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Rev. Motsoenyane's Spiritual Home Page

I'm Rev. Molefi Motsoenyane and this page is design to inform you about the role of being unique, the role of being your self and a role to recognise oneself as an inidvidual connected to his/her environment in one way or another. That means, though we may find ourselves abiding by the laws and norms in our societies, the fact remains that at the end of the day we are all individuals who constitute a specific group or community of people.


The ability to recognise oneself as an individual who forms a small part of the organisation or community is lacking in the modern world. If an individual starts acting in a way that characterise him/her as somewhat unique, is either neglected by society (alienated) or is regarded as selfish.

Belonging to a specific group of people is a necessity as it helps us grow and develop socially, psychologically and spiritually. Belonging to a group helps us to differentiate between groups of people and to be able to categorise ourselves with whichever agrees with our personal point of view. But this mostly lead us to define ourselves in accordance with the beliefs and norms of the group/community we associate ourselves with.

"Do not open your heart to everyone." - Ecclesiasticus 8: 19

"Desire to be familiar only with God and His angels, and do not seek the acquaintance of men." - T. A. Kempis - The Imitation of Christ

Who we are is mostly influenced by what we learn and taught by our society and mostly, our society defines its members in group terms instead of unique individuals with unique needs and wants. We must be aware of the fact that God sees us as His creatures and when He calls us, He does so by our individual names and not in groups we belong to.

Each one of us is expected to fulfill his/her purpose which is the reason four our existence. Finding out about this purpose doesn't come by associating with certain groups in our society, but by asking our creator (God). God is the only one who knows our strengths and weaknesses better that anyone else. Thus, our duty is to make sure that our desires, thoughts and acts are confined to the purpose for which we were created. Every resource we have is there in our lives to fulfill the purpose God expects us to follow.

This is where individualism comes in. By focussing our innerself (which is socially defined as selfishness or self-love), we are able to know and understand out true nature and what God expect from us. As we know from as early as old testament, God communicated with individuals and not with groups, we must learn from that, that we must come to God individually and let Him shine His face in our individual lives.

The usefulness of this individuality can be explained by observing our social, political and business organisational structures. Each individual in these structures tries to learn and therefore specialise in a specific area of expertise and this builds a sense of uniqueness in each one of them. Though they constitute a part of such organisations, each - through their specialisation (expertise) - play a unique role in the growth of that particular organisation. To specialise requires an individual to focus on a specific field of study or task to develop himself or herself and this is self-love. This self-love helps the individual to nurture himself/herself in order to enable the organisation he/she work for to succeed. Without this specialisation, we remain stagnant as our resources are not utilised to their optimum levels for the benefit of ourselves and our society. God gave us these resources and expects us to utilise them very well in accordance with His will.

From the above statements, we learn that specialisation is required in order for individualism to take effect. Rev. Myles Munroe once said that, Jesus Christ came here to help us identify our true nature and that is to live for God. Through individualism, we become close to our spiritual beings and we understand what we need to grow spiritually. Remember that we are created in the image of God (Genesis 1: 27), and mankind must live to uplift or glorify this image.

Knowing our true nature is identifying ourselves with God and not with mankind. When an individual comes in contact with his/her inner-self, he/she start interpreting what takes place around him/her in terms of its relevance to his/her purpose. In other words, through individualism, individuals interpret their environment in a way God intended. That is, instead of interpreting death of a beloved, foe example, more in terms of pain/loss, the individual will mostly prefer to question the meaning behind the incident in his/her life.

Purpose play an important role in individualism. Individualism strive towards teaching individuals about who they are and how they fit in the environment they live in.

"Blessed is he who understands what it is to love Jesus, and to despise himself for Jesus' sake. You must surrender all other love for His love, for Jesus desires to be loved alone, and above all things. The love of creatures is deceptive and unstable; the love of Jesus is faithful and enduring. Whoever clings to any creature will fall with its falling; but he who holds to Jesus shall stand firm for ever. Love Him, therefore, and keep Him as your friend; for when all others desert you, He will not abandon you, nor allow you to perish at the last. - T. A. Kempis - The Imitation of Christ. (On loving Jesus above all Things) KEEP CHECKING THIS SITE FOR FURTHER DEVELOPENT AND CHOOSE ONE OF THESE SITES FOR YOUR PERSONAL SPIRITUAL GROWTH:
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Christian Free Stuff
BFM Ministries
World Changers
Loving Ourselves
The Gospel of the Water and the Spirit - Free Books
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