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Morong Collage by NSMSoriano 

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A B C D   E F G H   I J K L   M N Ñ Ng   O P Q R   S T U V   W X Y Z

AAHON   - (syn) getting out of the ater from the river; also, to go to the barrio. 

ABA EH   - (syn) syanga; hesitation 

ABURAN   - root infested camote 

AGKAP  - senseless; insanity 

ALIBARBAR  - nasuya 

ALBE   - (syn) orasyon; angelus 

ALIBARBAR  -nakakaiyamot na; nakapaglalaway (drooling) 

ALIBUTRAN  -half-cooked rice 

ALI-NGIR  -nakatabing lagi sa kumakain - sort of begging for food 

ALILISAN   -sugar mill 

ALISU-AS   - (syn) alinlangan; uncomfortable  

ALIWASLAS  - (syn) maganda; clear as in weather 

ALOK  - a kind of drink made from pulverized fried rice; distributed free during    Holy Week 

ALUHIPAN   - (syn) of alupihan; centipede 

AMBA   - (syn) Lolo; grandfather/ Nazarene  

AMBABANGAS - a species of dragonfly 

AMBUBUYOG - (syn) bubuyog; bee 

AMEN  - (syn) of "Mano po"; sign of respect where the young kisses the hands of the elders. 

AMPUPURIT  - (syn) hanrut-rut; meddlesome 

ANTUTUBE   - (syn) tutube; dragonfly 

ANTUTULI   - (syn) tutuli; earwax 

ARAKIBOT   - (syn) lagi; always 

ARAG-ARAG  - makeshift cupboard 

AROK   - measure of depth (water, etc.) 

ASPIKI   - fulcrum 

ARIYAHAN   - madalian, Iin a hurry, emergency 

ATAT NA ATAT - (syn) sabik; word used in Bombongan 

ATARO   - (syn) bakit; why 

AYOK   - (syn) bagay; befitting, appropriate or suitable 



BAAK  - (syn) of biyak; split  

BAKITAHIN  - hit someone with butt of rifle 

BAKLI  - (syn) bali; break a branch 

BAKNAT  - to do something vicious 

BADA  - blocked basketball shot  

BADYOK  -tampo; maysumpong; moody 

BAGOL  - five cents 

BALAKTER  - (syn) tamar; lazy 

BALAW- BANGGI - (syn) balaw-balaw; careless 

BALBAL  - demolish or break an earthen dam 

BALINGHOY  - young kamoteng kahoy (aro root) 

BALUTBOT  - to frisk a person 

BANAKAL  - (syn) dumi; stained dirt 

BANG  - used instead of "ma" as prefix in adjectives; bangganda instead of maganda 

BANG-AL  - (syn) bali; to break as of a branch 

BANGAYAN  - (syn) away; word fight or just intimidating 

BANG-I  -(syn) baho; stink 

BANTIL   - dive na plakda 

BARA  -(syn) narapa; tripped 

BARIGA   - lean on; block something   

BARIYA  - (syn) of barya; coins 

BASTIYA  - a mixture of fresh carabao manure and water used to pave bare ground/one's yard 

BATALAN  - outside part of the house where washing chores is done 

BATANG-PIRISO  - a street game 

BATIDA  - big game hunting 

BATIYA  - (syn) of batya; laundry tub 

BATUTAYA  - hit or miss (see Kulub alin) 

BAYIKI  - (syn) beke; mumps 

BAYSAK  - splash water all over the place 

BIKATOT  - oblong basket fish trap made of strip bamboo or uway 

BILAWO  - (syn) bilao; a round shallow native basket 

BINANGI  - (syn) inihaw; corn or camote 

BINALANG  - Gulay (sitaw) na inadobo at ginataan 

BITON  - shoe polish 

BITUNIS   - (syn) batunes; buttons 

BUBU  - fish trap 

BUBUHIN   - scare game birds, deer or wild pigs 

BUBOG  - (syn) holen; marble 

BUKANOG   - sluggish person 

BUGIL  - small meaty part of the coconut 

BUGLOY  - edematose; a person with an abnormal accumulation of serious fluid in cavities or tissues of the body. 

BUGOK  - (syn) sira; rotten egg 

BULA-ER  -nakakalat/naghambalang na marumin gamit 

BULAOS  - muddy and loose ground 

BULABOR  - (syn) bulabok; small bubbles 

BULADOR   - (syn) saranggola; kite 

BULASTOG   - (syn) sinungaling; bulaan; liar 

BULIG  - small fish 

BULOS   - (syn) palit; exchange by way of barter; swap 

BULUBOR   - rice seedling 

BUNGGAN   - bloated, e.g. "Bunggan na ng makuha ang bangkay na nalunor." 

BUNITI  - type of bun made by Totong panaderia 

BURAG  - (syn) bulyaw; a sudden loud outburst 

BURANGAS   - hot-headed; quick-tempered 

BURARAK   - diarrheic stools 

BURUT  - (syn) yabang; show off 

BUSANGSANG - pretentious person  

BUSIGSIG   - stacked-in; as in muscled 

BUTITYOG   - (syn) buturot; very fat and protruding stomach  

BUTUROT   - person with fat belly 

BUTUTOY   - improvised oil/water lamp from a bottle; also fat slob 

BUYANGYANG - a striking revelation of some fact 

BUYOG  -(syn) tulak; push 


DANGLAW  - weak-eyed 

DI-ANGGI  - for a person acting beyondd his capacities 

DIBUHOL  - trubinays knot 

DIKUNO  - according to 

DILA-DILA  - palitaw na linagyan ng asukal (desert/snack made of sweet rice) 

DIMAKINA  - run by machine 

DINULANG  - a wooden soup dish 

DISALTOK  -emotional imbalance; "di" is prefix 

DUMARINE  - short for "dalhin mo rine." 

DULOS  - an old, rusty bolo used for digging or general backyard chores