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announcement: grady is a loser

cool buds

p.s. if you're not on here, take it as a hint. just kidding! don't feel bad if you're not on here yet... remember, it's still under construction. mostly, it's just school peeps so far, but there's a few of my out of school buds. and - it's not in any special order!

charlie mitchell: the first person to join the listbot, my best friend in the world, who keeps me up all night. LL
dan: dan is going to be taken off this page soon, because he is the worst friend in the world.
amanda: your speech was the greatest! and btw, we really have 2 go to the mall of america! (we would have if SOMEONE weren't 2 busy going to dumb places like FLORIDA hee hee). also, stop talking 2 yourself! you have way 2 many personalities and your binder is proof of that! amanda's page: junkystuffy - amanda's webpage
caroline: one of my business day partners, and a super nice person. you'll probably never see this, but thanks again for that awesome package.
david e: funny guy. as you said, we were friends once in a while ;) i need a session with my psychologist/therapist please! david's page: uh-oh.. i lost the address! if anyone knows it, or david if you're reading this, please e-mail me with it. thanks!
cynthia: another one of my business day partners. u know who is a b*tch. our spanish project is gonna suck!
betsy: not talented with stoves. betsy - ladies, they're waiting 4 u - hot sexy buff shark's night club rrrrr! betsy's page: check it out
anna m: always happy. thanks 4 having a party! it was really cool but my neck hurt! ;) btw, the gurls in our grade are such *sllllluuutts* whine whine whine! j/k!
jess: fun person who loooveees handy, loooooves candy, and looooooves randy!
rysia: a little wacked j/k, our star volleyball player when we play olg! ;)
tovah: YOU WILL NEVER GET A MOZZERELLA SANDWICH! haha, the bus is a blast aint it? (*sarcasm*)
reid: "we have only been friends for how long and look at the phone conversations we've had!" baseball star... reid's webpage: reid's and david's page
priya (aka pree-yah): someone who never calls you back but she's cool anyways. ("cool man" *tongue popping noise*) another business day partner.
kristina: nice and smart. i haven't seen much of u lately!!! :(
pete: a little odd, but nice anyways. his birthday is this friday, and you can't 4get but don't worry i will have a countdown on the whiteboards as usual... :)
donnie: RINGGGG! they have spice girls notebooks and stickers... is my poster in yet?
danielle: the nicest person you'll ever meet, snow white!
charlie p: shrimp (annie=not stump!)
katie v: you idiot, you're left! do you know how HARD it is 2 get in touch with you! but of course, you're sooo busy with those hot exeter boys. putts! write asap!
emi: a very nice freshman!
laura: that hand thing is adorable, gurl! u rule at setting
amy: order pizza much? i know you want the pizza boy... errrrrrmm... man. yeah. man.
uli: i put you on here even though you piss me off ;) not to mention your ego is huuuuuuge
kara: manson freak! well, keep getting everyone to like you and buy some of that penis pasta!
alli, paige, lee anne and lisi: i miss you guys, see ya next year hopefully!
nora: kickass! coolest gurl around, keep in touch. and sam is a putts. ;) LOOK WHAT YOU DID! hahaha
em and mel: you guys were missing for like five years! where did you go? well, glad youre back and KICKASS baby!
nick (no, not that one!): miss ya, dig in the sand ("it tastes like graham cracker! really! try some!"), love ya lots!
adam (no, not camp tiger one! and not school one either!): i'm glad we're still buds after all that... remember dolphins are PURPLE? but cats are PINK! that was hilarious!
becca: ahh sorry you're not above, i don't know how i could've skipped your name! becca's looney bin is no more. :(
david g: one of the nicest, most popular people i know, so don't even start with being pitiful ;) p.s. get a faster modem
jacqui: marcia marcia marcia!
alex: yeah. MTM.
sam: "glad you're not a b*tch this year" LOL
liz: liz, (british accent), i don't want a crumpet, i want a raspberry and white chocolate scone, dammit!
lauren s: i can't wait to move to england with you. jake is a dickhead. toodles peachy n cream!
claire: you're my breast friend, haha, bye puffy
rachel: don't worry you're not too skinny!
steph: got purell?
jenny: too bad you never found your shoe!
carly: maybe i will see you when i am a clinique lady!
ally: my name is bertha, i am a viking, i cook meatballs in the lightning, i am hairy and very scary so beware of big bertha, remember to call your liposuction specialist and plastic surgeon!
i know i haven't really been updating this, so a lot of the inside jokes are pretty old... but i will, eventually. sorry to all you other out-of-school and some in-school peeps that i left out... more later, promise! if i 4got you, you can help me get you up here quicker by clicking here! thanks!

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