Most of these sermons are preached at Midland Baptist Church in Midland Michigan. It is an Independent Fundamental, King James Preaching Church. These tapes have been such a GREAT blessing to all of us here at Sure Mercies (a group of 10 ladies serving God at home right at the kitchen table over coffee and snacks!) Over the years we have gathered quite a collection of them and the Lord has laid it upon our hearts to share them freely with others as he is faithful to supply our needs. The OK to pass them out has been given by our pastor & we truly hope & trust God will bless and use each one for the furtherance of the gospel. So therefore we are offering copies of them FREE OF CHARGE to all that request them. Just take time to fill out our order form and we will get them out to you as the Lord provides. We pray and trust this ministry will bless your heart in a special way, and by that, give the Lord Jesus Christ all the honor and glory.