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I Shall Believe

Part 2

"Daddy! For the 80th time I will not change my mind about me getting married to Davy!" Sara screamed her and her father had been fighting since she walked in the door and said "Hi" to him.

"But you're too young, you haven't even finished school yet and your getting married to a man who's half your age!" Mr. Morgan yelled back at her.

"Daddy I love Davy very much and I love my son very much, and Davy and I are getting married because we love each other, not because we fell like it!" Sara yelled back

"Jon!" Sara's mother yelled finally speaking up for her daughter, "Sara is a smart girl and she knows what she is doing…" She was cut off by.

"Jennifer you keep outta of this." Her husband yelled too her.

Her daughter cut off Mrs. Morgan "I will not keep out of this Jon..."

"Stop this fighting, it's pointless and were not getting any were with it, Dad Davy and I are getting married and that's that, case closed!" Sara yelled and bit her lip to keep from crying.

"She's right honey" Sara's mother said putting an arm around her daughter, "this fighting isn't getting us any were fast. I think we need to let Davy and Sara do what they fell is right because there in love." She said again in a softer tone.

"Fine we'll let her do what's right but she is no longer a part of this family." Sara's father said.

"What!" Sara yelled

"You heard me, Sara your no longer in this family because I will have nothing to do with my daughter marrying a man that's half her age." He said again and with that he walked off.

~* End of chapter 2 ~*

Part 1/Storybook/Part 3