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The mysterious rubbish collector Brinsmead truck driver Luke Carrier spotted on the corne The mysterious rubbish collector Brinsmead truck driver Luke Carrier spotted on the corner of Moody and Pease streets in Manunda.Source: Supplied

A MYSTERIOUS dishevelled man who has been photographed voluntarily clearing Cairns streets of rubbish has won the hearts of hundreds in the community.

Brinsmead truck driver Luke Carrier said his heart sank after spotting the man picking up garbage on the corner of Moody and Pease streets in Manunda about 3.40pm on Tuesday.

Im a truck driver, Im on the road 60 hours a week, and I entertain myself by looking at my surroundings, Mr Carrier said.


At first I was looking at him being judgmental, but when I saw he was picking up rubbish ... I thought heres someone who is a better man than me.

That streets full of rubbish ... hes taken it upon himself ... the look on his face, he knows hes fighting a losing battle but he still does it anyway.


Wanting to share the good work of the mystery altruistic garbage collector with the community, Mr Carrier snapped a couple photos on his mobile phone and later uploaded the photos to a Facebook page.

The response from other group members was overwhelming, with Mr Carriers photos attracting more likes and comments than previous posts on the same page about the NRL grand final.

It just goes to show this kind of thing can bring the community together more than sports, and a bloody good sports match for that matter, he said.

I felt this was a chance for me to do my part for raising awareness, not judging a book by its cover, and realising there are people out there who dig deep from the bottom of their hearts and do things other people dont.

Yesterday, Mr Carriers original post had attracted more than 800 likes, as well as many comments supporting the mystery man.


He said he was calling on anyone who had a spare handheld garbage grabber to donate it to the man, and planned on offering to buy him a beer the next time he saw him.


I hope he knows Cairns supports people like him, Mr Carrier said.

There are a lot of other people out there doing the same, making a difference.

There are a lot of people we take for granted.

Originally published as He knows hes fighting a losing battle