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WebTV Error Codes - M codes:
(during an on-screen-pop-up, press 'options' and observe the M code at the bottom left of screen).

General M code info

M code fixes

Online SpellChecker

Hard To Find 800 Numbers

Easy Read E-Mail Tool

Combo Code-Cleaner-Stripper-Changer
J.D.'s Combo Tool

J.D.'s WebTV Smallifier
Bob Wedge's Easy Smallifier #1
Bob Wedge's Easy Smallifier #2
Bob Wedge's Smallifier Script
Paul Ding's Easy Quoter / Smallifier
Gest's Smallifier
Tyhart's Smallifier
The Kid's Smallifier

Terminals, Keyboards, Printers, Digital Cameras, Video/Remote Senders, Skins
WebTV Equipment & Accessories

    WebTV/MSNTV Help Pages
  1. WebTV's Terms Of Service (TOS)
  2. WebTV's Original Sales Help Page
  3. MSNTV.com Main Site
  4. MSNTV Overview #1
  5. MSNTV Overview #2
  6. WebTV/MSNTV Frequently Asked Questions
  7. Call 1-800-706-4403
    For Free WebTV Information Packet
    Or Other WebTV Information
  8. support4u@corp.webtv.net
  9. WebTV's (Main Help Index Page)
  10. WebTV Internet Surfing-Help
  11. MSNTV Problem-Codes Page
  12. A MSNTV 'Help' Links Page
  13. WebTV/MSNTV & MSNTV2 (Status Boards)
  14. WebTV's Cookies & Utilities
  15. J.D.'s WebTV/MSNTV Help Links
  16. MSNTV/WebTV account statement #1
  17. MSNTV/WebTV account statement #2
  18. Your Account Info
  19. MSNTV TroubleShooter Tool
  20. TroubleShooter Tool #2
  21. Trouble Codes & Help #1
  22. Trouble Codes & Help #2
  23. WebTV's Incompatible Sites Page
  24. WebTV Help Search Page
  25. WebTV's User Help List
  26. WebTV's User Help Page #1
  27. WebTV's User Help Page #2
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  30. WebTV/MSNTV Member Centers
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  33. Helpful WebTV NewsGroups And Lists
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    WebTV/MSNTV Plus Interactive TV #3
  35. Request A New WebTV/MSNTV Feature
  36. E-Mail A Question To WebTV/MSNTV
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  38. HTML Tags That WebTV Supports
  39. WebTV's User HTML Help #1
  40. WebTV's User HTML Help #2
  41. WebMonkey's HTML Reference Index
  42. Other Special HTML Reference
  43. MSNTV Developer & WebSite Help
  44. WebTV/MSNTV Chat
  45. MSNTV Customer Service Survey
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    Call 1-800-469-3288 or;

    MSNTV Local Access # Portals
    Find Local MSNTV Access Numbers #1
    Find Local MSNTV Access Numbers #2
  49. MSN/MSNTV One-Plan (MSN1A)
  50. How To Use An ISP
  51. Free Or Cheap ISPs
  52. Look For MSN Access Numbers #1
    Look For MSN Access Numbers #2
    Look For MSN Access Numbers #2
    Look For MSN Access Numbers #3
  53. MSN DialUp Service Plans
  54. CLassic Specifications
  55. Plus Specifications
  56. WebTV Products And Information
  57. Compare MSNTV Products
  58. Net4TV's WebTV Comparison Story
  59. Technology Your WebTV Supports
  60. Technology Your MSNTV Supports
  61. J.D.'s WebTV Equipment Page
  62. MSNTV Buyer's Guide
  63. WebTV Buyer's Guide
  64. WebTV's Keyboard Setup Procedure
  65. (Old) WebTV Education Help Page
  66. (Old) WebTV Ads
  67. Net4TV's Archive Index
  68. Club WebTV
  69. Club WebTV Founder's Forum
  70. Club WebTV NewsLetter Archives #1
  71. Club WebTV NewsLetter Archives #2
  72. MSNTV Newsletter Archives
  73. Submit Your Site On MSN Search
  74. MSNTV's UCE/SPAM Index Info
  75. WebTV E-mail & Telephone Contacts

The Learning Zone
Huge List Of Tutorials & Help
Search & Reference Headquarters
Misc. Reference Starting Point #1
Misc. Reference Starting Point #2
Misc. Reference Starting Point #3
How Stuff Works (Reference Help)
Find A Tutorial To Anything
2 Learn About Things #1
2 Learn About Things #2
Britannica Encyclopedia
Earth & Space Sciences Reference
NASA JPL Space Simulator
Misc. References Index (NYTimes)
Read Books On-Line
Rominger Legal and Documents Links

Beginning Basic HTML For WebTV
Draac's MSNTV Basic HTML
Draac's MSNTV HTML Tutorials
CannonBall's Newbie HTML

Introducing the MSN One Plan:
Get the best of both worlds:
MSN TV service through television:
PLUS MSN Internet Access
on a home PC:
Both for only $21.95 a month:
Two for the price of one:
MSN/MSNTV's One Plan
Only $21.95 For MSN, With MSNTV 'Free'
WebTV's One-Plan Info Page
J.D.'s  One-Plan Info Page
Click On "2 for 1 Web Access"
Home; Help; Quick Picks; Tips Index; Billing; 2 for 1 Web Access
MSN's Promotion 'One-Plan'
MSN Service Plans
Available MSNTV's Plans
Saverio's (One-Plan) Info Page
Mike Donnelly's (One-Plan) Info Page
JoeLok's (One-Plan) Info Page
How To Use An ISP
One-Plan FAQ
MSNIA One-Plan

WebTV Coupons/Rebates/Promotions

WebTV's Cookies & Utilities Page

Check And Adjust Your TV
For Use With WebTV

Control Settings #1
Control Settings #2

For Plus Users Only
ScreenSavers/Stay Connected

J.D.'s "Stay On-Line" With TV-Side
WebWizard's Ways

Recent's Saver (Mailer) Tools
J.D.'s "Recents Saver" E-mailer
Texas Angel's "Recents Saver"
Tyhart's "Recents Saver"
Geoizweez's "Recents Saver"
Misc. "Recents Saver"

WebTV/MSNTV E-Mail Image
And Attachment Tools

Add An E-mail Image Attachment
Strip An E-mail Of All But Image
HyperFiles Main Tools Page
Viewing Types Of E-mail Attachments
Read A PDF File #1
Read A PDF File #2

Clocks & Countdown Links Page

Draac (Newbie Sig HTML)
Draac (Newbie MSNTV)
Draac (HTML Lessons)
Draac (Table Lessons)
Draac (Main Page)
CannonBall's (Newbie Help Site)
Link Color & Size in Sig or E-Mail

Color Blindness Test

How WebTV Displays Text

Hoax Or Fact?
Hoax Buster Links By Vince

Your Own Print Page Without Headers
Blank Printing Pages
HTML For Sig 'Blank Page' Printing
A Print Page With Options
Other Print Pages

Quick HTML Reference
WebMonkey's HTML CheatSheet
J.D.'s HTML Reference Links

    Internet Abbreviations,
    On-Line Definitions,
    ShortHand And Acronyms:
  1. Net Lingo
  2. Other Info On Lingo 'Internet Speak'
  3. (Net Lingo Shorthand)
  4. NetPrimer Acronyms
  5. Net Lingo's Emoticons
  6. Emoticons #2
  7. (Chatropolis Dictionary)
  8. (Acronym Finder)
  9. Internet Privacy & Resource Glossary

Remote Mail
Fetch WebTV E-Mail From A Computer
Or, From One WebTV To Another
Or, From One User To Another
Mail2Web.com #1
Mail2Web.com #2
Mail2Web.com #3
Mail2Web.com #4
'Remote/Fetch'Mail Help
How To Use 'Remote Mail' #1
How To Use 'Remote Mail' #2
How To Use 'Remote Mail' #3
WebTVMail--->Settings--->Remote Mail

Crazy/Clown/Colored/Rainbow Text
Draac's Rainbow Text
Draac's Crazy Text
Chami's Place
CWDJRX Clown Text
Ken Dine's
RedBird's Rainbow Text
WebGizmo's Text Generator
PageMaster's Gradient Rainbow Text

Printing Tools & Info
  1. Jerry's Printing Tools & Links
  2. Many Types Of Printables
  3. Many Types Of Printables
  4. Hadoe's Printables
  5. Hadoe's Printable Cards
  6. Many Types Of Printables
  7. Many Types Of Printables List
  8. Other WebTV Word Processors List

See Some MSN Logos

WebTV "True Romance" Comix

"Seeing All" Card Tricks
Card Magic #1
Card Magic #2
Card Magic
Card Magic #3
Card Magic #4

Internet Archives
WayBack Machine #1
WayBack Machine #2
WayBack Machine #3
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