


Outlines for a Paper
Supporting the Status Quo

If  you want to:
   *Reject a change in policy
   *Reject a new law
   *Keep a custom
   *Reject a new theory or a new idea.
Then use this page.

Outlines for a Paper
Rejecting the Status Quo

If you want to:
   *to propose a change in policy
   *Change a law
   *Change a custom
   *Propose a new idea.

Then use this page.


  See this page.

Examples in Outline Form

To Infinity and Beyond
Is space exploration worth the money and
potential consequences to humans?

Many people debate whether space exploration is worth the money and potential risks. One side of the debate says that space is a waste of time. They think it's dangerous, not worth the cost, and pointless. These people believe that there are already enough problems of Earth. On the other hand, many people say that space exploration is a must.  They believe that we need space exploration to prepare for our future.  For the past half century, Congress has agreed.  Currently, "NASA receives 7-16 billion dollars a year for space exploration" (Dubner).  The United States of America should continue spending money on space travel and preparing for our future, in spite of possible consequences.

Support: The Future Belongs to the Nations that Develop Space 
     1. The Solar System has Far More Resources than Earth
     2. Insurance Against Extinction Events
     3. Discovery of and Contact with Other Civilizations

Works Cited
Author, Firstname.  "A sample Article". 
A Sample Website.  Date Accessed: Just
Lastname, Sally  "Another Article". 
A Different Website.  Date Accessed: Last
Williams, Billybob.  "A sample Article". 
The Best Website Ever.  Date Accessed: Today. 

Global Warming
(no title yet)
The Danger Posed by Global Warming Must be Taken More Seriously

Is global warming really happening? Is Antarctica's ice melting from natural causes or is it caused by humans?  This topic is very controversial and has been talked about since the late 1800s.  But what is global warming? says global warming is "An increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect."  Evidence of global warming is all around us.  According to, "That the earth is heating up and climate change is already underway is understood by virtually the entire scientific community."  They are stating that the opinion is almost unanimous.  Global warming is happening, it is affecting everyone in this world, and the causes have to stop.

Support: Evidence From a Wide Variety of Sources
     1. Ice-Core Measurements of Carbon Dioxide
     2. Disappearance of Glacial Ice
     3. Coral Bleaching and Die-Off

Works Cited
Author, Firstname.  "A sample Article".  A Sample Website.  Date Accessed: Just
Lastname, Sally  "Another Article". 
A Different Website.  Date Accessed: Last
Williams, Billybob.  "A sample Article". 
The Best Website Ever.  Date Accessed: Today. 

Born That Way
Evidence Shows that Homosexuality is not Heredity.

Homosexuality has been around for thousands of years, shown in ancient drawings and sculptures.  However, the big question is if it's learned through environment or if it is hereditary and passed down form parent to child.  Religion and science play a big part in this topic because some believe that God never intended for humans to go against nature, and others believe that science says there isn't a choice about sexuality, but that it is determined through our genetics.  Dr. Dean Hamer, a gay researcher, discusses  the current status on the subject, stating, "Homosexuality is not genetic…environmental factors play a big role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay. I don't think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay" (Byrd).  What she means is that homosexuality is
nurture, not nature.  Homosexuality is not genetic, but produced by environmental factors. 

Support: Why Homosexuality is Environmental, not Genetic
     1. Evidence from Genetic Determinants
     2. Occurrence in Various Cultures
     3. Observations by social scientists. 

IV Works Cited
Author, Firstname.  "A sample Article".  A Sample Website.  Date Accessed: Just
Lastname, Sally  "Another Article". 
A Different Website.  Date Accessed: Last
Williams, Billybob.  "A sample Article". 
The Best Website Ever.  Date Accessed: Today.