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I am sure you are familiar with the Bronze Bombers but if you aren't they were G.I.Joe type figures made by Olmec in 1988 and again in 1997. The 1997 actually used some joe molds purchased from Hasbro but the run in 1988 used something else from the G.I.Joe line. The picture below was taken from ebay. It is for the figure Wayne "Golden" Alexander. The backing card features four charachters, the same four charachters appeared on every card regardless of the figure. The interesting thing about these drawings is they were all taken directly from G.I.Joe backing art. The first thing you'll notice is the explosion type stuff behind the picture is very much like the one Hasbro was using at the same time. I broke each picture down below.

This first picture shows the Bronze Bomber Wayne "Golden" Alexander. At first glance I swore it was Shipwreck just because the figure itself was so close to the G.I.Joe but after closer inspection turns out that he is actually Psyche Out (1987 art). They removed the little radar accessory that Psyche Out usually holds and kept his arm extended in the same manner, they also had to extend the leg on their own since Pysche Out was kneeling in his picture. Olmec also kept his backpack and gun the same but had to get rid of the dishes on his elbows.


I don't know why they bothered on this one, they didn't make very many changes. This is Mapman Jackson in Olmec's world, to everyone else he's our good friend Roadblock (1986 art). I can't figure out why they made that leg on the left curve in at such a funny angle when they didn't have to. They gave him a crappier gun to hold and a wig for that melon of his. I am pretty sure they changed which way he's looking too, Roadblock seems to be looking straight at you while Mapman is looking to our right.


Marc “Kaboom” Walters is next. Good ol' Kaboom here likes wearing big stupid looking hats, however he doesn't like holding useless weapons like Crystal Ball (1987 art). I'm not sure but I think they improved this picture. ???? I think they were probably using one of the packages like the one pictured with the Fidge mail-in figure sticker because Kaboom's leg disapears behind Mapman right where the sticker is on Crystal Ball's packaging. (More Crystal Ball crap here.)


This last one threw me off and I am sure whoever was making these was pretty proud of themselves for this. They actually flipped the picture horizontally AND made a male drawing out of a female drawing! This is A.J. Moon previously known as Zarana (1986 art). Once again the leg disappears where the Sgt. Slaughter promo sticker on Zarana's packaging should be. The gun is altered just a tad and the backpack once again remains untouched. (More stuff about Zarana here.)