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Bible Studies    







            According to the Barna Group survey in 2005, 25% of Christians consider themselves below average in the area of Bible Knowledge. While 53% claim to be of average Bible knowledge. What was not defined in the study was what average is, but many acknowledge that they were below it. In a 2003 survey, only half of American teens felt that they had enough Bible knowledge to make decisions based on Biblical principles. There is obviously a need for more study of the Bible, not only among teens, but individuals of all ages.

            It is my hope on this page to provide some Bible studies that will enable people to study and discover the Word of God. Currently this page only includes two studies written by individuals other than myself and designed to share the gospel message. I hope to add to these Bible studies I have written on a variety of topics in the future.


  1. Gospel of John

  2. How Can I Know God?


Note: When leading others through a Bible Study one thing that can prove helpful to them, is to have them look up and read the passages aloud. There is power in the Word of God and reading it releases more of that power than just being told what it says. If you are an individual who has grown up in church or been saved for a long time, it can often be tempting to just gloss over passages and tell people what they say. But people need to read and meditate on the Word of God for themselves. As a result as you lead the Bible Study, ask the person to read the passage and then ask them what it means or how they would answer the question in the Bible Study based on that verse. If they respond with "I don't know," ask them to read it again. Refrain from explaining the verse to them until they have had the opportunity to read it themselves numerous times. Discovering the message of God for yourself is often more powerful and more memorable than having it explained to you. Also, when leading others through any of these Bible studies, make sure that you read through them, look up the passages, and form answers to the questions ahead of time, so that you can be a help and not a distraction.




Gospel of John 


              This is an evangelistic Bible Study that uses only the Gospel of John. The goal is to prevent the person that you are sharing Christ with through this four part Bible Study from have to figure out where a bunch of different books in the Bible are and instead focus on the Gospel message as they navigate through John. 

                I am not the author of this Bible study, instead I have just reorganized it and posted here. It was given to me by a Pastor of Evangelism, though he said he was not the author either, but someone else had written it and given him a copy once upon a time to use as often as he liked to spread the Good News, and so I offer it here to do the same.


Gospel of John 1: Man

Gospel of John 2: The Savior

Gospel of John 3: Salvation

Gospel of John 4: The New Life






How Can I Know God?

         This Bible study was written by Mr. Charles Decleene. Mr. Decleene has served the Lord as a Senior Pastor, a Missionary to Ecuador, a Bible College Professor, and an Evangelism Pastor.

         Mr. Decleene wrote this Bible Study while serving as Senior Pastor in a town that was deeply Catholic. As a result the study not only presents the gospel in a very clear and compelling way, but it also helps to subtly show that this is a different gospel from what other "Christian" churches may be proclaiming.

        Mr. Decleene has made this study available for use and reproduction for all of his students and all that ask him for it. As a former student I have recreated the Bible Study here for download and use.


How Can I Know God? (Part 1)

How Can I Know God? (Part 2)

How Can I Know God? (Part 3)










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