Lynda's Writings For The Lord (a GCN Friend)

Lynda's Writings For The Lord

During an e-mail discussion with a friend from GCN (The Global Christian Network), I received some work that knocked my socks off. Her name is Lynda Redeker, known at GCN Chat as Angelica, and she is a Christian who loves The Lord. This woman writes powerfully, from the heart, and with a command of words and ideas one would expect from the highly trained writer. Lynda Redeker, who has received no formal training nor education in writing, has written some of the finest works for our Lord Jesus Christ that I have seen in quite some time. I have included a link to The Gambler, a powerful story about the battle between The Lord and satan, put into an analogy that well fits the duel. If you have ever heard the music of Carman (I mean the male Christian musician, and the host of a popular Christian show, not the lady), and if you like style and subjects of his music, then you'll love this story. I have also included a link to her poetry. Enjoy!! :o)
She did tell me quite a bit about herself, but I would rather not post that info here. If you have questions or would like to get to know her better, I'd prefer she let you know herself.
Miss Redeker very graciously gave me her permission
to post her works at my site.
In the Name of The Lord, I'd like to publicly thank her
for allowing me to pass these fine works on to you!!

† † † God Bless † † †

PS: (09/20/2002) Lynda sent me a new letter asking me
to put this latest information on this page.
This is her letter:

This is Lynda Denson... used to be Lynda Redeker...
I got married 5 years ago...
very happily married to a wonderful Christian guy...
God is good!
I wanted to touch base,
and see how you are doing?
I have a new E-mail address....
it is
I don't know if you want to update that on
your page of some of my writings, ... or not?
just thought I'd let you know.
I hope all is going well for you!

God Bless!
Hope you have a


[ The Gambler | Poetry -- Set 1 | Poetry -- Set 2 ]

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Last update 5/26/99