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Story on Cricket

Trouble is my Black and White powderpuff female
Pedigree | Pictures | About Me
Lady is a cream and white powderpuff
Pedigree | Pictures | About Me
Cricket is my black and white Hairless girl
Pedigree | Pictures| About Me
Reuben is my palomino HL boy
Pedigree | Pictures| About Me
Fritz is my Slate HL
Pedigree | Pictures | About Me
Lily is my black and white puff
Pedigree | Pictures | About Me
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Cricket is a black and white HL girl. She is spayed, and my home is her forever home. Cricket had a busy life being passed from person to person's home and when she came to us she was pregnant with four babies all of whom died because she was too terrified in an unfamiliar place and had given birth in a semi-truck somewhere along the road from the US to Winnipeg no one could get close enough to her or her babies to try to help. one baby did make it all the way back to winnipeg but even with me bottle feeding her every hour she faded...but Cricket was finally safe. She warmed up to me right away and let me hold her baby (while it was alive) and hold her and yet she continued to bite everyone else who came too close. Even though she was not "my" dog the bond between us was great she trusted me and finally warmed up to everyone else. She was bred (not by me) and produced one powderpuff puppy after a big ordeal (read about this on Trouble's page). Once again no one but me could go near her baby. She was alot more calm then the last time and did not try to harm this baby. I was proud of her for being such a wonderful mother. later on she was bred again and produced three hairless babies - two survived. and again she was crazy and only allowed me to be near her babies...not even her owner could get near them. It was then that her owner and I talked and we decided it was time she was fixed and that she would be transferred into my name since she was "MY" dog emotionally, spiritually, etc...In every way she was Mine! Now at six years old she enjoys being a lapdog, bugging her daughter Trouble and sun tanning in the Summer!