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what's up

hi! welcome to my first attempt at this section. eventually, i'm going to have a lot of things here (top 5 songs, featured celebrity, news, link-pick, movies/tv shows, etc.). i really need ideas though, so pleeeeease *send me suggestions!* thanks!

if anything isn't working right, let me know also. i know i've put up a bunch of stuff today, and when i do that i screw at least 5 things up. that's a promise. so let me know what you think! thanks a lot!

featured celeb

ok, before we can have a featured celebrity, i need to know who you want to see! the quicker you vote, the quicker this'll be up. so just *click here* and tell me the name (first and last) of the celeb you want to see. thx!

top 5 songs of the week

just click on the song title/artist and it will take you to a page with the available lyrics and links. click here to vote for next week's songs. thanks!

5. the dope show by marilyn manson
4. are you that somebody by aaliyah
3. the power of good-bye by madonna
2. doo-wop (that thing) by lauryn hill
1. from this moment by shania twain


here is where you'll find links to articles on interesting things. so far, there's not much here, as you can tell. e-mail me and tell me what kind of stories you want links to.


gazelle's website ("ostentation") is worth looking at. it's really cool. not only does it have a bunch of random stuff (ode to cheesecake, for example), she took the time to put up a lot of her opinions. and they're all written really well. also, check out the william section. it's a section designed to introduce william as he is, not the pin-up. that's probably the best part of her site - it offers food for thought and it's very well-written. "The focus of this site is on celebrating Prince William the person and social icon, not the pin-up boy" that's a quote from her site (LOOK AT THOSE BIG WORDS eh heh) so anyways, check it out.


this is where i really need your help. what kind of tv shows, bands, movies, music videos, *anything* do you want to see here? pleeeeassse e-mail me!!!!!! thanks!

where do you want to go?

about me
hot guys
links exchange
what's new
message board
