The village of Anidri on Crete

The village of Anidri in soutwest Crete is situated about 5 kilomerers east of Paleochora, on the Kandonos (or Rodovami) - Prodomi - Anidri - Paleochora route. Especially the last part of the route from Anidri to Paleochora, where you drive through a gorge, is very pretty. It is a very quiet area with winding roads, a green surrounding and lots of goats. In the village along the main road there is a water tap with drinkable water.
Inside the village there is a large taverna and there are a few places where you can rent a room. One of the attactions of the village is the walk you can make through a gorge to the beach and to a nearby church on a hill. The main attaction is probably the Byzantine church that you can reach by foot from a path that leads from the taverna. Inside there are some amazing old fresco's.