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Part 14. Mike

21-6-67 Thurs

Dear Sophie,

It was Mike at the door. He came and sat on the end of my bed.

"What’s up?" I asked him

"That’s what I should be askin’ you."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You an’ Pete have avoided each other all day."


"So, that’s pretty unusual for a couple who just started datin’.

"Is it?"

"Yeah, and don’t play dumb with me. I tried talkin’ with Pete and he won’t say anythin’ so it’s down to you. Did you have a fight?"

"No, and why do you care anyway?"

"I care because you’re both my friends. I don’t like to see friends hurt."

I smiled. I had no idea Mike could be like this.

"Well, are you goin’ to tell me or not?"

"It’s kinda embarrassing."

"Don’t worry. I won’t tell. I promise."

"Well, we were on the beach last night and things started getting pretty hot…"

"Was it you or him?"

"Me. I didn’t really know what to do. Not what, how."

"And now things are awkward."

"Yeah, as you can tell."

"I don’t know what to say to him. He didn’t speak to me after that."

"Did he say anythin’?"

"Well, after I stopped he asked ‘What’s wrong’, and I said. Then I said sorry and he said ‘Don’t be Eb’. Then we came back inside."

Mike sat there for a while, not saying anything.

"Ok Eb. I’ll talk to him. And remember it’s not your fault."


Then he went out. I haven’t heard from them yet. They went out on the beach a while ago. I haven’t noticed them come back, so I guess they’re still there.


22-6-67 Fri

Dear Sophie,

I still love him. We sorted things out, with the help of Mike. Well the feelings side anyway. We have to do the rest.

"I’m sorry about the other night Ebony."

"I’m sorry too."


"I sort of stopped pretty suddenly."

"That’s ok."

"Things were moving pretty fast. I couldn’t handle it."

"So, does that mean.."

"I still want to. With you. But not just yet."

"I’ll take it as slow as you want."

"Thank you, Peter."

Then I leant over and kissed him. It was nice. I guess it was a make-up kiss. I’d heard those were good. Things are back to normal.

Love Ebony


Part 13/ Storybook/ Part 15