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Reply to Kyo-o

- Kyo-o dono Gohenji -


This Gosho was written on August 15, 1273, and addressed to Kyo'o, Shijo Kingo's infant daughter. However, Kyo'o was then only one year old, so it seems likely that Nichiren Daishonin was addressing her parents, Shijo Kingo and Nichigennyo. They had two children: Kyo'o and another daughter, Tsukimaro, a year older. Both were apparently named by the Daishonin. Shijo Kingo himself was already forty when Tsukimaro was born, and for that reason, the children must have been doubly precious to the couple. As can be gathered from the letter's opening, it was written in answer to a message from either Shijo Kingo or his wife, informing the Daishonin of their baby's serious illness. He was then living in exile at Ichinosawa, Sado Island. 

The "Reply to Kyo'o," though relatively short, is significant because the Daishonin had earlier bestowed the Gohonzon on Shijo Kingo, and in this letter he explains the significance of that rare honor. Few other individuals had received the object of worship. He writes, "This Gohonzon was never known, let alone inscribed, by anyone in the Former or Middle Day of the Law." The Daishonin declares that the Gohonzon is the embodiment of his own life and the true object of worship. He urges Kingo and his wife to believe in it firmly. 

The Daishonin uses the example of a lion in attack to explain that he had put all his energy into inscribing the Gohonzon. He goes on to say that with this same intensity applied to their practice, Shijo Kingo and his wife can definitely help their baby daughter to recover and become a family that is perfectly happy and free from worry. 
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Translated in Serbian by Mića Mijatović, in Belgrade

Odgovor Kjo-o

- Kjo-o dono Gohenđi -


Ovaj gošo je napisan 15. avgusta, 1273. i upućen Kjo'o, Šiđo Kingovoj kćeri. Međutim, Kjo'o je tada imala samo godinu dana, pa prema tome izgleda verovatno da da se Ničiren Dajšonin obratio njenim roditeljima, Šiđo Kingou i Ničigenjo. Ovi su imali dvoje dece: Kjo'o i još jednu kćer, Txukimaro, godinu dana stariju. Obema je imena izgleda dao Ničiren. Sam Šiđo Kingo je već imao četrdeset godina kada je Tsukimaro rođena i iz tog razloga deca mora da su bila dvostruko dragocena ovoom paru. kao što bi se moglo razabrati iz početka pisma, ono je bilo napisano kao odgovor poruci ili od Šiđo Kingoa ili od njegove žene, u kojoj obaveštavaju Dajšonina o ozbiljnoj bolesti njihove bebe. On je tada živeo u izgnanstvu u Ičinosavi, na ostrvu Sado.

"Odgovor Kjo'o", mada relativno kratak, značajan je jer je Ničiren ranije darovao Gohonzon Šiđo Kingou, i u ovom pismu objašnjava značaj ove retke časti. Još nekoliko drugih osoba je bilo primilo ovaj predmet poštovanja. On piše: "Ovaj Gohonzon nikada ranije nije bio znan, niko ga nikad nije ispisao tokom Prethodnog ili Srednjeg Dana Zakona". Dajšonin izjavljuje da je Gohonzon utelovljenje njegovog vlastitog života i pravi predmet poštovanja. On podstiče Kingoa i njegovu ženu da čvrsto veruju u njega.

Dajšonin koristi primer lava koji napada, kako bi objasnio da je bio svu svoju energiju koristio pri ispisivanju Gohonzona. On hoće da kaže da će Šiđo Kingo i njegova žena, primenivši isti intenzitet u svom praktikovanju, definitivno pomoći svojoj bebi da se oporavi i da će postati jedna savršeno srećna i bezbrižna porodica.
Nazad u gošo

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