Lynda's Poetry for The Lord -- Set One

Lynda's Poetry for The Lord -- Set One

Beggar Boy I was walking alone this cold December's eve Wishing that I were , When a little beggar boy came up to me Looked into my lonely eyes, and said, "A penny for your thoughts, Lady, I can't stand to see a lady cry," Then he handed me his only penny, And gently wiped away the tears I'd cried. He listened to my heartbreak story, Told me that my broken heart would mend, If I'd give it to this man named Jesus, Who would always be my friend. He said that Jesus lived on earth a long time ago, And some bad men hung Him from a tree, That He died for all my sins--then rose to life again, This broke all the chains and set me free. He said that now He lives in a place called Heaven, And He is God's own Son, And God is great big and made of Love, And He'll forgive you everything you've ever done, Well we knelt down on our knees together In that cold, dark alleyway. The little boy took my hands in his, And together we began to pray. I'll never forget that cold December's night, My heart was filled with joy, I came to know salvation Through this little Beggar Boy! But there's something else that I must tell you. I'm not sure you'll understand, When he handed me his only penny... I saw a nailprint in His hand! Angelica (Lynda)

My Father's Eyes I want to dream my Father's Dreams To live a life pleasing to Him To keep my mind fixed upon His Word And listen to His Spirit deep within I want to speak my Father's Words To have His love that never dies And someday to have someone say to me You have your Father's Eyes Eyes of Beauty Echoing their love As they reflect the setting sun Glimmering as jewels On the morning dew Still twinkling as the stars When the day is done God is my Father Our spirits are joined in one accord I want to sing as the angels sing To praise Him as my Lord! God is my Provider Father Son and Spirit joined as one He is the Creator--the God of Love >From whom all life and goodness come And when I stand before Him I hope that He will smile And proudly--He will sigh And He will softly say I know you are my child You have your Father's eyes Eyes of beauty Echoing their love As they reflect the setting sun Glimmering as jewels On the morning dew Still twinkling as the stars When the day is done Angelica (Lynda)
Sodom & Gomorrah [still in draft form]
If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray I will heal their land!
You take an unborn baby and strip it from the womb. A trash incinerator becomes a fiery tomb. The helpless cries of millions reach Heaven's throne each day, As the angels of the living God carry their souls away. How many prophets have been slaughtered today? How many future leaders have been slain? If Mary could have had an abortion, Would she have killed the Son of God to save her name?
Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah America, do you understand?
You send your kids to schools that leave all traces of God behind. As humanistic doctrines slowly infiltrate their minds. Drugs and and liquor claim new victims every day. As the teachers hand out s but forbid the kids to pray. How many children will be victimized today? Led like lambs to slaughter by their peers. Trapped within confusion--searching for the truth, But blinded by the lies, the guilt, the fears!
Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah America--do you understand?
Unrighteous politicians bend and twist the truth, Then shamelessly quote scriptures disillusioning our youth. They destroy our nation's character defiling Holy ground. If the salt shall lose its savor where will the Truth be found? What ever happened to the righteous man? Who would speak the truth no matter what the cost? Those who signed the Declaration so our country could be free Knowing families, lives, and fortunes would be lost.
Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah Remember Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah America--do you understand? Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah Remember Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah Are there any righteous left in the land? Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah Remember Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah When will the righteous Sons of God take a stand?
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And the Lord said, "The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is inded great, and their sin is exceedingly grave. I will go down now and see if they have done entirely according to its outcry, which has come to Me/ and if not, I will know." (Geniesis 18:20-21)
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Then the Lord "rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire frome the Lord out of Heaven . . ." Abraham arose and looked down toward all the land of the valley, and behold the smoke of the land ascended like the smoke of a furnace. (Genesis19:24 & 28)
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Behold this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food, and careles ease, but did not help the poor and needy. Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them when I saw it. (Ezekiel 16:49, 50)
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Now the men of Sodom were wicked exceedingly and sinners against the Lord. (Genesis 13:13)
Angelica (Lynda)
Master Sailor I was an empty vessle being carried by the stream, The turbulents of life were raging round. Didn't know where I was going, what tomorrow might bring. Couldn't find a home to cast my anchor down. The waves of life had chipped away my beauty and my name. My sails were gone, they'd weathered with the storms. So I was tossed from shore to shore, battered, bruised and lame. 'Til the day the Master Sailor came to gently guide me home. He said, I am the River of Life. Come and drink freely of Me. Drink from the depths of My Faith, Hope, and Love. I'll anchor your soul in my Peace. He spoke and caused the wind to lift the waves above the sea. My eyes beheld the water turn to . The waves came down and drove my ship far beneath the deep. I was buried in a tidal wave of love. I felt a force lift me up and set me top the sea. At my helm the Master Sailor proudly stood. He raised the flag of Righteousness and anchored us in Peace. He said He'd never leave me--and I knew He never would! He said, I am the river of life. Come and drink freely of Me. Drink from the depths of My Faith, Hope, and Love. I'll anchor your soul in my Peace. Angelica (Lynda)

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