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Alicia's Page
Monday, November 8, 2004
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Waking Ashland "I Am For You"
First, I have to say, Waking Ashland is an awesome band, you should check their site out.

and now.. I'm going to spill my guts. I'm so sick of people lying to me.. Especially when they should know I'm bound to find out, even though they don't want me to... It really, really bugs me. I've been upset all day about it and if you look at the entry I made a week or two ago about the whole drugs thing.. This is what the lying is dealing with and I'm really starting to hate the guy that started all this and one of these days I'll probably just snap on him. This probably makes no sense for those of you who don't really know what's going on, but I'm too much of a wussy to give out names. But when certain people read it they'll know who I'm referring to. (Or at least they should..)

Alrighty, I'm going to stop blabbing now but I'll leave you with some advice to stay on my good side: just tell me the truth for God's sake...

Posted by Alicia at 9:26 PM EST
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Sunday, November 7, 2004

Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Hikaru Utada "Simple and Clean" Kingdom Hearts, oh yeah. :)
Alrighty, first off.. Yesterday was sort of crappy. Lindsey and I got our hair done at Cassie's and stuff and didn't get home until like, 6 which only gave us 45 minutes to get ready. And after we put our dresses on Lindsey decides that she doesn't like mine so we have to switch and we didn't end up leaving until like 6:55, but oh well. We got there. The semi-formal kind of sucked.. It was ok at first but then it got old and they had to play almost nothing but rap.. and then "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" and that song where the chick's like "I'm a redneck woman, I'm not no high class broad" or some crap like that.. and everyone's dancing around and a few of my friends and I look at eachother like "Wow, this isn't hickish.." But anyway, it wasn't too bad I guess, I got lots of pictures. I felt bad for a few people because you could just tell they were depressed because the person they liked was already dancing with someone or they were lonely or whatever. I did some of that but I didn't want to "wallow in self-despair" I think is how Andrea put it. Lol. Nut anyway, that's enough about yesterday.

I had a pretty good day today. Jake and I went to McDonald's around 2ish and hung out at my house afterwards. Played Timesplitters 2. Woot, that game rocks. And, that's pretty much all I've done today, heh, but it was fun. :)

Posted by Alicia at 9:41 PM EST
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Can't think of a title...
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: American Hi-Fi "Flavor Of The Week"
Woo. I'm bored out of my mind, so bored, that I'm actually excited about staying after school tomorrow.. lol. I'm staying after with my friend Lindsey for Choir. Yes, I'm a choir nerd, don't make fun of me. :P But anyway, we're staying after and we might watch her bf play the drums for awhile, hang out with Jake and Lee and then Lindsey and I are trading semi-formal dresses. Speaking of that, I'm starting to get pretty excited about the semi-formal.. I've never been to one before. Hopefully it'll be fun. I'm gonna get a group picture with all my friends. :)

Oh man, Saturday is gonna be such a blur. I have to go get Lindsey around 2ish, then we gotta go to Cassie's and get our hair done at 3, then probably go back home around 4:30ish and finish getting ready (make up, nails, etc.) and then finally at 7 we go to the semi-formal. We'll probably have plenty of time to kill, but I dunno.. I kind of take forever with things, and anybody who knows me will tell you the same, heh. But, I think I've done enough rambling for now. Bye!

Posted by Alicia at 10:29 PM EST
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Go Bush.
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Alien Ant Farm "Movies"
Meah, I can't wait until this election stuff is over.. It gets kind of annoying after awhile. I'm just hoping Bush wins because, well.. My dad has good judgement so I just side with him on this stuff. Lol. I guess that's not really that great of a reason, but hey, it works.

Well, I guess I'm going to semi-formal. Yay. Cassie even volunteered to do my hair and stuff so I'm all set. But I wish I had somebody to officially go with. All my friends are going with their bfs and stuff so I'm going to be sitting out on all the dances. But hey, that's okay, that means I'm less likely to break something in my 3 inch heels. Heh. But anywho, I'm out of things to say for now.

Posted by Alicia at 10:46 PM EST
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Never Heard Of It "I'll Change For Now"
Well, I'm in the process of making yet another site.. lol. A few of my friends have sites at and it's pretty nifty. I'll put their sites in my links when I get the page set up but, that'll take a little while.

And.. I had quite an eventful weekend so far and I'll just say.. I'm sort of a mass of emotions right now but I think they're mostly good ones, so... yeah. I should be back to normal soon. At least I hope so.

Posted by Alicia at 11:55 PM EDT
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: My Chemical Romance "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"
Yay. I'm pretty peachy today. School was alright and I finally got my grades. A, B honor roll, baby! Heh. I'm pretty proud of myself. My goal is to keep A's - C's for the rest of the year.

I had a pretty good day. I came home and was trying on the dress I was thinking about wearing to semi-formal. But I don't think I'm going to, and Jake ended up coming over while I was doing this so I got a second opinion on the dress (Sort of) Lol. I told him I thought it looked like a dress one of my 50 year old teachers would wear and he didn't really agree or disagree so... I decided I'm just going to wear my old prom dress. I tried it on and it still fits fine, in fact maybe better than when I first got it so, I guess I'm all set. Jake and I also went to Wal-Mart and got the original Mario Bros. Freakin' awesome, heh. But anyway.. I don't think I have too much else to say so, bye!

Posted by Alicia at 10:00 PM EDT
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Monday, October 25, 2004
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Evanescence "You"
Well, today started off pretty good. Lastnight put me in a good mood and I was happy all day in school too. The fact that we had a 2 hr. delay probably helped with that but something has been bugging me lately. It seems like lately, a lot of my friends have been into the whole "smoking pot" thing. And it seems like one person in general got them started on this. It pisses me off that they just gave in because "Everyone else does". I really see no point in getting stoned. It does nothing but mess you up. So why does everyone do it? I can't help but be annoyed with this person because I think he is the reason two of my good friends started this retarded shit. And yes, I realize it's not just his fault. It was their bad judgement too. I just wish they would stop and think about what that crap can do to them. I'm sure none of them really will realize this until something bad happens because of it.. and by then, it may be too late. I just wish they'd come up with something else to do with their time. And besides, it's illegal, so why bother? But that's just me. Never done (illegal) drugs and I don't plan on it either. And you know what's funny? I just realized this week is Red Ribbon Week... Weird..

Posted by Alicia at 5:38 PM EDT
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
I'm bored...
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Coheed and Cambria "Three Evils"
Man, I'm so bored. Jess and I had fun today though. Jake freakin' scared the crap out of us this morning though. Comes in and shoves the door open at 1:30 in the morning. Lol. So he was over here for awhile and then after he left, we went up to my room and watched The Butterfly Effect. It was a good movie, but I'm wussy and kept asking Jess "Oh god, what's going to happen?.." I actually had some funky dreams because of it too, but I can hardly remember them anymore. Jess and I ended up staying up until 6 am then, and we woke up at 1 or so. That was fun. OH YEAH. This afternoon A Tigger Movie was on and we watched some of that. It was funny because Jess and I both cried at one part. Heh, we're weird like that.. We did that once at her house too while watching The Lion King. When Mufasa died. Lol. Ohhh well. I think that's about enough for tonight.

Posted by Alicia at 12:08 AM EDT
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Friday, October 22, 2004
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Our Lady Peace "Clumsy"
Hey everyone. What's goin' on? Not too much here. I have a friend over. We took some silly pics which I may put on my picturetrail sometime. But I doubt it so don't get your hopes up. :P Not like anyone actually visits it anyway.. Heh. But ANYWAY. As you may have noticed, I have two new links on here and if you see this you HAVE to check them out. I'm helping spread the word of my friend Will's band Lucky Omen. They rock my socks. :)They also have a downloadable song on purevolume which you should also check out. Well, that's all for now. Back to annoying Jeremy with our stupidness. Lol. Later!

<3, Alicia and Jess

Posted by Alicia at 11:01 PM EDT
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Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Fenix TX "Tearjerker"
Hey everyone. I'm bored out of my mind right now.. I was messing with this doll I made on which is one of my links. If you're creative, you should check it out. I made a Candybar doll. It's pretty nifty if I do say so myself. I'll try and get it on here sooner or later. I also updated my Picturetrail. There's three new pics on it, and they were taken earlier today. If you wanna see, look in my links. Well.. This is all I can think of to say so... Bye.

Posted by Alicia at 12:30 AM EDT
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