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A Tribute to America's Wilderness King --
Michael Fineman

Only a couple pictures can be found to document how the mountains attempted to turn this accounting/finance/who-cares-its-business-anyways student into a 100% wilderness man. It did take quite some work though...

Caught sleeping while everyone else was out enjoying the beautiful sunset.
Yes, it was not even 9:00pm.

Of course this picture was taken after the day's first hike.
A man of the mountains, yes, but first his manliness was lost on the mountain.
You want plain English? Lunch came back to say hello!
he he

Finally able to endure the mountains fresh air, fineman attempted to endure the bitter freezing of glacial rivers.
Was it cold? Well, lets just say he left his testicles warming-up in the sun for weeks after.

Fineman showing off his manly backpacking face and gruesome beard.

In all seriousness though, i couldn't have asked for a better partner and loved every minute of our trek. Plus, with all of these mountain-skills earned and learned, Michael Fineman has finally become a master of the wilderness and can keep away any wild beast of the woods.
... that is except almost 15 year olds of the Amtrak train depot...

Wild life along the way!

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