Diana's Wisdom
The September 11 Attacks

 Diana’s Message
Sept 22, 2001

I now want to cover the topic of world peace and world war. The situation that has arisen out of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, has now become quite serious. While the armies of the world unite in alliances, be aware that more terror is being planned. I urge you all to take cover, especially in the United States. Avoid air travel for a time more. Worry about economic recovery later. If the Arab nations feel threatened with bombs and air strikes, they may retaliate with more of the same that was the absolute horror of the World Trade Center. Sadly, the world has seen nothing like this perpetrated upon US soil. It is reminiscent of the WWII theater where so much life was lost and buildings were bombed. Our British people can testify to the horror of the blitz and nightly air raids.

Americans and Britons alike can reflect upon past alliances and secure their future now with strong alliances and at the same time, take time to understand the position of the lesser Arab nations, such as Afghanistan and Ubekistan. I am speaking now for all to come to peace instead of arms. While ample time was given to allow for the release of the terrorist Osama Bin Laden, the country of Afghanistan realized that outright civil war would be perpetrated upon them by the terrorist for giving him up. In essence, they had no real power to release him to US authorities for trial. While he in fact is the perpetrator of these crimes against humanity, there are many others operational in other Arab and allies of Arab nations. Dodi wishes to say to his people (of Egypt) and those of moderate Arab countries of the world that they should hold fast to peace and not move to the same tactics and the same rhetoric. He is saying that Allah is the God of all people, not just Muslim nations. He is saying that the Koran does not sanction terror, and all who participate in terror blaspheme the Holy One, Allah. He further wishes to warn those groups in Egypt that any terror perpetrated upon the US would only contribute to the worsening of the world situation, and would not serve God, therefore it would not be a holy war in any sense of the word. Palestine, be warned, he says, violence at this time will further hurt your chances of securing a homeland in the Middle east. It would turn the US totally against you and bring down your leader as well.

While I have concentrated my steadfast effort in the message on the dynamics of World political issues at this time, I am fully aware and have seen in time, the possible world that you all can build for one another. This is a would where human cooperation and understanding are mandated by all civilized governments. Where religion is a means of edification of the spirit and not an excuse for bloodshed and hatred. Don’t be duped by those in control into thinking that the world needs war at this time. It is part of the military industrial complex which feeds upon the collective fear of the planet. It could not literally exist if fear were eliminated by those thinking individuals who so choose to renounce it’s chains upon their minds. John Lennon put it so well in the song Revolution. “You say you want a revolution, well, we all want to change the world. When you go talking about minds that hate, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyway. You know it’s gonna be, all right, you know it’s gonna be all right.” Well, in time my dear friends, it will. You each must choose the collective destiny of the planet in all you do. My love, light and prayers for the world are with you all, I am forever your consolation in a troubled time,

 Diana’s Message
September 28, 2001

 M:Diana, I am wondering what we can do to help in any way with the situation in the world?

D: Finding peace within oneself is the answer to almost every dilemma: political, social, or global. M: As the song goes, “ Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!”

D: Yes, that is so true. Whilst we all must search for peace within ourselves through whatever means available, such as meditation, we are collectively as a planet preparing for war. This is the choice of your leaders serving the interests of the people. Again I warn you all to think again. The prospects of WWIII are looming large on the horizon. Is this kind of action what you want? Must thousands of innocent lives be given up to bombs and hatred? While there wasn’t much chance for negotiation in Afghanistan, due to the situation there with internal conflict (which already exists), civil war would break out if the terrorist Osama Bin Laden were to be released to the US authorities. This is the reason why the US must pursue a path of continued surveillance and negotiation with moderate Arab nations who will help. To go in with the full force of an air raid will have an immediate and horrible effect in the United States. Again, I urge all Americans to take cover if the air rraid occurs, more terror and more horror will be inflicted.

M: Okay, Diana, I thank you for the warning. I want to know can you specify what type of cover we as Americans need at this time and what kind of terror would be perpetrated? I am frightened, and we all can use some of your wisdom here on what type of horror they might be planning.

D: In the same vien as the World Trade Center. More terror on the airplanes from hijackers. They also have biological and chemical weapons which would be used from the airplanes upon entire cities. Those in the largest cities would be most affected and would cause the greatest damage and loss of life. Large and important centers of trade and commerce would be their obvious targets. Incapacitating of the presidency and other important offices will also be their terrible agenda.

M: If the US uses a policy of moderation, surveillance and intelligence just to bring those perpetrators to justice, could that be enough to stop further loss of life and prevent the War?

D:This is a radical departure from the thinking of the Pentagon and those who in the past have succeeded in the last war, the so called Gulf War. Those same countries and individuals who felt they lost the most would be those to look out for and to be aware of terrorist activities, including the following countries: Afghanistan, Ubekistan, Iraque, Iran, United Arab Emirates,(terror factions) Yemen, (terror factions) some terrorist hubs are located in Egypt, known to all of you as Jihad, and there are terrorist operations all throughout Western European countries. There is a unity under them which they feel is Islam, but it is pure rhetoric in the extreme. In fact, Dodi says it is a perversion of the Islam that most devout Muslims practice. He wishes to say that the Jihad (organization) is a blaspheme upon Allah, the One True God. And those who participate in such practices of terror do not inherit eternal life, but find they see the horror and the murder which they have perpetrated when they reach the spirit world. Those who do this inherit the terror they perpetrate.While there is no hell in spirit, this is the closest thing to hell as one could define it. He wishes again to warn his brethren not to buy into the extremist rhetoric that is becoming widespread throughout the Arab world.

M: Is there any hope in the scenario? Especially since this book was devoted to finding Heaven on Earth and peace for the world’s children, as you originally conceived it?

D: Peace is always an option. Those who choose war upon others choose it upon themselves. There can be no other way. But in the interests of the Allied Nations, it is seen as this juncture as a necessary evil.I wish to clarify that it is seen as the only alternative to the evil known now as terrorism. Nations will rise against nation, as it says in your holy Bible. Your world is teetering upon collapse. It was my ardent hope and dream for a world of peace, cooperation and understanding. Know all of you affected by this decision that you are greatly loved by your Creator and that all life is eternal, as is evidenced in this channeling. I would ask that all pray for peace and a miracle for the world at this time. My heartfelt prayers are with those who stand for peace in a world torn asunder by violence at this time. I keep you all in my heart at this critical juncture. I am the heartbeat of peace and consolation for all of you who call on me.
My eternal love,

 Diana’s Message
October 20, 2001

D:I wish to return to world affairs for a time, until the situation calms down a bit, and comes to a successful resolution.My beloved sister in truth, I wish now to return for a time to the situation at hand, which is still quite serious. While alliances are being formed throughout the Arab world, most underground, there is still terror being planned.

M: Thank you again for the warning, Diana. Is there any thing we should be aware of or plan for? D:Again, I caution you about the airplanes, for that is where they wish to strike. It would be wise to implement plans of actions for each airline, so that they have adequate defenses in the cockpit for the pilot, be it arms or be it a gas or stun gun. And I ask that the stewardesses and stewards be trained and possibly armed. This way, the flying can resume safely without interruption to the US and world economy!

M: Whew! Diana, that is a brilliant suggestion and I think they are working on stun guns, I saw that on the news. About using guns, I am a bit surprised at that idea coming from the Princess we know to be peace and love?

D: I am all peace and love, but am practical too! I would never suggest harm to another. A gun to defend oneself against the terrorist attack will prevent them from sabotage, from further hijacking. M: This is an important idea. While the gun might never need to be used, it would adequately protect the pilot. What about a bar to protect them from entering the cockpit as well?

D: All such defenses are necessary at this point I am afraid, you see many Moslems feel there is a unity among them known as Islam, but as I said before, it is pure rhetoric in the extreme. Dodi wishes to say to his people again be warned! Further terror will only hurt your cause for a homeland for Palestine. This week’s terror perpetrated by Hamas will have worldwide repercussions, for Israel will not tolerate that level of hatred. He wishes to say that Moslems everywhere should unite in peace and love and try to show the world the real meaning of the religion that Muhammad intended, not the hatred and evil that the extremist terrorists are propagating. To do further harm will only make a mockery of the beautiful religion he knows as Islam. Purity and righteousness living in the bands of love of one another, including enemies, is the true religion he practiced. Devout Muslims unite in peace, love and unity with those of the faith and those who are not Muslims, he says, only in this way will repair of the tarnished reputation in the eyes of the world right now. As for the extremists (terrorists), they are a perversion of the true Islam. Don’t listen to them and don’t buy into their jargon.

M: Diana, I am so glad that Dodi is commenting on the events from the standpoint of a devout and good Moslem. It means so much to get a different take on the world view at the moment, especially those of us who are Christians, and westerners.

D: Dodi is playing a crucial role right now for the millions of readers I will shortly have in time on the web site and in the new book. If humanity can learn to be tolerant of religious differences even in these troubled times, then the world can be transformed to a beautiful world of love and peace for our children, and our children’s children. One heart and one heartbeat at a time, and the “world can be as one”, in the words of the great lyric poet and musician, John Lennon. Who is with me in spirit from time to time.

M: You’ve quoted his message more than once Diana, and of course we all loved him and his message.

D: He was a prophet in his own time, and his words echo in the hearts and minds of many on earth, and throughout eternity as well. He influenced the magnetic grid surrounding the world, so powerful were his words and music. He was a transformer of the human race and so was I, in my life as Diana, Princess of Wales.

M; It sounds as though you were playing in a starring role instead of just living a life.

D: That is so, and rightly should it be thought of, although I had thoughts and emotions, my life as Diana was like super stardom, even in the darkest moments of personal tragedy, such as my divorce and death. People everywhere looked to my life, perhaps too much in the tabloids and missed the meaning of my life, which was to be an example amongst the people. For you are all capable of greatness and must learn to look within oneself for the inner Princess or Prince. For now I wish to close with this thought, that you are to look within your own heart, seek your own greatness and find something to do for humankind to show your love and goodness. I continue to watch over all of you and ask for continued prayer amongst the faithful in all religious persuasions so that the conflict will soon end. I am with you all in spirit and in truth, and a consolation in a troubled time, all my love,
Diana, Princess of Love.

Diana's message
October 27, 2001

  M: Diana, here I am as well today ready to hear from you.

D: Thank you, I am pleased to be with you now in spirit. My pleasure always. M: Mine, too. You always display the exquisite manors of your royalty, Diana.

D: Yes and the world needs manors right now. M: I am sure mine are not what they should be either, we Americans are sometimes impatient and known to be rude.

D: I would like again to return to world affairs for a time.It seems as this time that the war is worsening, and still the bombings persist. Britain has called in special troops to fight the Taliban government.

M: Yes, Diana, and I was glad to see that in a way. The alliance you spoke of weeks ago is still strong between Britain and America.

D: Yes on the one hand our strong alliances are very good and serves as protection for both countries and the world. It is seen as the only means of dealing with the evil of the terrorists which is highly commendable.

M: Certainly the terrorists won’t win this war.

D: Unlikely indeed for what they stand for is terror, even to their own people who are very frightened by the recent execution of the moderate leader, Had.

M: Yes, I was upset by that. The fashion of the execution and the horror of it, the absolute barbarism involved. It was a statement of sheer barbarism.

D: Well spoken, though they felt it necessary to kill anyone not in their camp, that of the Taliban government.

The situation that has arisen out of the continued bombing has left a wasteland for the Afghan people, and they are in danger of starving over the winter. I wonder now when enough will be enough for them, I am speaking only from a humanitarian point of view. I am asking that the bombing stop soon and that the terrorists be caught without all this suffering inflicted upon the Afghan people.

M: I don’t blame you for your plea. I just don’t have the personal power to make them do anything, much less change the course of world events.

D: But you see you are helping a very noble cause right here right now, just by listening to my voice and being a willing peace participant.

M: I am always honored to listen Diana. And deliver the message even though our thoughts may differ on fine points. I don’t want the Afghan people to starve and neither does our government, the United States. They are dropping food and bombs both, and we can’t be sure where these are going.

D: It is sad to observe the suffering there, and know that perhaps a middle ground could be obtained that of an offensive only on the Taliban, the terrorist Osama Bin Laden, and the regime. I urge all leaders listening to my message to continue in their efforts and to concentrate their efforts on the Taliban government, while offering humanitarian assistance to the helpless Afghan people. It will fare better in the eyes of the world if the U.S. stops engaging so many other Afghan cities and concentrates strictly on the mission at hand.

M: Is that all for today? D: My message is concluding shortly. I wish to say that you all are to be commended for your noble actions everywhere, for now is a time for those who wish to serve the human race to come forth and serve with kindness, gentleness and love. And to give generously from your hearts. I wish to thank those involved in helping everywhere, including my fund, The Diana, Princess of Wales fund. I wish to personally thank Elton John for his marvelous concert last night, and again to say thank you for your tribute to me, Candle in the Wind and to all those who support my cause in the world at this time. Give generously at this time to those without. I ask all everywhere to continue your ardent prayers for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.
I am forever England’s Rose
and a consolation in a troubled time.
All my love,

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