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Book List    



    The majority of Christians are aware of the negative impact that bad television and music can have on individuals. In fact, some churches and denomination have been created based on this awareness. They have banned types of music and some have even banned television and movies altogether because of the evil that they bring to the audience. Although, often among even the staunchest of these groups books are consumed without thought of the content and the affect that it could have on the reader. Books, like any other form of media, can have both a positive and negative influence on individuals. There are even books written by Christians that can have a negative impact on the hearts and lives of Believers. My goal here is not to offer an extensive list of books that are good or bad. Instead, I wish to list some books that I have personally found to have a great message, that is true to the word of God; along with a list of what I am currently reading.

bulletMarriage, Family and Relationships
bulletChristian Living (Practical Theology)
bulletChristian Fiction
bulletBooks in defense of the faith
bulletBooks for Pastors
bulletCurrent Reading
bulletFuture Books to Read








Lectures in Systematic Theology (Unrevised Edition)

     By Henry Thiessen

     This Systematic Theology, written by Henry Thiessen in 1949, has been considered by many fundamentalist evangelicals to be one of the standard works on theology. It was revised in 1979, by Vernon D. Doerksen. Though it was a revision, Doerksen completely rewrote sections of Thiessen's theology, this has lead some theologians to comment, "it was nice of the publishers to leave Thiessen's name on Doerksen's theology textbook." As a result I would recommend finding a copy of Thiessen's Lectures in Systematic Theology that was published before 1979.  One thing that Thiessen's original edition offers is a view of soteriology that is well grounded in the Bible, though vastly different from the more widely excepted "Calvinistic" Soteriology; if for no other reason, this makes it a volume worth reading and owning.

Basic Theology

     By Charles C. Ryrie

    Basic Theology by Charles Ryrie is one of the most widely read evangelical and dispensational systematic theology books today. It provides a introduction to Bible Doctrines in a easy to understand language. This book is for anyone that wants to learn more about the teachings of the Bible, without having to use a dictionary every fourth word.

The Moody Handbook of Theology

     By Paul Enns

     Paul Enns describes this volume in his Preface by writing, "Many theological works are entirely too advanced for the average reader or beginning student of theology. Often the student must consult numerous works to find simple answers to basic questions. This Handbook of Theology is not intended to be definitive of exhaustive; rahter, it is an introductory work that will provide basic answers for questions in biblical theology, systematic theology, historical theology, dogmatic theology, and contemporary theology."

The Nature of the Church

     By Earl D. Radmacher

     Dr. Earl Radmacher is President Emeritus of Western Baptist Seminary. In this book he has written what many claim to be the definitive work on the Church. If ever you have thought that you would like to understand the universal church as well as the local church better, this is the book to help you to that end. Dr. Radmacher has done a brilliant job in not only getting down to the details of the church, but in this exhaustive work, he also made it extraordinarily practical and readable.

Things to Come

     By J. Dwight Pentecost

     J. Dwight Pentecost's teaching on the end times has by many been thought the most complete and well thought out. In this book that teaching has been recorded for the generations that will never have the chance to sit under Dr. Pentecost. For those interested in things relating to the end times this book brings together all of what the scripture has to say regarding things to come. While at times Dr. Pentecost's ability to reason through the scriptures may leave you in a daze as you try to grasp all he has said, this book offers many insights and helps to those interested in the topic of eschatology.

Charismatic Chaos

     By John MacArthur Jr

     There seems to be a growing interest in the signs and wonders movement among Christians of all kinds. Some of that allure seems to be the opportunity to "experience" God and to simply "know His will better." In response to this growing interest Pastor John MacArthur Jr. has written this book to talk about the Biblical facts concerning tongues, healings, and other miraculous gifts, about their use today, and what the affect of them can be upon believers. Anyone that is interested in the miraculous gifts, who practice them, or have friends and family involved, should take time to read this work by John MacArthur Jr.

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Marriage, Family and Relationships



Marriage: Whose Dreams

     By Paul Tripp

     This short booklet by Paul Tripp takes a look at marriages...

I Kissed Dating Goodbye

     By Joshua Harris

     Many have baulk simply at the title of this book, others have written books to stand in defiance of it. In it Joshua Harris' goal is not to get you to stop dating, but to re-evaluate the way you go about it. With so much sexual pressure these day many teens are struggling with not having sex and doing other sexual acts. Joshua Harris writes this book to those teens and there parents to be a help and to show them the potential pitfalls and dangers of dating, as we think about it traditionally. Every parent that has a child that is interested in dating or will be in the next few years should take time to read through this book with their child. And really people of all ages that are interested in dating should take time to read this short book, to help them approach each potential relationship in a godly manner.

Boy Meets Girl

     By Joshua Harris

     In answer to questions of "Now what?" Joshua Harris wrote this book about his courting experience with his now wife. An excellent compliment to "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," this book offers some specifics on how to court/date in a way that will be an spiritual encouragement to both people and honoring to God. If you have read "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," be sure and pick up this book as well and give it a read.

Age of Opportunity

     By Paul Tripp

     For many families the teenage years are a scary thing...

War of Words

     By Paul Tripp

     Many couples, families, friends, and even churches talk about the problems that exist, simply because there is a lack of communication. Dr. Paul Tripp writes in this book about communication through a biblical world view. What forms of communication is honoring to God, and how to have better communication. For anyone that has thought that what their struggling relationship needs is better communication, this is the book for you.

Instruments in the Redeemer's Hand

     By Paul Tripp

     The psychology industry has grown tremendously over the years, to the point were more than one in four have received help from a psychologist, according to Psychology Today. Often these individuals attend psychologist for the rest of their lives, never getting over their "ailment." Dr. Paul Tripp believes that psychologist do not have the answer, instead the Bible does. Further, we do not need trained professionals to apply the Bible to our lives, each one of us have access to it and can apply to our own lives and to the lives of others if we take the time to do so. Dr. Tripp explains in this book how to be an instrument of change in the God's hands in our own lives and the lives of other, by having deeper relationships, asking questions, and studying the Bible. This book should be a must read for all Christians, as we should desire to provoke one another to love and good works.

Sweethearts for a Lifetime

     By Wayne and Carol Mack

     There are a lot of marriage-help books out there, an over abundance really, but the reality is that most of them can really do more to destroy a marriage than help it. As a result, I wanted to make sure an include a book that will help every marriage, whether it has yet to begin or is past the silver anniversary. "Sweethearts for a lifetime" is one such book. Written by Wayne Mack, a very noted author on marriage counseling, and his wife, Carol, this book is arranged in a devotional style to guide a couple through what the Bible has to say about marriage and different difficulties couples face.

Why Christian Kids Leave the Faith

     By Tom Bisset

     This book provides an insight into why individuals leave the church, this includes more than just children and teens. It also isn't talking about people who change churches or denominations, but who completely leave the church.

     The book provides a lot of thought provoking ideas, though the author is an integrationalist (someone who borrows from current psychology to "complete" the Bible). As an integrationalist, Mr. Bisset fails in some of his applications and deductions. That said, I would recommend this book for thought, to individuals who have an understanding of how to separate psychological ideas from Biblical ones.

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Christian Living (Practical Theology)



Christ and Your Problems

     By Jay Adams

     A Booklet

Motives: Why Do I Do the Things I Do

     By Edward T Welch

     A Booklet

Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave: Finding Hope in the power of the Gospel

     By Edward T Welch

     This book dealing with addiction, is not limited to the normal kinds of addictions we think of...

Will Medicine Stop the Pain?: Finding God's Healing for Depression, Anxiety, and Other Troubling Emotions

     By Laura Hendrickson M.D. and Elyse Fitzpatrick

     This book is written for anyone that had ever considered anti-depressions, anti-anxiety, or any other psychologically related medicines or knows someone who has.

Depression: A Stubborn Darkness--Light for the Path

     By Edward T Welch

     For people that are experiencing depression and those witnessing it, it can be a very confusing time. Edward Welch writes this book as a tool...

Suffering: Eternity makes a Difference

     By Paul Tripp

     This booklet

Mere Christianity

     By C. S. Lewis

     This is a collection of radio messages given by C.S. Lewis. These messages will challenge you in your thoughts regarding God and in your daily actions. C. S. Lewis also offers a logical progression that shows more clearly the existence of God and even helps to give insight into the trinity. Considered by all to be a classic Christian work, this is well worth the time to read. Though as a note, C.S. Lewis was an Episcopalian and so some caution should be exercised in matters of his theology.

The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Self-Image

     By Jay E. Adams

     "Don't say that, you will hurt their self-esteem..." Most of us have heard this phrase and some may have even spoken it. But what does the Bible have to say about Self-Esteem? Jay E. Adams, a respected Biblical Counselor, has answered that question in this book. This is an important book for everyone to read, as self-esteem oozes from every pore in our society and even from some of our churches.  Does God want you to love and feel good about yourself? Find out what the Bible says in this book by jay Adams.

Sex is not the Problem (lust is) Formerly "Not Even a Hint"

     By Joshua Harris

     In a society where virtually everything is sexualized, from five-year-olds to sport drinks, it is no wonder that many people are struggling with sexual temptations. In this book by Joshua Harris, he discusses why the problem isn't sex, as some have claimed, but lust. Lusting after things right or wrong, and trying to constantly get our fill as we try to free ourselves is struggle that many are facing each day. This is a book of hope as Mr. Harris attempts to help individuals find the freedom that God's Word offers.

Stop Dating the Church

     By Joshua Harris

     In this book, Joshua Harris hits on something that is becoming an epidemic in churches today. People "dating" the church. People who are not committed and are just trying to get something out of it. This book offers some good ideas to help people to understand what their part is in the church and how to stop simply dating it.

     As a word of caution, Joshua Harris embraces covenant theology and as a result recommends Wayne Grudems' Systematic Theology to the reader. While there are many parts of Wayne Grudems' Systematic Theology that are very well written, I personally do not agree with him on several important points of theology. As a result I would recommend that instead of Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology to read one of the texts on theology that I have recommended above.

When People Are Big and God is Small

     By Edward T. Welch

     "What will so-and-so think...?" Most of us have thought or spoken this phrase at some point in our life. Ed Welch writes "When People are Big and God is small" to address statements such as that one. In this book he deals with issues of peer-pressure, being shy, and just being afraid of what other might think in any situation. He shows that in matters of obedience to the will of God, our first thought should be "What will God think...?" This is a great book for every Christian, both young and old to challenge them in how they approach everyday situations and even confrontations.

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Christian Fiction



The Screwtape Letters

     By C. S. Lewis

     According to the back of this book: "A masterpiece of satire, this classic has entertained and enlightened readers the world over with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to "Our Father Below." At once wildly comic, deadly serious, and strikingly original, C.S. Lewis gives us the correspondence of the worldly-wise old devil to his nephew Wormwood, a novice demon in charge of securing the damnation of an ordinary young man. the Screwtape Letters is the most engaging account of temptation - and triumph over it - ever written."

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

     By C.S. Lewis

     The first published work of the Chronicles of Narnia, this book follows four children as they discover Narnia and help to save it from an evil witch.

Prince Caspian

     By C.S. Lewis

     The second published work in the Chronicles of Narnia, this book follow the four children back to Narnia, as they once again help to save it.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

     By C.S. Lewis

     In this, the third published work of the Chronicles of Narnia, only the youngest of the four children return to Narnia along with their cousin to assist King Caspian as he attempts to save Narnia once more.

The Silver Chair

     By C.S.Lewis

     This being the fourth published book in the Chronicles of Narnia, is the first to not have the any of the original four children. Instead their cousin, from the previous novel, is accompanied by a friend as they attempt to rescue the son of King Caspian.

The Horse and His Boy

     By C.S. Lewis

     This is the first book that falls out of chronological order with the rest of the published book, being the fifth book published, yet taking place during the final chapter of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" chronologically. It follows the story of a horse and a boy that have been held in bondage, as they seek the freedom Narnia offers and attempt to help a king stave off an invasion.

The Magician's Nephew

     By C.S. Lewis

     This is chronologically the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia, though is stands sixth in the publishing order. It tells of Aslan's creation of Narnia and how evil was first allowed to enter a land created in perfection.

The Last Battle

     By C.S. Lewis

     This is the final installment in the Chronicles of Narnia, being the last chronologically as well as in publication. In it the cousin and his companion of "The Silver Chair" have returned to Narnia to save it one last time from the evil that has infected it for so long.

The Last Sin Eater

     By Francine Rivers

(Fiction) This novel is based on the Welsh tradition of the sin eater. The sin eater comes at the time of death to take the sins of the individual upon himself. In this story by Mrs. Rivers, little Cadi is burdened by the sins that she has already committed, so following her Grandma's death and her first time witnessing the sin eater, she strikes out to find the sin eater for herself...

Redeeming Love

     By Francine Rivers

     I am normally not in favor of romance novels of any sort, but this story set in California during the gold rush brings to life the story of Hosea in a way many may never have thought. While the story does not fully parallel the prophet Hosea's life, it teaches many of the same lessons on love and relationships in a captivating manner.

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Books in Defense of the Faith

Mere Christianity

     By C.S. Lewis

   This book was based on a series of radio broadcast done by C.S. Lewis in 1943. Lewis is ingenious in his formation of an argument for a absolute Moral law and defense of a creator. He also presents a thought provoking and concise thesis on Christian Ethics and Christian beliefs, including the trinity. This is a book that is well worth the time of all Christians to read.

The Truth War

     By John MacArthur Jr.

    The description on this books reads, "Right now, Truth is under attack, and much is at stake. Christians are caught in the crossfire of alternative Christian histories, emerging faulty texts, and a cultural push to eliminate absolute Truth altogether. As a result, many churches and Christians have been deceived. Worse still, they propagate the deception that poses itself as Truth! In The Truth War John MacArthur reclaims the unwavering certainty of God's Truth and anchors Christians in the eternal, immovable promises that are found in His Word."

The Case for Christ

     By Lee Strobel

     Lee Strobel is a former criminal investigative journalist and atheist. After finding out that he was wrong on one of the cases that he investigated and condemned as guilty in his newspaper article, he realized that there are things that all of us can be wrong on.  One thing that he thought needed another look in his own life was his thoughts on God and Jesus. So Mr. Strobel started to investigate Christianity in much the same way he did his investigative journalism. This book chronicles that investigation, and provides an interesting look into one man's investigation of Christianity and his journey from atheist to believer.

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Books for Pastors

Preaching with Freshness

     By Bruce Mawhinney

    Part of the Preaching with... series, this books speaks of introducing a freshness into your preaching, in a fresh way. The author has written this instructive book in a teaching novel. Follow along with one pastor as he searches for a way to add life back into his preaching and learns all those important principles of preaching over again. A instructive and interesting read that becomes a page turner as you read the story of one down-and-out pastor.

Preaching with Passion

     By Alex Montoya

     Part of the Preaching with... series, this book is written to encourage pastors to develop a contagious passion in their preaching...

Rediscovering Expository Preaching

     By John MacArthur Jr.

     Written to aspiring pastors...

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Current Reading

This is what I am currently reading...



The Last of the Mohicans

     By J.F. Cooper

(Fiction) This is a classic novel that has been consider as one of the top hundred of all time. It is part of a series of stories Cooper wrote called the Leatherstocking tales, regarded to be the finest of these tales, it follows the search of a Scottish General's daughters that have been captured during the French Indian War. The search for the young ladies is lead by a British Soldier, that had assumed the life of an Indian, named Hawkeye and his two faithful companions, Uncas and Chingachgook which are the last of the Mohican tribe. The first chapter of the novel reads more like a history book, but once past it the story really takes flight.

The Purpose Driven Youth Ministry

      By Doug Fields

    This book is meant to be a companion volume to Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church, and while many have expressed grave concerns about Rick Warren's book, many of those same individuals have recommended this book for consideration. The goal of this book is really to develop a complete Youth Program, avoiding a program that only does one of the many things that God desires of us (for example only evangelism, or only discipleship), but instead to have a balanced and focused ministry. While I will say that I do not agree with all of what Doug Fields has written, what I have read so far has been insightful and encouraging.

One thing you can't do in Heaven

     By Mark Cahill

This book provides an interesting approach to the topic of evangelism and outreach. It isn't so much of an instruction manual or a new system of "getting people saved" as much as it is a book to encourage you in doing so while offering some help and pointers along the way.

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Future Books to Read



A Grief Observed

     By C. S. Lewis

    According to the back of this book: "Written after his wife's tragic death as a way of surviving the "mad midnight moments," A Grief Observed is C.S. Lewis's honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life, death, and faith in the midst of loss. This work contains his concise, genuine reflections on that period: "Nothing will shake a man - or at any rate a man like me - out of his merely verbal thinking and his merely notional beliefs. He has to be knocked silly before he comes to his senses. Only torture will bring out the truth. Only under torture does he discover it himself." This is a beautiful and unflinchingly honest record of how even a stalwart believer can loser all sense of meaning in the universe, and how he can gradually regain his bearings."

The Great Divorce

     By C. S. Lewis

     According to the Back of this Book: "C.S. Lewis takes us on a profound journey through both heaven and hell in this engaging allegorical tale. Using his extraordinary descriptive powers, Lewis introduces us to supernatural beings who will change the way we think about good and evil."

The Problem of Pain

     By C. S. Lewis

     According to "'The Problem of Pain answers the universal question, "Why would an all-loving, all-knowing God allow people to experience pain and suffering?' Master Christian apologist C. S. Lewis asserts that pain is a problem because our finite, human minds selfishly believe that pain-free lives would prove that God loves us. In truth, by asking for this, we want God to live us less, not more than he does."

Twelve Ordinary Men

     By John MacArthur Jr


      According to "Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to be perfect to do God's work. Look no further than the twelve disciples whose many weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New Testament. Jesus chose ordinary men - fisherman, tax collectors, political zealots - and turned their weakness into strength, producing greatness from utter uselessness. MacArthur draws principles from Christ's careful, hands-on training of the original twelve disciples for today's modern disciple - you."

The Hounds of Baskerville

     By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

(Fiction) Considered to be the best of the Sherlock Holmes novels, this novel has earned a place on many top one hundred best novels.

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