Orgy of Snakes,
Part One
Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Last night was a double night of sadness for me.  First, the Detroit Red
Wings lost 4-3 in overtime of Game 2 of Western Conference Final to the
Anaheim Ducks.  Grrrr!  And then Yau-Man…, well, let's start at the start…

The program begins with the usual recap from Day 1.  We watch again as
Old Moto lives in the lap of luxury while Old Ravu starves.  The switcheroo,
the new alliances, the hidden idols, etc.  All leads up to the defining moment
in this season of "SURVIVOR", The Great Truck Deal.  Yau-Man will give
Dre the new truck Yau won if Dre promises to give Yau his immunity, should
Dre win it when both are part of the Final Four.  Dre accepts the offer, and
swears to God and on the life of Dre's son, that he will give Yau the neck-
lace should he win.

Night 36, and the Final Five return from Tribal Council.  Yau-Man is relieved
that he used his not-so-hidden immunity idol to save his bacon and send
Stacy packing.  Other than his buddy Earl, the rest had tried to boot Yau,
eliminating him and freeing Dre from his promise.  But their plan didn't
work.  Yau is still worried and talks with Earl about using the idol HE helped
Earl find.  But Earl is cautious, and answers that he now has a target on his
back as well.  Booh!

Day 37 and Yau is getting more nervous.  He knows he's a target and must
absolutely win immunity, since his pal Earl doesn't seem to be willing to
help him anymore.  Earl has a chat with Cassandra about last night's vote.
She smiles and chuckles and tries to worm her way out of the fact that
she broke the alliance and such.  She tells Uncle Cameraman that it's even
more vital now that Boo, Dre and her get rid of both Yau and Earl.

Immunity Challenge time.  Contestants are blindfolded and must make their
way through a series of five mazes.  Each wears a uniquely shaped medal-
lion and must use it to match shaped keys along the way.  Each key will
unlocked a drawbridge and allow the player to move to the next maze.  Boo
finds his key first, with Yau and Dre close behind.  Yau-Man takes the lead
when he finds his drawbridge first and moves on to the second maze.  Boo
and Dre follow him as Yau finds his second key.  Earl makes it across as
Yau gets to Maze #3.   Boo and Dre stay on Yau's tail as Cassandra finally
makes it to the second maze, but at this point Earl and she are out of it.
The three front runners make it through the fourth maze and enter the fifth
with Yau still ahead.  He finds his last key while Boo and Dre get lost.  Yau
wins immunity!

Yau-Man is happy!  With his immunity win he's now safe.  So is Earl, since
tonight is the last time a hidden idol may be played.  Yau talks with Cassy
about booting Boo and she agrees.  Duh!  Anybody but herself.  Yau then
goes and congratulates Boo for his efforts.  Boo knows he's the target, but
he's not giving up.  Luckily for him, Dre is shooting his mouth off again.
The guy just can't shut up!  Boo talks with Earl about who would he rather
be against in the end?  The heroic Yau-Man?  Or sympathetic Dre?  Earl
would prefer to be facing Boo or Cassandra at the end.  Boo then works
on Yau-Man about changing his vote to boot Dre.  Yau talks with Earl and
Earl assures him that Dre will honor his promise.  UH-HUH!

At Tribal Councl, Jeff asks Dre what he's worried about, threat-wise?  Dre
is worried about people KEEPING THEIR WORD.  (PFFFT, snicker)  Earl
says trust is important now, but so is strategy.  Hmmmm.  Boo then states
for the record that he's a better choice to take to the finals.  Boo says that
the Jury will favor Yau for his awesome performance or could reward Dre
out of sympathy.  Dre protests that he doesn't need any sympathy.  LOL!
Boo then offers to willingly accept 2nd place should he not be booted.
It's time to vote.  We are teased with Boo voting for Dre and vice-versa.
Earl then plays the last idol.  It's 4 to 1 against Boo.  In the confessional,
Boo predicts that tomorrow night will be full of fireworks.

Day 38 and the Final Four awaken.  Yau and Earl reflect back on their long
journey together.  Awe!  Dre brags about how he's determined to win this
immunity so he may honor his promise before the world.  LOL!  Tree-mail
arrives.  The F4 must paddle out and collect torches of the fallen comrades.
Another series of flashbacks and comments from past players, blah, blah,
blah.  The torches are placed in another canoe which is set ablaze.  They
watch it burn as it drifts away. 

All gather for the Immunity Challenge and Jeff tells them that it's their last
one.  There will be three people facing The Jury in the final TC.  The last
challenge will test their threshold for pain.  Each will lie on a plank which
is inclined.  Holding on to a handle, the angle of the plank will be increases
every five minutes.  Each plank also has a barrel of water which will stream
out, making the plank slippery.  The event begins at 35°.  After five minutes,
Jeff increases them to 40°.  Earl and Cassandra slip a bit.  Ten minutes go
by and Jeff increases them to 45°.  Cassy is struggling now.  Fifteen min-
utes and Jeff moves them to 50°.  Cassandra falls off immediately.  Twenty
minutes and they're now at 55°.  Earl falls off.  Yau lets go a minute later
and Dre wins immunity.  Jeff reminds Dre about his promise, and that who-
ever goes tonight, the final three will have a shot at a million dollars.

Back at camp, Yau tells Cassy he's voting to boot Dre, after he gets the
immunity necklace from Dre.  Earl and Dre talk.  Earl tells him he's glad he
won, now he can show everyone how much honor he has.  Hmmm.  While
all four are together, Yau asks Dre for a favor.  Should Dre change his mind
about keeping his promise, would he at least not vote to boot him?  Dre is
surprised at the question, but doesn't answer.  He does say now that he's
not sure what he'll do?  The fact that there will be three people at the finals
has changed the situation.  A million dollars, Dre believes, can wash away
the stain of being a dishonorable.  Hmmmmmmmm!

At Tribal Council, Jeff first informs The Jury about the 3-way final.  Then
the rest of the talk is of Dre's promise.  Dre proclaims that The Game is
all about lies and deceit.  He goes on to add that it's not so easy to honor
his promise now that he knows he's just one away from the finale.  Yau
thinks Dre will honor his promise.  Cassandra can't imagine the pressure.
When asked what he'd do, Earl says he wouldn't have made the promise in
the first place.  It's time to vote so Jeff asks Dre if he's keeping the necklace
or giving it to Yau-Man?  Dre decides to keep it for himself.  Yau-Man and
Earl are shocked.  Yau votes to boot Cassandra, the rest boot Yau.  Dre
tells Yau he's sorry.  In the confessional, Yau says that he's proud of the
way he played.  Wishes the rest well.  What a guy!!!

Click Here for Part Two of "Orgy of Snakes"

Sir Linksalot
Survivor:  Fiji