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Blue Star's Web Ring webring.html

This ring was created and designed by Blue Star and Celestial for the SOUL purpose of gathering other sites to collectively reflect the essence of spirit worldwide. Only sites which meet our criteria will be accepted although all may submit their web pages for possible inclusion.

Sites MUST reflect non-judgemental evaluations of all other races and religions. Sites may be spiritual, humanitarian, humorous, holistic, educational, artistic, non-profit, cultural or musical.

Sites containing pornographic and/or violent material are not permissable. Upon receiving approval by Blue Star and Celestial, the new site must be added to the ring and linked back to this page within 72 hours. Sites may be submitted only once. All decisions are final.

This web ring will be kept simple, there is no need for complexites here. *All writings, drawings and sketches by Blue Star are protected by copyright.


The Blue Star Web Ring officially opened it's circle on March 12, 1998. Welcome to my world!

Blue Star's LINKS to Eternity-A Soul Directory

Blue Star's Spiritual Counselors of the Third Millennium

New Mexico Institute of Metaphysical Alternatives

White Apache

Church of the Third Millennium

Univer sal Light Association

Byronic World View: Verging on a new paradigm shift towards the New Millennium

Spiritual Healer

Temple Of Truth

The Circle Of Light of Lady Isis

The French Natural

As of October, 2000, we are no longer accepting applications.

Blue Star's Special Sites

Spirit Quest-New On-Line Quarterly Magazine
