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USA: Washington Outreach

----- Original Message -----
From: Prayer News Alert
To: Prayer News Alert
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 9:13 PM
Subject: Weekly State Prayer Focus for WASHINGTON (Oct 24-30, 2004)

I am forwarding our USSPN Weekly State Prayer Focus for WASHINGTON (October 24-30, 2004). Burdell Austin, our Mobilizing Coordinator for Washington (, submitted the following focus and history.

Chuck D. Pierce

2004 USSPN Washington State Prayer Focus 50 State Tour

December 14-15, 2003 Washington State became the 31st state visited by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce. This date was not chosen due to convenience but due to a dream by Steve Schultz, USSPN Oregon State Coordinator. It was one of an impending terrorist attack at a location in Seattle, with what appeared to be underground trams. At the end of the dream Steve heard the Christmas song, The First Noel.

Prior to Thanksgiving and the end of the year, a statewide alert was sent and those flying in and out of SeaTac Airport were asked to pray within the facility, especially if they traveled on the underground trams.

On the night of December 14 approximately 1000 people gathered from across the state and sang The First Noel and declared Jesus Christ, the Son of God, King over Washington. We declared His light would expose all the hidden works of death and destruction in the northwest. We also declared a new course for the state and revival and God’s visitation to the shepherds of the state.

Our destiny is reflected in the first line of our state song, "This is my country; God gave it to me; I will protect it, ever keep it free.” We are to be watchmen over the northwest gateway to the United States. The state ranked 8th among the 50 states in Federal Department of Homeland Security expenditures in fiscal 2003. The agency spent more than $267.4 million in Washington in grants, contracts and salaries. Contributing to Washington State's rank is its border with Canada, its major ports and its public ferry system, the nation's largest. In the last three years — since Sept. 11, 2001 — the number of officers at ports of entry throughout Washington State has doubled.

Shakedown for Treason

On December 15 Chuck prophesied exposure regarding a tie with Syria. September 2, 2004 Spc. Ryan G. Anderson, Washington National Guardsman was sentenced by a military jury to life in prison with eligibility for parole in 20 years for attempting to give aid and intelligence to the enemy. Anderson, a North Seattle resident and Muslim convert, was arrested February 12, 2004 following a government sting operation at Fort Lewis, Tacoma. One of the most powerful pieces of evidence was a video, secretly recorded three days before his arrest, showing Anderson share information on troop strengths, tactics and methods of killing U.S. soldiers and destroying M1 Abrams tanks and other vehicles with undercover agents he believed were al-Qaida operatives. Anderson's arrest came just weeks before his unit, the 81st Armored Brigade, deployed for a yearlong assignment in Iraq.

God is requiring His people to arise as worshipping warriors. Chuck challenged the state to a once a week watch from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. from December 14 to March 21, 2004. You will have breakthroughs that you will not have at any other time. You will gain revelation from the Lord. God says: If you'll rise up early with Me, if you'll shake out the enemy, the enemy will be shaken out of this region. There were 21 churches with corporate watches and over 100 individuals that recorded their watch day.

Pray for the increase of corporate worship gatherings across the state.

Pray for a greater hunger for His presence, in throne room worship. Worship that enthrones Jesus on the Land. Worship that transforms and purifies and opens our ears to hear revelation wisdom and understanding.

Continue to decree that the spiritual leaders will be visited by the Lord and all hindrances keeping them from fully hearing and following after the Holy Spirit will be broken.

Continue to declare that the foundation, the Apostles, the Prophets, the Pastors, the Teachers, the Evangelists, will find their place in the order of God. Declare that we will pour forth a new foundation in Washington State.

Chuck also declared, The angels are coming, the angels are coming, the angels are coming!

On June 4 a small meteor streaked across Washington. The skies flashed daylight-bright at 2:40 a.m., followed by reverberations so fierce they shook walls and rattled windows. A meteor the size of a computer monitor plowed into the Earth's atmosphere traveling at a speed approaching 50,000 mph, creating a fireball that eclipsed the full moon. About 80 of University of Washington's seismic stations recorded the event, which registered magnitude 1.6 on the earthquake scale though the measure doesn't make much sense when applied to vibrations that come out of the sky. Witnesses reported seeing the one-to-two-second burst of light from as far east as Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, as far south as Tacoma, Washington and well into British Columbia, Canada. Most described the sound as a succession of booms, followed by a long rumble.

Declare in agreement with Prophet Bob Jones that this sign of heaven invading earth is the announcement of the release of angels into the northwest with a greater revelation of who Jesus Christ is and who we are in Him.

Two weeks later at an Unconditional Surrender Conference in Tri-Cities, SE Washington, Larry Randolph saw a large angel appear during John Paul Jackson's Friday evening session. This angel blew on a large trumpet with a continuous blast lasting until mid-morning on Saturday. That afternoon Paul Keith Davis introduced a friend who just returned from Nigeria with an angel the Lord assigned for him to bring to the U. S. This angel is called Breaker Revival. He was released in the Northwest to go forth and break off everything that hinders us from revival.

Exactly three months prior to this, James Maloney, from Christ for the Nations, was in Everett, north of Seattle, and told of an angel the Lord assigned to him. His purpose was to release virtue to faith and cause the gift of faith to move amongst the people. As the angel imparted to Maloney and he ministered to every attendee of the conference fear, doubt and unbelief were broken off the people.

All things will be shaken; all hidden things will be exposed.

On September 23 hundreds of tiny earthquakes were reported at Mount St. Helens. Within days the earthquakes increased in frequency and intensity. Then there were several days of steam and ash eruptions. Tremors continued and indicated an upward movement of magma or explosive gases. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) continued to post a Level Three alert. That level of a volcano advisory indicates an eruption is probably imminent, within hours or days.

After 3 weeks of rumbling and buildup of the central dome, lava finally punched through to the surface building and birthing a new mountain dome. The mountain could still produce moderate-sized, explosive eruptions that could spread ash over surrounding communities and unleash mud flows, though not big enough to threaten any towns or structures, says USGS geologist Jon Major. "We expect to see more magma coming to the surface, but that doesn't mean we won't see explosive activity in the future," he said. One scientist was heard saying, Expect the unexpected. (For great resources on Mt. St. Helens, Volcanoes, Earthquakes and disaster preparedness go to

During the morning meeting of December 15, 2003 Dutch Sheets shared the word overshadow that both he and Chuck were hearing from the Lord. He said that God wants to birth something in Washington. He is going to hover until it happens and He is going to release a deposit of life and bring forth. In Genesis 1 it talks about the earth being without form and void, void of life, no life in the cosmos yet, just chaos, desolation and disarray. Dutch saw pieces of a puzzle and a whirlwind from God come and pick up the pieces, causing them to fly around in a circle. This whirlwind is not to destroy, but to deal with the disarray and confusion over the state.

Dutch shared that we are dealing with a demonic structure that has somehow succeeded in creating an atmospheric condition that is conducive to disorder and something that has an ability to defile the things that are pure and causing fruitlessness. Some things that look good are not good. Some things that look like they are in order are not in God divine order.

Declare a dramatic shift and a cleansing of what is of man and not God.

Pray for a pressing in to meet with God in extended times of worship and quietness.

Pray for open hearts that will allow the Lord to bring up things hidden deep within, to expose that which is out of order.

Decree His divine order in your life, your church, your community and the State of Washington.

Decree the Word in Psalms 29 and release the prophetic voice of the Lord that breaks and births.

Declare a cleansing of the foundational belief mind-sets in the church of Washington State.

Declare revelation knowledge and understanding of the Word and anointing to move in the supernatural and see the harvest ripe NOW!

SIGNS: Whirlwinds in the natural

Seven tornados touched down in Washington State this year after not one in 18 years. The first two were reported April 27th - one at the northwestern state border near Canada and one east not far from Snoqualmie Pass. On May 19 one touched down near the Central Washington town of Wenatchee then on May 23 one touched down near the eastern border city of Spokane. On May 27 two touched down and did damage to barns in two southwestern rural towns of Tenino and La Center. The last one was sighted June 6 near Stanwood, which is between Seattle and the Canadian border. It is interesting that these locations encircle the greater Seattle area.

Harvesters in Seattle-Tacoma region

A GET MOTIVATED business seminar was held at Key Arena in Seattle August 23-24. Eddie Smith of US Prayer Center led an intercessory prayer team during this outstanding marketplace evangelistic outreach. Approximately 95% of the 18,000 attendees stayed through a session where Peter Lowe shared his testimony of faith in Christ and challenged each person to also put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord.

In the last 18 months, about 500 churches around the Northwest provided volunteers or donated money for the Just Give Me Jesus Revival Conference. On October 1 & 2 over 18,000 women gathered in the Seattle Key Arena as Ann Graham Lotz shared her experience of wanting a fresh encounter with Jesus. She brought a renewal of faith to thousands of women. Reports say about 3000 were saved or rededicated their lives to Christ.

It was also reported that during this gathering a woman collapse in the restroom. After an emergency medic team pronounced her dead, another woman who witnessed the collapsed commanded life to come back into the dead woman AND IT DID!

Evangelist Joyce Meyer's three-day revival at the Tacoma Dome from Oct 14-16 drew about 20,000 men and women and approximately 700 salvations were reported.

A Promise Keepers conference for Christian men is scheduled Oct. 22-23 at Safeco Field in Seattle.

Rising hunger in spiritual leaders

David Bryant came to the Pacific Northwest in October, 2003 with the message of the fullness of Christian's supremacy, what the Church can become through Christ, and God's plan for filling our region with His Son. A number of Christian leaders who attended Roundtables last October have indicated that they are hungry for more of the fullness of Christ, and they want others in their spheres of influence to be gripped and awakened by Christ'ss supremacy. David is here this October to once again meet with leaders and plan for a January 2005 CHRIST SUMMIT. This will be an extended time for pastors and ministry leaders throughout the state to spend all day Thursday, Jan. 6 and the morning of Jan. 7 with David. Each participant will receive a copy of David's new book, Christ is ALL; A Joyful Manifesto on The Supremacy of God's Son, which includes a 12-week study on Christ for pastors and their congregations.

There is a cost in touching heaven to touch earth

On October 4, 2004 (47th anniversary of the Soviet launch of Sputnik) the privately built SpaceShipOne flew into suborbital space for the second time in five days, securing the $10 million Ansari X Prize. With pilot Brian Binnie at the controls, SpaceShipOne rocketed to a winning height of 367,442 feet (69.6 miles), setting a new altitude record for the craft and proving that private industry can build a viable vehicle for sending paying passengers to space. SpaceShipOne technology is currently owned by a Paul Allen company called Mojave Aerospace Ventures (MAV). Allen is the Washington State based Microsoft co-founder and bankrolled the design and building of SpaceShipOne to the tune of more than $20 million. The MAV team is led by research aircraft developer Burt Rutan, chief of Scaled Composites, based at the Mojave Spaceport in California.

*relates to Minnesota's Morris's "UMM Missing Student"

A teen was found alive October 10 in the car she apparently crashed down a 200-foot embankment more than a week earlier. A volunteer searcher who said she had had several vivid dreams of a wooded area and heard the message, "Keep going, keep going," found the wrecked car in the trees. A Sergeant in the Sheriff's department noted that in 24 years, he had never known of a person to survive eight days without food or water. It is being reported that the severe dehydration may have saved her life, reducing pressure on a blood clot on her brain. She is recovering from other serious injuries at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle where a Healing Rooms Ministry was recently opened. Hospital administrators are so in awe of the miracles happening through the prayers of a staff member trained at Healing Rooms Ministry in Spokane that they are building a designated Healing Room off the Chapel.

Pray for the Church of Washington State to separate from worldliness and the fear of man and take hold of the truth in God's Word regarding the commission to Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” Mark 16:15-18.

Cleansing of the land

In May I was part of the Lewis and Clark Trail prayer drive team. After 17 days of travel across the nation addressing the very foundational roots of our nation and declaring Psalm 25 in song at almost every location, we arrived at Cape Disappointment Lighthouse on the Washington State coastline. I had the honor of declaring over a peace stone and renaming the area Haven of Hope.

On August 12, the opening of the Olympic Games in Athens, a team of USSPN WA leaders and intercessors joined worshipers in the state capital of Olympia. We declared Jesus Christ as the only one worthy of worship and renounced all that turns our eyes from Him. A few days later we worshiped and made declarations over Mt. Olympus and the other mountains named after Greek gods located in the Olympic International Park.

This team also identified with the international worship gathering in Santiago de Compostela, Spain on August 14. We gathered near James Island off the northwest coastline. Somewhere in this area a Spanish ship from Vancouver Island, Canada sent out an exploration team across the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It was by order of the Pope and Papal Bull Decree that the world was divided between Spain and Portugal and explorations sent forth. A Catholic priest was usually with the explorations teams.

The only documentation is of a report by Father Juan Crespi in 1774 at Nootka Sound, After the canoes had gone away and night had fallen, and we were all reciting the rosary of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, we again heard singing. This proceeded from another canoe, which drew near with the same ceremonies observed by the others. Seeing that no attention was paid to them, because we were at prayers, the people of the canoe began to cry out and continued shouting until such time as the daily recital of the rosary and special prayers to some saints were concluded and the hump of praise. Later on he reported two Indians were invited to come on board the ship and as they entered the cabin; we showed them the image of Our Lady. With astonishment they touched it with the hand and we understood that they were examining it in order to learn whether it were alive. Towards the end of his report The wind died away to a dead calm and thus we remained, waiting until the morrow to land for the purpose of setting up in the land the standard of the holy cross and taking possession of it in the name of Our Catholic Monarch whom God guards.

After two hours of worship the spirit of intercession and travail fell upon me as the heart of God for the souls lost due to this Queen of Heaven spirit gripped my heart. One of the team members made declarations and intercession in Spanish. We all cried out the command to LET GOD's PEOPLE GO! There was an assurance of a shift in the heavenlies, especially concerning revival for the Native Americans in Washington.

Brief History of Washington State:

Before the coming of the Europeans, the Native American peoples inhabiting what is now the State of Washington included the Nez Perce, Spokane, Yakima, Cayues, Okanogan, Walla Walla, and Colville in the interior, and the Nooksak, Chinook, Nisqually, Clallam, Makah, Quinault and Puyallup in the coastal area.

The first American interested in the Pacific Northwest were merchants who came from Boston as early as the 1780's. The Lewis and Clark expedition (1804-06) stimulated public interest, and in 1811 John Jacob Astor established a fur-trading post "Astoria" near the mouth of the Columbia River and a fort at the mouth of the Okanogan River. In 1818, the U.S. and Britain agreed to a ten-year period of joint occupancy of the Oregon County.

In 1846 the present U.S. Canadian boundary was established, and Washington became part of the United States territory of Oregon two years later. When it was separated from Oregon in 1853, the new territory contained fewer than 4000 inhabitants and stretched from the Pacific Ocean to the crest of the Rocky Mountains. The first territorial governor, Isaac I. Stevens, moved quickly to extinguish Native American title to the land and to improve transportation, the two keys to rapid settlement and economic development. The treaties negotiated by Stevens in 1854-55 were an attempt to defuse tensions between natives and settlers, but for various reasons the treaty structure quickly deteriorated, and intermittent warfare took place between 1855 and 1858.

Completion of the Northern Pacific (1868) and Great Northern (1893) rail lines boosted Washington's economy, and statehood in 1889 brought political stability, beginning a period of rapid growth that lasted through WW I. During that time the population increased from 75,000 to 1.2 million. Wheat growing and cattle raising in eastern Washington and lumbering and fishing in the western portions of the state were the main economic activities. The Boeing Airplane Company, founded during WW I, became the largest private employer in the state during and after WW II. Lack of diversification led to a series of boom-and-bust periods. By the mid-20th century, agriculture had made dramatic gains. Construction of huge dams provided irrigation and flood control, as well as cheap electric power, and led to the development of inland ports and increased river shipping. As the gateway to Alaska, Washington had been moving away from dependence on federal contracts and has encouraged new industries to develop and process Alaskan resources. During the 1960s, 1970s, and the 1980s the population increased rapidly-especially in the Seattle and Puget Sound areas. State authorities tried to encourage industrial growth while protecting the environment.

The character of the state: Washington's reputation as a maverick state with citizens who tend toward radicalism in politics and social attitudes springs from its agrarian populist tradition and onetime strong radical labor movement. Both influenced the adoption of the initiative, referendum and recall, the open primary, and workers' compensation and consumer protection laws. Perhaps the most pervasive elements determining the character of the state, however, have been the relative homogeneity of its population, a relaxed pace of life, and a philosophy of harmony with the natural environment. Many citizens have enjoyed Washington’s status as an isolated corner of the nation. This isolation was reflected in national politics, in which the state had little impact until after World War II, when Warren G. Magnusen, who represented Washington in the U.S. Senate from 1945 to 1981, and Henry M. Jackson, who served in the Senate from 1953 until his death, acquired considerable influence in health, consumer affairs, foreign policy, and defense.

Declare FREEDOM to every spiritual captive in Washington State.

Declare Psalm 91 and decree the Kingdom of God will manifest in the Church of Washington State during this critical time.

Declare a shift to righteousness and divine order in the government of the Church, the State and representation from the state to the nation.

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