 ― Author and playwright, Elizabeth Honaker presents Christian drama at its finest. With eight Christian dramas already published, Elizabeth 's plays are being performed in churches and by Christian groups across the country. To her credit, she's also written and published a novel and two non-fiction books. The following paragraphs briefly describe the "heart" of just a few of her plays. More detailed descriptions can be found on Honaker. The Bread of the Servant: An Easter Play in Four Acts (Feb. 2011) The play centers around the Apostle John in his old age, attempting to explain to Diana, a bitter, jaded slave woman, the life-changing impact Jesus can have on an open heart. Journey to Faith: An Easter Play (Mar. 2016) Luke's Gospel conveys the great compassion of Jesus the Christ in two special stories: the faith of the Centurion in Chapter 7, and the faith of the woman who was healed of a lingering condition in Chapter 8. This play blends the two stories, taking the audience into the revelation of God's love to a sinful world. Truth and Light: An Easter Play in Four Acts (Dec. 2014) Pontius Pilate and his wife have traditionally been shadowy, historical figures. But the short mention of them that exists in each Gospel challenges us, even in the 21st century. This play brings their encounters with Jesus Christ, the source of all truth and light, to an audience in a fresh way. The Paschal Lamb: An Easter Play in Four Acts (June 2014) Martha of Bethany and Barabbas of Bethlehem both experience life-changing events at an early age. Martha experiences the price of sacrifice, and Barabbas experiences the price of hatred. As adults, their lives intersect and they encounter Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah awaited by the Jewish nation. The Sense to Believe: An Easter Play in Four Acts (Mar. 2015) The subject of light is a theme found throughout the Bible: God created light on the fourth day of Creation; Moses' first revelation of God came through a burning bush; several of the prophets reported encountering beings of light who delivered messages from God, and then there is the Light of the World, Jesus Christ. About the Author: Elizabeth Golibart Honaker hails from Sparta , Tennessee , where she teaches writing support and English at Motlow Community College . Her undergraduate degree is in Liberal Arts, and her first MA is in Theology. This has given her the breadth and scope to write over fifteen, full-length passion plays in the last twenty years – seven of which are in print with others being prepared for publication – as well as dozens of shorter scripts, short stories, and poems on Christian topics. Her first historical fiction novel, Come Before Winter, was published in 2014. In that same year, she completed her second MA in English and Creative Writing (Fiction) at Southern New Hampshire University. When she is not writing or tutoring, she spends her time devising new home projects for Allen, her husband of 45 years. She also enjoys communicating with her two wonderful grown children and buying (and making) trinkets for her four lively grandchildren. She is passionate about sharing Christ, missional activities, and her local church. She also loves gardening, sewing, piano playing, and Star Trek as time permits. 5.09.17

 'Her' Draws Attention To A Disorder That Disrupts The Lives Of Many Teens And Robs Them Of Their Self-Identity

In 'Her,' Felicia Johnson takes us into the mind of a girl suffering with borderline personality disorder, and deftly portrays her hopes and struggles as she desperately tries to understand it.

Tucker, GA, May 2, 2017  – While mental health issues are more freely discussed these days, it's still difficult to approach someone who might have a problem. But ignoring it is not an option. With courage and great hope, Felicia Johnson deftly portrays the struggles of a girl with borderline personality disorder in Her (8th Street Publishing). "Her takes readers into the mind of someone who is suffering so they can get a first person view of a painful mental disorder," says Johnson. "The story is an example of how, if we try to push the past away, we are either doomed to repeat it or let it haunt us to our graves." At first glance, Kristen Elliott is a normal seventeen-year-old who loves her family and friends and strives for their approval. But Kristen knows something is wrong with her. In her pain and isolation, she finds fleeting solace in self-injury and the company of Mr. Sharp, her imaginary friend who feeds her feelings of self-loathing. After a failed suicide attempt, Kristen is placed in a mental hospital and diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD). There, she discovers the circumstances that brought her to this breaking point, struggles to understand her mental illness, and fights to be a survivor against her own worst enemy: her self-blame.  Kristen's tale of endurance illustrates the complex nature of the illness known as borderline personality disorder. Readers – including those suffering from BPD and their friends and family – can glean insight into the illness from this powerful and compelling story. 
"The story is inspired by my life of survival and my childhood best friend, Holly, who suffered from BPD," Johnson says. "Holly lost her battle with depression and BPD when she was 15 years old and took her own life. Her also illuminates the harsh reality of child abuse in the home, and the long-term psychological effects it has on everyone involved."  Johnson is an author, child abuse survivor, and mental health advocate. She works in Atlanta with the Highlands Institute and volunteers with Youth Villages Inner Harbour and Personality Disorder Awareness Network. Johnson was nominated for the Gutsy Gals Inspire Me Award of 2014 and Her has been nominated for Georgia Writers Association Author of The Year Award. She loves ice cream and seeing her little sister smile. For more information, please visit the website:; follow the author at;;;   Her 8th Street Publishing, Available online at, and  $16.53; digital $2.99   ISBN-13: 9780615823454 5.04.17

New Book And Documentary Reveal Billions Spent on UFO Projects

Washington, DC, April 27, 2017 ― As director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), Dr. Steven M. Greer has prepared briefings on UFOs and ETs for two sitting presidents, members of congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as the Director of the CIA and numerous foreign leaders. In May of 2001, as founder of The Disclosure Project, Dr. Greer brought forth twenty eyewitnesses (most of whom had above-top-secret government clearances) to testify about the existence of ETs and UFOs. On
April 24, 2017 , Dr. Greer debuted a long-awaited documentary film (released by The Orchard, a division of Sony) and a 350-page hardback (A&M Publishers); both projects under the shared title Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the Greatest Secret in History.  While Dr. Greer's previous documentary, Sirius, focused on members of the armed forces and intelligence organizations who testified as to the "existence and cover-up regarding interstellar craft visiting Earth," Unacknowledged focuses upon USAPs – Unacknowledged Special Access Projects that are being "illegally funded every year from taxpayer monies (conservatively estimated between $80 billion to $100 billion), all of which are operating without the approval of the president or congress." "Hidden among these USAPs are free energy propulsion technologies reverse-engineered from downed UFOs that should have replaced fossil fuels more than 40 years ago," says Dr. Greer. Adding, "Witnesses testify to their existence, as well as other illegalities – including the harassment and murder of scientists who made breakthroughs in zero-point-energy that threatened the fossil fuel industry." To bring Unacknowledged to the masses through a new documentary and book, Dr. Greer and his supporters raised over $700,000 in crowd funding. "We're not out to prove that ETs exist; these advanced craft have been seen by millions of people over the last 70 years. The reason for the secrecy and denial has everything to do with the zero-point-energy technology that powers these craft. You're looking at a free, endless abundance of clean energy that would literally end famine and poverty and reverse global warming while completely changing the way in which the world operates – on scale with the combustion engine and personal computer, only far greater. Big Oil obviously doesn't want that to happen; neither do the banks and military industrialists who feed from the same trough. For humanity, it's akin to the horse and buggy industry preventing the manufacturing of the combustion engine. Unacknowledged exposes everything to the masses."  In addition to offering mankind the keys to humanity's energy future, Dr. Greer and his witnesses "expose the existence of a secret faction of the government that acts without the knowledge and approval of the president or congress, much less the people. Unacknowledged names names, along with the locations of secret underground bases paid for over the last fifty years with taxpayer monies that run into the trillions of dollars." Even more shocking, Greer's book reveals "the reasons behind the murder of CIA Directors James Forrestal and William Colby, as well as Marilyn Monroe, Congressman Steve Schiff of New Mexico , and Dr. Greer's personal assistant and friend, Sheri Adamack." For the first time, military eyewitnesses corroborate criminal acts upon American citizens as part of a USAP – man-made UFO cover-up. The book was released April 25th in bookstores and on The DVD and digital movie will be released on May 9th. 4.28.17

Meditation for Daily Stress: 10 Practices for Immediate Well-Being By Michel Pascal

From Michel Pascal, an inspiring meditation teacher whose programs are in Fortune 500 companies, in prisons, and in his recent multimedia meditation performance at Carnegie Hall, comes a new book with revolutionary and simple one-minute meditations to change our lives.
Los Angeles , CA , April 27, 2017  ― Drawing on his experience living at the Kopan Monastery in Nepal , meditation teacher Michel Pascal shares his simple method of meditating in the moment to calm the mind and break the cycle of stress addiction.  Meditation for Daily Stress: 10 Practices for Immediate Well-being is more than just an exploration of why we experience stress; it is a guide to a revolutionary meditative technique for finding peace, quiet, mindfulness, centeredness and simplicity in our daily lives. A true authority in meditation, Michel Pascal introduces readers to the power of meditation as the best solution for daily stress, anxiety, and depression. He prescribes a series of one minute visualization and breathing practices and techniques that can be used throughout the day ― whether in the workplace, while commuting, or at home ― to unplug in the moment, before stress takes hold (or after if necessary).  Michel's method includes ten easy practices that you can do for even a minute at a time, wherever you are. In this guide, you will learn how to:  • Meditate Like the Horizon to unplug your brain when it is running all the time.   • Meditate Like a Dolphin to discover your inner peace in high-stress moments.   • Meditate Like a Mountain to feel more grounded when your mood is up and down.   • Meditate Like a Wave to help you deal with difficult people and difficult interactions.   • Meditate Like a Kiss to feel less stress in a romantic relationship.   Exploring both spirituality and physicality, mind and body, Meditation for Daily Stress is an essential read for busy people looking for an approach to meditation that will allow them to start a daily practice right away in order to live a healthier, happier life. Michel Pascal is a French author, meditation teacher, singer, filmmaker, and photographer. Michel's unique brand of meditation is being practiced at Google, Harvard University , and many other major organizations. Before moving to the United States , Pascal lived in the Kopan Monastery in the Himalayas . He has spent more than 15 years adapting traditional teachings and practices for students around the world. Pascal lives in Los Angeles , CA . If you wish to request an interview with Michel Pascal on Meditation for Daily Stress: 10 Practices for Immediate Well-Being please send Dea Shandera-Hunter an email with the name of the show, your network, your contact information, calling details and a proposed date. Meditation for Daily Stress: 10 Practices for Immediate Well-being By Michel Pascal Published by Abrams Image, April 2017 ISBN: 9781419724053  Hardcover $16.95, 192  4.28.17

The Intelligent Divorce Course: Divorcing Smarter Can Give Children A Healthier Outcome

  Special to The Montreal Tribune -  Katonah, NY, April 21, 2017 ― Divorce happens. In fact, it will happen to more than 2 million people this year in the United States . And, whether it's a celebrity divorce like Jolie and Pitt, a sister, a brother or a best friend, millions more are affected as well. Mark Banschick, M.D., is a child and adolescent psychiatrist, author, speaker and former expert witness in custody disputes who has observed all too often the painful impact that divorce can have on all involved, especially children.So he chose to offer parents a better way ― a "smarter" way ― to divorce. Dr. Banschick created The Intelligent Divorce Course, an online, self-paced program to help parents keep the needs of their children paramount as they navigate their way through the complex issues of divorce and into the altered family dynamic that lies ahead. The program features eight, research-based modules, complete with actors and animation, to help parents make smarter decisions, avoid common divorce-related mistakes, communicate more effectively and co-parent more successfully. The ultimate goal is to give children the best possible chance of emerging from the divorce healthy and well-adjusted. Suggested topics Dr. Banschick can address: Should I stay or should I go? (Pointers from a divorce expert)  What is the Children's Bill of Rights in divorce?   We are thinking about getting a divorce. What do we tell the children?   "He (or she) is not the person I married." How people change in divorce.   Celebrity divorces – Lessons that are applicable to everyone.   What are the 10 Commandments of good parenting in a divorce?   How can I help my brother, sister, friend or coworker who's going through divorce?  Can a divorce be intelligent? Or are the two words mutually contradictory? Is my ex a narcissist ― or just an 'a-hole?'   How do you deal with an impossible ex? (There is even a section on this in the book) Can a course on divorce help children, and how?  Just one parent taking the course can make a difference; two is even better.
A free download of the mini-book, The Intelligent Divorce, with crucial pointers such as how to tell the kids about the divorce, a child's bill of rights and creating a healthy family going forward, is available for those who register on Banschick's website. Banschick also shares his expert advice and insights regularly through podcasts and through his widely read Intelligent Divorce blog on
For parents going through divorce, Banschick's Intelligent Divorce Course and related resources can be life-changing, particularly for the children. After all, they still deserve the best their parents have to give. Mark Banschick, M.D., is a child psychiatrist with specialty training from
Georgetown University and New York-Presbyterian Hospitals. Banschick has taught clergy at the graduate level and regularly trains mental health professionals in the treatment of at-risk families. He is available for talks and seminars. He is also the author of the books The Intelligent Divorce: Taking Care of Your Children, and The Intelligent Divorce: Taking Care of Yourself.  For more information on Banschick and the divorce course, please visit To hear his podcasts, please visit, or to download the free e-book, visit TIP SHEET: Q & As available on request. Jill Brooke, Contributor, CBS, ABC and CNN: "Dr. Banschick is a rare talent, as practical as Dr. Phil, as soulful as Rabbi Kushner and as savvy about men and women as John Gray. He can guide rebuilding families so that they not only survive but also thrive." Brian Copeland, "The Brian Copeland Show," KGO-AM 810, San Francisco: "Dr. Mark Banschick offers advice on the difficult issue of divorce that is practical, effective, but most of all, human. His counsel on the subject has literally helped thousands of my radio listeners, and he's become a favored and frequently requested guest. Anyone going through the tribulations of a marital dissolution will find that what Mark offers will make the process a little easier and a lot less painful." Peter Acker, MD, FAAP, Chairman, Dept. of Pediatrics, Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich, Connecticut: "Comprehensive, well organized and user-friendly, The Intelligent Divorce is a must read for any professional or parent caring for children."  The most thrilling entertainment  The most thrilling entertainment often results when an author is tapping into our deepest fears. Please allow me to send you a complimentary copy of And Into the Fire in consideration of a review, interview or feature. Nuclear Terrorism expert and bestselling author Robert Gleason follows his bestselling Wrath of God with this riveting story, and his remarkable expertise makes him a fascinating guest. Please read the following press release and let me know if I may schedule an interview. Send me your postal address for a copy of the book; if you would like to run this story we'd be happy to send you .jpgs of Robert and the book cover. Thank you.  Monica Foster, Senior Publicist, Ascot Media Group, Inc. Post Office Box 2394 Friendswood, TX 77549 Direct: (713) 446-8815 Phone: (281) 333-3507 Fax: (832) 569-5539 4.22.17

An Unflinching Look At An All Too Possible Scenario: And Into The Fire

  Special to The Montreal Tribune - New York, NY, April 20, 2017 ― In a world awash with dread and threats of terrorism, bestselling author Robert Gleason brings our worst fears to life in And Into The Fire (Forge Books, June 6, 2017). Nuclear terrorism expert Robert Gleason is the bestselling author of End of Days, Wrath of God, and The Nuclear Terrorist. With an undeniable authority on the subject of all things nuclear, Gleason has created a character-driven, page-turning thriller. As the story opens,
ISIS has plans to achieve its ultimate dream: Forcing the US into a clash of civilizations in the Mideast . The head of the CIA's Pakistan desk, Elena Moreno, and an intrepid journalist, Jules Meredith, are on their trail. Unfortunately, a powerful Saudi ambassador is blackmailing a corrupt American president, and now both men will do anything to stop these two women, to the point of having them killed. All the while, a notorious Pakistani terrorist, who twenty years ago was Elena's college lover, is leading a highly skilled, highly trained terrorist team into the US . They are armed with three Hiroshima-style nukes and are hell-bent on incinerating the three American cities. Can the two women stop them? The clock is ticking. Robert Gleason was born in Michigan City , Indiana . He has a B.A. from Indiana University , a master's degree from the University of Wisconsin , and attended the Sorbonne. A highly regarded expert on nuclear terrorism, Gleason has spoken on the subject several times at Harvard, and on national TV and radio shows such as Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, George Noory's Coast to Coast AM, and NPR, along with many others. Gleason also appeared as an expert in the History Channel's two-hour special Prophets of Doom. He has worked for Simon and Schuster/Pocket Books, Playboy Press, and for the last thirty-three years at Tor/Forge Books, where he is executive editor. Gleason has also published several novels on his own. For more information on Robert Gleason, please visit his website: And Into the Fire Forge Books Available June 6th in print and ebook online and at your favorite bookseller ISBN:  978-0765379160 4.22.17  

Timely Story About Foreign Aid - Rescue Thyself: Change In Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come From Within

Bethesda, MD, April 20, 2017 ― Why has foreign aid failed to alleviate poverty and promote development and economic growth in Africa? A new book to be released in April, Rescue Thyself: Change In Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come From Within, examines this thorny question boldly and holistically. In the past fifty to sixty years, more than $1 trillion in foreign aid have gone to
Africa . Despite this largesse and the multitude of foreign experts in many disciplines made available to these nations, Sub-Saharan Africa remains the world's poorest region. 
The book is an in-depth and bold "conversation" with several audiences including government policy makers and the foreign aid community. The author strongly suggests that the open ended "giving" approach of many of the donors, including the rich and developed nations of the world, should be restructured or at least significantly curtailed. Sure, the donors are very passionate about alleviating the suffering of the populations in these nations. However, they should demand more accountability, transparency and honest governance from the leaders of these nations. The most formidable barriers to progress and development in many of the nations in Sub-Saharan Africa are Sub-Saharan African leaders who have presided over the decimation of the subcontinent. Some of these nations certainly need help. But first, they must start helping themselves. Several possible solutions are proposed, all anchored on a new type of leadership, honest governance, quality education, superb infrastructure, respect for the rule of law, and a different strategy by the donors. The murderous activities of Boko Haram in
Nigeria , Niger and Chad , including the abduction of hundreds of female students in North Eastern Nigeria and the 2014 - 2015 Ebola epidemic in West Africa have been well publicized. These are two examples of the disasters that plagued and continue to inflict pain and suffering on the people. These situations, plus the worsening destitution in many of the nations of Sub-Saharan Africa, all make it imperative that a blunt, deep analysis and discussion of the failure of these nations should take place. While the agony in most of these nations affects the majority of the population, the children, the youth, and the elderly have been particularly impacted.   The book is a comprehensive and rather provocative examination of the calamitous state of most of the nations of Sub-Saharan Africa; written by someone born in Africa , and educated there from primary school to medical school. He has also been involved in development issues in the sub-continent for many years, mainly in the education and healthcare sectors. No amount of foreign aid to these poor-performing nations will reverse the poverty in the region unless there is significant improvement in the performance of the leadership. The case is also made that Sub-Saharan Africans have been bequeathed with all the tools needed, i.e., human and natural resources to develop their nations. Thus, they need not continue the culture of dependency on the rest of the human race. Available at bookstores and all online outlets. RescueThyself: Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come From Within By Dr. Sylvanus Ayeni Publisher: Hamilton Books Language: English   April 2017 ISBN-10: 0761868917 ISBN-13: 978-0761868910 4.22.17

  Take The Leap And Soar Higher Than Ever: From SOS to WOW! Your Personal Coaching Adventure

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Friendswood , TX , April 19, 2017- Finding professional and personal happiness is a lifelong journey; Margaret A. Johnson, P.E., credentialed executive/corporate coach and author, has a unique and fun approach to getting out of a rut and moving ahead. From SOS to WOW! Your Personal Coaching Adventure is a helpful guidebook for anyone ready to bust their assumptions, unleash their creative ideas, and take courageous risks to get to where they want to be personally and professionally. "If you're stuck in the same old place at work, in your personal life, or still waiting for your dreams to become a reality and you're ready to make a change, this book is for you," Johnson explains. "SOS, or 'Same Old Stuff,' is the place you find yourself in over and over again. For example, maybe you're unhappy at work, wondering what else you could be doing. Maybe you're in a relationship with the same kind of guy or gal you recently separated from, or watching someone else doing what you have always dreamed about, but not making any progress toward making it happen for yourself. "Where would you like to be instead? WOW - 'Well On the Way' - to being where you really want to be," Johnson continues. "No longer stuck in a 'no progress' repetitive cycle, you're achieving your goals using forward-moving tips and techniques to bust through limiting beliefs, making creativity and courageous risk taking a part of your daily life. Finally, you are SWOW – 'So Well On the Way' - staying motivated and making real progress toward your dreams and goals." Margaret A. Johnson is from Michigan but moved to Texas as soon as she could where she learned to ride a horse and say "y'all." Utilizing her BS in Mechanical Engineering, an MBA, her professional engineering license and coaching credentials, she inspires people and organizations to strive for excellence. Her experience ranges from engineering and management in power, to sales and consulting in the oil and gas industry.  As President of Ideal Training, Inc., she trains and coaches professionals and managers with a mission to unleash creativity, ignite ideas and remove barriers to success to assist clients in solving problems and opening doors to possibilities. For more information on Margaret Johnson, coach, speaker and author, please visit the website: From SOS to WOW! Your Personal Coaching Adventure  Available online at and at ISBN:  978-0998129501 4.20.17

Called On The Ice Merchant

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Galveston , TX , April 19, 2017  – The Ice Merchant, the latest riveting thriller by Dr. Paul Boor, goes back in time to 1889 Galveston to explore the dark history of trafficking in corpses to be used in the medical schools that were popping up across America . In a tale that combines the perfect blend of intrigue, thrills, romance and human weakness, this plot makes for one heck of a page-turner!  Nicolas Van Horne, a shrewd Yankee ice merchant, is happy with his profitable side business. On this particular trip, his first delivery for Galveston 's new Medical School , he's carrying human cadavers wedged between huge blocks of ice deep in his ship's hold. When he becomes enthralled with Galveston 's lady scientist Rene Keiller, he makes the gruesome discovery that he's been trafficking in murdered boys! With Rene's help, Nicolas eventually solves the puzzle behind his grisly cargo. But it's not quite that simple; he must first overcome his addiction to morphine, even as he becomes completely enmeshed in Rene's experiments on the most dreaded killer of their time...Yellow Fever. Dr. Boor's vast background as a scientist and professor at Galveston 's Medical School lends added realism to an already thrilling plot. Also home to the highest-level, infectious Bio-Lab in the nation, Dr. Boor put this experience to work in his first novel, The Blood Notes of Peter Mallow ― a modern biomedical thriller acclaimed as "real, raw and on the edge."  Dr. Boor is a world-renowned, Harvard-trained pathologist and scientist whose contributions to science are highly respected. He was the recipient of both a Young Investigator and an Established Investigator Award from NIH's (National Institutes of Health) Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Passionate about writing, the credibility he brings to his riveting storytelling is making Dr. Boor a hot contender in the thriller and suspense genre. For more information, please visit:  The Ice Merchant Publisher: Argo-Navis Language: English ISBN-10: 0786754931 ISBN-13: 978-0786754939 4.20.17

Pure & Simple: A Natural Food Way Of Life By Pascale Naessens

Renowned Belgian bestselling culinary author who has sold 1.5 million books, former international model, and accomplished ceramic artist Pascale Naessens brings her passion for health and cooking with romantic flair to her first U.S. book, with more than 60 recipes that showcase beautiful, nutritious, and delicious natural foods.
Los Angeles , CA , April 13, 2017 ― In Pure & Simple, Pascale Naessens celebrates delicious meals, pleasure, and health with passion. Her method for staying happy, healthy and slim will help readers acquire new, conscious eating habits and freedom from carbohydrate addiction. With more than 60 recipes and a new up-to-date approach to eating, Pure & Simple creates a culinary movement. Naessens' approach is building a lifestyle that embraces only natural, unprocessed foods that will leave you satisfied and with more energy. With gorgeous images of healthy cuisine that inspire, Naessens' latest book also exhibits her knack for design and her talent as an acclaimed ceramist. Her aesthetics are evident in the styling of her book, which she is solely responsible for, while her tableware designs adorn the pages of Pure & Simple. Naessens' ceramic tableware line, Pure, is sought after by home cooks and top restaurants alike. Pure & Simple shares delicious, simple recipes with a romantic flair that are designed to be shared with friends and family. More than a cookbook, it is chock-full of the latest nutritional insights, helpful tips, and inspiration for healthy eating. Mouthwatering recipes for appetizers, mains, and desserts make adopting this eating style entirely uncomplicated. Naessens emphasizes that what you eat is just as important as how you eat; creating a pleasurable eating experience is not only simple to achieve but something to savor as well. Naessens came to this realization after experiencing an eating disorder as a model, then delving into the world of health and nutrition and soon becoming a qualified health consultant specializing in traditional Chinese medicine. She is well versed in a wide array of health practices, including tai chi and shiatsu massage. Naessens also is a qualified restaurateur. At its core Pure & Simple focuses on food combinations, demystifying this nutritional philosophy by providing a simple food combining chart with a simple philosophy: replace bread and potatoes with vegetables and fruit at every meal. This is her only rule —concentrated carbohydrates should not be eaten with concentrated protein. The basic series of food combinations in her meals include meat or fish + vegetables, carbohydrates + vegetables, or dairy + vegetables. And she doesn't fear fat. Pascale's very easy and simple recipes to prepare are more satiating than the classic high carb meals. To Naessens, the terms "cooking" and "eating" are synonyms for "enjoying;" food should not be about a calorie war, but rather the pleasure of balanced, conscious eating should be celebrated. Her two conditions for acquiring new healthy eating habits? The food you eat must be good and you must be satisfied after every meal. You won't need to count calories or restrict portion sizes. Simply choose healthy food consciously and enjoy what you eat. You will cook delicious food simply and easily. You can drink wine. You will be satisfied. And you will enjoy your food with pleasure.  A few of her recipes include:   • Salmon with Olive-Pistachio Tapenade and Tomatoes   • Fish Wraps with Soy-Sesame Dipping Sauce   • Seared Scallops with Sea Beans    • Cajun Chicken Salad with Guacamole   • Roasted Rosemary Lamb, Tomatoes, and Carrots   • Meatballs in Ginger-Soy Broth   • Goat Cheese Bites with Marinated Sesame Seeds   • Savory Lentil and Rice Crepes with Fresh Herbs   • Baked Peaches with Mascarpone   About the Author:   Pascale Naessens is a bestselling culinary author in Belgium. She has since become a leading voice for pure and healthy eating. A number of her books have already been translated into French, English, German, and Chinese. It's said that Naessens has "taught her nation to eat healthily." Her cooking and her lifestyle appeal to a broad public as demonstrated by the many Facebook communities where fans of Pascale's Pure Kitchen share experiences and recipes. After completing her studies in economic sciences at the age of eighteen, Naessens traveled the globe as a fashion model. After five years of assignments in Paris , Milan , Madrid , Hong Kong , China and Tokyo , she returned to Belgium where she began a television career with the Belgian broadcasting corporation VTM, first as a presenter then hosting a series of home and lifestyle shows.  
For more information, please visit:   Pure & Simple:
A Natural Food Way of Life   By Pascale Naessens,  Abrams / April 4, 2017  U.S. $24.95 / CAN $29.95  Hardcover / 208 pages   73⁄8 x 93⁄8" / 150 color photographs  ISBN: 978-1-4197-2617-0  

Take The Challenge

Find Out What Really Brings You Happiness And Makes Life More Meaningful In Find Your Awesome

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Livermore , CA , April 10, 2017  ― In today's fast-paced world, filled with deadlines, to-do lists and obligations, it's no wonder we've been neglecting the very states of our well-being. Now (more than ever) there's Find Your Awesome: A 30-Day Challenge to Fall in Love with Your Playful, Imaginative & Colorful Self (HCI – ISBN: 9780757319754 – April 2017 -- $14.95) by author/illustrator and all around awesome person, Judy Clement Wall. The author delivers an illustrated journal filled with fun designed to guide you to a more relaxed, playful, more lovable you. The challenge? To explore and expand the boundaries of your imagination.
With Find Your Awesome you'll be encouraged to create, make art (don't worry, you don't have to be DaVinci), or write yourself a love letter. Just have fun! Here's an example of some of the exciting prompts you'll find: • Appreciate your body in all its awesomeness    • Doodle your perfect t-shirt    • Find your life theme   • Be outrageously grateful  • Create a life list    The best part? There are no rules. No expectations. No judgments. Just 'you' time, to let your mind go wild and create.  Let your freak flag fly!  Readers will enjoy original art with full color and space to play and journal. The portable size is also perfect for bedside table, pocketbook, or travel. Please contact me at (800) 851-9100 ex. 9212 or for more information. About the Author: Judy Clement Wall is a writer-illustrator who has been published or featured in the Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and The Good Men Project. She is the author of Find Your Awesome: A 30-Day Challenge to Fall in Love with Your Playful, Imaginative & Colorful Self (A Creative Journal Adventure) and illustrator for HCI Book's popular Inkspirations coloring book series( including Inkspirations for Women and Inkspirations for Mindful Living. Visit her at Available at and  Find Your Awesome: A 30-Day Challenge to Fall in Love with Your Playful, Imaginative & Colorful Self By Judy Clement Wall Publisher: HCI (April 4, 2017) Paperback: 120 pages Language: English ISBN-10: 0757319750 ISBN-13: 978-0757319754 4.11.17

An Exhilarating Journey To A Better Life Begins With Dear Human, Master Your Emotions

Special to The Montreal Tribune -    Sarasota , FL , April 10, 2017  ― We all want to be our best self, every day. But for most people, emotional reactions like stress, anger, frustration, anxiety, fear, shame, and disappointment are an exhausting daily struggle, making it tough to consistently be the leader, parent, mate, colleague, friend, and person you truly want to be. Dear Human, Master Your Emotions (Inspire On Purpose) is a user-friendly guide to emotional mastery. Author Mark Youngblood has spent decades studying what it takes to lead a successful and fulfilling life. One of his greatest lessons has been this: the power to change our world—to make it what we want—exists within each of us. And through these powerful insights, strategies and life skills, the journey can be faster and easier than you ever imagined. Dear Human, Master Your Emotions provides simple, clear explanations and powerful tools for transforming your life. Readers find powerful insights and perspectives, along with exciting new strategies and life skills, illustrated through fascinating real-life examples. We are born with a robust palette of emotions designed to make our life richer and to serve our best interests; instead, they often seem to make our life more difficult and painful. The inability to handle negative emotions is at the root of most of the strife and suffering in society. People will do almost anything to avoid negative, painful emotions ― and resort to suppression, destructive interpersonal drama, addiction, compulsions, and ultimately to suicide. Dear Human, Master Your Emotions is a user-friendly guide designed to help readers gain greater understanding and acceptance of their emotions by learning how to take charge of them. Embracing all of these emotions and processing them in a healthy way will not only transform an individual life, it can lead to the betterment of society in general. "The development of Inner Mastery is a journey to free yourself from the chains of your personal dramas and the suffering they inflict," Youngblood says. "As you begin your journey, this book will guide you through self-awareness and emotional self-management. It will prepare you with the understanding and skills you will need for continuing your journey of growth." Mark Youngblood is a lifelong student, teacher, and facilitator of Inner Mastery. His life purpose is to elevate human consciousness and promote spiritual growth, individually and collectively. He founded his company, Inner Mastery, Inc., more than 20 years ago to promote personal and organizational transformation. His outreach presently includes executive coaching with top management, the Inner Mastery online learning community, Dear Human books, public speaking, and special workshops. A Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Youngblood has read, studied, and practiced extensively in the art and science of personal transformation and spiritual growth for nearly two decades. A proud father and stepfather, Youngblood is married to his high school sweetheart after 30 years apart. He loves to travel and is an avid fine art photographer. For more information, please visit the website: Dear Human, Master Your Emotions, Inspire On Purpose Publishing, Available at fine booksellers September 5, in e-book, audiobook and paperback formats  ISBN:  978-1941782088 4.11.17

War, Spies, and Bobby Sox: Thrilling Tales From The Home Front During WWII

Chicago , IL , April 3, 2017― While World War II rages across Europe and the Pacific, its impact ripples through communities in the heartland of America . War, Spies And Bobby Sox is a trio of tales: A farm girl is locked in a dangerous love triangle with two German soldiers held in an Illinois POW camp ... Another German, a war refugee, is forced to risk her life spying on the developing Manhattan Project in Chicago ... And espionage surrounds the disappearance of an actress from the thriving Jewish community of Chicago's Lawndale.  Acclaimed thriller author Libby Fischer Hellmann beautifully depicts the tumultuous effect of war on the home front and illustrates how the action, terror, and tragedy of World War II was not confined to the front lines. Libby Fischer Hellmann left a career in broadcast news in Washington , DC and moved to Chicago 35 years ago, where she, naturally, began to write gritty crime fiction. Fourteen novels and twenty short stories later, she claims they'll take her out of the Windy City feet first. She has been nominated for many awards in the mystery and crime writing community and has even won a few. Her novels include the now five-volume Ellie Foreman series, which she describes as a cross between "Desperate Housewives" and "24;" the hard-boiled 4-volume Georgia Davis PI series, and three stand-alone historical thrillers that Libby calls her "Revolution Trilogy." Her short stories have been published in a dozen anthologies, the Saturday Evening Post, and Ed Gorman's "25 Criminally Good Short Stories" collection.  In 2005 Libby was the national president of Sisters In Crime, a 3500 member organization dedicated to the advancement of female crime authors. She also hosts a monthly radio show called "Second Sunday Crime" on the Authors on the Air internet network and just began hosting a monthly web streaming interview show, "Solved!" (Please visit: for more). War, Spies, & Bobby Sox: Stories About World War Two At Home is award-winning author Hellmann's fourteenth work and fourth volume of historical fiction. For more information, please visit her website: War, Spies, and Bobby Sox: Stories About World War Two At Home The Red Herrings Press Available in print, ebook and audiobook online and wherever fine books are sold ISBN:   978-1-938733-97-0 E-book: 978-1-938733-98-7  Audiobook: 978-1-938733-99-4 4.04.17

An Unflinching Look At An All Too Possible Scenario: And Into The Fire

New York, NY, April 3, 2017 ― In a world awash with dread and threats of terrorism, bestselling author Robert Gleason brings our worst fears to life in And Into The Fire (Forge Books, June 6, 2017). Nuclear terrorism expert Robert Gleason is the bestselling author of End of Days, Wrath of God, and The Nuclear Terrorist. With an undeniable authority on the subject of all things nuclear, Gleason has created a character-driven, page-turning thriller. As the story opens,
ISIS has plans to achieve its ultimate dream: Forcing the US into a clash of civilizations in the Mideast . The head of the CIA's Pakistan desk, Elena Moreno, and an intrepid journalist, Jules Meredith, are on their trail. Unfortunately, a powerful Saudi ambassador is blackmailing a corrupt American president, and now both men will do anything to stop these two women, to the point of having them killed. All the while, a notorious Pakistani terrorist, who twenty years ago was Elena's college lover, is leading a highly skilled, highly trained terrorist team into the US . They are armed with three Hiroshima-style nukes and are hell-bent on incinerating the three American cities. Can the two women stop them? The clock is ticking. Robert Gleason was born in Michigan City , Indiana . He has a B.A. from Indiana University , a master's degree from the University of Wisconsin , and attended the Sorbonne. A highly regarded expert on nuclear terrorism, Gleason has spoken on the subject several times at Harvard, and on national TV and radio shows such as Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, George Noory's Coast to Coast AM, and NPR, along with many others. Gleason also appeared as an expert in the History Channel's two-hour special Prophets of Doom. He has worked for Simon and Schuster/Pocket Books, Playboy Press, and for the last thirty-three years at Tor/Forge Books, where he is executive editor. Gleason has also published several novels on his own. For more information on Robert Gleason, please visit his website: And Into the Fire - Forge Books, Available June 6th in print and ebook online and at your favorite bookseller ISBN:  978-0765379160 4.04.17

 Canadian Black Book Survey finds Majority

of Canadian Car/Truck Owners Looking to Buy – Quebecers Least Likely - Buyers Still Struggle with Basic Knowledge about Car Buying and Ownership

Markham, ON, April 4, 2017 - New research reveals that six in ten of Canadians surveyed (62%) are likely (29% very likely; 33% somewhat likely) to purchase a car or truck over the next two years.  This is an eleven point jump compared to the 51 per cent of respondents who answered the same question in January of 2016. This data represents a substantial increase in potential car buyers versus what was considered an already high percentage last year. In
Quebec , the intention to purchase is the lowest nationally at 59%.  However, this is still a nine point increase on the national average from the 2016 iteration of this survey.  Saskatchewan/Manitoba (combined) also sits at 59%, while Ontarians are the most likely at 65%.  For the second year now, vehicle values specialists, Canadian Black Book, has designed a poll conducted nationally by Ipsos to gauge Canadian car buying habits, knowledge and trends.“Although these intention to purchase numbers are encouraging for the industry and economy, concerns do exist regarding an apparent consumer knowledge gap about buying and vehicle ownership in general,” says Brian Murphy, VP Editorial and Research, Canadian Black Book.  “The vast majority of Canadians do not realize what expense is costing them the most when it comes to owning a vehicle – depreciation,” he adds. The 2017 poll showed that only 2% of respondents knew that depreciation was the single largest cost of vehicle ownership when presented with a list of other costs such as insurance, gas, maintenance, etc.  This is up one point from last year.  “It’s just a fact that car owners need to pay attention to, especially when buying or selling. To get the most out of your auto investment, you need to know how much money you are inevitably going to lose,” Murphy explains.  In general a vehicle is the second largest personal investment and/or expense, yet understanding aspects of a vehicle’s value is a stumbling point in a number of other ways for Canadian consumers.  Only half of the respondents who have previously traded in a vehicle in the past felt they had a good idea of their vehicles value at trade-in time, while 21% admitted to having no idea of their vehicle’s trade-in value before heading to the dealership.  One in three (33%) felt they ended up getting less money for their trade-in than they expected. The survey showed that 29% of respondents currently hold an auto loan, yet only half of them correctly define being in a negative equity auto loan situation as ‘when you owe more on your vehicle loan than the value of the car’.   Two in ten have no idea what negative equity means in relation to an auto loan.   Quebec drivers hold the most auto loans compared to other regions nationally, at 36%.  Ontarians have the least at 25%. Calculating the time required to pay off auto loans can also be challenging. The survey asked Canadians to assume they had bought a new car for $30,000 and had taken out a loan for the purchase at 0% for 96 months. They were then asked how many months it would take before the car would be worth more than the value of the loan remaining. Only two in ten (22%) chose the right answer, which is 48 months, meaning that eight in ten (78%) did not get the right answer. Some interesting data was also revealed about market forces, trends and how they may affect purchase decisions.  The survey asked about potential considerations, if gas prices were to rise $0.25 per liter between now and the time respondents are looking to replace their existing vehicle.  In this situation, four in ten Canadians (43%) say they would consider at least one type of alternative-energy vehicle, with hybrid vehicles (28%) being the most popular choice. Others say they’d consider an electric vehicle (23%), a plug-in hybrid vehicle (17%), or even a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (10%). Three in ten (32%) say they’d look at downsizing what they drive to something more fuel-efficient.  A further one in ten (10%) Canadians would consider a diesel vehicle, while 12% would think about not replacing their current vehicle at all, relying instead on public transit, walking or pedal power. This leaves three in ten Canadians (30%) who say that a $0.25 hike in gas prices wouldn’t affect their next vehicle purchase decision at all. Quebec is just under the national average at 31% of its respondents suggesting they would consider less gas thirsty option, if fuel prices rise.  However, they are the least likely nationally to have interest in a diesel, at only 6%.  “Our relatively inexpensive fuel prices today, may not last as long as we would like.  This inescapable increase in operating costs, will change perceptions, needs and demands on the OEMs,” says Murphy. With the rapid expansion of the car-sharing economy and innovative new services such as Car2Go, Autoshare/Enterprise CarShare, Communauto, Modo, Evo, ZipCar and Uber, Canadians have increased alternatives to owning or leasing vehicles.  One quarter of those surveyed say they are likely to reduce the number of automobiles in their household in the next two years; with 31% saying the same in the next five years; and 40% suggesting they are likely to downsize the household fleet in the next ten years. When researching to buy and/or trade-in, Canadians have an increasing array of tools available to them.  The most popular way to research a vehicle purchase before heading into the dealership is to reference reviews (51%), followed by friends and family (45%), build and price tools (38%), online or print classified ads (35%) and online trade-in value calculators (30%), with a number of less popular methods.When investigating how to get the maximum trade-in value, online trade-in calculators dominate as the most likely resource for Canadians would rely on at 58%.  Up two points from last year, 70 % of Canadians have heard of Canadian Black Book, and one quarter of Canadians (24%, up four points from a year ago) have personally used one of the free online value calculators offered at Canadian Black Book is Canada ’s trusted source for vehicle values, for over 55 years, with a suite of vehicle value solutions for consumers, dealers, banks, insurers and other industry sectors. For a closer look at the key findings nationally compared to those from Quebec , please review the attached table.  For any questions, requests or to arrange an interview contact: Conrad Galambos, Media Relations, Canadian Black Book  905-979-7039 4.04.17

The Smart Gal's Guide thru Divorce; What Lawyers Don't Tell You

Houston, TX, March 30, 2017- The journey of divorce is highly complex, and daunting. Sara A., speaker and divorce coach, wants to guide women to find courage and to think through the process better prepared and well-informed with The Smart Gal's Guide thru Divorce; What Lawyers don't tell you (WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan).
"We know what you're going through and what's up ahead. We call it, 'Divorce Dizziness,'" Sara A. says. "The discovery, the documents, the details and the delays. The dizziness will only last for a season. For most of us, of course, we never expected that life would bring us here. Unfortunately, sometimes, we find that divorce may come into our lives. Sometimes, life brings change." The Smart Gal's Guide thru Divorce includes sixteen chapters of clear, chapter by chapter guidance on topics such as Calendaring, Lawyering, Divorce Coaching, Documenting, Organizing, Protecting, Empowering, and Moving Forward. The Tools section covers "Over 25 Key-Areas of Concern" to be sure to consider, and "The 30 Most-Costly Mistakes" to avoid. Sara A. is the founder of Divorce Buddys, and has been divorced twice. This book is not about Sara, and it is not intended to talk people through rebuilding after divorce. "This book has never been done before," she says. "This book is to guide you through, with 'insider-thinking.' We think it through with you." Sara A. provides valuable insight into selecting the best attorney, preserving the family nest-egg, limiting financial losses, and smart ways to cut billable hours and control the costly back and forth. Following a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from The University of Texas, Austin, Sara built a resume of business development. With a heart to encourage, in 2012 she was inspired to launch Divorce Buddys, providing key information, wisdom and insight for women walking through the complex journey of divorce. She is a certified divorce coach. In 2015, she founded G.O., Gals Only, encouraging single women in a focused discussion setting with foundational truths, faith-based inspiration, outreach and community. In all her work, Sara A. is inspired to encourage women to "Put on Courage." She is currently available for speaking engagements, radio interviews, TV interviews and meeting with individual clients. For more information on Sara A. and her new book, please visit the website:  Twitter @TheSmartGals Instagram @thesmartgalsguide LinkedIn Business Profile  Sara A. Davis The Smart Gal's Guide thru Divorce. What Lawyers don't tell you. WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan Available online everywhere, and from the publisher:  ISBN: 9781512733631 4.02.17

Conversations with God, Book 4: Awaken the Species By Neale Donald Walsch 

A New and Unexpected Dialogue!

Los Angeles , CA , March 29, 2017  ― In the middle of the night on August 2, 2016 , Neale Donald Walsch found himself drawn into a new and totally unexpected dialogue with God in which he suddenly faced two questions: • Is the human race being offered help by Highly Evolved Beings from another dimension? • Is there a key role that humans are being invited to play in advancing their own evolution by joining in a mutual mission to assist the planet during the critical times ahead? He was told that the answer to both questions is yes. And thus began the unfolding of the completely new and unexpected addition to Walsh's world-changing Conversations with God. That Trilogy ignited a new level of understanding, awakening and spiritual evolution for millions around the globe. Walsch never anticipated there would be more to his seminal work, until that August night in 2016.  Now encompassed in Conversations with God, Book 4: Awaken the Species (Rainbow Ridge, March 27, 2017) readers will discover sixteen specific examples of how Highly Evolved Beings respond to life differently than humans do—and how adopting even a few of those behaviors could change the course of world history for the better forever. Coming at a time when humanity is facing especially challenging times and an uncertain future, Conversations with God, Book 4: Awaken the Species shows us that we can raise our consciousness to a new level of creation and action that provides individual and collective hope for mankind and the planet. In Conversations with God Book 4: Awaken the Species Walsh brings forth these sixteen contrasts between how we live and how an awakened Highly Evolved Being would act. And then he further goes on to cite the seven Tools of Integration. Walsh presents: • How every decision and action must be infused with the question "Why?"—and why this is so transformative • Why sharing yourself deeply with others from a place of authenticity is emancipating for both parties • The way in which we can choose a state of being to change the course of our lives  • The one Magic Inquiry that can guide you to far greater fulfillment in life, which further contributes to planetary evolution.  A striking invitation to every reader sets the stage for the extraordinary explorations that follow. Picking up where Book 3 in the Conversations with God Trilogy series left off, the revelations about Highly Evolved Beings and about how ordinary humans can answer the call to help awaken the species on Earth will breathtakingly expand your view of both your personal and your collective future. Neale Donald Walsch is the author of nine books in the Conversations with God series, which have sold over ten million copies in thirty-seven languages. He is one of the major authors in the new spirituality movement, having written twenty-nine books, with eight books on the New York Times bestseller's list. His life and work have helped to create and sustain a worldwide spiritual renaissance, and he travels globally to bring the uplifting message of the Conversations with God books to people everywhere. About the Conversations with God Series of Books: There are nine books in the Conversations with God dialogue series, each one moving the exposition forward to increasing levels of complexity and enlarging areas of exploration. As well, a number of supplementary volumes have been produced that offer expanded articulations of the spiritual and practical applications in daily life of the remarkable thought constructions emerging from the original dialogue. The supplementary texts extend the original messages into vast areas of human activity, including the specific interests of younger people (Conversations with God for Teens), the essence of what it looks and feels like to bring God into one's life (The Holy Experience), the common encounter with unexpected and unwanted change (When Everything Changes, Change Everything), the ways now open to humanity to manage its seismic political, economic, and social upheaval (The Storm Before the Calm), and the one thing in all of this that has true significance in our lives, based on the single desire of the human soul (The Only Thing That Matters). The powerful treatise on how to fully and powerfully utilize the metaphysics of the universe fills the pages of Happier Than God, CWG's formula for creating right livelihood is the topic of Bringers of the Light, and a pinpoint summary of the core concepts in the original 3,000 pages of dialogue can be found in What God Said, in which those concepts are reduced to 1,000 words, with chapters following that explain each concept in detail. A concise statement serving anyone who may be wondering what all of the CWG books are about, but may not have time to delve into this whole body of work, is contained in the small volume What God Wants. Then, a highly focused exploration of the most damaging misunderstandings of Deity that billions of humans have held for thousands of years is offered in God's Message to the World: You've Got Me All Wrong. Concluding the list of supplementary texts: Wonderfully useful strategies for bringing the major messages of CWG to humanity's offspring, from post-toddler to pre-adolescent years, is presented in Conversations with God for Parents: Sharing the Messages with Children, co-authored with Laurie Farley and Emily Filmore. A look at the intersection of CWG and traditional healing professions is found in Where God and Medicine Meet, co-authored with Brit Cooper, M.D., and finally, a teacher's guide for persons wishing to offer classes in this material has been published under the title The Conversations with God Companion. Conversations with God Book 4: Awaken the Species is available in hardcover ($23.95) from all major booksellers, and Barnes and  Conversations With God, Book 4: Awaken The Species, Hardcover: 304 pages, Publisher: Rainbow Ridge ( March 27, 2017 ) Language: English ISBN-13: 978-1-937907-49-5 4.01.17

Remembering The Light Within: A Course In Soul-Centered Living

New Book Reminds Us that Love Is Our Essential Nature, Creating a Radical Shift in Perception of Our Life's Purpose from Experts in Spiritual Psychology

Special to The Montreal Tribune - By Mary R. Hulnick, Ph.D. and H. Ronald Hulnick, Ph.D. Santa Monica , CA, March 22, 2017  ― Are you ready for a radical shift in perception― one that may challenge and profoundly alter your idea of who you are and what your purpose is on this planet? This book presents information, stories, and simple yet life-changing practices designed to assist you in doing the work you came to earth to do― Waking up into the Awareness that you are the Presence of Love, and living your unique life of meaning, purpose and fulfillment from within that Awakened state. From Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, Founding Faculty and Co-Directors of the University of Santa Monica , the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, Remembering the Light Within (Hay House, February 2017) affirms that we all suffer from greater or lesser degrees of "Spiritual amnesia."  We've forgotten who we are and why we're here.  The process of Remembering is an active process through which, step-by-step, you remove or dissolve the barriers within your consciousness that are all that prevent you from knowing your Soul's nature—from experientially knowing that you are a Divine Being having a human experience.  Can you imagine walking through this world in a consciousness that is Awake to Love?  Wouldn't that be Amazing Grace? "We are thrilled to share these life-changing Soul-Centered Living and Remembering who you are teachings with you at this important time in human history. For a deeper experience we recommend reading one chapter at a time and then engaging with the Practices and Intention at the end of the chapter for a week or two before moving on to the next chapter," said Ron Hulnick. Mary Hulnick added, "The Practices are not things you do once or twice and then move on. They are empowering, transformational, and when utilized over time, become integrated as a Way of Being and a Way of Life. In your Soul, you are already Awake to the Love that you are. This book is intended as both inspiration and support for Awakening into that Awareness and living a Soul-Centered life — an inspired life of Love, meaning and purpose. Remembering the Light Within is filled with remedies for Spiritual amnesia including Spiritual Wisdom and practices supported by the time-tested Principles of Spiritual Psychology. A few of the essential concepts covered in this book include: discovering what it means to enter the Spiritual Context, learning the difference between the ego and the Authentic Self; recognizing the distinction between Goal Line and Soul Line opportunities; accelerating Spiritual Awakening through using the scientific method; reframing unresolved issues as Blessings; communing with the Divine through prayer, and finding Freedom through Compassionate Self-forgiveness. The authors also share from their own experience the power of the material to support readers in "Hitting a Spiritual Home Run" and learning how to use "Spiritual Crampons." Radical, liberating shifts in perception await!  For more information about Remembering the Light Within and to receive complimentary limited-time bonus gift with book purchase (only available through this website), please visit:  For additional information about University of Santa Monica please visit:   Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick are pioneers and worldwide leaders in the field of Spiritual Psychology, as well as Teachers and Facilitators of Awakening in Consciousness. They are renowned educators, authors, and the Founding Faculty and Co-Directors of the University of Santa Monica (USM), where they have designed, developed, and facilitated Educational Programs for the past 35 years. Both are licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, and Mary is also a licensed Clinical Psychologist. They are also the authors of Loyalty to Your Soul: The Heart of Spiritual Psychology, published by Hay House and available in twelve countries and eight languages. Remembering the Light Within: A Course in Soul Centered Living   By Mary R. Hulnick, Ph.D., H. Ronald Hulnick, Ph.D.  Paperback: 268 Pages   Language: English  ISBN: 978-1-4019-4976-1    Price: $16.99 3.23.17  

I'm Still Standing: D.C. Sniper's Ex-Wife And Her Courageous Struggle For Community

Special to The
Montreal Tribune - Oxon Hill , MD , March 22, 2017 - While married to the D.C. sniper, John Allen Muhammad, Mildred Muhammad was intimidated into silence about the domestic abuse she suffered. Her 2009 memoir, Scared Silent, was widely acclaimed, and she now returns with the follow-up. I'm Still Standing: Crawling Out of The Darkness Into The Light covers the compelling events during and after the conviction and execution of her former husband. Through the eyes of their embattled mother, we learn what was going through the minds of the three young children as they learned their father was going to be executed for his crimes in the October 2002 sniper killings that took place in the Washington , D.C. metropolitan area.  During the trial, negative media attention and threats from people in her community created a toxic atmosphere of victim-blaming, even after it came out that Mildred was his intended target. Law enforcement stated the theory was, he was killing innocent people just to cover up Mildred's murder so he could come in as the grieving father to gain custody of their children. It was a domestic violence/child custody issue. I'm Still Standing is a gritty, raw, and emotional account beginning with Mildred's choice to turn to isolation as a way of protecting herself and her children. As she triumphs over the external and internal systems putting her in a place of fear and isolation, Mildred Muhammad's story glows with resilience, strength and faith in God. Now she can say with confidence, "I'm still standing!" Author, speaker, advocate and survivor, Mildred Muhammad has risen to become a voice for other victims and survivors, especially for the 80% who do not have physical scars to prove they are victims. She has received many awards such as a Special Commendation presented by the Office on Violence Against Women, the Maya Angelou Still I Rise Award, the Shirley Chisholm Woman of Courage Award and the Redbook Strength & Spirit Heroes Award, as well as multiple awards from the military community.  The D.C. sniper, John A. Muhammad, went on a three-week rampage with the intention of eventually finding Mildred and killing her. The very personal details of her experiences, involving fear, abuse and many times, victim-blaming, has allowed Mildred's mission to be even more influential and of greater purpose. She shares her expertise on what it's like to be a victim and a survivor of domestic violence "without physical scars" at various conferences, seminars, and workshops. Her audiences include victims and survivors of domestic violence, advocates, law enforcement professionals, therapists, counselors, mental and medical health providers, university and college students as well as military personnel in training regarding domestic violence and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Her critically acclaimed memoir, Scared Silent: When the One You Love Becomes the One You Fear, was published by Simon & Schuster in 2009. Muhammad has self-published two working journals, A Survivor's Journal and Dare to Heal, as well as Planning My Escape (a comprehensive step-by-step safety plan) specifically for victims and survivors to help with the emotions that others may not understand and tips for strategically leaving an abusive relationship. For more information, please visit the website:  I'm Still Standing: Crawling Out of The Darkness Into The Light  Available online everywhere and at the author's website:  ISBN:  978-1534692084 3.23.17

Meditation for Daily Stress

10 Practices for Immediate Well-Being By Michel Pascal

From Michel Pascal, an inspiring meditation teacher whose programs are in Fortune 500 companies,  in prisons, and in his recent multimedia meditation performance at Carnegie Hall, comes a new book with revolutionary and simple one-minute meditations to change our lives.  Special to The Montreal Tribune -
Los Angeles , CA , March 20, 2017  ― Drawing on his experience living at the Kopan Monastery in Nepal , meditation teacher Michel Pascal shares his simple method of meditating in the moment to calm the mind and break the cycle of stress addiction. Meditation for Daily Stress: 10 Practices for Immediate Well-being is more than just an exploration of why we experience stress; it is a guide to a revolutionary meditative technique for finding peace, quiet, mindfulness, centeredness and simplicity in our daily lives. A true authority in meditation, Michel Pascal introduces readers to the power of meditation as the best solution for daily stress, anxiety, and depression. He prescribes a series of one minute visualization and breathing practices and techniques that can be used throughout the day ― whether in the workplace, while commuting, or at home ― to unplug in the moment, before stress takes hold (or after if necessary). Michel's method includes ten easy practices that you can do for even a minute at a time, wherever you are. In this guide, you will learn how to: • Meditate Like the Horizon to unplug your brain when it is running all the time.  • Meditate Like a Dolphin to discover your inner peace in high-stress moments.   • Meditate Like a Mountain to feel more grounded when your mood is up and down.  • Meditate Like a Wave to help you deal with difficult people and difficult interactions.  • Meditate Like a Kiss to feel less stress in a romantic relationship. Exploring both spirituality and physicality, mind and body, Meditation for Daily Stress is an essential read for busy people looking for an approach to meditation that will allow them to start a daily practice right away in order to live a healthier, happier life. Michel Pascal is a French author, meditation teacher, singer, filmmaker, and photographer. Michel's unique brand of meditation is being practiced at Google, Harvard University , and many other major organizations. Before moving to the United States , Pascal lived in the Kopan Monastery in the Himalayas . He has spent more than 15 years adapting traditional teachings and practices for students around the world. Pascal lives in Los Angeles , CA . If you wish to request an interview with Michel Pascal on Meditation for Daily Stress: 10 Practices for Immediate Well-Being please send Dea Shandera-Hunter an email with the name of the show, your network, your contact information, calling details and a proposed date. Meditation for Daily Stress: 10 Practices for Immediate Well-being. By Michel Pascal, Published by Abrams Image, April 2017, ISBN: 9781419724053 , Hardcover $16.95, 192 pages

Pure & Simple: A Natural Food Way Of Life By Pascale Naessens

Renowned Belgian bestselling culinary author who has sold 1.5 million books, former international model, and accomplished ceramic artist Pascale Naessens brings her passion for health and cooking with romantic flair to her first
U.S. book, with more than 60 recipes that showcase beautiful, nutritious, and delicious natural foods.

 Special to The Montreal Tribune -
Los Angeles , CA , March 20, 2017  ― In Pure & Simple, Pascale Naessens celebrates delicious meals, pleasure, and health with passion. Her method for staying happy, healthy and slim will help readers acquire new, conscious eating habits and freedom from carbohydrate addiction. With more than 60 recipes and a new up-to-date approach to eating, Pure & Simple creates a culinary movement. Naessens' approach is building a lifestyle that embraces only natural, unprocessed foods that will leave you satisfied and with more energy. With gorgeous images of healthy cuisine that inspire, Naessens' latest book also exhibits her knack for design and her talent as an acclaimed ceramist. Her aesthetics are evident in the styling of her book, which she is solely responsible for, while her tableware designs adorn the pages of Pure & Simple. Naessens' ceramic tableware line, Pure, is sought after by home cooks and top restaurants alike. Pure & Simple shares delicious, simple recipes with a romantic flair that are designed to be shared with friends and family. More than a cookbook, it is chock-full of the latest nutritional insights, helpful tips, and inspiration for healthy eating. Mouthwatering recipes for appetizers, mains, and desserts make adopting this eating style entirely uncomplicated. Naessens emphasizes that what you eat is just as important as how you eat; creating a pleasurable eating experience is not only simple to achieve but something to savor as well. Naessens came to this realization after experiencing an eating disorder as a model, then delving into the world of health and nutrition and soon becoming a qualified health consultant specializing in traditional Chinese medicine. She is well versed in a wide array of health practices, including tai chi and shiatsu massage. Naessens also is a qualified restaurateur. At its core Pure & Simple focuses on food combinations, demystifying this nutritional philosophy by providing a simple food combining chart with a simple philosophy: replace bread and potatoes with vegetables and fruit at every meal. This is her only rule —concentrated carbohydrates should not be eaten with concentrated protein. The basic series of food combinations in her meals include meat or fish + vegetables, carbohydrates + vegetables, or dairy + vegetables. And she doesn't fear fat. Pascale's very easy and simple recipes to prepare are more satiating than the classic high carb meals. To Naessens, the terms "cooking" and "eating" are synonyms for "enjoying;" food should not be about a calorie war, but rather the pleasure of balanced, conscious eating should be celebrated. Her two conditions for acquiring new healthy eating habits? The food you eat must be good and you must be satisfied after every meal. You won't need to count calories or restrict portion sizes. Simply choose healthy food consciously and enjoy what you eat. You will cook delicious food simply and easily. You can drink wine. You will be satisfied. And you will enjoy your food with pleasure. A few of her recipes include: • Salmon with Olive-Pistachio Tapenade and Tomatoes   • Fish Wraps with Soy-Sesame Dipping Sauce   • Seared Scallops with Sea Beans • Cajun Chicken Salad with Guacamole  • Roasted Rosemary Lamb, Tomatoes, and Carrots   • Meatballs in Ginger-Soy Broth  • Goat Cheese Bites with Marinated Sesame Seeds   • Savory Lentil and Rice Crepes with Fresh Herbs   • Baked Peaches with Mascarpone  About the Author: - Pascale Naessens is a bestselling culinary author in Belgium. She has since become a leading voice for pure and healthy eating. A number of her books have already been translated into French, English, German, and Chinese. It's said that Naessens has "taught her nation to eat healthily." Her cooking and her lifestyle appeal to a broad public as demonstrated by the many Facebook communities where fans of Pascale's Pure Kitchen share experiences and recipes. After completing her studies in economic sciences at the age of eighteen, Naessens traveled the globe as a fashion model. After five years of assignments in Paris , Milan , Madrid , Hong Kong , China and Tokyo , she returned to Belgium where she began a television career with the Belgian broadcasting corporation VTM, first as a presenter then hosting a series of home and lifestyle shows. Pure & Simple: A Natural Food Way of Life  By Pascale Naessens,  Abrams / April 4, 2017 U.S. $24.95 / CAN $29.95 Hardcover / 208 pages 73⁄8 x 93⁄8" / 150 color photographs ISBN: 978-1-4197-2617-0 -   3.22.17

Take The Challenge

Find Out What Really Brings You Happiness And Makes Life More Meaningful In Find Your Awesome

 Special to The Montreal Tribune - Livermore, CA, March 21, 2017 ― In today's fast-paced world, filled with deadlines, to-do lists and obligations, it's no wonder we've been neglecting the very states of our well-being. Now (more than ever) there's Find Your Awesome: A 30-Day Challenge to Fall in Love with Your Playful, Imaginative & Colorful Self (HCI – ISBN: 9780757319754 – April 2017 -- $14.95) by author/illustrator and all around awesome person, Judy Clement Wall. The author delivers an illustrated journal filled with fun designed to guide you to a more relaxed, playful, more lovable you. The challenge? To explore and expand the boundaries of your imagination. With Find Your Awesome you'll be encouraged to create, make art (don't worry, you don't have to be DaVinci), or write yourself a love letter. Just have fun! Here's an example of some of the exciting prompts you'll find: • Appreciate your body in all its awesomeness   • Doodle your perfect t-shirt   • Find your life theme   • Be outrageously grateful  • Create a life list. The best part? There are no rules. No expectations. No judgments. Just 'you' time, to let your mind go wild and create.  Let your freak flag fly!  Readers will enjoy original art with full color and space to play and journal. The portable size is also perfect for bedside table, pocketbook, or travel. Please contact me at (800) 851-9100 ex. 9212 or for more information. About the Author:
Judy Clement Wall is a writer-illustrator who has been published or featured in the Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and The Good Men Project. She is the author of Find Your Awesome: A 30-Day Challenge to Fall in Love with Your Playful, Imaginative & Colorful Self (A Creative Journal Adventure) and illustrator for HCI Book's popular Inkspirations coloring book series ( including Inkspirations for Women and Inkspirations for Mindful Living. Visit her at  Available at and   Find Your Awesome: A 30-Day Challenge to Fall in Love with Your Playful, Imaginative & Colorful Self By Judy Clement Wall Publisher: HCI (April 4, 2017) Paperback: 120 pages Language: English ISBN-10: 0757319750  ISBN-13: 978-0757319754  3.22.17

Counting Down The Beatles

Their 100 Finest Songs Is A Must-Have In Every Fan's Library

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Old Forge, PA, March 15, 2017 ― It's been nearly half a century since the Fab Four from Liverpool played their last gig, but you're not the only one who can't get those tunes out of your head. The Beatles still loom large over the musical landscape. Jim Beviglia brings us an in-depth look at their musical legacy in Counting Down The Beatles: Their 100 Finest Songs. For some, the opening chords of a Beatles song may evoke memories of a first kiss, family road trips or spiritual enlightenment. Every fan of the Beatles, from attendees at their first
U.S. tour to the newest generation's devotees, will find this collection an informative, insightful, and entertaining adventure. Not only will it reveal little-known facts, but it just may start some arguments and settle a few debates. Ranked in descending order from #100 to #1, each song is accompanied by a lengthy essay providing information on the song's writing and recording, context on where it falls within the band's timeline, and the author's analysis and explanation why it deserves its position in this hallowed canon. These essays tell The Beatles' story in song as well as any biography could ever hope to accomplish. Jim Beviglia is a writer for the print and online edition of American Songwriter magazine. He's been reviewing and writing about music for the past decade for several websites and is proprietor of the popular Countdown Kid blog. His first three books, Counting Down Bob Dylan: His 100 Finest Songs, Counting Down Bruce Springsteen: His 100 Finest Songs, and Counting Down The Rolling Stones: Their 100 Finest Songs were all published by Rowman & Littlefield. For more information, please visit: Counting Down The Beatles: Their 100 Finest Songs, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Available March 15 at your favorite online bookseller  ISBN:  978-1442271548 4.17.17

Dreams Unto Holiness

: Exploring The Power Of A Sweet, Transcendent Sleep - 
A New Way To Tap Into Our Spiritual Wholeness

Special to The Montreal Tribune -
Sonoma County , CA , March 15, 2017  – Whether we realize it or not, some of our dreams offer a rich source of creative power and wisdom. God speaks to all of us all the time, even through dreams, author Marsha Sinetar says. Occasionally, we may experience 'holy' dreams, reflecting God's touch and presence with us during sleep. In Dreams unto Holiness, Sinetar gives us a fresh, powerful tool for our quest to spiritual wholeness. Drawing on her life's work as an educator and corporate advisor and her experience as a Christian contemplative, Sinetar encourages us to be our authentic selves. Certain dreams are life-changers that help us find our purpose, Sinetar explains, and Dreams unto Holiness teaches us how to use the self-knowledge and strength we gain from spiritual (or holy) dreams. The narrative includes a rich assortment of examples: media and scriptural stories and real-life dream samples adapted from decades of hearing people describe life-changing dreams they can't forget. The book also includes journal notes from the dream samples, a word-study method for interpreting some dreams, and a few bracing side-bar discussions related to the topic. While she draws from her Christian experience,  Sinetar insists the "holy dream" is not meant for an exclusive club; non-believers and those who pray and worship in unorthodox ways are often gifted with a high intuitive sense that grasps the hidden code of spiritual dreams. Dreams unto Holiness, like Sinetar's previous books, is written for a wide crossover audience, including Bible study groups, book clubs, and diverse clergy and counselors. This groundbreaking work on the topic of dreaming and spiritual growth is one of the first of its kind, opening up new heart-paths and mental "maps" for the reader's mind. Marsha Sinetar is the prolific, bestselling author of over 20 books (Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow; Ordinary People as Monks & Mystics). Sinetar is an educator, a world-class corporate advisor, and in her spare time an artist. She has been called "a good spiritual steward" and "a masterful writer who sees every human being with the capacity to master the hand he or she was dealt." Her universal, crossover ideas aim to improve the quality of life. Sinetar, a Christian contemplative, lives and works in the Pacific Northwest , "as quietly and simply as possible." For more information, please visit: Dreams unto Holiness: Exploring the Power of a Sweet, Transcendent Sleep, Available online and at fine booksellers everywhere ISBN: 9781535544108 4.17.17

War, Spies, and Bobby Sox: Thrilling Tales From The Home Front During WWII

Chicago, IL, March 3, 2017― While World War II rages across
Europe and the Pacific, its impact ripples through communities in the heartland of America . War, Spies And Bobby Sox is a trio of tales: A farm girl is locked in a dangerous love triangle with two German soldiers held in an Illinois POW camp ... Another German, a war refugee, is forced to risk her life spying on the developing Manhattan Project in Chicago ... And espionage surrounds the disappearance of an actress from the thriving Jewish community of Chicago's Lawndale.  Acclaimed thriller author Libby Fischer Hellmann beautifully depicts the tumultuous effect of war on the home front and illustrates how the action, terror, and tragedy of World War II was not confined to the front lines. Libby Fischer Hellmann left a career in broadcast news in Washington , DC and moved to Chicago 35 years ago, where she, naturally, began to write gritty crime fiction. Fourteen novels and twenty short stories later, she claims they'll take her out of the Windy City feet first. She has been nominated for many awards in the mystery and crime writing community and has even won a few. Her novels include the now five-volume Ellie Foreman series, which she describes as a cross between "Desperate Housewives" and "24;" the hard-boiled 4-volume Georgia Davis PI series, and three stand-alone historical thrillers that Libby calls her "Revolution Trilogy." Her short stories have been published in a dozen anthologies, the Saturday Evening Post, and Ed Gorman's "25 Criminally Good Short Stories" collection.  In 2005 Libby was the national president of Sisters In Crime, a 3500 member organization dedicated to the advancement of female crime authors. She also hosts a monthly radio show called "Second Sunday Crime" on the Authors on the Air internet network and just began hosting a monthly web streaming interview show, "Solved!" (Please visit: for more) War, Spies, & Bobby Sox: Stories About World War Two At Home is award-winning author Hellmann's fourteenth work and fourth volume of historical fiction. For more information, please visit her website: War, Spies, and Bobby Sox: Stories About World War Two At Home. The Red Herrings Press. Available in print, ebook and audiobook online and wherever fine books are sold ISBN:   978-1-938733-97-0 E-book: 978-1-938733-98-7 Audiobook: 978-1-938733-99-4   3.04.17

Dreams Unto Holiness: Exploring The Power Of A Sweet, Transcendent Sleep

A New Way To Tap Into Our Spiritual Wholeness

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Sonoma County , CA , February 16, 2017  – Whether we realize it or not, some of our dreams offer a rich source of creative power and wisdom. God speaks to all of us all the time, even through dreams, author Marsha Sinetar says. Occasionally, we may experience 'holy' dreams, reflecting God's touch and presence with us during sleep. In Dreams unto Holiness, Sinetar gives us a fresh, powerful tool for our quest to spiritual wholeness. Drawing on her life's work as an educator and corporate advisor and her experience as a Christian contemplative, Sinetar encourages us to be our authentic selves. Certain dreams are life-changers that help us find our purpose, Sinetar explains, and Dreams unto Holiness teaches us how to use the self-knowledge and strength we gain from spiritual (or holy) dreams.  The narrative includes a rich assortment of examples: media and scriptural stories and real-life dream samples adapted from decades of hearing people describe life-changing dreams they can't forget. The book also includes journal notes from the dream samples, a word-study method for interpreting some dreams, and a few bracing side-bar discussions related to the topic. 
While she draws from her Christian experience,  Sinetar insists the "holy dream" is not meant for an exclusive club; non-believers and those who pray and worship in unorthodox ways are often gifted with a high intuitive sense that grasps the hidden code of spiritual dreams.
Dreams unto Holiness, like Sinetar's previous books, is written for a wide crossover audience, including Bible study groups, book clubs, and diverse clergy and counselors. This groundbreaking work on the topic of dreaming and spiritual growth is one of the first of its kind, opening up new heart-paths and mental "maps" for the reader's mind. Marsha Sinetar is the prolific, bestselling author of over 20 books (Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow; Ordinary People as Monks & Mystics). Sinetar is an educator, a world-class corporate advisor, and in her spare time an artist. She has been called "a good spiritual steward" and "a masterful writer who sees every human being with the capacity to master the hand he or she was dealt." Her universal, crossover ideas aim to improve the quality of life. Sinetar, a Christian contemplative, lives and works in the
Pacific Northwest , "as quietly and simply as possible." For more information, please visit:   Dreams unto Holiness: Exploring the Power of a Sweet, Transcendent Sleep Available online and at fine booksellers everywhere ISBN: 9781535544108 2.17.17

Unshackled: A Remarkable Journey

Unshackled: A Remarkable Journey To Finding Life's Meaning From Prison And Releasing The Guilt, Shame And Bitterness Of The Past

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Dallas, TX, February 3, 2017 – From serving a life sentence to finding life's meaning and purpose took Gene McGuire on a decades-long journey inside a very small cell. In his riveting new book, McGuire takes readers through nearly 35 years of incarceration, steeped in the culture of violence, drugs, and pornography that is prison life, all while serving a life sentence for a murder he didn't commit. Miraculously, that injustice did not turn McGuire against the world. Instead, he moved from ruin to redemption. "This is my story," McGuire says. "But it's your story, too. God didn't intend for you to live your life in chains, shackled to guilt, shame, or bitterness related to events in your past, fears in the present, or apprehension of the future. God set me free—unshackled me! He will do the same for you. Imagine your life ... unshackled!" In 1977, Gene McGuire was one of three people involved in the late-night robbery of a bar. One of the men, his cousin, stabbed and killed the bar owner. At seventeen, McGuire was sentenced to life in prison without parole. He embraced the prison culture wholeheartedly for nearly ten years. Then, by God's grace, he humbled himself and experienced a Christ-transformation.
After submitting to years of discipleship, McGuire became a spiritual leader to thousands of inmates. With no hope for release himself, he instead developed a fruitful, fulfilling ministry within his small world. He became an elder in the prison church, developing small groups and yard Bible studies and leading others who had no hope of freedom to true freedom in Christ. Then, almost 35 years into his prison sentence, came an unexpected miracle. In 2012, a judge ruled that McGuire had been wrongfully charged, that his life sentence was reversed and that he had already served the appropriate sentence due. He was released a free man.  His story is riveting — from a life in shackles to one filled with the power of God's love, forgiveness and freedom, bringing hope to all. Now a resident of
Texas , McGuire works as a speaker, author and community advocate, sharing his remarkable story and hope with people and corporations around the country. For more information, please visit:  Unshackled – From Ruin To Redemption Available January 20th, 2017 in all book stores and at:  ISBN: 978-1943127436 2.04.17

Bible Mysteries Revealed In Erika Grey Report

Special to The Montreal Tribune - Danbury, CT, February 3, 2017 – With the release of the first in the series (Pedante Press May 2017)  Decoding 666 The Number of the Beast: An Analysis of Bible Prophecy & Technology A Status Report & Forecast (The Magi Report Book 1) Erika Grey decodes for us the riddle of "The Number of the Beast."  No other passages in Scripture have been more talked about in end time Bible prophecy than those dealing with the mark of the Beast. Revelation 13:18 adds to the horror by posing the Bible's most mysterious riddle. It states: "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."  Decoding 666 The Number of the Beast provides an up-to-date overview of the latest technologies, and the ones which fit the image and mark of the Beast's forecasts in Bible prophecy. The report reveals breakthrough discoveries regarding the Bible's deepest mysteries you will not want to miss.  Erika Grey is an Evangelical Christian author, Bible Prophecy expert, journalist and commentator, and features Erika's books, articles and video broadcasts. Erika Grey focuses on current world affairs and their relation to Bible Prophecy from an analytical and geopolitical viewpoint. Erika first coined the term "geopolitical" in relation to Bible Prophecy, which is now used in writings by renowned prophecy teachers. Erika Grey hosts "Prophecy Talk" on YouTube. She is a member of the society of professional journalists and holds high standards in her reporting of end time news. For this reason, Erika sets herself apart from other End Time Bible Prophecy Ministries and labels herself as a Magi, from the Bible meaning wise men or wise women. She models her ministry and work on the Biblical magi who were analysts and learned men and women in the knowledge and disciplines of their day. At the time of Christ, Herod consulted the Magi who understood the prophetic predictions when there were no living prophets. Erika Grey's Magi Report provides high standards of excellence in both research and analysis and is the first to provide actual status reports regarding the prophetic forecasts, along with revealing Biblical mysteries.  Decoding 666 The Number of the Beast: An Analysis of Bible Prophecy & Technology A StatusReport & Forecast  By Erika Grey, Pedante Press, Paperback: 142 pages, Language: English, ISBN-10: 1940844088, ISBN-13: 978-1940844084 2.03.17


The Untangled Truth About Loving Your Natural Hair and Beauty By Michele Tapp Roseman - 
Special to The Montreal Tribune -
Washington , DC , February 2, 2017  - Just in time for Black History Month, Hairlooms asks: Why is it so difficult for Black women to embrace their hair?  And, how can Black women overcome the multi-layered challenge of embracing their natural hair and beauty? Author Michele Tapp Roseman helps readers answer these questions for themselves, to write a new story that they can pass along. Michele Tapp Roseman wrote Hairlooms: The Untangled Truth About Loving Your Natural Hair and Beauty (HCI Books – ISBN: 9780757319679 -- $14.94 – February 2017) after years of trying to figure out how to love her natural hair. When she finally learned how to transition to natural hair, she still had to battle her emotions. Learning how to reduce natural hair breakage and high hair shrinkage did nothing for her feelings. She couldn't really explain why she hated her natural hair. Talks with other Black women who wore natural hair let Roseman know many felt the same. Hairlooms is the story of Michele Tapp Roseman's emotional hair transition plus "hair" stories from 32 amazing women and men she interviewed over the course of 6 years. These include: Major General Marcia Anderson—Senior advisor to the Chief on policies and programs for the U.S. Army Reserve, and the first African-American woman to earn the distinction of a two-star general in the U.S. Army Reserve. The late Dr. Maya Angelou—World-renowned poet and author.  The recipient of 30 honorary degrees, and former Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University . Lisa Price—Founder of Carol's Daughter hair and beauty brand, a favorite of celebrities, and now sold in stores from coast-to-coast. Now owned by L'Oréal, Price is still at the helm of this growing business. Jane Carter—A professional hair stylist/colorist and salon owner, she founded the Jane Carter Solution after an allergic reaction caused by prolonged exposure to chemicals in traditional hair care products. Today, Jane Carter Solution sells millions of dollars' worth of products in Whole Foods Market, Sally Beauty Supply, Walmart, Target, CVS and Walgreens stores. A'Lelia Bundles—Great, great granddaughter of the first Black female millionaire and hair-care creator, Madam C. J. Walker. She has teamed with Sephora and Sundial Brands to launch the Madam C.J. Walker Beauty Culture product line. A'Lelia is also a seasoned journalist, public speaker, and author of the New York Times bestseller, On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker.  Words have power, and those that Black women often use to describe their hair are derogatory: nappy, steel wool, out of control. They often personally inherit these terms and pass them along without even realizing the crushing effects these words have on their feelings about the person they see in the mirror. Hairlooms is not another book that addresses the practical ways of styling Afro-textured hair naturally. Hairlooms asks: Why is it so difficult for Black women to embrace their hair? And how can Black women overcome the multi-layered challenge of embracing their natural hair and beauty?  Author Michele Tapp Roseman helps readers answer these questions for themselves, to write a new story that they can pass along.  Guided exercises throughout help readers "comb through" their self-perceptions and form a plan for self-acceptance and personal empowerment. See more about Hairlooms at: About the Author: Michele Tapp Roseman ( Washington , DC ) is a seasoned writer/media specialist with contributions in print and electronic media. Michele was the Senior Producer for Wealthy Radio, a weekly broadcast show on NPR-affiliated WEAA ( Baltimore , MD ). She has also attracted media coverage on behalf of President Barack Obama's Special Assistant for Disability Policy and for Hollywood actor Jeff Bridges. As a former Graduate School USA Adjunct Professor, Michele taught professional grammar and writing courses in Bangkok , Thailand , and throughout the U.S. The native New Yorker is conversationally fluent in Spanish and has provided editorial training for foreign nationals. Available wherever books are sold or to order from the publisher, contact: (800) 441-5569 or  Hairlooms: The Untangled Truth About Loving Your Natural Hair and Beauty HCI Books ISBN: 9780757319679  $14.95 / February 2017 2.03.17

Making New Mind Grooves To Attract Success

Tips from multi-millionaire, serial entrepreneur and author May McCarthy  

Scientists are discovering that the thoughts and beliefs we continually repeat to ourselves create neural-pathways like deep grooves in our brains that affect the way we see and experience the world. As Henry Ford famously said, "If you think you can or you think you can't, either way you are correct."  Unfortunately, many of us believe that our potential for success is limited and generally 'think we can't.' However, if we can 're-groove' our minds by laying down more positive, self-affirming beliefs, opportunities for success will begin presenting themselves in seemingly miraculous ways.  Interview opp: May McCarthy is available to discuss how to alter our beliefs and goal-attainment strategies to activate our intuition and lead us to success. McCarthy is a CEO, serial entrepreneur, angel investor, and best-selling author who credits her success and financial abundance to the goals she has set for herself with carefully constructed, powerful statements and to the guidance those words have activated in her subconscious and intuition.   Sample Talk Points:  •    Stuck in mentality of "I can't"   •    Building new neural-pathways  •    How to overcome 'the fraud factor'   •    Activating your subconscious and intuition    •    Surrounding yourself with those who have achieved your goals speeds up the process   •    Repetition   Since 1982, May McCarthy has co-founded and helped to grow six successful companies as large as $100 million in annual revenues.  She is an author, speaker, university lecturer and angel investor.  She serves on business, philanthropic, arts and university boards.  As an advisor, she serves graduate students through the Innovation and
Entrepreneur Center at the Albers MBA program at Seattle University , as well as entrepreneurs through the WIN (Washington Innovation Network) Entrepreneur Mentoring Program. She has become successful by implementing spiritual principles into her ventures, and it is her passion to pass her knowledge on to others.  May is the author of the best-selling The Path to Wealth. May McCarthy Media Reel     Other Sample Topics:   •    The 5 characteristics every entrepreneur needs to have   •    The 7 simple steps to achieve success    •    How to successfully change careers   •    Purpose to Profits – knowing why your company exists 1.31.17

From The Heart For Valentine's Day: Inkspirations Love By Design

From The Heart For Valentine's Day: Inkspirations Love By Design: Coloring The Divine Path To Manifest Your Soul Mate  Deerfield Beach, FL, January 27, 2017-- Maybe the best Valentine's Day gift ever, this unique, transformational coloring book contains simple yet specific exercises and specially designed coloring pages to create the frequency of love in your life and allow you to engage your romantic destiny. Inkspirations Love By Design: Coloring The Divine Path To Manifest Your Soulmate (HCI Books) is the inspired product of bestselling author, love and relationship expert Arielle Ford. Through her bestselling book The Soulmate Secret, Arielle Ford has helped thousands of men and women around the world meet and marry the love of their lives based on the ancient system of the Law of Attraction. Inkspirations Love by Design blends Ford's celebrated step-by-step method with the romantic, original artwork of internationally acclaimed artist Manja Burton. Coloring is far more than a fun way to unwind—it's also a potent path to discover the one who was meant for you. A deep and lasting love is possible at any age or stage in life. Mindfully coloring the spectacular images that accompany Arielle Ford's step-by-step process provides a powerful path to manifest your soul mate. Engaging your creativity will put you in a relaxed state, opening your soul to possibility. By connecting with your inner artist, you are sure to release the transcendent passion that will ready your heart and home for love. For the past 25 years Arielle Ford has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is a relationship expert, international speaker, blogger for the Huffington Post and the producer and host of Evolving Wisdom's Art of Love series. Arielle was instrumental in furthering the careers of some of the most influential personal growth gurus ever, including Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsch and Wayne Dyer. Marianne Williamson dubbed her "The Priestess of Love," and she's been called "The Cupid of Consciousness" and "The Fairy Godmother of Love." Arielle shares her wisdom on love at workshops around the globe and on her website, For more information, visit the Inkspirations website,  Inkspirations Love By Design: Coloring The Divine Path To Manifest Your Soulmate Arielle Ford HCI Books ISBN: 978075739693 1.29.17

You Know Superman, Batman, Iron Man – Now Meet God's Silver Soldiers

Mesquite, TX, January 9, 2017 – With the release of this collector's item, limited edition of God's Silver Soldiers/The Deluxe Comicbook just in time for the San Diego 2016 Comic-Con, a 20-year dream mission has come true. God's Silver Soldiers (Nordskog Publishing, Inc. November 2016), the first edition in the new superhero series, is now available with issue two and three following close behind. During the years that creator Art Greenhaw produced and arranged Grammy Award-Winning and 8-Time Grammy Award-Nominated albums in the Christian Field, Art's record label built a core of thousands of devoted fans who found his songs and stories both entertaining and uplifting. Now Art has formed Truthmonger Comics, a creative entity whose mission is to bring the much-needed messages of morality and spirituality to today's youth through the medium of comicbooks.  Joining creator/editor/writer Art Greenhaw for this new line of Truthmonger Comics and its flagship title, God's Silver Soldiers, are superstar comicbook artist Ben Dunn, writer Rebecca Dunn, and graphic designer Josh Knight.  Truthmonger Comics is additionally inspired by Art's friend of many years and biggest literary influence, Stan Lee. For more information please visit: Paperback: 24 pages  Publisher: Nordskog Publishing; 1 edition (
November 3, 2016 ) Language: English ISBN-10: 1888092300 ISBN-13: 978-1888092301 1.11.17

New Children's Book Says "Aloha" To A Blizzard ... In Hawaii!    

Houston , TX , January 4, 2017  – That's right kids, it's snowing in Honolulu . Get ready to say "Aloha" to the first snowstorm Hawaii 's ever had. Written in verse and beautifully illustrated, It's Snowing in Hawaii takes the reader on a magical journey through the snow-filled beaches of Honolulu .  With Hawaiian flannel shirts, bearskin hula skirts, and figure skating on Pearl Harbor , young readers will enjoy the silly rhymes of a Hawaiian snow day. Mike Guardia is the renowned author of several history books, including Hal Moore and Shadow Commander.  However, being the father of two young girls has inspired him to write It's Snowing in Hawaii – his first children's book.  He currently lives in Texas .  Follow him online at Melanie Stephens is a distinguished artist and children's book illustrator.  A proud mother of three, she currently resides in Virginia .  For more, please visit:  It's Snowing in Hawaii    Willow Clubhouse Books  Available at Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and  $17.95 Hardcover  $2.99 Kindle   ISBN-13:  978-1-939688-15-6 For more new books introduction click above link. 1.06.17

Miracles We Have Seen

What Better Gift For The Holidays Than Inspiring Stories Of Extraordinary Miracles 

"A beautifully written collection from physicians witnessing the mystery and power of the human body and spirit in the most extreme circumstances." – Dr. Jerome Groopman, Professor of Medicine at 
Harvard   Medical   School   , New Yorker staff writer. "We read so many accounts of freak accidents and rare diseases bringing misery into the lives of people who deserve better. That is why it was so refreshing, so soul-restoring, to read these accounts of near tragedies that were prevented by human efforts, good will, and caring." – Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People and Nine Essential Things I've Learned about Life. Deerfield Beach, FL, December 16, 2016 – In Miracles We Have Seen: America's Leading Physicians Share Stories They Can't Forget (HCI Books), Dr. Harley A. Rotbart provides an assembly of essays written by peers in the medical profession, including deans and associate deans of medical schools, academic department heads at leading university medical centers, and national opinion leaders in an array of medical specialties. These astonishing, first-person essays are written in everyday language for the delight of all readers, and depict medical outcomes that defied all expectations and, in some cases, science itself.  Dr. Rotbart writes, "Occasionally in the course of caring for our patients, we encounter events that truly stun us. Unforgettable occurrences...far exceeding the wide berth we are trained to allow for surprise." His collection of miracles tells stories of impossible cures, miraculous timing, and recoveries from hearts stopped longer than survivable, catastrophic injuries, and freak accidents and occurrences, including:  •    A nine-year-old boy who was decapitated in a horrific car accident but survived without neurological damage. •    A woman who conceived and delivered a healthy baby – despite having had both of her fallopian tubes surgically removed.  •    A young man whose only hope for survival was a heart transplant, but just as he developed a potentially fatal complication making a transplant impossible, his own heart began healing itself. As the physicians recount their very personal reactions to these remarkable clinical experiences, it is apparent that while some miracles are more emotional than physical, the event left a lasting imprint. In most instances, says Rotbart, the miracles actually directed them in their choice of specialty and has influenced much of their professional decision-making throughout their careers. Although Miracles We Have Seen gives special insight into the lives and souls of doctors and how the miracles have affected them and their patients, Rotbart notes, "While faith and prayer certainly play an important role in many of our patients' lives, as well as in some of the vignettes in this compilation, this is not a book about religion. Rather, this is a book about optimism and inspiration...what we don't know or don't understand isn't necessarily cause for fear, and can even be reason for hope."  ABOUT THE AUTHOR Harley Rotbart, MD (   Denver  ,  CO   ), has been a nationally renowned pediatric specialist, parenting expert, speaker and educator for over three decades. He is professor and Vice Chair Emeritus of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and Children's Hospital  Colorado   . He is the author of numerous medical and scientific publications, as well as books for lay audiences including No Regrets Parenting and 940 Saturdays. Dr. Rotbart has been named to Best Doctors in  America  
every year since 1996, as well as receiving numerous other national and local awards for research, teaching, and clinical work. He serves on the advisory boards of Parents magazine and, and is a frequent consultant to national and local media outlets. He is a regular contributor to Parents and The New York Times.  For more information, please visit  Miracles We Have Seen HCI Books Coming September 2016 Available at  ISBN 9780757319372

New Children's Book Says "Aloha" To A Blizzard ... In Hawaii!    

Houston  ,  TX   ,  December 16, 2016   – That's right kids, it's snowing in  Honolulu   . Get ready to say "Aloha" to the first snowstorm  Hawaii   's ever had. Written in verse and beautifully illustrated, It's Snowing in  Hawaii   takes the reader on a magical journey through the snow-filled beaches of  Honolulu   .  With Hawaiian flannel shirts, bearskin hula skirts, and figure skating on  Pearl Harbor  , young readers will enjoy the silly rhymes of a Hawaiian snow day. Mike Guardia is the renowned author of several history books, including Hal Moore and Shadow Commander.  However, being the father of two young girls has inspired him to write It's Snowing in  Hawaii   – his first children's book.  He currently lives in  Texas   .  Follow him online at Melanie Stephens is a distinguished artist and children's book illustrator.  A proud mother of three, she currently resides in  Virginia   . For more, please visit:
It's Snowing in Hawaii  Willow Clubhouse Books   Available at Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and   $17.95 Hardcover $2.99 Kindle  ISBN-13:  978-1-939688-15-6

The Final Day Is Coming

National Security, Technology And Politics Fuse Into A Chilling Glimpse Of The Future

"Like its two predecessors in the Matherson series, this new novel entertainingly blends folksy and sophisticated, small-town nostalgia and sharp futurism...a thoughtfully rendered, richly detailed investigation into the 'What if.'" —Kirkus Reviews, on The Final Day Black Mountain, NC, 
December 14, 2016    – Fans of John Matherson and his fierce brand of patriotism eagerly await a major release from Forge Books and New York Times bestselling author William R. Forstchen. The Final Day, third in the series, is scheduled for release in early January 2017. Months before publication, Forstchen's One Second After was cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read. Film rights to that novel have already been optioned by Warner Bros. The riveting story of our nation's struggle to rebuild itself after an electromagnetic pulse plunges the country into darkness, starvation, and death was followed closely by the acclaimed One Year After, continuing the Matherson saga. The Final Day picks up after John Matherson and his community defeat the designs of the alleged federal government. Now they have returned their attention to restoring the technologies and social order existing prior to the EMP attack. When the government announces that it is ceding large portions of the country to  China   and  Mexico   , General Bob Scales is sent to confront Matheson. The Constitution is no longer in effect, and what's left of the U.S. Army has been deployed to suppress rebellion in the remaining states. General Scales is John's former commanding officer and closest friend from prewar days. Where do his loyalties fall?  Might he be the crucial turning point in the quest for an  America   that is again united? When news breaks that members of the federal government knew an EMP attack was coming long before it hit, the government might get exactly what it fears: revolution. William R. Forstchen is the New York Times bestselling author of One Second After. He holds a Ph.D. in history from  Purdue   University   , with specializations in military history and the history of technology. Forstchen is currently a faculty fellow and professor of history at  Montreat   College   , near  Asheville   ,  North Carolina   . For more information, please visit  The Final Day. Forge Books, Available at fine booksellers everywhere beginning  1/3/17   , ISBN: 9780765376732  Ebook: 978-0-7653-7673-2

Does Social Media Spell The End Of The Social Graces?

"Social media is fast becoming an alarmingly anti-social method of communication,"  ― Communication Expert and Author, Professor Leslie Shore

Minneapolis, MN, December 9, 2016 - The 'social graces' are becoming a thing of the past as users tweet and post opinions and information in the virtual world that they would not likely share in their immediate social circles.  
  Leslie   Shore   explores the causes and repercussions of poor social media etiquette and offers these 5 reminders for avoiding its pitfalls: 1.    Don't respond to a post or comment out of emotion.  Take time to process what you have read or seen and allow yourself time to reflect on your thoughts before commenting out of anger or frustration. Remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions.  2.    Remember who your 'friends' are.  Before sharing your thoughts on politics or religion, or posting something provocative or controversial, keep in mind who your audience is. Is it worth creating tension with your family, friends, coworkers, etc.?  3.    Keep your personal conversations personal.  There is no need to take your private life public. Tweeting your boyfriend you love him or telling your sister how angry you are on Facebook will only open up dialogue to those who have no need for involvement. 4.    Stay truly connected to those who matter.  Don't wish your family a happy birthday on Facebook; pick up the phone or make the trip to see them. Instead of sending invites, thank you's, and holiday cards online, send your loved ones something they can keep forever.  5.    Don't brag.  No one likes a bragasaurus in person, so why would they 'like' one on social media. It's fine to tell folks what you're doing and share good news, but if it turns into a brag-fest, you will be un-liked, un-linked, and un-followed! National speaker, communication expert, professor, and author  Leslie   Shore   is the one-stop shop for communication issues that affect the bedroom to the boardroom, family and team dynamics, and contemporary communication issues. Leslie is the owner of Listen to Succeed, a consultancy that focuses on using listening analytics to help clients achieve their highest level of effective communication. Her book Listen to Succeed is used in universities, businesses, and non-profits throughout the  United States   and  Canada   . Leslie's articles and expertise have been cited in several prestigious publications, including the Washington Post, Fast Company, Scientific American, Well Being Journal, and New Spirit Journal, and she is a regular on TV and talk radio nationwide.  Learn more at Other sample topics:  •    What NOT to say during an argument  •    How to effectively communicate between generations  •    Listening: The key to business success and upward career mobility  •    How to open the lines of communication with your teenager or spouse  •    Deciphering nonverbal communication   •    The 8 major barriers to effective listening     Available at fine bookstores and all online outlets Listen to Succeed  By Leslie B. Shore  ISBN: 1475282265  ASIN: B00AUXIGRQ

A Mystical Journey Into The Beauty And Awe Of Life,

 And The Daily Power Of Transcendence Through Surprise, From Will Arntz, Creator Of What The Bleep Do We Know?!

Los Angeles  ,  CA   ,  December 2, 2016  
 — What is surprise in your life but an instant opportunity for transformation? A moment that can send you ascending into joy and wonder, or spiraling into deep thought and life-changing new awareness. An eye-catching beautiful and whimsical book The (not so) Little Book of Surprises brings that home in—of course—surprising ways! A mystical journey into consciousness, an exploration of what touches our hearts, a glimmering reflection on nature and our selves, and a plea for becoming our better angels are just some of the touchstones in store for readers as they experience the poetic exquisiteness of this gem. This rumination on surprise comes courtesy of William Arntz, the creator and producer who surprised, confounded and delighted with his remarkable film What the Bleep Do We Know!? Now he teams with his wife, internationally renowned spiritual teacher and poet Deirdre Hade and award-winning photographer Endre Balogh to create something else quite special. The (not so) Little Book of Surprises is anchored with Hade's visionary and lyrical poetry skipping lightly about over the stunning images curated by Balogh. Each breathtaking page creates an emotional resonance with the reader ... using surprise as the doorway to transformation and transcendence. The images in the book are part eye candy/part soul candy. They pile on a sensory experience that mounts the sense of surprise page by page.  All of the book's creators began life in different fields—Arntz as a laser physicist working on "Star Wars" high-energy lasers; Hade as a ballet dancer and choreographer, Balogh continues as an internationally regarded concert violinist. And through life's mystery and surprise, they emerged as something else entirely, which makes them imminently qualified to bring forth a meditation in print on the gifts of surprise.   For more information please visit: If you would like to interview one of the co-creators of The (not so) Little Book of Surprises based on their availability, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, calling details and a proposed date.

The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster

A Fresh Perspective On A Conflicted Musical Genius

New York   ,  December 8, 2016   – Once revered the world over, Stephen Foster's plantation songs like "Old Folks at Home" and "My Old Kentucky Home," fell from grace in the wake of the Civil Rights movement due to their controversial lyrics. In The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster, A Revealing Portrait of the Forgotten Man Behind "Swanee River," "Beautiful Dreamer," and "My Old Kentucky Home" ( Rowman and Littlefield), author JoAnne O'Connell offers a critical reassessment of the life, politics, and legacy of the misunderstood and neglected father of American music.  While Foster embraced the minstrel tradition for a brief time and became famous for it, he refined the genre and infused his songs with sympathy for slaves before abandoning the medium altogether. O'Connell argues that rather than defining Foster by his questionable plantation songs, he should be acknowledged as a prolific composer who concealed his true feelings in his lyrics and wrote in diverse styles to satisfy the changing tastes of his generation. A conflicted musical genius, Foster vacillated between the refined parlor songs approved by his family and the popular plantation style; between the political conservatism of his family and his president brother-in-law James Buchanan, and his own politics of compassion. The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster demonstrates that Foster took a new direction in songwriting during the last years of his life. Isolated from the anti-Lincoln rantings of his family, the  Pittsburgh born composer sequestered himself on the Bowery during the Civil War, determined to express his own voice and that of the nation. Although other biographers claim that Foster lost his muse in  New York   , O'Connell shows that he purposely adopted a new style of song writing that stood in the vanguard of vaudeville, musical comedy, and Broadway, and paved the way for the future of American popular music. Despite alcoholism and depression, Foster still managed to write powerful Civil War songs that he dedicated to Abraham Lincoln; wonderful comic songs that made the war-weary nation smile; and songs in innovative genres that left their mark on the continuum of American music.  No other biography examines Stephen Foster's life within the political, social, and economic context of his times. His songs in diverse genres touched the hearts of the people and assuaged their suffering during the greatest upheaval in American history. Based on extensive research into previously unpublished documents, The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster is an intimate biography written in a popular style that will appeal to music lovers, Civil War buffs, music historians, and biography readers in general.  JoAnne O'Connell has a background in history and classical vocal music. She earned her PhD at the  University  of  Pittsburgh   . She has taught at colleges and universities in  Pennsylvania   and  Maryland   , and currently spends her time researching and writing.  For more information, please visit: The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster, A Revealing Portrait of the Forgotten Man Behind "Swanee River," "Beautiful Dreamer," and "My Old Kentucky Home"  By JoAnne O'Connell Rowman and Littlefield October, 2016 Available in bookstores and museum gift shops Online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and ISBN: 978-1-4422-5386-5

Conquer Change And Win

Learn How To Embrace Change To Live A Happier, More Fulfilled Life 

Morristown, TN, December 7, 2016 – Learn what 90% of Americans have no clue about.  Be the last person standing in the room by knowing how change affects our emotions and feelings.  Conquer Change and Win will show you how to control your reaction to those emotions and feelings that all change always causes. The result will be a happier and more fulfilled life.  This information will give you a leg up on making more money and having less stress in your life. Every one of us is constantly affected by change. Change never stops, and no matter if it's positive change or not, our first reaction is usually fear. The truly successful people of the world have a good understanding of change and how to make it work to their advantage. In his latest book, Conquer Change and Win, best-selling author Ralph Masengill gives readers an easy-to-read, fun book about the serious subject of change. In forty-plus years as a consultant, coach, advisor and public relations strategist, Masengill has observed that successful people share two characteristics. First, they are willing to take a calculated risk and endorse positive change on a regular basis. Secondly, they have learned how change affects their emotions and how to overcome the fear of change. "I believe the happiest and most successful people do not necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have," Masengill says. He urges readers to choose change. "It is the path to true happiness and business success. Understanding how change works can alter your life for the better and give you a solid advantage." An advisor, coach, marketing expert, business consultant and public relations strategist, Masengill understands how companies work from within. He has the wisdom of one who has made the journey of sustained success himself, leavened by an ethics-based philosophy of helping others and the community around him. Masengill's life story is one of personal challenge, tragedy, and triumph. His professional career has been defined by great success in both the private and public sectors. His agency, Masengill Marketing Associates, has won over 850 national and regional advertising and marketing awards. One of the original change agents in the 
United States   , Masengill and his team have been observing change and showing business leaders that embracing and understanding positive change is the sure route to effective quality improvement and substantial profit enhancement for decades. This extensive experience formed the basis for Conquer Change and Win, his second book. A graduate of the  University  of  Tennessee   , Masengill's postgraduate work includes the Dr. W. Edwards Deming course on quality and quality management. He and his wife Dianne live near the  Great Smoky Mountains  in  East Tennessee  . They have four grown children, two dogs and a cat. Masengill enjoys woodworking, oil painting, sailing and helping with his favorite charities in his spare time. For more information, please visit  Conquer Change and Win By Ralph Masengill  Available at fine bookstores everywhere, at the author's website, and Kindle. ISBN:  978-1515191872

The Beauty And Awe Of Life

A Mystical Journey Into The Beauty And Awe Of Life, And The Daily Power Of Transcendence Through Surprise, From Will Arntz, Creator Of What The Bleep Do We Know?! 
Los Angeles  ,  CA   ,  December 6, 2016   — What is surprise in your life but an instant opportunity for transformation? A moment that can send you ascending into joy and wonder, or spiraling into deep thought and life-changing new awareness. An eye-catching beautiful and whimsical book The (not so) Little Book of Surprises brings that home in—of course—surprising ways! A mystical journey into consciousness, an exploration of what touches our hearts, a glimmering reflection on nature and our selves, and a plea for becoming our better angels are just some of the touchstones in store for readers as they experience the poetic exquisiteness of this gem. This rumination on surprise comes courtesy of William Arntz, the creator and producer who surprised, confounded and delighted with his remarkable film What the Bleep Do We Know!? Now he teams with his wife, internationally renowned spiritual teacher and poet Deirdre Hade and award-winning photographer Endre Balogh to create something else quite special. The (not so) Little Book of Surprises is anchored with Hade's visionary and lyrical poetry skipping lightly about over the stunning images curated by Balogh. Each breathtaking page creates an emotional resonance with the reader ... using surprise as the doorway to transformation and transcendence. The images in the book are part eye candy/part soul candy. They pile on a sensory experience that mounts the sense of surprise page by page.  All of the book's creators began life in different fields—Arntz as a laser physicist working on "Star Wars" high-energy lasers; Hade as a ballet dancer and choreographer, Balogh continues as an internationally regarded concert violinist. And through life's mystery and surprise, they emerged as something else entirely, which makes them imminently qualified to bring forth a meditation in print on the gifts of surprise.   For more information please visit: If you would like to interview one of the co-creators of The (not so) Little Book of Surprises based on their availability, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, calling details and a proposed date.

New Children's Book Says "Aloha" To A Blizzard ... In  Hawaii   !    

Houston  ,  TX   ,  December 5, 2016   – That's right kids, it's snowing in  Honolulu   . Get ready to say "Aloha" to the first snowstorm  Hawaii   's ever had. Written in verse and beautifully illustrated, It's Snowing in  Hawaii   takes the reader on a magical journey through the snow-filled beaches of  Honolulu   .  With Hawaiian flannel shirts, bearskin hula skirts, and figure skating on  Pearl Harbor  , young readers will enjoy the silly rhymes of a Hawaiian snow day. Mike Guardia is the renowned author of several history books, including Hal Moore and Shadow Commander.  However, being the father of two young girls has inspired him to write It's Snowing in  Hawaii   – his first children's book.  He currently lives in  Texas   .  Follow him online at Melanie Stephens is a distinguished artist and children's book illustrator.  A proud mother of three, she currently resides in  Virginia   .  It's Snowing in  Hawaii        Willow   Clubhouse Books  Available at Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and  $17.95 Hardcover  $2.99 Kindle  ISBN-13:  978-1-939688-15-6

Want To Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick?

Choose Your Words Well 
Seattle  ,  WA   ,  December 5, 2016   - Most people are unaware of just how powerful their words are. The words we speak actually create what we experience in life. Powerhouse CEO, serial entrepreneur, angel investor, and author May McCarthy can attest to that. In the past 32 years, May has grown six profitable companies to as large as 250 employees and over $100 million in annual revenues. She credits her success, financial abundance and happiness to seven steps she practices every morning. One of those steps involves setting goals and resolutions with statements that are carefully worded to help her achieve more of her goals, dreams, and desires by activating her subconscious and intuition.  "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."  Oprah Winfrey •    Guest idea: May McCarthy  •    Issue: More often than not, we believe we are setting good New Year's resolutions with statements like: I will increase my income this year; I will get a new job; I want to find the love of my life; I want to lose 20 pounds. According to May, you are not likely to meet your goals with statements like those. Because they affirm the idea that you do not yet have what you want, they will actually keep you stuck in the lack you believe you are experiencing. Modify those statements, however, with specifics and in gratitude for your goals as though they are already complete, and the world you want is more likely to be yours, says May. •    Segment idea: The host(s) and/or audience members or call-in listeners share their New Year's resolutions with May. May shows them how to reword their resolutions in a way that expresses gratitude for those goals, dreams, and desires that have not yet manifested in the host's/audience member's life as though they already have. ›    For example: If you were to say, "I want to make more money," you will forever want more money, because you are declaring that you don't have enough and you are not specific enough about your goal. If, on the other hand, you decided exactly how much money you would like to have, you could rephrase your goal to something like, "I'm so grateful that I have overflowing amounts of abundance in my life with a minimum of $x that I use for all of my living, giving and entertainment expenses and more.  I am fully supported and provided for at all times in all ways and love being financially free." ›    Likewise, if you were to say, "I don't like my job. I want to find another one," you'll probably be wishing it for quite a while. On the other hand, the assertion, "I am so grateful that I am now using my skills and talents in remarkable, fun, and satisfying ways to support my company's efforts towards success.  I feel appreciated by my company and easily earn a minimum of $x. I enjoy all of my co-workers and customers and feel that they value me as well," will more likely land you that plum job, whatever it may be. ›    Change "I want to find the love of my life," to "I am so grateful that I am now experiencing a wonderful relationship with my perfect and loving partner, who is also my best friend. We have fun together and have similar values.  All of my friends and family adore him/her and his/her family appreciates me. We build a wonderful life together as we support and love each other fully," and watch the magic happen.  Choosing the right words to declare your intention is just one of seven steps May suggests for attaining abundance.  To be most effective in activating your subconscious and intuition to help you see more opportunities to achieve your goals, the seven steps should be practiced daily. You can begin this New Year's by phrasing your resolutions to describe the good you want to have so that you can realize it sooner.  May McCarthy has spent 32 years uncovering the mystery of how to rely on intuition to experience great levels of success, financial abundance, and freedom. She is a successful serial entrepreneur, CEO, angel investor, philanthropist, speaker, and author who has grown six profitable companies to as large as 250 employees and over $100 million in annual revenues. She serves on business, philanthropic, arts and university boards and is the author of the best-selling book THE PATH TO WEALTH: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance (Hierphant Publishing 2015).

A Mystical Journey Into The Beauty And Awe Of Life,

And The Daily Power Of Transcendence Through Surprise, From Will Arntz, Creator Of What The Bleep Do We Know?!

Los Angeles  ,  CA   ,  November 29, 2016   — What is surprise in your life but an instant opportunity for transformation? A moment that can send you ascending into joy and wonder, or spiraling into deep thought and life-changing new awareness. An eye-catching beautiful and whimsical book The (not so) Little Book of Surprises brings that home in—of course—surprising ways! A mystical journey into consciousness, an exploration of what touches our hearts, a glimmering reflection on nature and our selves, and a plea for becoming our better angels are just some of the touchstones in store for readers as they experience the poetic exquisiteness of this gem. This rumination on surprise comes courtesy of William Arntz, the creator and producer who surprised, confounded and delighted with his remarkable film What the Bleep Do We Know!? Now he teams with his wife, internationally renowned spiritual teacher and poet Deirdre Hade and award-winning photographer Endre Balogh to create something else quite special. The (not so) Little Book of Surprises is anchored with Hade's visionary and lyrical poetry skipping lightly about over the stunning images curated by Balogh. Each breathtaking page creates an emotional resonance with the reader ... using surprise as the doorway to transformation and transcendence. The images in the book are part eye candy/part soul candy. They pile on a sensory experience that mounts the sense of surprise page by page. All of the book's creators began life in different fields—Arntz as a laser physicist working on "Star Wars" high-energy lasers; Hade as a ballet dancer and choreographer, Balogh continues as an internationally regarded concert violinist. And through life's mystery and surprise, they emerged as something else entirely, which makes them imminently qualified to bring forth a meditation in print on the gifts of surprise.   For more information please visit:  If you would like to interview one of the co-creators of The (not so) Little Book of Surprises based on their availability, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, calling details and a proposed date.

The Immune System And The Maze Of Autoimmunity

Breakthrough Book Demystifies The Immune System And The Maze Of Autoimmunity To Help Guide Readers On A Clear Path Towards Vibrant Health  Los Angeles, CA, November 29, 2016 — Are you listening to the messages your body is giving? Your immune system is a powerful force that is designed to protect you; sending you signals when it is time to make an adjustment. The problem is that too often doctors tell us that we are "fine," or that our headaches and weight gain are caused simply by stress. These symptoms are not normal, and may indicate a current or potential autoimmune condition that can only get worse if not addressed. Focusing on tried-and-tested solutions to not only help you feel better, but heal the inflammation that is causing symptoms or disease, The Autoimmune Fix will teach you how to reverse autoimmunity before it's too late.  In The Autoimmune Fix, Dr. Tom O'Bryan urges us to "wake up" by no longer accepting that our unfavorable symptoms or disease diagnoses are here to stay. Rampant chronic disease and autoimmune disorders are increasing and traditional medicine in the  U.S.   tends to treat only symptoms. With the empowering information set forth in this book, it is no longer necessary to sit back and accept the medical establishment's reasoning behind your weight gain, fatigue and digestive issues. The science is in: your diet plays a key role in the presence of inflammation and the functioning of your immune system. This groundbreaking book also highlights the shocking revelation that many doctors are completely unaware of the latest medical research on the immune system, an area that has been producing the most new findings in medicine over the past 25 years. The Autoimmune Fix supports a gluten-free, dairy-free and sugar-free lifestyle. Based on his vast research, Dr. O'Bryan blows "fad diet" theories out of the water, exposing the truth that modifying your eating habits, in large part by eliminating gluten, dairy and sugar, can rid your body of dangerous inflammation and set you on a course toward good health. Inflammation, caused by foods like these, can cause autoimmune conditions such as lupus, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis and a host of others. Dr. O'Bryan also enlightens us on how to read nutrition labels to avoid inadvertent food exposures, and how to protect ourselves from absorbing hidden gluten such as in household products and  "The Autoimmune Fix is a powerful and cogent examination of the mechanisms underlying the surge in autoimmune conditions in our modern world. And gratefully, Dr. O'Bryan's masterful text provides a proven, actionable plan to restore immune balance and reawaken health." --   David Perlmutter  ,  MD   , FACN, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain and Brain Maker About the Author: Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN, is an internationally recognized speaker and writer on chronic disease and metabolic disorders. He hosted and put together a seven-part series on autoimmunity called 'Betrayal;' for more information please visit: He organized the popular Gluten Summit in November 2013. Dr. O'Bryan has more than 30 years of experience as a functional medicine practitioner and is adjunct faculty at the Institute for Functional Medicine. He lives in  San Diego  ,  CA   . The Autoimmune Fix: How to Stop the Hidden Autoimmune Damage That Keeps You Sick, Fat and Tired Before It Turns Into Disease By Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: Rodale Books (September 20, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 162336700X  ISBN-13: 978-1623367008  Price: $26.99

Fear, Love, And Secrets Abound In Scientist's Riveting New Book, The Ice Merchant 

Galveston, TX, November 30, 2016 ― Serious readers perfectly understand the advantage of well-written fiction: it's an escape from whatever ails you, whenever it's convenient. The Ice Merchant, Paul Boor's newest novel, set in  Galveston  ,  TX   in 1889, is a tale of the post-civil war ice trade, new medical schools, trafficking in corpses, the discovery of a cure for yellow fever, and a chilling reminder of our human frailties. The story begins in 1889, when a shrewd Yankee ice merchant, Nicolas Van Horne, is carving out a profitable side-business. Deep in his ship's icy hold, dozens of human cadavers lie between the huge blocks of ice. On this delivery, his first to  Galveston   's new  Medical   School   , Nicolas is enthralled by  Galveston   's lady scientist Rene Keiller, but he also makes the ghastly discovery that he's been trafficking in murdered boys. It will take Rene's help to eventually solve the puzzle his ice holds . . . but first he must overcome his personal demons, including morphine addiction, even as he becomes inextricably entangled in lovely Rene's experimental work on the most dreaded killer of their time, yellow fever. Paul Boor, M.D., is a scientist and professor at  Galveston   's medical school, the oldest west of the  Mississippi   , and home to the highest-level, infectious Bio-Lab. His first novel, The Blood Notes of Peter Mallow, was a modern biomedical thriller acclaimed as "real, raw and on the edge." In The Ice Merchant, Dr. Boor goes back in time to explore the history of medical research and the body trade, while spinning a tale of romance and human imperfection. For more information, please visit: The Ice Merchant, Publisher: Argo-Navis, Language: English, ISBN-10: 0786754931, ISBN-13: 978-0786754939

Buckle Up For The Thruway Killers

A Rollicking Commentary On Greed, Murder And Mayhem

Albany  ,  NY   ,  November 28, 2016   – When values collide and money is thrown in the mix, anything can happen. Author Harvey Havel is back with The Thruway Killers (America Star Books), a delightfully fast-paced crime novel that also points out the absurdities of our times. Havel  does not shrink away from touchy issues of race and religion. Droogan McPhee is the eldest son of a prosperous businessman, and he lacks his father's sense of propriety and drive to succeed. To his father's horror, the unemployed, overweight, crack-smoking Droogan becomes romantically entangled with one of the family's African-American maids. His father uses money to put a wedge between the couple, and Droogan is motivated to act. A botched murder plot follows, and Droogan and his beloved Angela begin their odyssey up the iconic New York Thruway, pursued by Agent Roderigo Rojas of the FBI and a mercenary named the Spartan. When Droogan slips into a shadowy religious cult, his problems begin to multiply.  Havel  , with an outsider's perspective and a keen sense of fun, explores American cultural and political fault lines and whether crossing lines leads to ruin.  Havel  , born in  Pakistan   with family ties to  India   , is a prolific writer. His third novel, Freedom of Association, was published in 2006.Other novels include Charlie Zero's Last-Ditch Attempt, and The Orphan of Mecca, Book One. He is formerly a writing instructor at  Bergen   Community College   in  Paramus  ,  New Jersey   . He also taught writing and literature at the  College  of  St. Rose   in  Albany   as well as SUNY Albany. Copies of his books and short stories, both new and used, may be purchased at and by special order at fine booksellers everywhere. The Thruway Killers, America Star Books, Available at and online everywhere ISBN: 9781635080384 

How To Thrive In Troubled Times: Conquer Change And Win

Morristown, TN, November 23, 2016 – Learn what 90% of Americans have no clue about.  Be the last person standing in the room by knowing how change affects our emotions and feelings.  Conquer Change and Win will show you how to control your reaction to those emotions and feelings that all change always causes. The result will be a happier and more fulfilled life.  This information will give you a leg up on making more money and having less stress in your life. Every one of us is constantly affected by change. Change never stops, and no matter if it's positive change or not, our first reaction is usually fear. The truly successful people of the world have a good understanding of change and how to make it work to their advantage. In his latest book, Conquer Change and Win, best-selling author Ralph Masengill gives readers an easy-to-read, fun book about the serious subject of change. In forty-plus years as a consultant, coach, advisor and public relations strategist, Masengill has observed that successful people share two characteristics. First, they are willing to take a calculated risk and endorse positive change on a regular basis. Secondly, they have learned how change affects their emotions and how to overcome the fear of change. "I believe the happiest and most successful people do not necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have," Masengill says. He urges readers to choose change. "It is the path to true happiness and business success. Understanding how change works can alter your life for the better and give you a solid advantage." An advisor, coach, marketing expert, business consultant and public relations strategist, Masengill understands how companies work from within. He has the wisdom of one who has made the journey of sustained success himself, leavened by an ethics-based philosophy of helping others and the community around him. Masengill's life story is one of personal challenge, tragedy, and triumph. His professional career has been defined by great success in both the private and public sectors. His agency, Masengill Marketing Associates, has won over 850 national and regional advertising and marketing awards. One of the original change agents in the 
United States   , Masengill and his team have been observing change and showing business leaders that embracing and understanding positive change is the sure route to effective quality improvement and substantial profit enhancement for decades. This extensive experience formed the basis for Conquer Change and Win, his second book. A graduate of the  University  of  Tennessee   , Masengill's postgraduate work includes the Dr. W. Edwards Deming course on quality and quality management. He and his wife Dianne live near the  Great Smoky Mountains  in  East Tennessee  . They have four grown children, two dogs and a cat. Masengill enjoys woodworking, oil painting, sailing and helping with his favorite charities in his spare time. For more information, please visit  Conquer Change and Win  By Ralph Masengill  Available at fine bookstores everywhere, at the author's website, and Kindle. ISBN:  978-1515191872

Love And Terror

A Peace Activist Enters A War Zone To Help Stop The Conflict And Bring Peace In Israel And Palestine

Paris, France & Houston, TX, November 23, 2016 - Frank Romano, PhD, has just returned from a one month stay in Israel and Palestine, in the midst of an Inifada, or war between Israelis and Palestinians. For a decade, through interfaith grassroots efforts to open up communication, he has brought Jews, Muslims and Christians together from all corners of the world in support of peace. However, this is his first voyage into a war zone and he has a story to tell. Romano tells the remarkable story of his journey in Love and Terror in the 
Middle East  (AB Film Publishing). A 4th edition of the book, it includes a new chapter dedicated to a recent event where he was trapped in the middle of rioting Palestinians, following the killing of a Palestinian youth by Israeli soldiers, and barely escaped with his life. Constantly surrounded by war, his journey has been fraught with sacrifice. Friends and fellow activists have been arrested and brutally murdered. He has been attacked by settlers, harassed and arrested by the Israeli and Palestinian police. In his personal life it has cost him his marriage, another long term romantic relationship, and impacted his role as a father. In spite of the danger and sacrifice, Dr. Romano – lawyer, author, speaker and professor of law, literature, history and philosophy of law at the University of Paris, France- continues to be an advocate for peace in the  Middle East  .  For more information on Dr. Romano's book or his ongoing drive for peace, please visit:  (book)  (blog)  (Interview)  Available at, Barnes and Noble, and major online outlets 
Love and Terror in the Middle East, 4th edition By Frank Romano  AB Film Publishing  ISBN-13: 978-0989706865

The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster

A Fresh Perspective On A Conflicted Musical Genius

New York   ,  November 22, 2016   – Once revered the world over, Stephen Foster's plantation songs like "Old Folks at Home" and "My Old Kentucky Home," fell from grace in the wake of the Civil Rights movement due to their controversial lyrics. In The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster, A Revealing Portrait of the Forgotten Man Behind "Swanee River," "Beautiful Dreamer," and "My Old Kentucky Home" ( Rowman and Littlefield), author JoAnne O'Connell offers a critical reassessment of the life, politics, and legacy of the misunderstood and neglected father of American music.  While Foster embraced the minstrel tradition for a brief time and became famous for it, he refined the genre and infused his songs with sympathy for slaves before abandoning the medium altogether. O'Connell argues that rather than defining Foster by his questionable plantation songs, he should be acknowledged as a prolific composer who concealed his true feelings in his lyrics and wrote in diverse styles to satisfy the changing tastes of his generation. A conflicted musical genius, Foster vacillated between the refined parlor songs approved by his family and the popular plantation style; between the political conservatism of his family and his president brother-in-law James Buchanan, and his own politics of compassion. The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster demonstrates that Foster took a new direction in songwriting during the last years of his life. Isolated from the anti-Lincoln rantings of his family, the  Pittsburgh born composer sequestered himself on the Bowery during the Civil War, determined to express his own voice and that of the nation. Although other biographers claim that Foster lost his muse in  New York   , O'Connell shows that he purposely adopted a new style of song writing that stood in the vanguard of vaudeville, musical comedy, and Broadway, and paved the way for the future of American popular music. Despite alcoholism and depression, Foster still managed to write powerful Civil War songs that he dedicated to Abraham Lincoln; wonderful comic songs that made the war-weary nation smile; and songs in innovative genres that left their mark on the continuum of American music. No other biography examines Stephen Foster's life within the political, social, and economic context of his times. His songs in diverse genres touched the hearts of the people and assuaged their suffering during the greatest upheaval in American history. Based on extensive research into previously unpublished documents, The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster is an intimate biography written in a popular style that will appeal to music lovers, Civil War buffs, music historians, and biography readers in general.  JoAnne O'Connell has a background in history and classical vocal music. She earned her PhD at the  University  of  Pittsburgh   . She has taught at colleges and universities in  Pennsylvania   and  Maryland   , and currently spends her time researching and writing. For more information, please visit:  The Life and Songs of Stephen Foster, A Revealing Portrait of the Forgotten Man Behind "Swanee River," "Beautiful Dreamer," and "My Old Kentucky Home"  By JoAnne O'Connell Rowman and Littlefield October, 2016 Available in bookstores and museum gift shops Online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and  ISBN: 978-1-4422-5386-5 


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