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Activist links...Click for Peace resources! 

Peace news, Portland Peace Portal, Activism News Human Rights AlertIssues 
Act Action for Peace Activist Websites Activism and Peace 
[American Friends'
 Service Committee]
ACLU activism! Amnesty International  [an interfaith justice organization]
 Capital Punishment Directory for Peace Activisim Eliminate the Death Penalty Fellowship [Fellowship of Reconciliation] Disarm Helping Innocent War Victims [Human Rights Watch] International
Action Center
Lifestyle, Activism, and Peace Search engine Move-on.Org!  [Many links for teaching issues!]

Rethinking Schools

International Peace

Peace Pledge Union
Prisoners for peace,
What you can do: notes on letter writing
Peace Action

Peace Torch: Progressive Database Peacenet Petitions Online!
Political Activism Resources Are we losing liberty? Rally for Justice [Visit Rally for!] Portland Peace [Portland
Uncommon Dreams  [Progressive News/commentary] Quaker Peace Center The Wisdom of Einstein and other Angels in our Midst
Volunteers for Peace
War Resisitors Leage Nonviolent Actions 
 [Women's International League for Peace & Freedom]

Is Freedom From Information?
Political Activism Resources  [War Resisters League] Working for Change!
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Writing Resources
Activism at work!  March to protest the obscene US military budget.

 Shalom!           Write to your representatives!                                  Return to Home Page (IPRC)


Albert Einstein reminds us that
"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding."

There are forces more potent than violence... "To meet hate with retaliatory hate would do nothing but intensify the existence of evil in the universe. Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love..."
- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

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