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Miss Suzanna's Adventures

Subject: Special Needs
Name: Miss Suzanna
Type: Kitty cat
Bred: DSH white calico
Birthdate: Feb 27, 1988
Person who is owned: Katrina Katz

  Miss Suzanna has a beautiful strong spirit. She was paralyzed in her back legs and tail in September of 1997, after getting vaccinations given inproperly. She had to re-learn to walk, run and do the things kitties do. She still can not do alot of things she once enjoyed so much. However, she has adapted in many ways, such as she puts her back legs together and hops side to side when she runs.

She sometimes still needs personal care as she falls in the litterbox and needs cleaning up. I hold her on her back on my arm and she holds her legs up so I can clean her. She still has incontinence, mainly in her sleep where her legs will kick intensely to the point at times she falls on the floor. That is the only time she crys.
(that and traveling to the Vet)

Usually when she is playing with her brother Governor, -chasing him and if she falls over she just gets back up and keeps on going. She has many things she still enjoys.

She gives me much love and companionship as I too am disabled. I admire her strong and sweet spirit. Her main page is here. I am so proud of her. Go here to see awards she has received and her photos. We could always use some positive thoughts sent our way.

After 2 years I finally ended the process of dealing with the Vets / Clinic that injuried her. I only wanted for her to have the best medical care the rest of her life. The battle to secure a medical trust fund so she would always have that care totally exhausted me. I even ended up at the AVMA. I finally realized that it didn't matter how much proof I had, they had the control. So I choose to use my energy to be with her. I just wanted to enjoy my kitty.

I am hoping by sharing with others about Life with a Special Needs Kitty which has so many rewards that outweigh the extra things they might require, more people will consider opening their hearts to one, or if as in my case aren't too quick to put their cherished pet "down". At this writing I can happily say I have now had over four more years with my precious Suzanna because I made this choice. I love her so much she feels like she is my heart.

Katrina Katz
Miss Suzanna
& The Goveror

As we are able Miss Suzanna and I will be adding pages of our "Adventures" together. So come back often to see what we have added.


Dear Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike writes Suzanna

Princess Mud Puddle


Oh, What a Bumpy Ride!

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© Southpawcats / Katrina Katz
All Rights Reserved

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April 2002