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Behind the Name!

Calgon....take me away!
I hear that often and I really don't mind it. I usually say "okay but i am not bringing you back"! HaHa.
It is from the old Calgon commercial..when Calgon was just bath salts that you soaked in when you were stressed out. You might remember the commercial. Phone is ringing.. kids are screaming. Mom is saying "Calgon...take me away"... Well, when I came online I was in college, working a full time job and a part time job on the weekends, my grandson and oldest daughter were living with me and my other two teen age children, I taught Sunday School for Ladies and had just started a singles club in my church. So, I was indeed stressed out! I used to have a "Calgon" Club at my church. It was for moms with kids and we did things together as a group. I taught sewing and we had meals and bible studies and P.J. parties (if you want to hear about the "Kidnapping we me...LOL).So the name "Calgon" was common in our household! So, when I came online and popped into a chatroom and needed a handle my oldest daughter said..."Well Mom, use Calgon"! So...that is me...but you can call me Cal!