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I Shall Believe

By dobolina 12

Part 1


Note: This story is not basted on anything that happened to me in real life, I just made it up

June 1, 1966

"Yes mom we should be there by 4 don't forget to meet us at the air port okay bye mom." Sara said as she put the phone down.

"Sara!" Rinnie called as she walked in the door grabbing the last of the luggage.

"It's time to go the plan leaves in an hour!"

"Okay I'm ready, I just got off the phone with my mom she's going to pick us up at the air port when we get back home." Sara said picking up David JR and his dipper bag as she flowed Rinnie out the door.

**** Later that day * * * *

"Finally were home," Sara said as they got off the plain. "And thank god the baby slept the whole way," she said again.

When they got inside the airport Sara's mother was whiting for them.

"Mom"! Sara said running over to her and hugging her.

"I missed you sweetie" Sara's mother said before letting her go, "and this must be my grandson" she said again as she took David JR form Sara's arms. He cooed and chewed on the top button of her shirt. "He's a little angel" Sara's mother said as she kissed little David on the cheek.

"Isn't he, he looks just like his daddy" Sara said, "and speaking off daddy's mom this is David Jones" she said again.

"Nice to finally meet you" Mrs. Morgan said, ''well lets not stand here all day" she said taking one piece of luggage.

"Yeah I guess we'd better get going" Sara said

~* End of part 1 ~*

Storybook/Part 2