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what's new

ok, this page is really *still* under construction. duh, i figured out what goes here. and i cleared out all the old updates to make room for the new ones. you didn't need the old ones anyways. k? cool.

october 17th
ok, i did a lot to this page. first off, it's not half-andrea's anymore since she never does anything to it anymore... we didn't discuss it but if she wants half of it back, that's fine. just e-mail me. second, the only way to access the friends page is to go through the re-done about me page. third, i changed the "cool links" page to links exchange by suggestion. i like it better that way anyways. check it out. fourth, i added what's up. that has (or will have) some news updates/links 4 interesting stuff, a monthly (probably, i haven't decided on the time length yet) featured celeb, and i moved the top five songs there. also, if a movie is *worthy* hee hee, i will put a link and some pics there. and there will also be a link-pick. lastly, i redesigned a lot of the site with help, and edited stuff. if there are any problems, please, let me know asap! thanks!

where do you want to go?

about me
hot guys
links exchange
what's up
message board
