Chapter Seventeen: Finale

The vampires arrived one after the other and Spike greeted them all with fanfare. Once they were seated around the dining hall table he took his place at the head of the table, Faith at his side.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he began. “Once again, I welcome you. Krelek, you old scoundrel…how’ve you been? It’s been at least, what? Three decades? That women’s empowerment retreat? God…that was fun! And Jezebel…you harpy you…still living up to your name?” he awarded the vampiress with a sexy smile before returning to table as a whole.

“This will truly be an evening to remember. Now, some of you I know some of you I’m meeting for the first time. I’m Spike. I’ll be your host for the evening, along with my lovely partner here, Faith.”

“Where’s Laren?” one of the guests shouted.

Spike grinned. “Laren has been detained. Something about a Garnak demon in customs,” he joked. The vampires chuckled appreciatively. “We all know how they can be. I assure you, she will be joining us later this evening.”

“We heard you’d gone soft, Spike. Helping the Slayer now,” another called.

Spike met the vampire’s eyes. “Did you now?”

“The invitation said Angelus would be here…and that bitch Slayer of his.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong…but the invitation only said that a Slayer would be here,” Spike said easily, pulling Faith to his side and squeezing her. “And she’s all mine,” he said, grinning wolfishly and kissing her passionately.

Chairs scraped back as several of the vampires rose to their feet, ready to fight.

“She’s a Slayer? And you bring her here? Tonight? Explain yourself, William of Aurelius,” one of them growled.

Faith pulled away from Spike and grinned. “Now boys…let’s not get all riled up. I’m here to play too…”

“You might not have heard…my Faith got sprung from the coop. She’s back in action…on the darker side of life, if you know what I mean,” Spike drawled, nibbling on her ear.

The vampires watched speculatively. “Come on now…we’re all here for the same reason…to come up with a better way. If you can’t deal with her, you can’t deal with me. And you can leave,” Spike snarled.

The vampires took their seats, as did Faith, and out walked Wesley. “Ah…Wesley me boy…the brochure promised a Watcher as well, didn’t it? Wesley too sees things a bit blacker than we’re used to. You know…he was once in charge of Faith, when she was still playing by the rules, that is. When she went all nasty…How’d that work out, pet?” Spike asked her.

She smiled saucily. “He screamed…then he begged for more.”

Wesley slammed a book down on the table and returned her grin. “Yes…good times from what I recall. She’s a wicked girl. Now gentlemen…and ladies,” he said, turning to the table at large, “You are no doubt curious as to why you’ve been invited here. I ask you. Don’t you want more? More out of your lives than just the hunt and the kill…and being hunted yourselves?”

A few vamps murmured appreciatively. “We want to change all that for you…for us. The problem is our strength. Independently we’re only so strong. Together…we can be invincible!” Wesley cried, slamming his fist down and looking each vampire in the eye.

“For too long the demon world has been without strong leadership. Now, I know what you’re thinking--we brought you here to put you under our boot. Not at all. We want to make you leaders. Our own Knights of the Round Table, in a manner of speaking.”

“What are you proposing?” someone asked, banging their fist on the table.

“We are proposing that we unite. Create an army, with you, my esteemed guests, as its very center,” Spike told them, rising once more. “Generals, all of you. Think of it. Together, the best at being the worst, in charge of recruiting the second bests, to lead them, to mold them, to guide them…until they are groomed and perfected…and then we strike!” he shouted, jumping onto the table. The guests began to cheer, some of them rising to their feet, knocking their chairs over in their growing excitement.

“Yes!” Wesley cried, grabbing Faith’s hand and hauling her up. “We start small, focus on a few strategic cities until our numbers grow.”

“Then we send out the troops, decimate the place until it’s chaos…just the way I like it,” she said, snuggling against Wesley’s side.

Spike growled and snatched her away, pulling her to his own side and planting a hand firmly on her rear. “Stupid humans won’t know what to do. And the world can be ours.”

The crowd was slowly getting into the idea, pushed by the excitement of their three hosts.

“An army!” one cried.

“This idea’s old, Spike,” another one challenged. “It’s been tried, and it’s failed. Why should it work for you?”

Spike stopped in the middle of the table and stared at his challenger. Giving him a quick smirk he jumped down and circled back to the head of the table. “Because we’re bloody in charge this time, mates. You know of anyone else but us lot that could pull this off? Look around you. You know these demons, if not by sight than by reputation. You know what we’re capable of. And with me, the minx here, and Watcher-boy…not to mention Angelus, Laren and Darla…”

“Angelus? Darla? If they’re involved, where are they?”

“Surprise treat for later on…’fraid I can’t reveal it just yet. Call it…dessert,” he said knowingly.

The vampire seemed satisfied with the answer and Spike continued. “The military isn’t a bad idea, you know. It works well enough for mortals. Why shouldn’t it work for us? The key is the organization…we could reign for the next hundred centuries if we play our cards right…and that’s why I’ve asked you all here. Because you, my tyrannical colleagues, are the best. This is only possible with your support. You’ve been handpicked, selected out of a list of thousands. Don’t forget that when you’re making your decision.”

“Sadly, we don’t have a lot of time for you to think it over,” Wesley said, taking a cup off the table. “The sooner we start, the better.”

Faith picked up a goblet. “Quick and simple, pals. Anyone interested in hearing more, raise your glasses and let’s toast the bright shiny future.”

Spike too grabbed a cup and raised it high. “What’s it going to be mates? Yay or nay?”

The vampires exchanged glances with each other and one by one raised their glasses overhead in agreement.

Spike shared a smile with Faith and Wesley. “Well then. That’s better. Now come on then…a drink before we get down to the nitty-gritty!”

He gulped from his glass, carefully watching the table over the lip of the goblet he held. Each vampire gave a cheer and brought the mugs to their lips, drinking deeply. Suddenly one shouted out, clutching his throat, eyes wide in terror. Half a dozen more, then a dozen more quickly mimed his actions.

“What…what is this?” one of them gasped, turning to Spike, clawing at his throat.

“A little extra kick to get the party started,” Spike told him, morphing into game face.

Faith sidled up to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and nibbling on his neck. “Holy water…gives it a little extra umph, don’t you think?” she said breezily.

The vampires began to gurgle and smoke. Several of them fell to the floor, crying out in agony before they turned to dust. But not all of them.

“Traitor!” one shouted, unsheathing his sword and running to attack.

“Oh come on now! It wasn’t enough to kill you. Not all of you anyway,” Faith mocked, pulling at the dress. It wouldn’t come off.

“Here,” Spike grinned, snatching a sword off the wall and using it to cut away the ties on the back of the dress. The garment fell to the floor to reveal a leather-clad body. He gazed at her appreciatively before handing her the sword. “I’m going to have to remember that trick,” he told her.

She grinned back at him. “You just might,” she said suggestively.

Spike, Faith and Wesley quickly ran to the guards on either side of them, weapons flying through the air and landing in their capable hands. With flair the guards ripped back their hoods to reveal the Scooby gang. From up above Buffy and Angel both appeared in the balconies, cross bow arrows whizzing through the air and staking two of the vamps that remained standing.

Buffy did a quick count. Seven of the vamps died from the holy water. The others had realized too soon what was going on and hadn’t drank enough to dust themselves. They were hurting, but not down. “Eighteen to go,” she muttered, and sailed over the side of the ledge, feet landing easily on the floor. Across from her Angel did the same, throwing himself into the battle, wielding his sword with the ease and grace expected in a natural warrior.

She immediately began battling the two vampires closest to her, kicking one against the wall and spinning to face the other, who came at her with a giant curved sword. Glancing at her own tiny rapier she quickly abandoned the idea of fighting him with it and tossed it backwards, pinning the other vampire to the wall by his sleeve. Ducking the swipe of the vampires’ sword she rolled and came up behind him, delivering a kick to his back and pushing him into the other vamp.

“Buffy!” Gunn called, tossing her a long wooden pole. She picked it out of the air and rammed it into the back of the vampire, all the way through to the other, dusting both at once. She threw Gunn an appreciative glance and was off to help Anya and Willow, now backed into a corner, beating a vampire with a large metal pitcher they’d grabbed off the table.

Spike and Faith were fighting side by side at the far end of the hall, each tackling two vampires.

“I’m kicking your ass when this fight’s over,” she shouted at him.

“What? What for?” he asked, ducking a right swing.

“You know what for.”

“Enlighten me.”

“You *oof* and the groping, perv,” she said, taking a punch to the gut before springing back and kicking the offending vamp into his partner.

“What?” Spike hissed. “You were into it, Slayer, giving as good as you were getting. Got a wiggly tongue there, little girl.”

“I was trying not to gag,” she spat, grabbing a vamp by the arm and flipping him over and onto his back, staking him as he landed.

Spike dodged a kick by taking the fighter’s leg and pulling, stake held up. The vampire collided with the wood, dusted. “Whatever. I got your blood up. I could smell it.”

“Amazing,” she quipped, punching a vamp across the face. “I never realized arousal and revulsion smelled the same.”

“They do not!” he shouted, stopping in his tracks. “You were loving it, you wanted more!” he insisted.

“No, I—look out!” she cried as the vampire caught Spike around the shoulders. Spike ducked down and Faith reached behind him, heel of her palm connecting with the vampire’s jaw. The vamp let Spike go and stumbled backwards. She leapt over him and staked the vamp as Spike ran at hers, staking him simultaneously.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about, bud,” she said, breathing heavily.

He whirled around to face her. “Yeah, okay. Another one afraid to admit to it. Whatever.” He dismissed her with a wave of her hand and went to help out someone else. Faith stood, in awe, watching him before taking off in the opposite direction.

Across the room Angel and Buffy were in the mix of things together, the way they preferred it. Never did they fight more fluidly than when they were together.

“Angelus…you traitor. You kill your own kind,” his opponent hissed at him, as they circled each other.

Angel smiled. “You didn’t hear? I’m human now, Deffar. For a couple weeks now…but I think I’m getting back into the swing of things, don’t you honey?”

Buffy smiled at him from over her shoulder as they stood, back to back, demons surrounding them. “Oh yeah…nothing to it with a little practice. You’d think you’d been doing this mortal thing all your life.”

“See? The girl knows me,” Angel said, returning to the vampire.

“Mortal, eh? Easier to kill then, is all.”

Angel and Buffy switched places. “Not really. He’s like a male Slayer now,” she told them. “All strong and powerful…quick…and ruggedly handsome. Did I forget to mention that? He’s got this little thing he does when he sleeps…like a half-smile. It’s endearing.”

Angel chuckled to himself, amused at the completely confused expression on the vampire’s face. “Thanks. You’re pretty cute yourself.”

Finally Buffy let her guard down and put her hands on her hips. “I’m thinking you guys didn’t come here to hear me go on and on about my love life…whaddya say we fight?”

“Mocking. You’re mocking me,” the vampire growled.

She cocked an eyebrow. “And I’m probably just getting started. We haven’t even begun to talk about your outfit.” With that she attacked, Angel flying into the battle at the same time. The four vampires divided, two attacking one, and Buffy flipped head over heels, her feet connecting with the chests of her two, knocking them to the ground. Producing a stake she jumped back up and came down with the stake positioned to dust but he rolled out of her way and kicked back, hitting her in the face.

She landed on the ground with a thud but recovered quickly as Angel shuffled by her, fighting off his opponents. Thinking quickly she grabbed the leg of one of the vampires and used it to pull herself up, kicking out once again and smashing the back of his knee. The vampire cried out in pain and crumpled to the ground. As he moved to rise again she staked him from behind.

That left three.

The Scoobies were done…these three vampires were all that remained and it was obvious that Angel and Buffy were having fun with them. The circled and taunted, carrying on conversation as they fought.

“I hate that…so annoying. If you’re going to try to kill me, at least focus,” Spike muttered appreciatively.

In a moment, it was over. With one vampire left Buffy and Angel stopped the battle to catch their breath, circling him as they did so.

“Who’s this one again?” Buffy asked.

“Her name is Serena. Vicious little thing, or she was, in her day,” he answered her.

“Doesn’t look so tough,” Buffy noted.

Serena hissed at her, the knife she held in her hand weaving back and forth.

“Watch it kiddo,” Faith called from her seat on the dining room table. “B’s a bitch when it comes to knives. Trust me, I know.”

Buffy grinned at her. “Come on…do you really think you have a chance? Look around you. There’s twelve of us. One of you. The odds have never been less in your favor.”

“Two Slayers,” Angel added. “A vampire,” Spike told her.

“Seer! Visionary!” Cordelia piped up.

“Witch here,” Willow chimed in.

“Is it a full moon?” Oz asked the group. “Oh yeah…I’m a werewolf,” he told Serena, who if it was possible, was paling.

She looked from Oz to Gunn, Wesley, Giles and Xander. “Us?” Gunn asked. “Nah, we ain’t got any super powers. Just regular guys.” Serena relaxed just a bit. “Guys with two axes, a crossbow and stake, mind you,” he added as all four men stepped forward, each brandishing their weapon.

Serena swallowed hard and glanced at Buffy and Angel. Then she turned and took off running down the hall and out of the mansion.

The sounds of laughter were the last thing she heard before the door closed behind her.


“I can’t tell you guys how sorry I am,” Buffy said the next day as the group lounged around the Bronze, recovering. As per usual they celebrated their victory in great battle with a party, complete with food and music.

Cordelia groaned. “Would you get over yourself already? You weren’t that scary, really.”

“I was plenty scary!” the Slayer protested. “I would have killed you all.”

“Right. In your twenty-four hours as a vampire you managed to get knocked unconscious twice--” Cordy began.

“Once of which doesn’t really count since it was magic and all of you got knocked out too,” Buffy cut in.

“…knocked unconscious twice, imprisoned, and to fight Angel and lose. Big whoop. Sounds like a normal Saturday night around the hotel.”

“You’d just better hope I never get turned into a vampire again, or I’m for sure eating you,” Buffy warned teasingly.

“I’ll keep that in mind. So…who’s up for more dancing?” the brunette asked, pulling Gunn to his feet and dragging him helplessly onto the dance floor.

“He protests, but he dances better than she does,” Anya decided, watching them.

“Don’t ever, ever tell her that,” Wesley warned. “I speak from experience.”

“You wanna dance?” Xander asked his wife.

She shook her head. “Nah, I’m going to get a drink. Anyone want anything?”

“I’ll go with you,” Wesley told her and they disappeared.

Xander turned to Willow. “Will? Dance with the love of your life?”

Willow grinned and took his hand, then grabbed Oz’s. “Sure…come on,” she told the werewolf, and pulled them both out onto the floor.

Giles smiled at the happy crowd and wrapped an arm around Olivia’s waist. She looked at him curiously. “Don’t even think it,” he said, and led her as far from the dance floor as possible.

Buffy grinned, watching them go, and snuggled back on the couch into Angel’s arms. “So…once again we survived.”

“Yep,” he agreed. “Rebecca’s been turned over the Council, along with Laren…and other than Darla being on the loose…well…I’d say we did a pretty good job.”

“How many more times are we going to have to do this?” she asked him, playing with the cuff of his shirt.

“More than I’d care to think of,” he replied, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. He glanced up to the crowd. “But…I think we’ll do okay,” he said, watching each of their friends, glad to see the carefree smiles on their faces. The music changed and Anya rejoined her husband on the dance floor, grinning as he pulled her into his arms for the slow number that the house band began to play.

Buffy followed his gaze and a wave of love swept over her. She was so lucky. She had a huge family...ten wonderful people that she cared for more than she’d ever thought possible. Ten…no, make that twelve…she thought as her gaze found Spike and Faith dancing, arms wrapped around each other, eyes for only each other as they swayed to the gentle beat.

“It’s sorta unnatural, isn’t it?” Angel murmured in her ear as they watched the vampire and the Slayer dance together.

“Completely,” she agreed.

“They’re going to kill each other.”

“Probably. A vampire and a Slayer? It’ll never work.”

“Not a chance.”

“Never in a million years.”

“No way in hell.”

“Against all laws of God and man.”

“I love you.”

“Some things just—oh…” she turned her head slightly to meet his eyes. A smile burst across her face. “I love you, too.”

Tilting back further she met his lips with hers.


Six months later

Angel walked into the house, exhausted from dealing with a Zelter demon that just hadn’t wanted to die. Kicking off his shoes he sank into an armchair, his head lolling back, eyes closing. Until he realized that something was different about the house. Opening his eyes once again he blearily noted that lit candles were everywhere. The entire house seemed to be dancing with candlelight.


Rising unsteadily on his aching feet Angel padded around the house, noting the touches of incense and flowers that accented usually bare surfaces.

Grinning he found the trail of rose petals that littered the stairs up to their bedroom.

I’m guessing Willow and Oz are *not* home tonight.

He took the stairs slowly, heart thumping wildly in his chest. As he rounded the corner to their bedroom he saw her. She sat on the bed, legs folded beneath her, a long flowing nightgown easing itself over her lithe body. His legs weakened. Forcing them to move he walked to the doorway.

“Hey,” he managed.

“Hey,” she smiled. “Rough night?”

He swallowed hard. “Yeah…but I got him. Took me awhile…he was really…gulp strong. Wha—what’s going on?”

She smiled again and patted the bed beside her. “I just thought you might like a little pampering when you got home,” she said mysteriously.

“Pampering…yeah, okay,” he agreed nervously, looking around the room. “Can I ask why?”

She grinned. “Can’t a girl just want to do something nice for her boyfriend?” He looked at her suspiciously. “Okay, you’re right. There is something.”

Angel blew out a huge breath. “Ok. Great. You set up this huge thing for me…I’m thinking this isn’t good news.”

She smiled again and took his hand. “I have something for you,” she said softly, and reached over to her dresser, removing a small, flat package. Handing it to him she ordered, “Open it.”

He looked at the package for a moment before pulling on the silver ribbon and tearing into the paper.

It was a book. Slightly confused he turned the book over to read the cover. Celtic Names for Children.

Celtic Names for Children.




Angel turned to her, her eyes were huge, nervous now.

“What does…you’re…we’re…you’re going to…woah,” he stammered.

She took his hand. “Breathe.”

He took a few breaths.

“Angel, I’m pregnant.”
