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New Year's Gosho


The "New Year's Gosho" was written to the wife of Lord Omosu on January 5 in acknowledgment of offerings which Nichiren Daishonin had received from her at the beginning of the year. Precisely what year remains a mystery. 

Lord Omosu was known by this name because he ruled an area called Omosu, situated near Taiseki-ji, the present head temple of Nichiren Shoshu. His full name was Ishikawa Shimbei Sanetada. His wife was the elder sister of Nanjo Tokimitsu. Converted to true Buddhism by Nikko Shonin, she remained a devout believer throughout her life. 

In this letter, Nichiren Daishonin praises her genuine expression of faith, stating that her sincerity in making offerings will definitely bring her good fortune and cause her to be loved by others. He also explains the Ten Worlds to her in a simple poetic way, revealing that both Buddhahood and hell exist within the life of each individual. A person with a heart full of hatred experiences the condition of Hell, while a person with faith in the Lotus Sutra experiences the condition of Buddhahood. Bad fortune comes from slander of the Lotus Sutra, and good fortune, from belief in it. Ultimately the responsibility for one's destiny rests totally with the individual himself. 
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Translated into Serbian by Mića Mijatović 12/18/2000 in Belgrade

Novogodišnji Gosho


"Novogodišnji gošo" je Ničiren napisao ženi gospodina Omosua 5. januara stavljajući joj do znanja da je primio njene ponude početkom godine. Koje godine tačno,ostaje misterija.

Gospodin Omosu je pod ovim imenom bio poznat jer je vladao područjem zvanim Omosu, smeštenim blizu Taiseki-đija, tadašnjeg glavnog hrama Ničiren Šošua. NJegovo puno ime bilo je Išikava Šimbei Sanetada. Njegova supruga bila je starija sestra Nanđo Tokimotsua. Preobraćena u pravi budizam od strane Nikko Šonina ostala je posvećeni vernik tokom celog svog života.

U ovom pismu Ničiren Dajšonin hvali njen izvorni izraz vere, tvrdeći da će joj njena iskrenost u prinošenju ponuda definitivno doneti dobru sreću i uzrokovati da bude voljena od drugih. On joj takođe razjašnjava Deset Svetova na jedan jednostavan poetičan način, otkrivajući da i budastvo i pakao postoje u životu svakog pojedinca. Neko sa srcem punim mržnje doživljava stanje Pakla, dok neko sa verom u Lotos sutru doživljava stanje budastva. Loša sreća dolazi od klevetanja Lotos sutre, a dobra sreća od vere u nju. Konačno, odgovornost za vlastitu sudbinu leži u potpunosti na samom pojedincu.
Nazad u gošo

Preveo Mića Mijatović 18. 12. 2000. u Beogradu

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