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Was it worth all the planning?

Was it worth all the planning?

Have you said your farewells to sleep-ins and cocktails, and hello to early-morning alarms and computers? You might think that getting into the work routine after a relaxing holiday is a tough adjustment. But beating the post-holiday blues is easier than you think.


Psychologist from organisational health group Konekt, Amanda Johnston, says it's common to feel unmotivated after a break from work. "After having some relaxing time off over Christmas and breaking with routine, it's quite normal to feel a little flat when the holidays are at an end," says Johnston.

"However, you don't need to return to work with a feeling of dread. Generally these feelings are temporary; a period of adjustment while you reacquaint yourself with your day-to-day routine."

Fiona Forsyth: eat well and get proper rest.

Fiona Forsyth: eat well and get proper rest.

Reignite your work routine and overcome back-to-work misery with these strategies.

Plan your next holiday

The obvious way to get through the seemingly endless weeks of work ahead is to plan your next trip. It might be a low-budget weekend away or an overseas trip whatever your plans, it will make returning to work much easier. "It is always important to have enjoyable plans to look forward to," Johnston says.

Reset your thinking

A positive frame of mind will help lift the sense of anxiety when it comes to returning to work, says social and emotional intelligence coach Gai O'Dwyer.


Avoid statements such as, 'I hate being back at work' and instead try to find the silver lining, says O'Dwyer.

"Reframe so you are saying something positive to cultivate a resourceful mindset such as, 'I loved myholidayalthough I am so grateful to be back at work enjoying life, and planning my next adventure' or 'I had such a greatholiday. When can when we catch up for a coffee so I can share all my wonderful experiences?'," she says.

"Reframing is a very important component of self talk and will become automatic once you are aware of your own thoughts and emotions and do not buy into others' beliefs."

Set yourself up for a good day

Treat yourself to a gourmet coffee and listen to your favourite music on the way to work, says Johnston.

Small reminders of your time away will also keep the good holiday mood lingering. Frame your favourite holiday photo and keep it on your desk to remind you of those relaxed days.

Practice good health


The holidays may have been one long spell of barbecues and alcohol, but now it's time to be kind to your body. Help ease yourself back into the nine-to-five routine by maintaining a proper sleep pattern and a healthy diet.

Naturopath Fiona Forsyth says sleeping and eating well are the keys to having enough energy to get back into work mode.

"Allow for good quality and proper sleep. Be sure to have healthy bed hygiene, clean sheets, a decluttered bedside table, fresh air while sleeping and remove electronic devices," she says.


"Keep a clean and fresh diet, enjoy lots of fresh vegetables and plenty of water to maintain high energy levels and combat the post holiday slump."

Keep the holiday vibe

Why relinquish the things you love about being on holiday? Believe it or not, there are some ways to hang on to that holiday feeling. travel expert Katherine Cole says maintaining your holiday habits will boost your back-to-work motivation.

"Make the most of the long summer evenings and finish work on time and high-tail it to the beach or a nearby park, or enjoy a barbecue with friends," she says.

Cole also recommends keeping up holiday activities such as reading and good eating.


"One of the best parts about a holiday is immersing yourself in a good read," she says.

"Keep the ritual going by committing time each evening to reading some holiday classics a great stress-buster after a hard-day's work.

"And put those cooking skills to the test by replicating a few of those favourite dishes you experienced while travelling on holiday. Better still, share your culinary creation with family and friends and reminisce about those long lazy lunches you had while away."

Make a list of the things that excite you

If you need something to help get you through the tough times at work, put pen to paper and make a list of upcoming events to which you're looking forward.

"We think about all those difficult and challenging activities we have in the week ahead of us, but think about three things you might look forward to," Johnston says.