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Part 5. Non-Events

17-5-67 Thurs

Dear Sophie,

The last few days have really been a non event. I didn’t do anything exciting, except perhaps go to the library, with guess who? We go a lot, as we’re both fast readers. The others don’t really read books. Anyway, I have fun on my trips with Peter. Sometimes we have a competition to see who can read a book the fastest. It’s usually him, but I have beat him a few times. Ok. Twice. But that doesn’t matter. Yesterday we went to the library.

"Have you finished that book you were reading?"

"Yeah. I finished it yesterday. That’s why we’re here now."

"If we were back home you could read my favourite books ever."

"Really? What books were they?"

"You wouldn’t have heard of them. They’re by a guy called John Marsden. He wrote this series of books about an invasion in Australia and these kids who fight to save their country."

"Sounds interesting."

"Not just interesting, brilliant. Once you start reading, you can’t put them down."

"That good eh?"

"Yep." We walked around to the adult fiction section and started looking through the paperbacks. Just to see I went round to M and looked for Marsden. I scanned the shelf, but there was no sign of Tomorrow When The War Began. Oh well. Worth a try wouldn’t you say Soph?

Well, we found some satisfactory books, borrowed them, and then went back to the pad.

I told you it wasn’t all that exciting, although doing anything with Peter is quite exciting for me! Now don’t you tell anyone! Yeah right. As if you’d tell. It’d be either my fault or the other person’s fault if they found out. Did that make sense? Doesn’t matter. This is only for me and you to know. Ciao for now Sophie

Love Eb

18-5-67 Fri

Dear Sophie,

What’s the world coming too when a girl can’t read a book in peace? What am I complaining about? I was trying to read today, but the guys had other plans. They were rehearsing. They’re pretty good, for a manufactured band. Ok, ok. That was harsh. I’ll try to remember I’m living in TV land. Anyway they were rehearsing for a gig tomorrow night at the Vincent Van Gogh Gogh (I know. Another lame name). Since it’s 1967 they did all their early popular songs like Last Train To Clarksville, I’m a Believer, Mary Mary etc. I sat and listened to them, and gave feedback about how they sounded. Apart from that nothing much happened.



Part 4/ Storybook/ Part 6