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Marmalade_Man: Vic Evans' Seville Orange Marmalade Recipe

[Learn About Marmalade: Bill Mathew's Page]

Late in January or during February the best marmalade oranges which are SEVILLE ORANGES, are available for a few short weeks in the stores here in Canada. These oranges are as bitter as a lemon so if you substitute the results will suffer. During that time, I make as many as 80 jars of the best bitter Scottish style marmalade for my own use and as gifts. It is a real passion for me.

This why I'm the Marmalade_Man.

If you like Robertson's Seville Orange Marmalade, you will like this recipe, as the results are better, in my opinion. If you like North American marmalade like Sheriff's Marmalade, don't bother making it, buy it in the store.

If you have never made cooked jams before, try making jams before you try marmalade. Making the BEST marmalade is a lot more time consuming than making jam.

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Vic's Seville Orange Marmalade Recipe


First make sure you have a good book on canning so you know the general procedures for making safe cooked preserves, jams and jellies. You can get one from BERNARDIN Company.

You can make marmalade all in one go, but it will take about 3 hours or more. I make it on Friday evening and Saturday morning to make it less tedious.

After supper I cut each fruit in half. I extract the juice using a hand juicer. What you want is about 3 cups of juice and pulp. Carefully remove and discard seeds and membranes but retain the pulp and juice. If you have more than three cups of juice/pulp cut down on the water used elsewhere in this recipe and substitute the extra juice for the water. Put the mixture in a plastic container and refrigerate over night.

Scrape as much of the membrane from inside the peal with a spoon. Cut peal into wedges (about 6 per 1/2 orange). Try to remove all but 1/16 to a 1/8 of an inch of the inside white with a spoon or knife.

Use a sharp knife, vegetable cleaver or scissors to cut the peal into FINE shreds about 1/16 inch wide by 3/4-inch long slivers. FINE is important! This is tedious. I do it with scissors while watching television. Just sit down with two bowls, one of the peal wedges and one of the shredded peal and go for it. What you want is about 3 cups of shredded peal. If you have more of less don't worry about it. We will fix that later. Refrigerate peel in a covered plastic bowl.

The next morning, combine baking soda, shredded peal and water in a large heavy-bottomed pot (at least 12" across by about 7" deep). Cover and boil for about 10 minutes. Add extra water if necessary so it does not boil dry.

Add juice/pulp mixture; bring to a boil; cover and cook for at least 20 minutes. What you want to do is cook the peal until it is tender. Stir it frequently and add just enough water so it does not burn and yields a thick slurry when done. Adjust extra time until the peal is tender.

Measure the volume of the mixture. You should have between 3 and 5 cups of this slurry. If you have more, perhaps you have too much water, so try to reduce it in volume a bit by cooking it longer and stirring constantly. Add two cups of white sugar for each cup of the boiled down peal/juice mixture; stir; bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. What you want is to stir almost constantly and keep the heat so it will boil gently but not froth or overflow.

Remove from heat, add pectin crystals. Return to heat for 5 minutes, skim and stir but reduce heat so it does not froth. Test for thickness using the cold plate method. If not thick enough, return a gentle boil until desired consistency is achieved. Discard any froth. Pour final result into hot sterilized wide-mouthed flat 1 cup (~236ml) snap cap canning jars. Seal immediately and process in a hot water bath according the instructions in your canning book. Allow to cool and set for at least 24 hours.





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