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My name is Calgon, and I am here by the Grace of God! I breathed my first breath of life about 18 years ago and have lived a life of miracles. God has delivered me from alcohol, abuse, and fear. In 1998 the Lord gave me the honor of using me soley for HIS PURPOSE(you will have to buy the book, oh, I will have to write the book ahha)! The Lord has given me a wonderful helpmeet and two more beautiful daughters! We were wed in Flint, MI, by my Pastor there, and it was a blessed time! I am thanking God continuously. My page is to Glorify the Lord. My mission is to exhort, teach, witness, testify of HIS GOODNESS, and to Glorify HIS name with my life. Please check out the urls, and email me with any questions you may have. I am excited to share with anyone who would like to hear the WORD OF GOD, fellowship, and be lifted up to God!


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Cindy Patterson.

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