
Malia...hmmm, it used to be so nice: 30 years ago, in 1974. Things have changed a lot since than. All the small villages on the coast are now connected to eachother. No more walks on the almost deserted shores of Malia. Now Malia has become my nightmare. The national road runs through it, so there is no way to escape it. The traffic always gets stuck there as well, so you are forced to look at it as well. What used to be a charming small fishing village with an interesting escavation (The Palace of Malia) has now become one cluster of concrete buildings, one even uglier than the other, and the beach is crowded and full of rental beds. All charm has left Malia in my point of view, and it's superhigh on my list of places to avoid. Of course there are people out here that really love the place, and that's fine with me, but it's no longer my cup of tea :(.